Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 53: future


Ruan Song was beaten with blood by Du Jing's punch, and crawled to the corner in embarrassment. Zhou Luoyang had no sympathy for him. After all, if it weren't for him, Lu Zhongyu would not have fallen into this dangerous situation. Ruan Song is equivalent to the murderer's accomplice.

It's just that he never expected that Ruan Song would take the initiative to sign up to participate in this competition for the sake of money.

"Hand over your map." Du Jing said calmly.

"Don't do this to him!" Xiao Wu said.

"You don't know what he did." Zhou Luoyang saw that someone opposed Du Jing. Obviously, Kun and Xiao Wu couldn't stand the bullying behavior, but Kun was more cautious than Xiao Wu, guessing that there must be a grudge between them, after all Du Jing, Zhou Luoyang, Lu Zhongyu and Ruan Song acted like they knew each other in the first stage.

Zhou Luoyang looked at Lu Zhongyu and raised his eyebrows, indicating that it's time for you to speak.

Lu Zhongyu smiled wearily and explained to Kun and Xiao Wu, "He tricked me into going to Ho Chi Minh City and took this group of black cars with him."

The two understood that Kun and Xiao Wu were also deceived into Vietnam, and it was no exaggeration to say that they were kidnapped, and immediately rushed to Ruan Song.

"You belong to them?!"

"Who else!"

"Don't do it, listen to me!!" Instead, Zhou Luoyang was protecting Ruan Song. Du Jing's actions were measured. He just wanted to teach him a lesson and make him obedient. If he really started, in order to vent his anger, he must be beaten to death.

"Go back." Du Jing stood in front of Ruan Song and said seriously.

The anger of Xiao Wu and Kun was uncontrollable, Xiao Wu couldn't stop shaking, Kun's eyes were red with tears of humiliation.

"Hand over the map first," Du Jing said, "Let's study it slowly. Come on, if you want to survive, it's up to you."

Ruan Song did not resist in vain, and took out a spray-painted map.

The map was an extremely huge and complicated space with quite messy lines and Ruan Song's nosebleed. Du Jing spread it out on the table and glanced at his watch: there were still forty-five minutes.

"Now, let's study this map," Du Jing said casually. "After you leave the safe house, keep the map in your mind and return the items to him, so that the ruler will not know."

Several people glanced at the charging earphones. Zhou Luoyang thought that the ruler did not know, but Honghou must know that he was definitely monitoring and monitoring, but he just kept silent.

Every time Du Jing's arrangements are made of a chain, although he doesn't know the use of deceiving the ruler, Zhou Luoyang believes in him.

"What does this mean?" Xiao Wu said, "I don't understand."

The map is more complicated than they imagined. According to the scale estimation, the first prison level and the second level Hanuman Monkey God only account for less than 3% of the entire map, but the blue and red lines are in the map. The area drawn on the paper only accounts for about 10% of the entire map. The rest are all gray lines, that is, the "unopened range".

Kun thought for a while and said, "This maze has not been developed yet. Maybe it is an entertainment project they want to do."

"What does this mean?" Xiao Wu pointed to the line above and asked.

"vanitation pipe."

Du Jing and Kun replied at the same time, and then Kun looked up at Du Jing, and the two looked at each other, a little surprised.

Du Jing: "What do you do?"

"Architect," Kun said. "How about you?"

"Open a shop, private owner." Du Jing replied casually.

Both Du Jing and Kun can understand the map. The last three areas are marked on the map. The areas are connected by bold black lines, and several strange symbols are marked.

Xiao Wu said, "I'm a live blogger. I don't have any skills, so I can only follow you guys."

On the contrary, Kun was very understanding, patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, and said, "Not necessarily, maybe there is a place for you to play a role, but it depends on you when it comes to the back."

Lu Zhongyu said: "The next section is here, which seems to be quite large. What does this mark mean?"

Everyone couldn't understand the symbol of the third level. Du Jing turned his head and said, "Luoyang?"

Zhou Luoyang knelt behind the curtain with tears in his eyes, and touched Dean's forehead.

"He's going to die." Zhou Luoyang said.

Everyone left the table and went to check on Dean. Du Jing looked at De'an's pupils, which were completely dilated, and then lowered his head to look at the watch.

"Hurry up." Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang let go of De'an's hand and let him lie flat, at least to be more comfortable. De'an was dying, and this was not the first time he saw the scene of a dead person. He didn't know how long it was before De'an died completely. I don't know if he can hold out until midnight.

"I think the priest is wrong," Lu Zhongyu said suddenly, "this scene requires cooperation. If you start to leave your companions behind in prison, the survival rate will only be lower, you think, the second stage Hanuman Monkey God, Without Kun's bottle, how can I put kerosene?"

"No," Du Jing replied indifferently, "the priest is right. Recalling the situation in the cell, Kun was the first to get the key and rescue the others, then no matter who was rescued, in return, the first response would be to save the others. Kun. As long as Kun reaches the second level, they will be able to escape successfully."

Xiao Wu said, "What about the rest?"

Du Jing spread his hands and said, "Maybe there are spare keys? In short, it is impossible to eliminate five people in the first stage, otherwise they will only be refunded by bad reviews. Ready to go, Luoyang?"

Lu Zhongyu stuffed the map back into Ruan Song's arms, and everyone took the bread and went to get their headphones. Hong Hou's voice rang again.

"It seems that you are very punctual," said Honghou, "very self-conscious, which makes me very happy."

Zhou Luoyang said: "Because there is no water here, everyone is thirsty."

Honghou said: "It will be there soon, come, let's go, I wish you good luck, we will make a perfect treatment for the archaeologist later, try to save him, or you want to continue with him, that's fine."

Everyone did not express their position, and naturally tacitly agreed that De'an should be kept at this time. After all, taking him on the road would also be dead. Maybe Honghou will really be kind to save him.

Zhou Luoyang touched Dean's forehead and said, "Let's go first, goodbye."

Kun replied: "It should be said, farewell."

De'an and several people here have only known each other for a few hours. Except for Zhou Luoyang, they don't know who he is, where he came from, or what he has done.

Before putting on the headphones, Zhou Luoyang heard Lu Zhongyu suddenly ask behind him, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Luoyang was about to turn his head, but found that he was not asking him.

Ruan Song replied: "For money. On the way, I reminded you more than once that you trust people too easily."

Lu Zhongyu said, "I also said that I can help you, but it's too easy for you to trust people."

Ruan Song blocked the nosebleed from Du Jing's beating with a tissue, and said, "I want to support my wife and children, you don't understand."

Lu Zhongyu smiled easily and said, "Yo, I have a wife, and I'm still a straight guy."

Du Jing opened the door first, stretched out his hand towards Zhou Luoyang, the two held hands, and stepped into the boundless void and darkness outside the safe house.

After passing through another long corridor, there is a new secret room in front of you. This secret room is very dark and full of strange pillars. At the top of the pillars are three small oil lamps, which are about to go out.

Then, they heard the sound of water.

Zhou Luoyang is already very thirsty. He has not drank water since ten o'clock in the morning, and he knows that other people must be the same.

"There is water!" Xiao Wu said first, and quickened his pace.

"Don't be impulsive." Lu Zhongyu said.

Du Jing immediately said: "Don't move!"

Zhou Luoyang stopped, there was a beam in front of him, and under the beam, there was a dark, invisible abyss. The beams are connected two by two, and they are built on a huge deep pit, forming an intricate bridge. The sound of water comes from both sides of the deep pit.

The beam only allows one person to pass, and there is no guardrail. If you are not careful, you will be squeezed down.

"Light." Xiao Wu's voice said behind him.

The voice-activated flashlight lit up into the bottomless void, and the soles of the feet could not be seen.

"We have to go from here," Du Jing said, "and find a water source."

There was a sound in Zhou Luoyang's earphone: "Hello, Tha, I hope you have enough rest."

Zhou Luoyang did not answer. Several people stood quietly on the beam, each listening to the command of the ruler in the earphones. The ruler may have had afternoon tea or breakfast, and they are all ready.

"You'd better think of a way to push the remaining people off here," the Dominator said.

Under the dim light, Zhou Luoyang suddenly said, "The instructions in the earphones let me push you down."

"You're crazy!" Lu Zhongyu warned Zhou Luoyang, "Don't say anything!"

"It doesn't matter," Zhou Luoyang said, "he can't call me, because as soon as I fall, I will fall into the dark, and his game will fail."

Zhou Luoyang was sure that these rulers could not punish the players on the beam.

"Don't reveal their orders," Du Jing grabbed Zhou Luoyang's wrist, turned around and threatened, "Otherwise, he will punish you after you leave here."

Zhou Luoyang did not speak, but glanced at Du Jing. Du Jing said: "Next, form a line, walk forward, and find water first."

The massive, criss-cross beams are flanked by two basins.

"Go to the one on the left," the Dominator said. "Separate with your bodyguard. Listen to me, Tha, this might keep you both safe."

"Let's split up." Zhou Luoyang said to Du Jing.

Du Jing pondered for a moment, then glanced at Lu Zhongyu, who said, "Leave it to me."

"You are with me." Du Jing was not very worried about Ruan Song.

So, the six of them stepped on the beam and went to both sides along the passage. Du Jing took Kun and Ruan Song to the end of the beam in the west; Lu Zhongyu took Xiao Wu and Zhou Luoyang to the east.

This process needs to be very careful. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

"The lights are about to go out." Zhou Luoyang reminded.

"It's too late," Du Jing said, "it's hard to say the way back."

In the end, the two teams stopped in front of their respective water basins, and the lights illuminating the secret room gradually dimmed. Xiao Wu said, "I want to drink water, I am dying of thirst."

"Wait," Lu Zhongyu said, "is this water safe?"

No one spoke, and Zhou Luoyang's ruler issued a new order: "Don't be the first to drink, watch their movements, the water may be poisonous."

"Where are you?" Zhou Luoyang shouted in the direction of Du Jing.

The six people were divided into two teams and gathered in front of the two water basins in the east and west directions.

Kun said, "Wait, I'll take a look first!"

Kun took out the bottle he had filled with kerosene, first scooped a little water from the basin, washed the bottle, and poured it into the dark abyss, without hearing a sound for a long time.

He poured out some more and smelled it.

"How is it?" Lu Zhongyu said.

"A smell of kerosene," Kun replied.

Zhou Luoyang knew it was not the right time, but he still couldn't help laughing.

"I guess at least one of these two pots is safe and non-toxic." Xiao Wu said.

"Maybe both are non-toxic." Lu Zhongyu said.

"If both are non-toxic," Xiao Wu added, "there's no need to design this way."

Yes, Zhou Luoyang agreed with Xiao Wu's analysis in his heart. In this case, they couldn't test it or confirm it. They could only judge the safety of the water source by drinking it.

Even the Dominators don't know how to solve this problem now.

"What did they say?" Zhou Luoyang raised his eyebrows and asked Lu Zhongyu and Xiao Wu.

"Let you drink first." Xiao Wu said.

Lu Zhongyu replied, "Me too."

The room fell silent, and the two teams looked at the water in front of them and couldn't make up their minds, but Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing must have his solution, as long as he waited patiently.

"I don't care," Xiao Wu said, "I'm dying of thirst, let me taste it, there is at least a 50% chance of surviving."

His voice was not loud, but the other team heard it.

Kun said: "If it is poisonous, the dose is not large, you can taste it if you dip it."

Du Jing said, "It's impossible for you to taste it without injury, so you don't want to. Come on, priest, drink it first."

Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing would make such a proposal.

Ruan Song remained silent, and Du Jing said to the crowd, "Or do we vote? Who should try it first? Priest, can you choose one of the basins and go to the opposite side?"

Ruan Song said, "I knew it."

"Don't do this." Zhou Luoyang said anxiously.

Xiao Wu said: "Vote, who to vote for and who to drink, you can choose."

My God... Zhou Luoyang thought.

Du Jing said politely, "Then, I will vote for the priest."

Zhou Luoyang found that Du Jing sometimes carried an unnoticeable evil spirit on his body, but for him, there is no solution now. And in this dark and dark underground, everyone thinks the same - Ruan Song is an accomplice of the murderer, so he deserves to die, because he deserves to die, so 50% of the risk of death must be borne by him.

"Why do you judge me?" Ruan Song said quietly in the dark.

"It depends on the number of us." Du Jing said politely.

"I'll come." Zhou Luoyang guessed that this water theoretically won't die as soon as you drink it. If you touch your tongue a little, it may be paralyzed and react. Just like De'an, death will be a slow release process to let the rulers Appreciating what happened, dying suddenly does not achieve the effect.

And as long as you don't drink much, after twelve o'clock, the time goes back, and the problem is solved.

Du Jing said solemnly, "Don't move!"

Zhou Luoyang took a little water with one hand and sniffed it, it was colorless and odorless.

"I think De'an didn't die just now, can we find him when we go back?" Ruan Song said, "He should drink this water."

"For this, I will vote for you." Kun said.

Xiao Wu said: "I also voted for him, now three votes."

Ruan Song didn't speak, but Lu Zhongyu said, "Forget it, I'll drink for him."

"Are you okay?" Xiao Wu said.

Lu Zhongyu said, "I can't bear it."

Zhou Luoyang glanced at Lu Zhongyu, Lu Zhongyu smiled at Zhou Luoyang, and said, "It doesn't have to be death. I choose one of the two, or blindly. Whenever this happens, my luck is always good."

Having said that, Lu Zhongyu drew a cross and walked closer.

But Du Jing said in the darkness on the other side, "Wait, the priest has drunk, so don't move."

When the sound of water came, Ruan Song took Kun's glass bottle, drank the water scooped from the three-sip basin, and coughed violently a few times.

The Dominator said in the headset: "Watch him."

There was another long silence, Zhou Luoyang couldn't see the situation over there, and could only guess based on the voice.

"Stomach hurts a bit." Ruan Song's weak voice came from the opposite side.

"The reason for being nervous." Du Jing said solemnly.

At this moment, the oil lamp on the column burned to the end and went out.

"How is the situation?" Lu Zhongyu said loudly.

"It's hard to judge!" Kun said.

Xiao Wu turned on the flashlight and pointed it at the opposite side. Ruan Song was squatting on the beam, gasping for breath, his face pale, and for a while, everyone could not judge whether the water was poisonous or not.

Du Jing opened his eyelids and squeezed his mouth again, Ruan Song's eyes were a little sloppy.

The ruler said in Zhou Luoyang's earphone: "The priest may pretend to be poisoned and try to trick you into drinking drinking water from another water source. Don't believe him yet."

Zhou Luoyang glanced at the water basin on his left, and was silent for a moment, then Du Jing said in the dark, "It doesn't look like it's pretending."

Forty minutes passed. In the dark, no one spoke. Finally, there was a violent breathing sound. Xiao Wu asked again, "How's it going?"

"He seems to be dead." Kun's voice trembled.

"Let's kill him together," Lu Zhongyu said.

"Yes." Zhou Luoyang sighed and said.

Du Jing said, "You can drink the water on the opposite side."

Xiao Wu, Lu Zhongyu and Zhou Luoyang stood quietly, no one drank. At the end, Kun said, "After you've had enough, use a flashlight to show us the way."

Du Jing said, "Put more water in your bottle, you can still use it later."

"That's what it means," Kun said.

Xiao Wu first started drinking, and after drinking, he changed to Lu Zhongyu, then Zhou Luoyang, and then Xiao Wu. Zhou Luoyang said: "Give me the flashlight, and I will light the beam for them."

"It's okay," Kun said. "We're coming over slowly."

They grope in the dark, there is no light, and they can get through if they are very careful.

"Slow down." Lu Zhongyu reminded Xiao Wu.

"I'm here to pick you up." Zhou Luoyang took a flashlight and walked over carefully. When he reached the center, Kun handed him the glass bottle and said, "Go and fill up the water first."

Zhou Luoyang just took the bottle, but at that moment, the beam labyrinth began to slowly tilt towards the east!

"What sound?" Zhou Luoyang asked.

Du Jing was the first to react and said, "Go back! Kun! Go back to the west side!"

Lu Zhongyu immediately said, "This is a seesaw! Be careful not to fall!"

The process of drinking water seemed to trigger the mechanism. As soon as the water level in the water basin dropped, the beam tilted toward the side with more people, and Ruan Song's body slid down immediately. Xiao Wu shouted: "You guys go back!"

"No!" Kun said. "Weights vary! Weights! This seesaw is so sensitive!"

"Run to the middle!" Lu Zhongyu said, "Show him the way! Let's not move!"

The huge beam labyrinth turned over towards Lu Zhongyu and Zhou Luoyang, almost thirty degrees. Kun and Du Jing retreated to the front of the water basin, Xiao Wu ran towards the center of the beam, and Zhou Luoyang and Lu Zhongyu retreated to the other end. Zhou Luoyang shone on the road with a flashlight, and immediately broke into a sweat for Xiao Wu, as long as he took a wrong step, he would fall.

Xiao Wu stood in the center of the beam installation. At the same time, there was the muffled sound of Ruan Song's body falling from the bottom of the abyss.

"Crap," Kun said, "the map is still on the priest."

Du Jing replied: "As long as the map is memorized, it is no longer important. Instead, the weight of the corpse is very important in this level."

In the darkness, Lu Zhongyu got a hint from the ruler, took the flashlight and pointed it towards the north side of the beam labyrinth, where there seemed to be a locked door.

"Did you see it there?" Lu Zhongyu said to Xiao Wu, "Professor, go there."

Under the gazes of everyone in the dark, Xiao Wu walked to the end of the beam. The flashlight could only illuminate a small area, like a spotlight on the stage.

"There are screws." Xiao Wu said, "Don't shake it, I can't see clearly."

Lu Zhongyu stabilized, and Xiao Wu said, "There seems to be a latch on the opposite side. You have to put your hand in and open it from the inside."

"Beware of snakes again." Kun reminded.

Xiao Wu had no choice but to accept his fate in the end and said, "Forget it, let's die."

There is no snake this time, maybe the same mechanism will not appear a second time.

"It can be opened," Xiao Wu said. "It's a very narrow passage, but you have to remove the partition, and the screws won't work."

Lu Zhongyu handed the flashlight to Zhou Luoyang and said, "I have the tools, I'll come here."

"Watch out for the seesaw," Du Jing reminded. "Let's go over here too."

Kun and Lu Zhongyu then walked towards the center at the same time, Zhou Luoyang stepped back, and Du Jing advanced, keeping the entire beam balanced on both sides of the lever.

"The torch is on," Kun said.

The two carefully arrived at the center, breathed a sigh of relief, and headed to the exit one after the other. Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing were left, standing on both sides of the beam, staring at each other in the dark.

Zhou Luoyang couldn't see anything, but he knew that Du Jing must be watching him in the dark opposite. After a while, there was a soft metallic sound from the exit.

"It's removed." Lu Zhongyu said, "You can come slowly and pay attention to the soles of your feet."

Zhou Luoyang shone a flashlight on Du Jing's body and face, and saw the clear scar on the bridge of his nose, Du Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, not quite used to the sudden strong light.

"I started to go." Zhou Luoyang said.

"Well," Du Jing said, "I'll follow in your footsteps."

Zhou Luoyang turned away the flashlight and followed the road on the beam, and the two started walking towards the middle. They were the last two left on the beam, and no one behind them could help them adjust the weight. As long as one side stepped in the wrong step, the beam would immediately tilt, causing the two to fall together and shatter their bones.

He could feel that Du Jing was constantly approaching him.

"Say something?" Du Jing asked.

"I don't want to talk." Zhou Luoyang replied, "Concentrate."

Du Jing said easily: "It doesn't matter, if you want to die, you will die together."

"I don't like you like this." Zhou Luoyang suddenly said in the dark, shining a flashlight at Du Jing's feet.

"What don't you like?" Du Jing said.

"I don't like your act of forcing Ruan Song to drink water." Zhou Luoyang replied.

He knew that in the dark, the rest of the people were listening to their conversation. Du Jing did not justify that he drank it voluntarily, nor did he ask Zhou Luoyang, "Then how do you want to solve it". Because he understands that what Zhou Luoyang is talking about is not just about Ruan Song's death itself, nor does he have any sympathy for Ruan Song, or that he feels that he is not guilty of death. In fact, what Zhou Luoyang wants to say has nothing to do with Ruan Song's death.

"I just like the anger you show when you don't like my behavior." Du Jing said casually.

Zhou Luoyang said: "It's not that I think you shouldn't do this..."

"I know," Du Jing replied calmly, "but I make you feel that I'm very strange, and you don't seem to know me suddenly."

"Yes." Zhou Luoyang stopped, they were very close to the center of the beam.

The other three did not speak, quietly waiting for them to come over.

"Jump to the center," Du Jing said, "I'll hold you, come."

Zhou Luoyang was silent for a moment, put away the flashlight, and it was dark in all directions. Then, he jumped into the darkness.

Du Jing seemed to have a consonance, turned sideways, and hugged him tightly.

The Eye of Versetti, the three pointers overlap, exactly twelve o'clock.

Time retraced in an instant, back to twelve o'clock in the middle of the night the previous day, Zhou Luoyang was lying on the bed, and Du Jing was hugging each other tightly.

Zhou Luoyang sighed, wanted to let go of his hand, turned over, and calmed down for a moment, but Du Jing couldn't help but hug him tighter and fix it in front of him.