Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 54: future


On the same day:

Zhou Luoyang entered the secret room for the third time, and he didn't even look at Ruan Song. After leaving the cell, everyone's reaction was exactly the same as yesterday. When they were in Hanuman's secret room and looked at the single-sided glass box containing the poisonous snake, Du Jing put on his finger tiger and wrapped his suit jacket with a calm expression. .

"Stay back," Du Jing said to the crowd, "I'm not sure what's inside."

Then everyone backed away a little, but Zhou Luoyang always stood behind Du Jing and held his palm.

With a soft sound, Du Jing punched out, smashing the glass box, and the shards flew in. Dean stepped forward to touch it, but Zhou Luoyang grabbed his arm.

"Use this." Zhou Luoyang handed Du Jing the iron rod he took off his body from the first cell.

Du Jing probed into the glass box with an iron rod, and when he pulled it out, there was a snake coiled on it.

In an instant, everyone shouted, and the poisonous snake shot like an arrow, choosing someone to bite! Lu Zhongyu was even faster, reacting like lightning, and strangled the snake by seven inches!

Lu Zhongyu was carrying the snake, and the rest immediately backed away. Du Jing glanced at him and said, "Good skill."

"Good skills..." Zhou Luoyang had lingering fears, even if he was fully prepared, he still almost got bitten. He and Du Jing knew that there was a poisonous snake inside, so the reaction was not surprising, but Lu Zhongyu was the most powerful one. He didn't know anything. With just a shadow, he pinched the poisonous snake's seven inches accurately.

Lu Zhongyu said: "When I was a child in my hometown, my grandfather helped people catch snakes and learned it."

Everyone stared at Lu Zhongyu, only to see that he carried the snake, took it to the brazier, and burned the poisonous snake to death. When the rest of the people's attention was on the snake, Zhou Luoyang suddenly said, "Priest, you'd better not touch the contents in private."

Zhou Luoyang stood in front of the glass box, blocking Ruan Song's move to search for the glass box. Ruan Song was seen through and did not make a sound, so he had to walk aside.

"What's in it?" Du Jing asked Zhou Luoyang.

Under everyone's attention, Zhou Luoyang reached in, took out a key, and showed it to them to show that he did not hide it.

"There's something else." Zhou Luoyang murmured, this was something he didn't find when he entered the secret room last time.

Then, he took out a small vial of injection - antivenom.

He immediately looked at Ruan Song, his eyes became sharp. What's the meaning? ! Which means... there's an antidote in it! Last time, after Ruan Song touched the antidote, he never took it out! In other words, he deliberately let Dean die!

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Ruan Song asked inexplicably.

"Take it," Lu Zhongyu said. "Maybe it will be useful later."

Everyone passed the second level and entered the safe house. This time De'an was still alive. Zhou Luoyang felt very strange. Of course, at the end of the last time, De'an was not dead.

But after learning about his life and experience, Zhou Luoyang couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

Dean is like a smart college student, and he is handsome. He is only twenty-two years old. After experiencing the heavy atmosphere of being trapped in a secret room, he was the first to adjust himself. It may also be because of his Lotte character that caused him to temporarily Forget that you are in danger.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Dean quipped, "Have you seen me?"

Zhou Luoyang didn't explain, he glanced at Du Jing, Du Jing winked, meaning not to be too obvious.

"Are you all gay?" Zhou Luoyang said, "I'm just curious."

This sentence effectively adjusted the atmosphere, and Dean said: "If yes, what do you want to do? Use the two hours of rest time to relax completely?"

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

"This curtain can be used," Kunla opened the shower curtain and said casually, "If the two of you are successful in pairing with each other, you can invite them in."

Everyone: "… "

"I'm a double." Kun said casually.

"I'm gay." Lu Zhongyu said.

Ruan Song said coldly, "I'm not."

"Well." Lu Zhongyu nodded.

Xiao Wu said, "I am, how about you two?"

Zhou Luoyang glanced at Du Jing, and Du Jing replied, "I'm not."

Zhou Luoyang replied, "I'm fine, I'm not interested in a man's body, only in him."

Du Jing added: "I am his dog."

"What kind of dog?" Xiao Wu said, "Do you let it go like this?"

"No!" Zhou Luoyang said, "Don't listen to his nonsense... Forget it. The nonsense is enough, and then... think about what to do."

Du Jing tapped his finger on the table and said patiently: "The greeting is over, I have a few words to say, listen carefully, I will only say it once."

"Watch out for eavesdropping," De'an said. "If you don't eavesdrop, Honghou must be eavesdropping."

"It's okay," Du Jing said solemnly, "I have a way to deal with him, don't interrupt me."

Yesterday's words were repeated again, and Zhou Luoyang instantly understood Du Jing's subtext - Huang Ting and Zhuang Li, they must be taking action at this time! And their escape from the room was arranged by Du Jing. Maybe he was trying to distract Honghou's attention so that Huang Ting could take action and prepare to rescue people

Next, Ruan Song opposed Du Jing and was punched again, and his focus was not deviated.

"You don't have to hit that spot," Zhou Luoyang said. "Errors are tolerated."

"I have obsessive-compulsive disorder." Du Jing said casually, "hand over the map, don't force me to search you, we are about human rights."

Ruan Song trembled and handed over the map.

Two hours later, they reached the crossbar again. This time, Du Jing switched the positions of the two teams, but took Zhou Luoyang by his side.

"I'll drink it first," Du Jing said in the direction of Zhou Luoyang, "if you die, remember to get insurance. The beneficiary is you."

Zhou Luoyang said, "Give me a drink too."

Lu Zhongyu: "Don't do this."

Everyone looked at Du Jing, Du Jing filled the water in Kun's glass bottle and drank half the bottle with a look of indifference.

"How is it?" Kun said nervously.

"A smell of kerosene." Du Jing replied, and handed the water bottle to Zhou Luoyang. Zhou Luoyang heard the earphone say, "You guys are very courageous. One of the two pots of water was poisoned."

Zhou Luoyang drank the rest of the water and said, "Although it is not poisonous, I always feel that the water source here is not very clean. It is safer to drink less water. Do you want to try the water over there?"

"No," Xiao Wu said, "let's come over."

"Slow down." Du Jing reminded suddenly.

The beam flipped again, and after a while of panic, Ruan Song, who was standing in the middle, was at a loss, ran towards the end of the beam, and was the first to break away from the seesaw.

"Come one by one," Du Jing said, "there's still plenty of time."

Next, they started to refill their drinking water, changing people on both sides, until after everyone had had enough, Kun filled a whole bottle, put it in a satchel, and came to the vent.

At the vent, a line of words was written.

"Do you understand?" Du Jing asked Zhou Luoyang.

"I don't understand," Zhou Luoyang said. "Can you understand Khmer?"

No one here knows Khmer. The only person who might know it is Ruan Song, but Vietnamese and Khmer are completely two languages, and Zhou Luoyang can't judge.

Ruan Song said, "I don't understand."

"Can you shut up, please?" Du Jing suddenly said towards the air, "It affects my judgment."

Everyone immediately felt that Du Jing was going to be electrocuted, because he contradicted the Dominator. This sentence was too sturdy. But surprisingly, nothing happened.

"It's time to drill the ventilation pipe," Lu Zhongyu glanced inside and said, "Who will come first?"

"Give me some water." Ruan Song had an imperceptible plea in his eyes.

Kun thought for a while, and was about to hand him the water bottle, but Du Jing pressed it on his wrist.

"Not now." Du Jing said, "Next, it depends on your performance."

Ruan Song did not speak, Zhou Luoyang remembered the serum, and his last sympathy for him dissipated completely.

"Let me start," Lu Zhongyu said before waiting for anyone to go in first, "The rest, you distribute the rest."

Lu Zhongyu squeezed in first, and Kun said, "You are too big." Then he went in too.

Lu Zhongyu was about the same height as Du Jing, but he was much stronger than him. Obviously, it was the result of his usual fitness. Zhou Luoyang thought he would walk hard.

Then there was Du Jing, then Zhou Luoyang, then De'an, Ruan Song, and finally Xiao Wu.

After an hour, the line stopped.

"What's wrong?" Dean asked from behind.

"Fork in the road!" Lu Zhongyu said, "how to go?"

"Don't split up!" Xiao Wu took out his flashlight and looked in front of him. A group of people turned sideways and saw a fork in the road ahead.

Du Jing said, "You choose one."

Lu Zhongyu said: "I don't feel very good, or I should go to another person to see?"

"Beware of the trap," Ruan Song said, "cutting you in half."

"In theory, there would be no such simple and crude mechanism." Zhou Luoyang said.

The Dominator's voice came through the earphones again: "Follow your bodyguard, I don't know how to transfer him now, it's too late."

It was obvious that the Dominators had already seen it. Du Jing had played the role of the captain along the way, and all the problems were easily solved.

Zhou Luoyang thought nonsense, they had repeated the same plot for the third time.

Lu Zhongyu finally chose a path, climbed forward, and light appeared in front of him. But after a while of discussion, he had to turn his head and said, "What's wrong?"

"The priest went to another way by himself!" Xiao Wu said.

I saw Ruan Song suddenly speeding up, leaving the team, and crawling further ahead of the other fork in the road.

"Where are you going?" Dean said. "Don't leave the team!"

"Follow him?" Xiao Wu raised his head in the passage and looked at everyone.

Zhou Luoyang couldn't make it clear either. The Dominator said in the earphone, "Don't go with him."

"I'll go take a look," Dean said.

"No." Du Jing made a succinct decision and said, "Go ahead."

Lu Zhongyu came to the other end of the vent, and a fork in the road appeared again.

Du Jing said, "On the left."

They chose one of them tacitly, and the others didn't ask him how he chose it, they just followed him forward. Now the whole team put their fate on Du Jing.

"It's too quiet," Du Jing said, "let's talk about something."

For nearly two long hours, they had been crawling in the vent, with no end in sight, as if it were endless, everyone began to sweat, but there was nowhere to stop.

"I felt the wind up ahead," Kun said.

"Yes." Zhou Luoyang said.

"After we go out, we can form a boy group." Xiao Wu said.

"Be careful of being electrocuted." Zhou Luoyang reminded kindly.

The six boys here are all good-looking, much higher than the average, and they are all tall and straight. If you can't get a combination, you can really make a debut... Of course, Zhou Luoyang knows that this is impossible, and Du Jing will never participate in any performances.

"Left." Kun said.

"Do you remember?" Lu Zhongyu said.

"Reluctantly," Kun replied.

"Remember what?" Zhou Luoyang said unexpectedly, "Have you been here before? Impossible!"

"Map," Du Jing said, "Kun has a good memory."

Zhou Luoyang also remembered. At that time, they only watched briefly for a while, and then returned the map.

If they can get out alive, then maybe they will become good friends. Another possibility is to stop contacting from now on, trying to forget the nightmarish past that happened here, or even accepting psychological counseling.

"It's here." Lu Zhongyu stretched out his hand from the vent, unscrewed the screws outside, and kicked open the iron fence.

Two meters high, there is a new area, with fluorescent flowers hanging everywhere, still in the temple, the difference is that there is a huge statue enshrined in the temple.

They came down one by one, and just as Zhou Luoyang left the passage, a distant scream came from the vent.

Everyone turned their heads immediately, facing the vent, and no one spoke.

"Did you hear?" Dean said. "A priest?"

"He's dead," said the Dominator's voice in the headset. "Don't worry about him. You're moving so fast, and it's incredible that only one person has died."

Zhou Luoyang turned his head and looked at the statue. Du Jing didn't care about Ruan Song's life or death and walked to the statue.

"What is this?" Du Jing asked.

"Vishnu," Zhou Luoyang replied, "one of the three Hindu gods, the god of all things."

The ancient stone statue is three meters high with four hands outstretched and stands in the center of the altar in the temple.

"I want to go back and have a look." Lu Zhongyu said, and threw the Swiss Army Knife to Du Jing, saying, "You guys are here to find a way."

"Don't go," Kun said, "the path he chose."

"Let's see," Lu Zhongyu said, "I always feel that it is impossible for priests to choose another path without reason."

Xiao Wu said, "What if it's a trap?"

They did form a team spontaneously, but this development was far from the original intention of Honghou's side to design this game. There were no two or two groups, but six of them hugged together.

Lu Zhongyu got into the vent again, Du Jing glanced at his watch, it was 9:20 in the night.

"Your progress is too fast."

Suddenly, the statue of Vishnu made the voice of Honghou. This time, there was clearly detectable anger in his voice: "I suggest you slow down. Otherwise, it is very likely that none of you will survive."

Zhou Luoyang glanced at Du Jing. It stands to reason that the speed when they first entered was the most suitable. Now they almost entered a secret room and solved the puzzle within ten minutes, and they didn't waste it because of dead people and waiting. How much time.

"Okay." Du Jing said, "But with all due respect, you should have thought at the very beginning that people with high IQs would play this game. As a result, all problems would be solved on the spot, and a lot of fun would be lost."

Hong Hou's tone became dangerous: "My reminder is very serious, and I hope you will seriously consider it."

The statue of Vishnu was quiet again, and the command of the ruler was restored in the headset.

"Go behind the statue," said the Dominator.

In the bridge and abyss, the Dominators did not speak for almost the entire time. Of course, it was impossible to walk away, but even the Dominators who were watching did not keep up with Du Jing's reaction. All the organs that should be in place were not activated, and there was no intrigue, frame-up, or murder in the process.

Although the story of the two round-the-clock repetitions was very good, but in the final result, it is clear that these deep-pocketed patrons are clearly dissatisfied with the season.

So there was an angry warning from Honghou.

After Zhou Luoyang transferred to the statue of Vishnu, he checked whether there was a hidden mechanism, and the electronic synthesis voice of the ruler came from the headphones.

Dominator: "I'm very curious about your identity. Why do you and your bodyguard always seem to know the layout of this game? Including the poisoned water source and the snake placed there beforehand."

"It's always good to be careful." Zhou Luoyang replied casually, although he knew that the ruler couldn't hear him.

The dominator said to himself again: "To be honest, I suspect that you cheated a bit and got all the arrangements in advance."

"But the cheater," the Dominator continued, "should not join forces to eliminate other 'pawns' and ensure that you and your gay bodyguard will survive to the end and leave smoothly?"

Zhou Luoyang raised his eyes and looked at Vishnu's four hands, each of which pointed to a place.

"Now let's see, how many more surprises can you bring?" The Dominator said again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a knocking sound from the vent, and the players scattered around the statue turned their heads one after another, only to see Lu Zhongyu dragging a bloody body and drilling out again!

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

Ruan Song moaned in pain, his ankle was cut off, and the bottom of his trousers was covered in blood.

The incision is extremely flat, as if it was cut in two by some mechanism. Lu Zhongyu was panting, with a lot of blood on his body, and said, "I found him in that other passage."

"Wrap him up." Du Jing took off his suit jacket, then took off the shirt inside, handed the shirt to Zhou Luoyang, half naked, and put on the suit jacket again.

Zhou Luoyang ripped open his shirt and tried to bandage Ruan Song to stop the bleeding.

Lu Zhongyu said again: "Give him some water."

Ruan Song was pale from blood loss, and Kun twisted the bottle and gave him some water.

"The other road is full of organs." Lu Zhongyu made a "cut" gesture.

"Why did you go there?" Zhou Luoyang frowned, "Did the ruler let you go?"

Ruan Song groaned and did not answer.

"What else is behind the organ?" Du Jing asked Lu Zhongyu, Lu Zhongyu shook his head, he didn't crawl back.

The Dominator said: "Without the hemostatic, he will soon be dead, leave him alone and find the mystery."

Zhou Luoyang put Ruan Song in the corner, but Ruan Song still groaned.

Everyone was silent for a moment, obviously urged by the ruler, and they dispersed to find the organs to leave the Vishnu Temple. Du Jing glanced at his watch, more than three hours before twelve o'clock.

"It's not here," the dominator began to be a little irritable, and said, "the other side, climb up and have a look."

Zhou Luoyang raised his head, Xiao Wu had already climbed onto the statue, knelt on one knee on top of Vishnu's head, and inspected his head and shoulders.

An hour passed with nothing.

"What are these luminous fruits?" Kun faithfully implemented his character design, saying, "It's really natural."

"You'd better not touch it." Lu Zhongyu reminded.

"Maybe it can be eaten?" Xiao Wu said.

Kun picked one, nothing happened, it was a berry, he broke apart a little, smelled it, and looked at them. Zhou Luoyang judged from his expression that the ruler should have given him an order.

"Keep it for lighting," Xiao Wu said, "in case the light source is out of power."

Kun said: "Passion fruit is coated with a layer of fluorescent paint."

Zhou Luoyang also smelled passion fruit, so they picked a lot of the fruit and put it in Kun's bag.

Du Jing always stood aside to think, and glanced at Ruan Song again.

"What do the words on the vent mean?" Du Jing said lightly, "I know you understand."

"How can you take me if you don't say?" Ruan Song endured the pain and said weakly, "Kill me?"

Lu Zhongyu squatted down in front of Ruan Song, looked into his eyes, and said, "Tell us, the previous grievances are written off, and I forgive you."

Ruan Song looked at Lu Zhongyu and remained silent for a while. Lu Zhongyu said, "After I go out, I will find a way to settle your family, and I will count my words, just as I promised you before."

"Be careful of being electrocuted." Du Jing reminded politely, asking Lu Zhongyu not to say anything that was not in line with the contestants.

"Cross the river on the left bank, sacrifice death, and there will be new life. Cross the river on the right bank and enter the eternal dream."

Ruan Song finally said.

"I think this level might be a trap," Zhou Luoyang finally said. "The stone statue doesn't have any parts that can act as organs. It is one body."

"So the survival passage is on the other side?" Kun said.

Xiao Wu replied, "But there is a mechanism at the other end."

Lu Zhongyu said, "You haven't found it yet? Do you want to try it?"

Du Jing said, "Let's go, this time I'll start."

Zhou Luoyang heard the earphone say, "Have you decided to go the other way? Good luck, but I insist that your bodyguard should not be at the forefront."

Everyone entered the ventilation duct again, and it was impossible to turn around in this duct. If a guillotine suddenly appeared in the duct, the person who climbed in it would have their heads cut off, or their bodies cut in half.

"Give me the flashlight," Du Jing said. "Do you have any other mission items that you can take out."

Zhou Luoyang suddenly remembered that Kun's glass bottle, Lu Zhongyu's Swiss Army Knife, Du Jing's finger tiger, Ruan Song's map, Xiao Wu's flashlight have all been used, and De'an has one more thing.

"Archaeologist, do you have any props?" Zhou Luoyang said.

De'an said: "A book."

"Give it to me." Du Jing said.

De'an handed the black book from the bottom of the team to the front. Du Jing turned on the flashlight and glanced at it. The flashlight began to flicker, and it was almost out of power.

He glanced at it and said, "Let's go."

"Be careful." At the end, Lu Zhongyu took off his jacket, tied it to Ruan Song's shoulders, and dragged him into the secret passage.

Ten minutes later, Du Jing stopped.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Luoyang asked.

"I saw his feet." Du Jing said casually, "Priest, do you still want shoes?"

"Oh, don't make silly jokes at this time." Zhou Luoyang couldn't imagine the scene of a broken foot wearing a shoe in the secret passage.

Du Jing: "According to the research content on the notebook, there are quite a few organs here, which will be activated randomly next. In order to avoid being cut into two sections, you'd better follow me closely. If I stop, you will also stop."

"Based on what judgment?" Zhou Luoyang said.

Du Jing handed the black leather notebook to Zhou Luoyang and said, "On the first page, read the staff, can you sing?"

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

It was a tune in four or four beats. Zhou Luoyang sang a stanza in a low voice, then looked into the depths of the passage.

Du Jing: "beat the beat."

Zhou Luoyang: "No no no... This is terrifying!"

Zhou Luoyang already had a hunch what would happen next!

Du Jing knocked on the wall of the passage, and with a sudden sound, the first guillotine popped out.

"One, two, three, four." Zhou Luoyang said, "two, two, three, four."

In the rhythm, the second guillotine popped out. Du Jing observed for a moment. Zhou Luoyang followed the note and beat the beat. At the rest, all the guillotine knives popped out at the same time! The distance between the guillotine and the guillotine is less than thirty centimeters.

No matter where the player goes, as long as they are in the organ area, if they do not pass in time, they will be cut into six or seven sections in an instant!

The speed of the guillotine was so fast that the naked eye could hardly distinguish it. From what Zhou Luoyang saw, there was only a moment when the passage was blocked by the side of the shiny metal!

Zhou Luoyang said: "My God... I can't make it through."

"You can only go this way." Du Jing said.

"You better be sure," Zhou Luoyang said. "Otherwise, it will be even more terrifying to climb over."

Du Jing thought about it and said, "Let's start, don't be nervous."

The Dominator said in the headset: "Interesting, I wish you success."