Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 55: future


Zhou Luoyang turned slightly, leaned his back against the wall of the passage, looked up at Du Jing, and Du Jing moved slowly into the darkness.

Xiao Wu took a flashlight and pointed at Du Jing's path.

"Should I go first?" Lu Zhongyu said suddenly.

Du Jing replied, "I'll go first, don't look at me, and hit the beat."

Zhou Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief, his tension reached the extreme at this moment, and began to sing in a low voice according to the staves on the notebook.

“A la claire fontaine…”

With a loud sound, a guillotine popped out from the side of the passage, swiping over Du Jing's head, causing a strong wind. Du Jing stopped and listened to Zhou Luoyang's low voice singing again in the darkness: "M'en allant promener."

In the entire passage, the organs were triggered one after another, and they lived on their way one after another. Du Jing moved forward, stopped, moved forward, stopped, with sweat on his forehead. In this claustrophobic space, everyone didn't even dare to breathe and stared at Du Jing's progress.

The only thing that sounded was Zhou Luoyang's trembling voice, and the pale flashlight in Xiao Wu's hand that kept shaking.

It was a sad French folk song, meaning "the fountain of clarity". Zhou Luoyang did not know many French words, so he could only sing randomly according to the English pronunciation rules. As long as the beat hits, there will be no mistakes. This song is soothing and low-pitched. As Du Jing left him little by little and entered the eternal darkness, Zhou Luoyang suddenly had a hallucination - he had not entered another world on the other side of the river at the end of time.

He turned a page, stopped, and finished singing.

All the guillotine knives shot from the passage were retracted.

"It's over." Du Jing's voice came from far away.

Zhou Luoyang took a deep breath, let out a sigh of relief, lay down in the passage, and said, "Who's next?"

No one spoke, Du Jing said from a distance, "The next one is you."

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

"Follow my actions," Du Jing said again. "If I say stop, you stop. If I say go ahead, you go forward. Do you believe me?"

Zhou Luoyang replied, "Come on."

Zhou Luoyang didn't doubt Du Jing, he only listened to it once and could remember the rhythm. Anyway, they had no other way. Let others hold the notebook to beat the tempo, and the chance of making mistakes is greater than Du Jing.

"Go forward." Du Jing said.

At this moment, Zhou Luoyang had already given his life to Du Jing. He was climbing in the passage, while Du Jing was sitting sideways in the passage, bending his legs and bowing slightly. With his stature, the head was narrow. The passage, the body curved up, blocked the way forward.

With one hand on his lap, he casually played with the watch he took off his wrist, raised his eyes to glance at Zhou Luoyang, and said calmly, "Go ahead, stop. Stop for a while, come in."

There was only the sound of Zhou Luoyang's breathing in the passage. He looked up at Du Jing, Du Jing's lips moved slightly, and he said:

"Don't be distracted, it's almost there, move on."

Zhou Luoyang didn't know how Du Jing would be stimulated if he died in this passage, but he had no time to think about it. It was as if he had traveled for a century until he came to Du Jing. .

Du Jing raised a hand, placed it lightly on his forehead, and said seriously, "You have crossed death."

Zhou Luoyang crawled towards him, and in the last shimmer of light from the flashlight behind him, he saw that the corners of Du Jing's mouth curled up in a small arc.

The next moment, he hugged Du Jing tightly, and the two of them were in such a narrow passage.

Du Jing freed his hand and patted him on the back a little, without speaking, he put the Eye of Versetti on his hand.

At that moment, Zhou Luoyang made a decision.

He didn't want to go on like this anymore. This was the first time he had faced his own life and death so closely. In the past, countless dangers only happened in an instant, so fast that he didn't realize the process.

Only on this day, he and Du Jing's lives were entrusted, which made him think too much.

If there is one person in this world that he would chase after even overcoming death, it would be only Du Jing.

"It's alright." Du Jing said calmly, "Next."

"I'll leave it to you," Lu Zhongyu said, "I'll come first."

"What should he do?" Kun asked again, motioning to Ruan Song, who obviously couldn't move anymore.

"I hold him." Lu Zhongyu said.

Lu Zhongyu took off his coat and tied Ruan Song to himself. Zhou Luoyang glanced at his contacts and opened the black book. The previous tension had not completely subsided, which made his fingers tremble.

Du Jing put his arms around him, opened the book, and traced his fingers along the staff.

"Start." Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang sang a song in the dark. Lu Zhongyu carried the weight of two people and climbed over from the heavy organ. His physical strength was quite good. With the help of Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing, he left the organ area.

Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang moved to the back, looking at Ruan Song's oozing blood on the ground, Zhou Luoyang said, "Next one."

He felt that he would never forget this song in his life, and maybe after he went back, he would have nightmares about all this in the quiet night.

De'an, Kun, and finally Xiao Wu left the agency area one by one, unscathed.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, only twenty meters, but exhausted all their strength.

"Is there any more ahead?" Xiao Wu said.

"It should be gone." Kun took the searchlight and swayed it forward. In the distance, a little light came from the outlet of the ventilation duct.

"Give me some water." Zhou Luoyang said.

After everyone finished drinking the water in the ventilation pipe, Du Jing never spoke. Holding Zhou Luoyang's hand, Zhou Luoyang pushed him and said, "Go, go to the open place and rest."

Zhou Luoyang glanced at the watch that Du Jing gave him: it was eleven o'clock.

This time it was Xiao Wu, and everyone had lingering fears about escaping from death, and did not want to think about the deadly tunnel. Xiao Wu kicked open the vent fence, and his eyes instantly brightened.

This is an area that is almost indistinguishable from the Temple of Vishnu, the only difference being that, leaving the vent, it is a platform of less than twenty square meters fixed in the air.

There was another symmetrical platform on the opposite side, nearly thirty meters away from them.

Opposite the two platforms is the third platform with an altar. In front of the altar is a stone statue of Shiva sitting with six arms. The stone statue of Shiva is ten meters tall, with six hands reaching out to the center of the altar, and the arms are like the necks of several sea snakes.

"We have to find a way to go to the opposite platform." Dean said while pressing his earphones.

They put away their searchlights, and the light in the shrine was bright, coming from the brazier behind Shiva.

The dominators seemed to have lost their voices collectively in the passage. The ventilation pipes and organs were the most successful links designed by Honghou. Even if you know in advance, players can't cheat when they pass through the pipeline.

Each dominator can only watch the players who bet on his own, go through the test of life and death in his life.

Until then, everyone slowly calmed down.

"Go to the altar and have a look." said Zhou Luoyang's ruler.

There is a drawbridge on the starting platform that leads to the Shiva altar, but there is no other drawbridge on the altar that leads to the arrival platform.

The three areas are all suspended in the air, about 30 meters apart.

After Zhou Luoyang passed through the vent, he didn't want to leave Du Jing for almost a moment, and followed Du Jing at any time. Du Jing seemed to feel it and held his hand all the time.

"There should be a mechanism on this altar," Kun said. "We have to figure out a way to release some bridge or passage."

All of them were not able to concentrate very well. They all needed to rest. After entering the secret room, the state of high tension continued for more than twelve hours.

"Let me see?" Xiao Wu said.

He walked to the altar and studied the stone bricks on the ground with De'an. The stone bricks were raised.

Xiao Wu stood up.

The stone brick sank, and there was a loud noise in the entire temple, and De'an immediately pulled him down.

"Watch out!"

As soon as Xiao Wu got down, the loud noise stopped.

"Wait," Du Jing observed, "there is a bridge at the top, do you see it?"

Everyone looked up, and Kun knelt down and pressed the stone brick, saying, "What can suppress this mechanism?"

"It has to stand up," Dean studied for a moment, then said, "someone has to step on it and put the mechanism down."

They turned their heads together and looked at Du Jing. Maybe they were just asking what Du Jing meant, but Zhou Luoyang held Du Jing's hand tightly.

At this time, Lu Zhongyu said: "I'll come, it's you every time, you can't let you both go on everything."

After leaving the cell, cracking the snake box, testing drinking water, and entering the ventilation ducts are all Du Jing's efforts to open or destroy the organs.

"I'm coming," Xiao Wu said, "you take care of the priest, and see what happens first. You can always pay attention to the movement, and call me if something is wrong."

Xiao Wu threw the torch to Kun and stood on the stone brick in front of the altar.

"No!" This time Xiao Wu sternly refused the command from the ruler in the headset, "It's useless for you to punish me."

Shiva's hands showed a peculiar range. Zhou Luoyang was about to call him down, but Xiao Wu was very daring and looked up at Shiva. Behind them, before starting and reaching the platform, a wooden bridge slowly lowered from the ceiling.

"Is this over?" Lu Zhongyu said.

Kun said, "Go alone, stand on the wooden bridge, and go!"

De'an said, "Let's all go!"

But as soon as Xiao Wu left the floor tiles, the wooden bridge was retracted.

"I'm standing here," Xiao Wu said, "I'll run over when it's almost time."

Visually, there are only twenty meters in front of the altar and platform.

Everyone rushed over, and the voice of the ruler said in the earphone: "Pass through as soon as possible, I suspect that there is a deadly mechanism here."

When the suspension bridge was lowered, Du Jing turned his head and said, "It's almost there! Don't let it drop to the bottom!"

"I know!" Xiao Wu said, "Let's go!"

Xiao Wu took a step, and at that moment, Shiva's raised six hands roared down from a height at the same time!

In just one second, Xiao Wu couldn't dodge in time, and was smashed by the giant hand of the stone statue weighing more than 1,000 catties! Suddenly there was a muffled sound of flesh and blood, and the blood exploded, spraying out in all directions along the center of the altar, dyeing the entire platform of the altar red!

Kun suddenly shouted wildly, everyone was stunned for a moment, and Zhou Luoyang's mind went blank for a while.

Du Jing reacted quickly and shouted, "Go!"

The wooden bridge rose again, and the people who witnessed all this were almost going crazy, Du Jing shouted: "Go!"

Du Jing dragged Zhou Luoyang's hand and dragged him to the wooden bridge. Then it was Lu Zhongyu who reacted. He hugged Ruan Song and rushed to the wooden bridge.

"Fuck!" Dean yelled almost hysterically.

"Come on!" Lu Zhongyu said, "It's too late!"

De'an and Kun finally crossed the wooden bridge. At this time, Zhou Luoyang was trembling and turned to look in front of the altar. Du Jing immediately covered his eyes with one hand and told him to forcibly turn his head away.

"Is he still alive?" Zhou Luoyang said, trembling.

Kun said, "He's dead! He's just... smashed to death!"

Under the power of the giant statue's punch, Xiao Wu has turned into a piece of rotten meat, Zhou Luoyang dare not look at it, Du Jing said: "Standing on the organ will not happen, the moment of death is the moment of leaving the organ, wet The mother-in-law's six stone hands blocked the way out of the stone slab of the organ."

"What the hell are you..." Kun said, trembling, "Are you a fucking monster? At this time, are you still thinking about the organization?"

Zhou Luoyang wanted to watch it several times, but was stopped by Du Jing.

"Let's go." Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang said: "Are you sure he is really dead? Do you want to go back and take a look?"

Du Jing said calmly, "I can't go back, sure."

In Xiao Wu's pile of minced meat, blood spread along the ground and seeped into the stone bricks.

Du Jing took Zhou Luoyang's wrist and glanced at his watch: it was eleven thirty.

"Very good," said Honghou's voice. "This is the second and last safe house."

They arrived at the second resting point, where there was no food or water.

The crowd was exhausted.

"You can rest here for two hours," Hong Hou said. "By the way, charge the earphones, the same as in the previous room. But I want to remind you..."

"Fuck you!" Kun seemed to have collapsed and yelled around the room, "Fuck you!"

Everyone took off their headphones and couldn't stop gasping for breath.

"The next level is the most exciting place," Hong Hou said. "No matter how many difficulties you have overcome along the way, you must remember to protect yourself in this level."

De'an said: "I didn't know people could...have so much blood..."

De'an and Kun witnessed the scene with their own eyes, and after thirteen hours of thirst, sleepiness, and high tension, their spirits were finally on the verge of collapse. Dean sat down reluctantly, panting frantically, while Kun fidgeted and walked around.

Du Jing pulled a chair and sat down, let go of Zhou Luoyang's hand, and glanced at him.

Lu Zhongyu checked Ruan Song's injury. He hugged and carried on his back along the way, consuming too much physical strength.

"What will be the next level?" Lu Zhongyu said, "Where's the map?"

"Maybe it's the last level." Zhou Luoyang said, "The last level, if I guess correctly, must be the third main god, the highest god in Hinduism."

Shiva and Vishnu have already appeared, and Zhou Luoyang can almost confirm that the one who is waiting for the last level is the supreme god who created the world, the lord of creation, Brahma.

Lu Zhongyu bowed slightly, pondered, and said, "Just like the qualifiers, I guess the last stage is for us to kill each other."

"Yes." Du Jing said.

"Any more water?" Dean said.

"No," Zhou Luoyang replied, "I've finished drinking it all."

Kun finally sat down and started talking to himself, still not out of extreme tension. After all, seeing Xiao Wu's death with their own eyes, for them, no one could accept it.

De'an began to rummage through Kun's bag, digging out a few passion fruits that were picked in the Vishnu temple, and immediately squeezed them open.

"I'm going to die of thirst," De'an said. "I don't care, I'll eat if I'm going to die."

Zhou Luoyang was trying to stop him, but suddenly thought that maybe the passion fruit placed in the Vishnu Temple also provided them with supplies. After all, not everyone would choose to go there.

Lu Zhongyu said, "Give the priest something to eat, he can't hold it anymore."

"There are many more," Dean said.

Kun glanced at everyone with fear in his eyes. Zhou Luoyang tried to comfort him and said, "Okay, it's alright."

Dean handed the passion fruit to Lu Zhongyu, who patted it open with his palm and fed it to Ruan Song.

"Do you want some too?" De'an said, and handed the passion fruit to Du Jing, who said, "No."

Du Jing looked at the watch on Zhou Luoyang's wrist, it was eleven fifty-five.

Everyone was quiet for a while, and after a short rest, Lu Zhongyu said, "Think about this last level, the scene where mutual killing is required, what should we do."

Du Jing glanced at Zhou Luoyang.

Eleven fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds, twelve o'clock.

Looking back in time, Zhou Luoyang returned to the previous day for the fourth time.