Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 58: Now


Four hours later, at the lunch market in Phnom Penh, Huang Ting ordered a bowl of locomotives for everyone. After Zhou Luoyang left the secret room, the first thing he did was drink water.

"I have to go," Ruan Song said nervously, "I won't eat, thank you."

"Where are you going?" Lu Zhongyu said sternly, and glanced at Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang casually.

"It's too spicy," Du Jing said, "don't eat Thai peppers."

Zhou Luoyang picked out the Thai pepper and handed the juice to Du Jing. Du Jing took a sip of his hand and took a sip.

"I..." Ruan Song got up and said, "Go home."

He was still carrying the box, but Lu Zhongyu and Du Jing held it down with their hands at the same time.

Du Jing said, "Leave in such a hurry? Don't you want to chat?"

Ruan Song took a deep breath and said, "Do you want the money? It can be divided into seven parts... No, nine parts."

"I don't want it," Zhou Luoyang said, "you keep it."

Ruan Song said: "Then I..."

However, at this moment, two plainclothes people came over, Huang Ting raised his head and said hello, Lu Zhongyu chatted with them in English, took out the handcuffs, and handcuffed Ruan Song.

"I will keep things for you," Lu Zhongyu said. "It will be delivered to your wife and children. Go back and be tried."

Ruan Song opened his eyes wide, stared blankly at Lu Zhongyu, and said, "You..."

Huang Ting said: "follow them, one person does things and one person is responsible, I think you still have this courage."

Ruan Song wanted to struggle, but he was handcuffed, and even if he got up and ran, he would have nowhere to go. The two plainclothes showed the ID of the Interpol to the crowd, and Du Jing nodded and let them go.

Ruan Song was escorted into the car, and the car drove away.

Zhou Luoyang said, "How many years will he be sentenced to?"

"The death penalty," Lu Zhongyu said, "it's very serious."

Huang Ting replied, "It should be the death penalty."

When asked and answered, both of them were very relaxed and did not show any regrets towards Ruan Song. Xiao Wu said: "So it took so much effort to bring him out just to sentence him to death."

"Otherwise?" Lu Zhongyu said, "Do you think I should kill him in the secret room? He deserves to die, but how to die, there is still justice. Humans, do everything you do, you have to be worthy of your conscience, right? "

Lu Zhongyu glanced at Du Jing again, but did not speak.

Du Jing said politely, "The God of Justice thinks how many years will I be sentenced to?"

Lu Zhongyu said, "I can't judge you."

The crowd stopped talking, and considering the next question, Kun seemed to be hesitating to speak, but Huang Ting said, "I have arrangements later."

After a brief lunch, Lu Zhongyu got up, picked up the suitcase, and said, "I have to go do something."

"Go." Huang Ting said, "I'll take them out of here first."

They did not fly in Phnom Penh, fearing that they would be interrogated again by the local area. Huang Ting took the crowd and left Cambodia, and asked Zhuang Li to drive to Thailand. When he passed the customs, he showed a special permit.

Kun, Xiaowu and De'an's passports were all searched, and they had to report the loss to the Chinese embassy again. When they were in the car, Huang Ting gave each of them a book and said, "Whoever tricked you into going to Ho Chi Minh City? Recall in detail, record it, and after returning to Wan City, we will keep the file."

Late at night, when everyone arrived in Bangkok, Huang Ting used his permission to open a hotel room. It was not until he entered Thailand that Zhou Luoyang really relaxed.

"It's like a dream," Zhou Luoyang said, lying on the big bed in the hotel, "the next month, it will definitely be a nightmare."

"When I first started on the mission," Du Jing said, "I occasionally had nightmares, but it got better soon."

"Will you be traumatized after doing so much psychological construction?" Zhou Luoyang came out after taking a bath and looked at Du Jing. Du Jing only wore a bathrobe, and was too lazy to put on his sleeves. He let the bathrobe drape around his waist, and sat half-naked in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, eating chocolate and drinking the red wine provided by the hotel.

"There will be." Du Jing said, "but whenever the nightmare progresses to a certain point, you will appear in my dream."

Zhou Luoyang said: "I remember you said that you would build a defense mechanism..."

When Du Jing escaped from the secret room, he killed too many people, and every time he shot, he was so ruthless that he hardly blinked.

In Zhou Luoyang's eyes, instead of being afraid, he felt that he was very great. Because every time he shot, it was to protect him, to protect them.

"Well," Du Jing said, "the defense mechanism is you. Have a drink?"

"A little is enough," Zhou Luoyang said. "If you drink too much, you will have to... Forget it."

Zhou Luoyang sat next to Du Jing and poured himself a little wine. Du Jing wanted to add a little more to him and said, "Drink this much, your alcohol intake is getting worse and worse."

Zhou Luoyang blocked it with his hand and said, "No, that's enough. You didn't look back, I don't want to experience it again."

Du Jing raised his eyebrows, noncommittal.

Zhou Luoyang looked out the floor-to-ceiling window, the night view of Bangkok.

From Wanshi to Hong Kong, to Ho Chi Minh City, to Cambodia, to Bangkok. It's all like a turbulent dream.

"It's twelve o'clock." Du Jing said to Zhou Luoyang.

Thousands of years, as always, flow slowly.

Zhou Luoyang began to feel that instead of going through the thrilling retrospective, he would be happy.

The two did not talk, Zhou Luoyang looked at Du Jing with a slightly drunk blush on his face.

"You know what I was thinking when I climbed through the secret passage," Zhou Luoyang said

"I think if I die," Du Jing replied indifferently, "what would you do. Or imagine me dying in front of you?"

"No," Zhou Luoyang smiled sadly, looking at the handsome scar on his face, "Neither."

Du Jing: "What is that?"

Zhou Luoyang didn't answer, he didn't know what would change between them after saying that. He thought for a while, and just told him that the thought was born in a fleeting moment in the sea of time, like a bubble floating on the sea.

However, there are some words, once the silence begins, he cannot break the silence and speak it out. With the continuous extension of the silence time, the chance of this voice sounding becomes smaller and smaller.

After a few minutes of silence, Du Jing looked at Zhou Luoyang.

"After experiencing such intense pressure, don't you want to release it?" Du Jing suddenly asked.

"What?" Zhou Luoyang said, "release what?"

Du Jing's broad palm was vacantly grasped, and he made a "up and down" movement, looking at Zhou Luoyang seriously.

Zhou Luoyang immediately flushed and said, "No! That's not what you meant."

That was absurd. Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing still remembered that incident. After drinking the wine, he got up and said, "I fell asleep."

"Go to sleep." Du Jing replied, "I'll sit for a while."

The next day, Zhou Luoyang reported the loss of his passport and re-applied for it. While waiting for the passport, everyone started to do nothing. Zhou Luoyang decided to worship Brahma in the center of Bangkok.

"This place also has a name," Zhou Luoyang said to Du Jing, "do you know what it's called?"

"Erawan." Du Jing replied.

After they worshipped the Brahma statue, they accidentally met Lu Zhongyu outside Erawan.

Lu Zhongyu was wearing sunglasses, a fitness waist with exposed ribs, a loose vest, shorts, and sneakers. He also came to pay his respects. When he saw Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing, he whistled at them.

"With all due respect," Zhou Luoyang said, "you are really gay in your dress."

Lu Zhongyu said, "I was gay originally."

Du Jing put one hand on Zhou Luoyang's shoulder and watched Lu Zhongyu kneel to the four sides of Brahma, and then Lu Zhongyu said again: "Let's have a meal, drink tea or something? How about them?"

Zhou Luoyang sent a message to notify several people that Du Jing's mobile phone was gone. His mobile phone was very special and had to be re-ordered abroad. Zhou Luoyang bought one in Bangkok to use first, and logged in Du Jing's contact number by the way.

The six people in the secret room were drinking afternoon tea outside a bar and chatting with each other. Kun and De'an both said their real names. Kun's name was Shao Xinghong, De'an's name was Jiang Yupeng, and Xiao Wu's name was Wu Fengwen. But for Zhou Luoyang. Names are not so important anymore.

"You will have to accept some investigations after you go back," Lu Zhongyu explained, "I don't know if Huang Ting said it or not."

"I know," Kun said, "will take notes."

The secret room and the money laundering case need to be tracked down in China, but that's Huang Ting's business.

"You're not a criminal police officer," Zhou Luoyang said. "What kind of hatred do you have with Honghou?"

Lu Zhongyu sighed, picked up the iced coffee, took a sip, and thought about it.

Du Jing glanced at his phone and said, "I'm leaving, I have something to do."

Zhou Luoyang saw the message on the phone that Huang Ting was looking for Du Jing, so he nodded and let him go.

"When I was on duty in Libya," Lu Zhongyu said, "there was a very good little brother, uh... It's a life and death, right?"

Zhou Luoyang just asked casually, realizing that it might provoke Lu Zhongyu's sadness, and said, "Got it."

"No no," Lu Zhongyu said, "I wanted to tell you that it's nothing, it's all over. I would like to thank you all for avenging this for me, otherwise the secret room is all up to me and I won't be able to come out."

That's true.

I just heard Lu Zhongyu say again: "He is Vietnamese and has a girlfriend. He retired before me, and he said that when I retire, he would let me go to Saigon, start a small business together, and open a coffee shop."

Xiao Wu said, "Do you like a straight guy?"

"I can't say I like it," Lu Zhongyu thought for a while, and said, "I just can't part. But he wants to get married and ask for a wife. I'm really happy for him and consider him a buddy."

Zhou Luoyang hummed, Lu Zhongyu took off his sunglasses and glanced at him. Zhou Luoyang thought to himself that this guy had a good name, with a high eyebrow, even if a boy looked at him, he was very fond of him.

"Afterwards, his wife was hired by Honghou's subordinates... Forget it," Lu Zhongyu said, "I won't go into the details. Then he went to find someone, was locked up, and sent to the dark web as a remote pet."

Everyone showed shocked expressions.

"What?" Xiao Wu said.

"You don't know?" Lu Zhongyu said, "Our game was broadcast on the dark web. Russians, Americans, Ukrainians, Honghou opened a club. After the game, the winners, the ones who didn't die. , will be taken to another secret room, and the abuse will be slowly broadcast live until death."

Zhou Luoyang roughly guessed it, but it was only when the others knew about it that they began to be afraid.

Lu Zhongyu smiled and said, "It's alright, don't be afraid."

"You see that?" Dean said. "I've heard of this business."

Lu Zhongyu replied: "Yes, I watched the whole process. In the end, my good brother died... Anyway, it was a humiliating death, and I didn't know about it until half a year later."

Lu Zhongyu said it very lightly and did not describe it in detail, but Zhou Luoyang knew that his hatred for Honghou could not be eliminated. Even if Honghou died, this hatred would still exist.

"This club has now been taken over," Zhou Luoyang said. "Honghou will die."

"There are many similar ones, human trafficking and sex slave trading," Lu Zhongyu said. "I decided to be empty and go check them all. Kill one is one, and you can contact me if you have any clues."

"I wish you success." Zhou Luoyang said.

"Give me five!" Lu Zhongyu laughed, like a bright boy, raised his hand, and everyone gave him a high five.

A few days later, Zhou Luoyang got the temporary identity certificate and finally got on the plane back to China with them.

"Are you homesick?" Du Jing asked Zhou Luoyang.

"I really want to." Zhou Luoyang has never wanted to return to China more than now.

Everyone was relieved. When they landed in Wanshi, everyone hugged each other at the airport, said goodbye, and agreed to meet again when they were free.

"After you go back," Du Jingchao said to Xiao Wu, "call this person, he has offered a reward of 10 million for you, and let us go out."

"Understood." Xiao Wu said a little depressed.

Zhou Luoyang and Huang Ting stood together, waiting for Zhuang Li to drive over.

Huang Ting said, "I don't want to go with you. I have to go back to the branch to report."

Zhou Luoyang said, "Is the matter resolved?"

"The secret room has been sealed," Huang Ting said. "The boss has been arrested, and the next stage is to collect evidence. You and Chen Biaojin in Vietnam may also be required to serve as witnesses."

Zhou Luoyang looked at Huang Ting suspiciously and said, "What benefits will it give me if I want to appear in court?"

Huang Ting said solemnly: "Little comrade, upholding justice and eradicating evil forces is the righteousness of the world. What benefits do you want?"

Zhou Luoyang was just joking, and he couldn't help laughing and crying immediately: "Do you have the same attitude towards everyone? Has Miss Lin Di contacted her? Have you got a girlfriend?"

Huang Ting immediately said: "Forget it, I'll find her these days."

"Being a man should be fun." Zhou Luoyang said.

Huang Ting said: "The country is easy to change, the nature is difficult to change, and the hippie smile cannot be achieved."

Zhou Luoyang: "Interesting doesn't mean a hippie smile. If you see Du Jing's face, he is very interesting, right?"

Huang Ting said, "It depends on the person. Maybe Miss Lin also thinks I'm very interesting?"

Zhou Luoyang looked at Huang Ting and said, "I find it difficult."

"Speaking of this," Huang Ting thought for a while, then suddenly said, "What do you think of Du Jing's condition?"

Zhou Luoyang: "?"

Du Jing has gotten better since the last manic episode. Zhou Luoyang didn't understand what Huang Ting meant and said, "Do you have a doctor to introduce to us?"

"Doctor... No," Huang Ting said, "but I suddenly remembered something, have you tried hypnotherapy?"

Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing's bipolar disorder was a genetic problem, and most of the time it was physical. Psychological counseling was useful as an auxiliary treatment, but it was hard to say whether it could be cured by psychological treatment alone.

"No," Zhou Luoyang pondered and replied, "I dare not let him try randomly."

Huang Ting said: "I know... Well, there is a situation, or a hypnotist, to be precise, a type of hypnotist who can improve mental problems through the interpretation and hypnosis of dreams."

Zhou Luoyang: "Dream? Can they still control what kind of dreams people have?"

"It's hard to say," Huang Ting said. "The process is very complicated, and I don't know it, but if there is a chance, would you like to let Du Jing try it?"

Zhou Luoyang knew that there must be risks here, he didn't say anything about it, let Du Jing decide by himself, with their relationship, Zhou Luoyang is already a role that can take risks, because they are the only one of the other party. accompany.

"Yes," Zhou Luoyang said after thinking about it carefully, "If there is this opportunity, I am willing to let him try to receive treatment, but for the specific risks and process, I have to interview the hypnotist."

"I don't know what his current situation is," Huang Ting said. "After a while, if it happens, I will arrange it for you."

"Thank you." Zhou Luoyang was very grateful.

Huang Ting said: "Remember to say a few good words for me in front of Lin Di."

Zhou Luoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Huang Ting said goodbye to him and went downstairs to take the subway.

Xiao Wu also left, and Du Jing walked towards Zhou Luoyang with a crossbody sports bag on his back.

The sunshine in Wanshi is very good today, and the bright and warm winter sun shines in through the glass wall of the terminal building. Zhou Luoyang suddenly had an illusion, the time seemed to return to that winter, the day he picked up Du Jing from the winter vacation at Huizhou Airport.

At that time, they were all just students and didn't have much trouble. At that time, Zhou Luoyang thought that he would be like Du Jing for a long time, even for a lifetime.

Du Jing that day was like Du Jing today, his hair was a bit messy, and the scars on his face were especially obvious in the sun, adding a familiar charm after a long absence.

It was on that day that Zhou Luoyang began to feel that he might like Du Jing a little.

"What do you want to eat at night?" Du Jing said exactly the same as a few years ago.

"Let's go out to eat," Zhou Luoyang said, remembering his answer that day, "I don't want to cook, let's have a drink. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much."

"It's only ten minutes." Du Jing said puzzled.

Zhou Luoyang smiled, and Du Jing took his shoulder and went outside the airport to take a taxi and go home.

—Volume 2·Now·End-

Volume 3 Future