Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 59: Now


Entering December, the cold current from the Siberian plain swept the entire North China, the cold air was aggressive from the east, hit the Daxing'an Mountains, and went all the way south along the towering huge ridge. The cold giant swept across the plateau of Inner Mongolia, crossed the Great Wall wrapped in snowflakes and ice crystals, stopped outside the largest city in northern China, and took a breath into the human world.

In an instant, the overwhelming ice and snow elves flew into the city, and overnight, the whole city was carved with jade.

Leyao is not very suitable for the winter in Wan, which has the same latitude as Tokyo, but it is much colder in winter.

He was wearing a thick sweater and gloves, holding a cup of coffee uneasily, sweating non-stop in the coffee shop heating, a little uncomfortable.

"You can say," Le Yao whispered, "there is no one else here."

Su Pu glanced around, as if to confirm whether someone was listening. Le Yao's classmate Zhang Yalun was far away from them, doing exercises in another corner of the cafe.

Other than that, it's just the two of them nearby.

Le Yao was very uncomfortable being looked at by Su Pu. From the moment he appeared, Le Yao had a hunch, as if something was wrong. No, maybe since the day Du Jing appeared, this strange feeling has always existed.

For several days, Supu had been watching him from outside the fence of the rehabilitation field. This man was very patient. After being asked by the security guards several times, he still found an opportunity.

"I want to talk to you, my name is Sup," the man said, "about your parents, about the car accident."

Le Yao was silent for a moment, did not reject him, made an appointment and asked Zhang Yalun to take him out and give him a chance to speak with Su Pu alone.

"I know you don't want to think about the past," Sup said, "but this matter is very important to you, and even to your entire family."

"Why don't you go to my brother?" Le Yao frowned, "He is in charge of our family."

"I found it," Su Pu sighed and said indifferently, "because Du Jing was by his side, so he rejected me. I want to ask you a question first. You have felt that during your growing up. Is there anything... different from ordinary people?"

Le Yao replied, "I don't understand what you mean."

"For example," Supu brushed her hair elegantly, exuding the scent of perfume, "at a certain moment, I found myself with the ability to see the short-term future? Or, for no reason, the time is missing a day, or even several days. What's going on in the sky?"

Le Yao didn't speak, just frowned deeply and stared at Su Pu.

"What does this have to do with the deaths of my parents?" Le Yao replied.

Neither Le Yao nor Su Pu's native language was Chinese, so it was a little difficult to communicate, and they could barely understand each other's meaning.

"Let's show you this first," Supu said. "This is our confidential file. After reading it, please keep it secret."

With someone else, Supu didn't quite believe how much secret a 16- or 17-year-old child could keep, but sitting across from him was Le Yao who lost both parents in a car accident. Mind, will be much more mature than their peers.

Supu handed the phone to Le Yao and pressed play. It was a twenty-three-minute video.

"Starting at Haneda Airport," Sup said in a low voice, looking at his surroundings and confirming again and again, "We checked all the areas with cameras during the whole process. After the accident, there are only a few records of this People have seen it, but not all of them…”

"I know." Le Yao's voice was trembling, but with a natural majesty. He had seen some of the videos, which were captured by the camera of a speeding car on the highway.

He had just returned from a vacation abroad with his mother that day, and his father drove to pick him up. There was a brief quarrel in the car with his parents, but the quarrel did not last long, and the two fell into a cold war.

Before that, Le Yao had a premonition that his parents were about to get divorced, but he didn't expect that this sudden disaster would bind them together forever.

"Have you seen him?" Supp whispered.

Le Yao fell into a long silence. In the video, a tall and thin man in a black suit and sunglasses arrived at the meeting point at the airport, looking down at his mobile phone, as if he was sending a message to contact someone.

"It's him." Le Yao's voice trembled.

Supu nodded and said, "There is another accomplice who is renting a car for him, but the camera has never captured this person..."

Le Yao trembled: "Why is this happening?"

After a long silence, Le Yao watched the video and stared at Supu with shock and fear.

"Why?" Le Yao said blankly, with tears in his eyes, "Why is this happening?"

Su Pu put away his mobile phone and said, "because your father's family has been involved in an important case. Let's get straight to the point. I promise that there will be no harm to you, or harm to your brother, or any wrongdoing. Someone important to you..."

"... Answer me now," Supp said, "I have seen on the volume that your family has the ability to use time-reversing particles to manipulate time. Is it true?"

Le Yao's eyes were flushed with tears, and he looked at Su Pu at a loss.

Supu didn't ask any further questions, Le Yao's reaction seemed to prove everything.

"When did it start?" Su Pu suppressed his excitement, his hand trembled slightly, and said, "Since how old are you? Do you think your brother, Zhou Luoyang, also has this ability?"

"I don't know," Le Yao suddenly said, "I'm leaving, I can't tell you!"

Le Yao manipulated the wheelchair and tried hard to leave. In a panic, he knocked over the coffee. Zhang Yalun immediately raised his head, then got up and walked towards them quickly.

Sup said, "Calm down, Miyaki! Calm down. I have no ill intentions!"

Su Pu called out Le Yao's Japanese name, Le Yao hesitated for a while, but Zhang Yalun came to the table with anger and said, "What are you going to do?"

Su Pu immediately let go of the hands that were holding Le Yao's wheelchair, indicating that he had no malicious intentions. Le Yao was completely unable to concentrate at this time.

"Let's go." Zhang Yalun didn't ask what happened.

"Wait!" Supp said, "It's very important to him, give us a little more time!"

Zhang Yalun looked at Le Yao, Le Yao's face was pale, her lips were trembling and she was panting.

"It's okay." Le Yao comforted, closed his eyes, and wiped his tears. Supp said again: "Since when?"

Le Yao glanced at Zhang Aaron, nodded and said, "Give us another ten minutes."

"Okay." Zhang Yalun respected Le Yao's decision and said, "I'm right there."

After a while, Le Yao asked, "Where's the file... did you see this?"

Sup replied: "I was a former colleague of Du Jing, but when I joined the Pacific Rim agent organization, he had already left."

Le Yao didn't speak, and frowned tightly.

Supp added: "If it turns out that there is indeed a time back, your father may not die, right?"

Le Yao suddenly raised his eyes to look at Su Pu, and was struck by what he said.

"I don't know," Le Yao said with fear, "I really don't know... I thought... it was just an illusion."

Su Pu had already made up his mind and asked earnestly, "From the beginning, when did it start, and under what circumstances?"

Le Yao said, "I don't know... I..." Finally he made up his mind and said, "Just... over a month ago, in October, late October, my brother was not at home."

Su Pu got an answer he never expected, and said in disbelief, "I just discovered it recently?"

Le Yao said: "It's not... it's not what you think, I didn't see the future, and I didn't... go back to the past. Or indeed, go back to the past. I've been trapped in the same day several times, sometimes at noon. , sometimes it's midnight. And last Wednesday... the day before you came to me, I... experienced the same day four times, and every time I woke up in the middle of the night, I was back at twelve o'clock the night before."

Supp: "… "

The cold wind was howling, and on the long street outside the embassy, the leaves of the sycamore trees had fallen and were swept away, leaving two rows of bare trees.

Zhou Luoyang was wearing a windbreaker, shivering in the store, baking a small heater, the heater in the store had not been repaired, and the indoor temperature was similar to that of an ice cave. After returning to Wanshi, he first reported the loss of his phone card, and immediately sent a text message to Le Yao. Fortunately, Le Yao's side was not surprised. After careful calculation, it took less than a week for him to lose his mobile phone from the time he started chasing KCR's target until he left the secret room.

Zhou Luoyang only told him that his mobile phone had been stolen overseas, and Le Yao did not ask any further questions.

Fortunately, the watch Swartanowski handed him was still on the SUV with his luggage, and he didn't take it with him on the helicopter.

After Zhou Luoyang took it out, his fingers were so frozen that he did not dare to dismantle it at this time. When Du Jing reported back to the company, he could get a reward for finding people, 10 million minus the company's commission, and then minus the tax. I think there are still a lot of people who can subsidize their living.

Sotheby's took over 100,000 for each of his two watches, adding up to 300,000, plus Du Jing's year-end bonus. At the end of the year, Zhou Luoyang can not worry about it. After paying back the money, maybe the winter vacation You can also take Le Yao out for a vacation.

The bell on the door rang, Zhou Luoyang was in a good mood, and said, "Welcome... Is it time to get off work?"

Du Jing pushed open the door and came in, wearing a trench coat and a scarf, and looked around: "Why is it so cold?"

"The heating will come in a few days," Zhou Luoyang replied, "I just called to remind me, hurry up, I'm going to die of cold!"

Du Jing took off his shoes and sat down on the tea couch. Zhou Luoyang immediately put his hand into his arms. Du Jing only wore a thin sweater inside and a windbreaker on the outside, but his body temperature was much warmer than that of Zhou Luoyang. Seeing this, he opened the windbreaker and signaled that he could come over.

Zhou Luoyang looked at Du Jing's whole body: "Why are you so warm?"

Du Jing took out a Zippo kerosene burner from the inner pocket of his trench coat and handed it over.

"Who gave it to you?" Zhou Luoyang glanced at it, and immediately became a little wary. He knew that Du Jing seldom accepted things from others, and rarely bought things for himself.

"It was given by a very handsome boy," Du Jing said lightly. "Maybe a newcomer who just joined the company fell in love with me at first sight?"

Zhou Luoyang looked at Du Jing suspiciously and said, "Impossible."

Du Jing had to change his words: "The boss gave it, the task reward."

Zhou Luoyang said, "Is it really a gift from a newcomer?"

Du Jing said helplessly: "No, are you coming to check the post?"

Zhou Luoyang said: "Check the post? Of course I wish you all, what name can I use to check the post?"

Du Jing asked back, "What do you think?"

Zhou Luoyang stopped talking and looked over and over while holding the cauldron.

Du Jing looked indifferent, looked at the Eye of Versailles on the case, and put his wrist on it for comparison.

"Anything else?" Du Jing said.

"These are the remaining two in the world," Zhou Luoyang said. "Weigh it carefully, there are subtle differences in weight. What about the money? How much bonus did you get?"

"I don't know," Du Jing replied, "I didn't ask, the boss said that it will be sent together at the end of the year, and it should be paid in two days. How is the business?"

"I haven't been to the store for over a month," Zhou Luoyang asked back, "What do you think?"

Du Jing: "This is not good, it seems that the store is going to collapse."

"Yeah," Zhou Luoyang said helplessly, "I don't know what the reason is for running around, and I don't even care about the store." The implication, of course, is to mock Du Jing. If it weren't for you, who would throw it away? Do you care about the store

Then, Du Jing's next sentence made Zhou Luoyang angry again.

"Isn't it for money? Anyway, this store can't sell anything when it's open." Du Jing said, "When the year-end bonus is in hand, will you take Le Yao on a trip?"

"Don't go!" Zhou Luoyang wailed, "I still have to pay back the money!"

At the end of the last year, Wanshi has also become lazy, especially when no one goes to work in this living area until three o'clock in the afternoon. As for Zhou Luoyang's store, it has only sold two watches until now, and it still went to the auction house.

Zhou Luoyang wanted to pick up Leyao earlier, but unexpectedly came for business today.

"The boss is finally here?" The person who came to the door was a businessman introduced by the Antique Association. He took out the business card of the president of the association and handed it over. He introduced himself, the vice president of a financial company, and said, "I have come here several times, on behalf of The guys in the store all said that the boss didn't come back."

Zhou Luoyang hurriedly asked someone to sit down, and someone took out two antiques and said, "Can you store them in the store for sale?"

A string of tourmaline beads, a small table clock. Zhou Luoyang said happily: "There is a handling fee for consignment, what is your psychological price?"

Usually, some people will borrow antique shops for consignment, and they will pay or accept bribes through consignment. For example, they will put counterfeit goods or ordinary collections from officials' homes in the shop, mark a sky-high price, and let the bribes buy them one month later. Naturally, it went into his pocket.

The deputy manager said the number, Zhou Luoyang took out the spectroscope, first looked at the tourmaline beads, and then checked the details of the clock. Based on this price, it was judged that it was not money laundering, and said, "Give me the lowest price that is psychologically acceptable."

Consignment usually has a guaranteed minimum price. Below this price, only a small handling fee is charged, and if it exceeds the range, more commissions can be received. After the two sides negotiated, the vice president took out another Patek Philippe with a broken surface and said, "Can you repair it?"

"Okay." Zhou Luoyang knew that the watch was a few years old, so it wasn't that it couldn't be sent back to the factory, but usually as long as the overhaul period has passed, the price of returning to the factory will be very expensive once the parts are replaced, and the waiting time will be longer.

"Do you think this is a business?" Zhou Luoyang said to Du Jing.

Du Jing said: "The economic environment is not good, and they are all becoming sellers."

"Yeah," Zhou Luoyang locked the door and asked Du Jing to put down the iron gate. He smiled, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know how I would live, let alone pay back the money."

Du Jing hooked his finger on the car key and replied casually, "As long as I live well, you don't have to worry about money in this life, you just don't know how long this disease will last."

"Don't say that." Zhou Luoyang sat in the passenger seat, suddenly a little sad, glanced at Du Jing, and said, "Why, it's going to change stage again? I'll drive."

"No." Du Jing replied casually, "It's just that recently, I always feel that something is not right, and I can't say why."

Since returning from Cambodia, Zhou Luoyang can clearly feel that Du Jing doesn't really want to go to work in the company. After all, this industry is indeed exchanging life for money. If it weren't for the Eye of Versailles, they might have already died. No, the injury is certain, and the people to be saved may not be able to be saved.

If time could not go back, from the day Yu Jianqiang fell from the building, they would have to start facing endless troubles. But Zhou Luoyang sometimes wondered, if Yu Jianqiang really died that day and everything didn't reset, would they still find Wu Xingping? Maybe somewhere, events will run in the other direction? The blackmailer who was supposed to die for Yu Jianqiang was able to escape, but he might have left Wu Xingping behind.

And Du Jing was naturally acquitted after being questioned by the police, because it was none of his business, they might still go after Wu Xingping, but it was hard to say.

Zhou Luoyang always wanted to review everything when he had nothing to do. Assuming that there was no time back in the Cambodian escape room, who would survive in the end? You and Du Jing might be fine, plus Lu Zhongyu.

But in one of the secret rooms, that is, in front of Shiva, Xiao Wu had indeed died. However, in the 24 hours after the restart, Xiao Wu survived. According to the previous logic, no one died for him? Will this character be Ruan Song? He remembered that Lu Zhongyu had said that Ruan Song would be sentenced to death, but it should be some time later.

"No." Zhou Luoyang said.

"What's wrong?" Du Jing asked.

Zhou Luoyang said: "Xiao Wu is still alive, according to the previous rules, among the seven of us..."

"I'm not playing the god of death," Du Jing said. "Do you think it's unreasonable for someone to escape death?"

Zhou Luoyang: "Not all, but this always makes me feel..."

"You forgot Honghou," Du Jing said. "The last RPG sent him to the West."

"Ah!" Zhou Luoyang remembered, and it made sense.

"Let's stop using this watch." Zhou Luoyang said.

Du Jing didn't speak. He pressed the steering wheel with one hand, and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel rhythmically. The car stopped at the entrance of Le Yao School. Le Yao was heating a fire in the security room and chatting with the school's security guard.

"Le Yao!" Zhou Luoyang stepped forward with a smile.

"You're finally back!" Le Yao's expression was a little aggrieved.

Zhou Luoyang went up and hugged his brother who was in the wheelchair. Le Yao crossed Zhou Luoyang's shoulder and glanced at Du Jing. The expression was very complicated, and Du Jing took it in his eyes for a moment.

Du Jing stood aside, frowning slightly, looking at Le Yao's expression, the two of them looked at each other and didn't speak.

"Long time no see." Le Yao said to Du Jing.

Du Jing replied, "Long time no see."

"Is it okay?" Le Yao asked again.

Du Jing hummed, seeing that Zhou Luoyang was about to hug him, and said, "I'll come."

Le Yao said, "I can do it myself."

Le Yao got into the car, Du Jing put the wheelchair in the trunk, and said to Zhou Luoyang, "You sit in the back and accompany him."

Zhou Luoyang was in a good mood when he reunited with his younger brother. He hoped that Du Jing would not have such a thrilling case until the Lunar New Year. He decided to find a time to have a good talk with Du Jing and talk about their future. From the moment he left the temple, Zhou Luoyang had this idea.