Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 64: future


At half past eleven, Du Jing stepped into Changyi Office.

Zhuang Li bought the coffee, handed it to Du Jing, and said, "The boss is talking about something, we have to wait a while."

Du Jing took it and handed Zhuang Li a gift, saying, "Your sister-in-law brought it to you."

Zhuang Li was immediately moved and didn't notice that Du Jing had changed a certain title, and immediately took it out and said, "Thank you, Brother Jing! I must work hard..."

The souvenir is a lucky cat.

"You can't be considered stable," Du Jing had a rare serious conversation with Zhuang Li on the day he officially resigned, "not like them."

Du Jing drank some coffee, raised his eyebrows and motioned Zhuang Li to look at the colleagues who came and went in the company, all in meticulous suits and polished leather shoes, gathered in twos and threes in front of the water dispenser.

Zhuang Li said: "Yes, I will definitely... become more stable in the future, Brother Jing..."

Du Jing said: "But you are so good, really, very character, don't become like them."

Zhuang Li was startled, and Du Jing added, "Sometimes, you don't have to do what you are told to do, just do it. Trust your intuition. For detectives, intuition is the most important thing."

Zhuang Li looked at Du Jing with a complicated expression, then turned around and said, "Brother Jing, can you write me a note? Or... you can sign your name."

As he said that, he opened his notebook and handed it to Du Jing. Du Jing took the pen, thought about it, and wrote a sentence of Heraclitus at random, signed it as a memorial to him by the supervisor.

Then, Du Jing turned the page forward again and glanced at it inadvertently. On the other page, there were scribbled characters and the signature was "Zhou Sheng".

"Ex?" Du Jing said.

"Uh, this statement is a bit misleading," Zhuang Li said with a smile, "but he did stay under Young Master Zhou for three months."

Du Jing did not ask in detail. At 11:50, a colleague and a middle-aged man came out of the conference room and beckoned to let Du Jing in.

That person was not Li Liangyi, Du Jingwei frowned, but did not ask more, and followed into the conference room.

"I'll introduce myself, my name is Wang Shunchang." The middle-aged man leaned over across the conference table and shook hands with Du Jing, his handshake firmly and forcefully. There were also a few unfamiliar colleagues in the conference room, apparently brought over by middle-aged people to report for Du Jingzuo's resignation.

"Big boss," Du Jing said, "Hello."

Changyi Office is named after "Chang" and "Yi". Most of the time, it is managed by Li Liangyi. Wang Shunchang only exists in legends. However, when the senior executives leave, the person in charge has to come over no matter what to do the secret-related review in person. Yes, after all, there are too many things in this line of work. Once something happens, the consequences will be no small matter.

Of course, Du Jing is also very clear about the rules. As long as he resigns normally, even if Chang Yi has the ability to pass the sky, it is impossible for him to get stuck.

"The watch is very beautiful." Wang Shunchang glanced casually.

"The dowry brought by my wife." Du Jing said.

"Are you planning to get married?" Wang Shunchang said, "It's pretty good too, the same as Zhou Sheng, right?"

"Almost." Du Jing naturally knew what Wang Shunchang wanted to say.

Wang Shunchang is also clear that those who do this business are all earning money for their lives, and they each plan to resign once they are financially free. It is impossible to do it for a long time, and the company cannot force it. In the final analysis, it is not a state machine.

"We read your resignation report, Mr. Du," a colleague said.

Du Jing glanced at the eyes of Fan Saidi, it was five past twelve noon.

He put his right hand on the dial of his left hand, put both hands on the conference table, and said, "What needs to be said is explained clearly in the report."

"Yes," a colleague said, "the content is basically true, and according to our review, there is no problem."

Du Jing made a gesture, meaning it was over.

Wang Shunchang said: "Everything else is fine. I came to you just to confirm a few things with you."

Du Jing raised his eyebrows.

Wang Shunchang thought about it and said, "You escaped from a room in Cambodia, rescued the hostages, and assisted Interpol in dismantling their money laundering criminal group."

Du Jing nodded, and Wang Shunchang added: "I have read the entire report repeatedly, as well as the confessions of all the participants, and the only thing I don't quite understand is one thing, how do you judge which pot is thrown in the poisonous water source? Poisoned?"

"The faint smell of strychnine," Du Jing said.

"Is strychnine put in the water?" Wang Shunchang said.

Du Jing didn't answer, and frowned slightly.

Wang Shunchang added: "But you didn't go to another source of water at that time."

Du Jing didn't answer.

After a while, Wang Shunchang turned over a few pages of the report and said, "How did you judge that there were deadly poisonous snakes in the glass cabinet inside the wall?"

"Intuition." Du Jing said again.

"Well," Wang Shunchang added, "it's important to trust intuition."

As he said that, he put the report on the table and looked at Du Jing meaningfully. At this moment, Du Jing closed his eyes forcefully and opened them again, as if he recognized the face of Wang Shunchang in front of him.

"Tell me, what will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or a year from now?" Wang Shunchang said suddenly.

Du Jing pushed the table lightly and pushed the swivel chair back.

"The coffee I gave you was sedated," Wang Shunchang said, "cooperate a little, Du Jing, you are too bold, and you still want to do it in Changyi?"

Du Jing's sedative attacked, and only the voices of Wang Shunchang talking to a group of detectives were heard, as if they were far away.

"He obviously didn't know what was about to happen."

"It also means... this is the first time he has experienced this day..."

"No, I don't understand what you mean... Suppose he leaves now through the so-called jump, will he disappear in front of us... "

"Take him down first... keep a close eye on him and seize all his belongings..."

With the sound of the chair overturning, Du Jing fell under the conference table and struggled for a moment. Two colleagues stepped forward and supported him. Wang Shunchang opened the conference room door, and Du Jing was supported and dragged out forcibly.

All colleagues turned their heads together and looked at Du Jing who was in a semi-conscious state with his head down.

Zhuang Li suddenly stood up and shouted, "Brother Jing!"

Zhuang Li was about to chase out, but was stopped. Zhuang Li struggled angrily. Wang Shunchang said angrily, "How dare you do it in the company?! Lawless!"

Zhuang Li roared, "What did you do to him?!"

The voice faded away, Du Jing was dragged out of the corridor, Zhuang Li was still shouting behind him.

"He just wants to resign!"

When he was dragged out of the corridor, Du Jing turned around in an instant, shook off the colleague on the left, hooped the neck of the man on the right, and slammed his head against the wall!

"Boom" sound.

Everyone in the office heard it for a while, and Wang Shunchang changed his face in an instant and flew out.

Two comatose colleagues were left in the corridor, Du Jing had disappeared, and there was a sound of the safety passage door slamming shut in the distance.

"Notify the security," Wang Shunchang said, "block all the exits of the building and raise the alarm."

The alarm sounded loudly. At noon that day, at 12:30, Du Jing slammed open the glass door, rushed into the property office on the fourth floor, stepped on the desk, and slammed into the glass window sideways.

With the sound of clattering, Changyi's detectives have gradually searched and investigated from the first floor up, but unexpectedly, Du Jing, accompanied by the broken glass in the sky, turned gorgeously in the air, leaped a few meters away, and flew to the other side of the building, a shopping mall. In front of the glass corridor.

Immediately after, he slid into the shopping center from the glass corridor.

The detectives rushed over, and Du Jing jumped over a restaurant. It was lunch time. There were white-collar workers everywhere who came to eat. There was chaos in the restaurant.

"Take the pot!"

Du Jing lifted the dining table, the hot pot flew towards the colleague who came to arrest him, the ground was full of oil. Du Jing turned around and punched the blocker, screaming everywhere, the detective was beaten backwards, Du Jing was accurate, took the gun from the man's hand, and turned to face Changyi detective who rushed up from the escalator. member.

Everyone immediately raised their hands and scattered around. In an instant, someone saw the gun in Du Jing's hand, frying the whole audience.

Du Jing turned around, turned along the atrium of the shopping center, went down to the second floor, then went down to the next floor, and rushed out of a cafe.

At 1:20, in the Chang'an Clock and Antique Store.

Zhou Luoyang watched the end of the video and said, "Why do you have this record?"

Supp replied: "Provided by the Pacific Rim Detective Association. The surveillance video of the rear car recorded the passing. This video was originally in the hands of the Tokyo Haneda Town Police Station. It took me a lot of effort to get it..."

Until my father's car swerved suddenly, as if to avoid the attack of another car on the side, it lost control on the highway in an instant, and the road was slippery in rainy weather. The consequences of this stall were fatal, causing his Toyota to fly in the air and roll over. , with the roof facing down, and slammed hard on the road.

The next moment, the video went dark - the rear car hit the front car, the vehicle of the provider of the video, and hit the overturned car of Zhou's father.

Zhou Luoyang faced the dark screen and saw his sad and angry face reflected on the screen.

The next thing he knew was that more than ten cars collided in a series, resulting in a car accident that shook Tokyo.

"Look here," Supu said, "Are you all right? Mr. Zhou?"

Supu turned around the computer, pulled the progress bar, and fixed it on a certain frame, signaling Zhou Luoyang to watch it first.

That was the scene in front of Du Jing's driver's seat, which was captured by the camera in the parking lot.

"Pay attention to the license plate number." Sup said, and then compared the moment of the accident, the two cars were running side by side.

Another frame freezes. Zhou Luoyang's father's car and Du Jing's car run side by side. The license plate number and model are exactly what was captured by the previous surveillance.

"Then what?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"Pay attention here." Sup circled the right side, Japan is a right-hand drive country, and the driver's seat, where Du Jing is sitting, is constantly enlarged and appears very blurred due to clarity problems.

But Zhou Luoyang could barely see what Su Pu was referring to.

"This is a barrel of a gun," Sup said. "The pistol, he wanted to shoot at high speed and kill your father. Your father found it and avoided it subconsciously, and the car crashed and killed."

Zhou Luoyang closed the computer and did not speak for a long time.

"Now let's talk about time travel," Sup said.

Zhou Luoyang said: "I don't know what parallel time and space, time travel, forgive me."

"You can't go!" Sup said. "The next step is very important for both of us! You want to question Vincent now?! It's no use! Why did he shoot your father two years ago? He must have his Reason! He returned to China in order to find the ability to travel through time!"

Zhou Luoyang roared at Su Pu: "Shut up for me! Otherwise I'll kill you first!"

Su Pu never expected that Zhou Luoyang would be so terrifying when he was angry, he subconsciously retreated.

The two were silent for a moment, Zhou Luoyang clenched his fists, gasping for breath.

Supu reluctantly calmed down: "this is the first time you learned the truth from me."

Zhou Luoyang did not answer.

Supu asked again, "Now I need to know clearly, has Du Jing obtained the ability to travel through time?"

"I can't answer you anything." Zhou Luoyang said, "Make way."

Supu finally stood up and said, "I waited for you in your store for two days. If you insist on going your own way and insist on leaving now to see Vincent, I have to use force. You'd better not force me to use force, because I only have 12 hours at most, and when the time is up, you may run away in time..."

"If you break something, remember to compensate according to the price."

Zhou Luoyang suddenly said, and then turned around, but Su Pu rushed to the door, raised his hands, and made a fighting gesture.

Zhou Luoyang really underestimated him. Although Su Pu looked like a girl, he was never ambiguous when he moved his hands. Zhou Luoyang had not been trained, so the blow he received was fatal. His mind was buzzing and he fell into tea. on the couch.

The tea was overturned on the tea couch. Zhou Luoyang couldn't beat him, but he was not afraid of him at all. The action was sluggish, and Zhou Luoyang stumbled away.

In any case, Su Pu must clean up Zhou Luoyang as soon as possible and subdue him, and let him cooperate with him, otherwise he will get into a lot of trouble if he is found and called the police.

Zhou Luoyang began to avoid Su Pu in the store. Su Pu did not dare to act too exaggerated, for fear of smashing some antiques that he could not afford. The two chased and hided. Supu became angry and shouted, "I'm here to save you! Mr. Zhou! Don't do stupid things!"

Zhou Luoyang said solemnly, "What do you want to do?"

"Take me back," Sup said, "take me with me and let me shuttle back."

Zhou Luoyang was stunned, and then Zhuang Li rushed in in an instant, and buckled Su Pu from behind. As soon as Su Pu turned around, he met Zhuang Li's move and fell over his shoulder!

"Sister-in-law!" Zhuang Li shouted, "Brother Jing is wanted by the company!"

Su Pu came up and gave Zhuang Li a punch and said, "So Chang Yi has also started to act?"

The next moment, an arrow roared, slid through Supu's ribs, took his clothes, and nailed him to the wooden wall of the antique store!

Zhou Luoyang set up the second arrow, pointing at Supu.

"As long as I move the arrow up just a little bit, your life will be gone!" Zhou Luoyang said sharply, "Let him go!"

Su Pu didn't dare to resist, raised his hands and looked at Zhou Luoyang.

"Work with me," Sup said, "or you'll regret it."

"The medicine for regret is in my hands," Zhou Luoyang said in a deep voice, "What better medicine for regret than looking back in time? Now, get out of my shop right now, or I don't mind killing you."

"What... what?" Zhuang Li said.

"What is that?" Supu said suddenly, "is it a device? Is it a device passed down by your grandfather and handed over to you?"

Zhou Luoyang stood in the middle of two thangkas symbolizing the past and the future, surrounded by countless dials ticking and turning with time. Supu suddenly thought of something at this moment.

"That's... a watch? Answer me, isn't it!" Supu seemed to understand, and immediately turned to look at the eye of Versailles that Zhou Luoyang was repairing on the workbench!

He hadn't seen the Svatanlovsky piece, but Du Jing had worn it, and he subconsciously thought of it, guessing that the device that could travel through time was in the store!

Su Pu pounced on the workbench, Zhou Luoyang fired another arrow, the arrow passed through his palm, and blood splattered everywhere.

Zhuang Li was taken aback.

"If you don't roll, the next arrow will be your heart." Zhou Luoyang said coldly.

Su Pu covered his palms and slowly backed out.

Zhuang Li was confused and said, "What is this woman... talking about? Who is she?"

Immediately after, Supu turned around and ran and left the store. Zhou Luoyang pushed Zhuang Li out and asked, "Where's Du Jing?"

Zhuang Li couldn't help gasping for breath and looked at Zhou Luoyang.

At 5 o'clock in the evening, on the West Fourth Ring Road, a road block was blocked outside a mahjong hall. Several police cars were parked outside, and someone shouted inside with a horn.

"Put down your arms!" the policeman said. "Be cooperative and come out. We can guarantee your personal safety."

Wang Shunchang didn't expect that things would become so big. After reading Du Jing's materials before, he knew that he had a mental disorder, and it was all suppressed by drugs.

However, escaping from Changyi is not the most exaggerated, the key is that he took the hostages and hid in the mahjong hall. As soon as the matter broke out, Chang Yi couldn't get rid of it. No matter what the reason was, it would definitely be thoroughly investigated later.

As long as this kid escapes from this day, there will be no way to take him again.

But what he still hadn't figured out was that if he had the ability to travel through time and space, at 12:00, could he still disappear from this world without a sound

"Du Jing!" Wang Shunchang said loudly, "Come out! I just want to talk to you!"

There was no answer in the mahjong hall, the special police blocked the nearby streets, and no snipers were in place yet. And the SWAT was reminded that the guy inside was very tricky to deal with, and he also had a gun, so he couldn't act rashly.

Wang Shunchang didn't dare to mess around. If the hostage was killed by Du Jing, and he disappeared through time and space, the mess left behind would obviously be more difficult to clean up.

Fortunately, his last move worked.

"Du Jing!" Wang Shunchang said, "We found your friend!"

Zhou Luoyang got out of the car, saw a mahjong parlor, and immediately knew what had happened.

Wang Shunchang glanced at Zhou Luoyang and said, "You are Zhou Luoyang."

Zhou Luoyang said, "What did you do to him?"

"No matter what happens," Wang Shunchang said, "could you help me persuade him to come out first? We can talk if we have something to say."

Zhuang Li had already told Zhou Luoyang an outline in the car. Zhou Luoyang looked exhausted after learning about Du Jing's incident at Haneda Airport.

Of course, Zhuang Li didn't know why the company would suddenly deal with Du Jing. This kind of thing is quite rare in the history of Changyi, almost unheard of. Even if there is a power struggle, Du Jing will not be attacked. After all, he only came here. one year.

The only explanation is that Li Liangyi had a conflict with Wang Shunchang and wanted to ask Li Liangyi's confidant Du Jing.

Zhou Luoyang glanced at Wang Shunchang and said, "I'll go, he won't point a gun at me."

"Do you believe him?" Wang Shunchang said.

There are words in the words, but Zhou Luoyang has no time to think about it.

Du Jing had said that he would never lie to him, but the video Sup showed him clearly told him that Du Jing hid this matter from him!

The time was when Du Jing left his side and went to the United States for training. That is to say, Du Jing had already learned the secret about the Eye of Versetti from the Detective Association at that time!

"I don't know." Zhou Luoyang said, "If he wants to shoot, let him kill me. It'd be better if I die. I'm dead."

Zhou Luoyang walked towards the mahjong hall with a bow and arrow on his back and said, "It's me."

Without speaking, Zhou Luoyang motioned the SWAT police to back away and said, "Open the door and let me in."

The special police scattered outside the security cordon, and someone inside came out to open the door. Zhou Luoyang met him and found that he was an acquaintance, and he had nothing to say.

"Come to pay back the money?" Muye opened the security door and put Zhou Luoyang in.

Du Jing was sitting on a chair with a gun in his hand. When he saw Zhou Luoyang, he said, "The mobile phone was seized during the meeting, so I can't notify you."

There were some unfinished mahjong tables on the messy mahjong tables. Muye yawned, sat aside, and loosened his fingers.

"So you're a hostage now?" Zhou Luoyang asked Muye.

"Just say yes." Muye replied, "This is the mahjong parlor I run. When this kid came in, I thought I was being investigated, so I was quite frightened."