Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 65: past


"You go out." Zhou Luoyang said to Muye.

Muye looked at Zhou Luoyang, and then at Du Jing.

Knowing that Zhou Luoyang had something to say, Du Jing said casually to Muye, "Go to the next room."

"You also have to pay for killing me," Muye said. "At most, someone else will come to ask for the debt. It's only right and proper to pay the debt, isn't it?"

"No one is going to shoot you." Zhou Luoyang couldn't bear it anymore, guessing that Muye thought they were going to discuss how to deal with the hostages.

Makino was quite bold, this guy really put his life and death aside, left the mahjong hall, went to the tea room on the side, and brought them the door.

Du Jing said: "As long as you wait here until twelve o'clock, the problem will be solved."

Zhou Luoyang: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Du Jing replied: "The Eye of Fan Saidi was discovered, I still haven't figured out why Wang Shunchang..."

"It's not about this," Zhou Luoyang's voice was indifferent, "other things."

"Other?" Du Jing replied, "What else?"

Confused and puzzled, he got up and walked towards Zhou Luoyang, holding a gun in one hand and raising his hand in the other, trying to touch his profile, but Zhou Luoyang had anger and sadness in his eyes, raising his hand to block him open.

Du Jing didn't understand what happened in this short half-day, but he felt Zhou Luoyang's anger. That action was just subconscious. As soon as Zhou Luoyang's body moved, he immediately withdrew his hand without even touching him.

"Did I make a mistake?" Du Jing said, "It seems so."

Zhou Luoyang said succinctly, "Yes."

Du Jing stepped aside, sat down, and said with a little anxiety, "So the trial period is over?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhou Luoyang was angry at Du Jing for the first time, and shouted almost as if no one else was there, "Explain it to me!"

Du Jing looked at Zhou Luoyang quietly.

"What's the matter?" Du Jing said, "I don't understand."

Zhou Luoyang took out a printed photo given by Supu and placed it in front of Du Jing.

He looked at Du Jing's expression, expecting him to be puzzled and puzzled, and even looked up in disbelief. Only in this way can he convince himself that Du Jing may have been sent to perform that mission by accident, without knowing that the other party is his father Zhou Luoyang. Or maybe he lost his memory after that.

However, Du Jing's reaction finally pointed to the result that Zhou Luoyang was most unwilling to accept - he didn't respond, just stared at the photo silently.

"Who gave you the photo?" Du Jing said, "Before I leave, I confirm that I have destroyed all the files."

"Supu," said Zhou Luoyang, "he may have recovered the data or used other methods, but that doesn't matter."

Du Jing put the gun aside, picked up the photo and looked at it.

Zhou Luoyang walked to the window, and another shout from Wang Shunchang came from outside, urging Du Jing to come out quickly.

"Give you one more hour..."

There are many threads in this matter, but Zhou Luoyang still managed to sort out the clues. Someone must have informed Changyi. This person may be Su Pu, which makes sense.

However, what was in front of him was not so important to Zhou Luoyang. For some reason, he remembered the day Du Jing left.

It was at the end of the second year of the sophomore year and the start of the third year of the junior year. After spending the whole spring and summer vacation, Du Jing lived in Zhou Luoyang's house for more than a month. For the rest of the time, he decided to go back to Spain.

For more than half a month, Zhou Luoyang maintained the habit of videotaping with him every day, knowing that Du Jing was at home.

At that time, he had vaguely felt that he had a strange feeling for Du Jing, especially after getting drunk in the spring. He didn't want to think too much, but the irritability was like a shadow, accompanying him every day, making him unable to vent.

Am I in love with Du Jing

That day he took Du Jing to see a doctor, Fang Zhou's uncle. Quan Dang was in addition to the attending physician and asked the other party to judge Du Jing's future condition.

The sun shines in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, and Du Jing looks clean and bright, like a short-sleeved white shirt hanging by the pond in summer.

Zhou Luoyang did not participate in their conversation until after the conversation was over, when he went to pay the fee, he chatted with Fang Xiewen by the way.

"His condition has stabilized a lot recently," Zhou Luoyang asked him after giving him the bill of payment, "Is it okay?"

Fang Xiewen was thoughtful, nodded and said, "Let him digest it himself."

Zhou Luoyang wanted to put down the list and leave, but unexpectedly, he got an ambiguous answer from Fang Xiewen. He immediately stayed in the office and asked, "Do you think there is anything wrong with him?"

Fang Xiewen said: "We just chat casually, most of the content is about you."

Zhou Luoyang was a little helpless and said, "I thought he would say something else."

Fang Xiewen said: "It can be seen that he is very curious about your past."

When Zhou Luoyang was still studying, he was a child of someone else's family in the eyes of his classmates and elders.

Fang Xiewen knew of course, so he told Du Jing some past events based on what he knew about Zhou Luoyang.

"If it's an ordinary person," Fang Xiewen said, "there may be no problem with such a conversation, but don't forget that your good friend has a different logic than most people."

Zhou Luoyang did not speak, but frowned.

Fang Xiewen: "He is curious about your past, so he should ask you first, instead of asking around from others."

"Yes." Zhou Luoyang thought that this was indeed not like Du Jing's character.

Fang Xiewen said: "I think he may have realized something."

"What did you realize?" Zhou Luoyang didn't quite understand Fang Xiewen's words.

Fang Xiewen spread his hands, meaning that he didn't know what to say, and said, "I just asked casually, do you two often get together. Guess how he answered?"

Based on Zhou Luoyang's understanding of Du Jing, the answer should be like his, "Yes, we are very good friends".

Fang Xiewen said: "His answer was 'we did get too close, I know it's not good for both sides'."

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

"He says he's too dependent on you, like a drug addiction, he's in pain, but there's nothing he can do, he doesn't think your relationship is... not healthy? Not what he wants, so to speak. ."

"You shouldn't have told me this," Zhou Luoyang murmured, "Uncle Fang."

Fang Xiewen knew that he had made a slip of the tongue. His attention was on Du Jing for a while. Zhou Luoyang was his junior. He always said what he wanted to say.

"I'm sad, and I have a limit." Zhou Luoyang was a little overwhelmed. It turned out that Du Jing had always thought so in his heart? This sentence seemed to be merciless, completely overturning everything he had done for Du Jing.

"No," Fang Xiewen immediately changed his tune, "Luoyang, you are a good boy, you must know that Du Jing speaks most of the time, and what he says does not reflect his heart, or does not reflect completely. Just like a population When he is thirsty, he will not say 'I want to eat', but 'Do you remember we went to a swimming pool', because there is a lot of water in the swimming pool, which can soothe his 'thirsty' physiological urge psychologically. It's a manifestation of 'emotional disorder'. We can try to understand it from another angle, and I think he means…”

Zhou Luoyang motioned Fang Xiewen to stop talking.

Fang Xiewen sighed and had to say: "But no matter from which angle, it's not very optimistic, so you have to continue to be patient."

"I want to digest myself, uncle, I'll come back to you when I figure it out." Zhou Luoyang suddenly felt tired, and he finally understood that no matter how hard he tried, Du Jing's condition never improved.

When he left the office, he suddenly saw Fang Zhou and Du Jing sitting side by side on the sofa.

Fang Zhou was always chatting and laughing, but Du Jing was silent and didn't look at him.

Zhou Luoyang had no choice but to cheer himself up and smiled reluctantly: "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to bring something to my uncle." Fang Zhou said.

Zhou Luoyang said "a friend of mine" to Fang Zhou very early, and he knew that Fang Zhou must have guessed it long ago.

"Just a little uncomfortable," Zhou Luoyang said, "Come and talk to him, come back home for dinner?"

Fang Zhou changed another boyfriend and planned to introduce him to Zhou Luoyang. When he heard this, he asked, "Are you okay? Are you not feeling well? Or should I introduce you to a blind date? My wife has a sister. …”

"Can you not meddle in your own business?" Zhou Luoyang said bluntly, "Have I ever cared about how many boyfriends you have made?"

Fang Zhou has long been accustomed to this kind of dialogue with Zhou Luoyang. When he is in a bad mood, Fang Zhou also often gets angry at Zhou Luoyang and tells him to leave himself alone, while Zhou Luoyang will ignore the 3721 and drag him out to drink.

As soon as Fang Zhou was scolded, he smiled with a familiar sense of intimacy.

"Let's talk later." Fang Zhou looked at him with a smile and said, "Go away."

Zhou Luoyang took Du Jing and left.

"I told him." Du Jing said.

"What?" Zhou Luoyang came to his senses in the car.

Du Jing: "I'm sick, is Fang Xiewen his uncle?"

Zhou Luoyang said, "Yes."

So Du Jing also knew.

"My illness won't get better," Du Jing said while driving, "don't worry about me in the future, it's not worth it."

Zhou Luoyang was at a loss, accompanied by this frustration and powerlessness, and more at a loss, he found that he didn't seem to know Du Jing anymore - this was not what he wanted.

He always wanted Du Jing to get better slowly, but one day he finally realized that this was not what he wanted.

"Is it not getting better?" Zhou Luoyang finally asked.

"Yes," Du Jing replied, "it's more serious than before, I know it myself."

In the evening, the two were sitting at the dining table. Zhou Luoyang was obviously affected by his emotions, but in front of Du Jing, he couldn't be too obvious.

"Luoyang?" Du Jing suddenly said seriously.

Zhou Luoyang raised his eyes to look at Du Jing, a complex emotion flashed across his eyes.

In a short moment, even he didn't know what it meant. He actually had a little bit of hatred for Du Jing, but he couldn't tell where that hatred came from.

It wasn't until a long time later that Zhou Luoyang understood, but it was too late.

And that night, Du Jing must have clearly felt it.

Du Jing lowered his head again, dodging Zhou Luoyang's gaze, and suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for what?" Zhou Luoyang said with a smile.

"I failed you." Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang said: "As long as you are fine now, that's fine. From my point of view, I don't want to go to the doctor to toss, right?"

Du Jing thought about it and said, "Well, I want to go back to Madrid."

Zhou Luoyang hummed and nodded. Du Jing seemed to be waiting for something, but Zhou Luoyang never said anything. According to the previous conversation, the next thing should be "Should I go with you?".

"Go." Zhou Luoyang guessed that Du Jing might want to go back alone, and said, "When will you come back?"

"I'll be back before school starts." Du Jing said, "Then I'll book a flight."

Zhou Luoyang nodded, Du Jing booked the tickets on his mobile phone and said, "Okay, I'm leaving."

Zhou Luoyang: "Wait, when?"

Du Jing got up and packed his things and said, "I'll drive back to Hangzhou now for the air ticket at eleven o'clock tonight."

"So fast?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Let's just leave?"

Du Jing thought for a while and replied, "Yes."

Zhou Luoyang: "..."

He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't understand Du Jing's sudden behavior. But he still followed the usual principle and said, "Then I'll give you... pack your bags."

"There aren't many things," Du Jing said. "It's all the clothes you bought for me, so I don't need to give them away."

Zhou Luoyang went upstairs and said, "Shall I accompany you to the airport?"

Du Jing stood downstairs without speaking, looked around, Zhou Luoyang glanced at his back when he went upstairs, and felt the feeling of loneliness. But when he was packing Du Jing's gym bag, he heard the sound of the car starting downstairs.

"Du Jing!" Zhou Luoyang shouted from the balcony and rushed down quickly.

Du Jing didn't even bring anything, just drove away.

"Crazy, crazy!" Zhou Luoyang said to himself, picked up his mobile phone, and called Du Jing.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

Du Jing didn't answer the phone, this guy has a record of committing suicide by car! If something happens on the highway, the consequences are simply unimaginable. Zhou Luoyang rushed out the door, swearing swear words, and immediately called Fang Zhou.

"What did you say to him?" Zhou Luoyang said to Fangzhou when he got into the car, "Drive to Xiaoshan Airport!"

Fang Zhou looked blank: "I didn't say anything? You guys quarreled again? Damn it, it's really none of my business, Luoyang..."

Zhou Luoyang said: "He went to the airport and said he was going back to Madrid."

Fang Zhou said, "He ran away from home? Aren't you from the same dormitory? Does he want to come back to study?"

Zhou Luoyang thought about it too, could this be considered running away from home? We'll meet again when school starts.

"No!" Zhou Luoyang said, "I'm afraid something will happen to him on the way!"

Zhou Luoyang kept praying all the way and turned on the traffic broadcast, for fear that Du Jing would go crazy and do something irreversible, but he knew that Du Jing had one good point. In any case, he would try to control himself when he got sick, it would not hurt. other people. In other words, even if there is something he can't think of right now, he can't bump into the guardrail at high speed.

And when he left, there were no signs of illness at all—mania or depression. Except for this abnormal behavior, everything else is normal.

"Did you fall in love with him, Luoyang?" Fang Zhou drove the car and said, "What is the symptom that is used to describe a psychiatrist or escort who develops feelings for a patient? I think he may be Also a bit…”

Zhou Luoyang said, "I don't like this, Fang Zhou."

Fang Zhou drove the car intently and replied, "Oh, I'm sorry."

Zhou Luoyang said: "Any disease is good, but when he raised a mental illness, he arbitrarily denied the relationship between the two people, the fetters and feelings they had in life, and used all emotional relationships as a pathological method. A simple explanation of the phenomenon, in one sentence, denies everything.”

Fang Zhou said, "Okay, let's examine myself. It's my fault. Homosexuality used to be mentally ill."

They got out of the car, Zhou Luoyang looked at his watch and ran all the way into the airport.

Du Jing finished the boarding pass and was queuing outside the security check.

"Finally caught up." Zhou Luoyang ran out of breath.

"Why are you here?" Du Jing was a little surprised, but didn't say anything more.

Zhou Luoyang wanted to give him a punch, but he held back, smiled, and said, "I gave you something, why did you leave without waiting for me?"

Du Jing glanced at the bag, Zhou Luoyang tried hard to pretend that nothing had happened, and said, "Go back and take care of yourself, and wait for you to come back."

He handed the bag to Du Jing, hugged him tightly, and turned away without saying anything.

Du Jing turned his head to look at Zhou Luoyang's figure. Zhou Luoyang put his hands in the pockets of his sportswear, and ran until he couldn't breathe. When he left the hall, he turned his head for the last time.

Du Jing had already entered the security check, and after that, they ushered in a three-year parting.