Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 66: Now


Later, after Du Jing arrived in Madrid, Zhou Luoyang made several video calls to him. On the opposite side, he was doing everything as usual, wearing the summer clothes that Zhou Luoyang bought for him, and reading at home.

Zhou Luoyang asked him when he would come back, and Du Jing's answer was: "When you need me, I will come back."

Zhou Luoyang ignored the ridicule and said, "School is about to start, do I need you to ask for a few more days off?"

"No. When are you going back to school?"

Zhou Luoyang said: "Next Monday, I'll find a cleaner first and clean up the bedroom."

Du Jing nodded and hung up the video.

One week before the start of school, Zhou Luoyang remembered very clearly that it was also an evening, just like the evening of this day. The setting sun shone into the dormitory through the badly repaired window in the bedroom.

Just like in the mahjong hall, this gray window, the sunlight pours into the room, the past and the present, the strange time and space, overlap together.

That evening, when Zhou Luoyang returned to his dormitory, he saw that the bed that Du Jing had put together with him had been restored to its original position. Clothes, sneakers, quilts, pillows, books, lamps... All his personal belongings were emptied, and the borrowed books returned to Zhou Luoyang's bookshelf.

He stood in front of the window for a while and called Du Jing. The cell phone rang in the drawer. He opened the drawer and saw the card made for him with his ID card and the cell phone bought for him, ringing in the drawer.

On the caller screen, two words were displayed: Luoyang.

"Do you want to hear the reason?" Du Jing said, standing behind Zhou Luoyang.

"This is not the first time," Zhou Luoyang replied, looking back at Du Jing, "Speak, of course, if you don't tell me, I can't do anything about you."

"You are not afraid of death, nor of losing me. You are not afraid of anything. You can leave as soon as you say it, and do whatever you want. I really have nothing to threaten you with."

Du Jing said, "This is how you have always understood me."

Zhou Luoyang said: "Is this understanding wrong?"

Du Jing sat down on a chair again and was silent for a long time, as if someone was about to be judged. Zhou Luoyang turned his head again and looked out the window at dusk, as if he was back in the empty bedroom. He had too many things to ask him, and he didn't ask nearly four years ago, but he should come sooner or later.

Later, Zhou Luoyang asked the counselor, and the counselor told him that Du Jing had already dropped out of school. Just two days before Zhou Luoyang came back, Du Jing personally went through the withdrawal procedures and emptied everything.

"Do you think memory can deceive people?" Du Jing suddenly said.

"I don't understand." Zhou Luoyang turned his head and looked at Du Jing.

Du Jing said: "I was thinking just now whether we are just two strangers who don't know each other at this moment. The so-called, all our memories are the information that was instilled in our minds after being made by someone. ?"

Zhou Luoyang didn't know how to answer, and he didn't expect that Du Jing would use this sentence as his opening remarks.

"Is it affected by the condition?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"I know you can't understand," Du Jing shook his head helplessly and said, "No one can understand."

"No." Zhou Luoyang wanted to say "I understand", but he thought about it, decided to tell the truth, and replied, "Yes, I don't understand, in fact, I can't understand you most of the time, but because I love you , I will say 'I understand', or try to understand, and finally find that I can't understand, and I am willing to accept it all."

Du Jing didn't answer, with a sad look in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, looking at Zhou Luoyang sadly.

At that moment, Zhou Luoyang felt a little distressed again.

"It's like I don't understand why you want to take me and die together," Zhou Luoyang said to himself, "but because I love you, I accept it. Maybe that's why we separated four years ago, I've never understood you seriously, it's not that I don't want to, but... Forget it, at this time, it's up to you."

Du Jing said, "It's because I am a patient, but I love you too. I have never deceived you."

Zhou Luoyang hummed, but did not refute Du Jing.

Du Jing said: "So you think that as long as it exists in memory, it is what we did together, just like the fireworks in the world that day."

"I always think so," Zhou Luoyang said. "Memory is real to me. If I can't even believe in memory, then there is nothing to believe."

Du Jing said: "If you always remember that you have done something, but you are sure that you haven't done it, is it real or unreal?"

Zhou Luoyang looked strange and looked at Du Jing. Du Jing's words reminded him of another explanation:


This only happens when the two personalities act differently after schizophrenia, the memory remains in the mind, and there is occasional confusion.

But he knew that Du Jing was only bipolar, which was not schizophrenia, and Zhou Luoyang had never felt any obvious multiple personalities.

"What do you want to explain?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Do you think you didn't kill my father? Everything is just a memory? But it's not a memory, Du Jing, it's a fact that was photographed."

"No," Du Jing said, "it's not all because of this, Luoyang, you have seen Supu."

Zhou Luoyang looked at Du Jing, and Du Jing added: "Supu asked me why I left China, went to Washington, joined the Pacific Rim Detective Association, and found a file about you and your grandfather."

Zhou Luoyang said, "You've been looking for it, haven't you? Looking for the Eye of Versailles?"

Du Jing said, "But before that, why did I meet you again? Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Zhou Luoyang suddenly felt that this was a bit unreasonable. In fact, he never understood why Du Jing chose to become a special agent. According to the timeline, they first met and accompany each other. After Du Jing left, he joined the investigation according to his own wishes. The members of the association, and then found out that the Zhou family had a strange secret in the association, and then returned to China to join Changyi, returned to him, launched an investigation, and finally obtained the Eye of Versetti.

How many coincidences would it take to bring this series of events together

"No," said Zhou Luoyang, "I believe you are real, Du Jing. Don't make a joke."

Zhou Luoyang thought of a terrifying thought. Before they met, there was no Du Jing at all? The so-called college roommate is just an artificial memory instilled in him by others

"I have a photo," Zhou Luoyang said immediately, "a photo of us together before."

Du Jing said: "I also believe, I also believe, Luoyang, those are true. But you see, you are beginning to waver, you can understand now."

Zhou Luoyang looked at Du Jing and didn't speak, but for a moment, he was shaken.

Du Jing said, "If I were fake, without Du Jing, and I had another identity, would you still choose to be with me now?"

Zhou Luoyang said: "Then it's just wrong. I love you now. I won't deny my feelings like you. No, I don't want to mention this now, you explain it to me clearly."

Du Jing got the answer he wanted most, got up and wanted to hold Zhou Luoyang's hand, but Zhou Luoyang said, "Sit down for me and continue talking."

Du Jing said: "Four years ago, maybe five years ago, I can't remember the specific time. One day, I found that I had a memory. This memory is about the Pacific Rim agent organization."

"What?" Zhou Luoyang recalled the past and said, "Isn't that when we were still studying?"

"Yes," Du Jing said, "I've never been there, never. The headquarters is in Washington, I remember it very clearly, a small four-story building... I was looking up the information and saw the records about your great-grandfather, And your father, you. But the record doesn't mention anything about Le Yao."

"Wait," Zhou Luoyang said in confusion, "what do you mean? Are you sure..."

Du Jing made an unconscious gesture and said, "Just like this year, I suddenly found out that I remember something that happened one day two years later. In my memory, I confirmed the time at the time, and it was indeed two years later. ."

Zhou Luoyang said, "When did you think of the future for the first time?"

Du Jing said: "The day you kissed me for the first time, I clearly 'remembered' the future, and I decided to protect you because you are very important to me."

"No," Zhou Luoyang said in complete confusion, "so have you confirmed it? Is the scene in your memory real?"

"Sure." Du Jing said, "I went to confirm. I saw that place for the first time, I believe, and then I remembered more memories, including how I signed up and joined the agent organization."

Zhou Luoyang said, "But at that time, you were still studying in China?!"

Du Jing snorted and said, "The summer vacation of my sophomore year was less than a month away from the registration deadline in my memory."

"So you went to Washington," Zhou Luoyang murmured, "to confirm all this."

Du Jing replied: "Yes, I found a law firm and signed up through them. My family was very clean. I was selected. They mainly tested my IQ and physical condition. So three days later, I came back and dealt with all the problems. I've left you."

Zhou Luoyang: "I thought you were because..."

"Because of what?" Du Jing said seriously, "You asked me why I left without saying goodbye. I know such an answer, and you will never believe it. Who would believe that a person suddenly has the memory of the future?"

"I thought it was because you liked me," Zhou Luoyang said amusedly, "I was afraid of getting deeper and deeper, so I got out in time."

"I have always loved you." Du Jing said, "you are right, I didn't want to get involved, but also wanted to protect you, that's why I did this. Those days were difficult for me, I never did this. This job is entirely supported by will, I want to come back, I want to come back to you, but I keep convincing myself that I must see that information."

"The training sessions had a lot of psychological cues that brought back more, messy, future memories."

"But what if you didn't go to the association at that time?" Zhou Luoyang said, "the future will not develop according to the facts in your memory."

Du Jing replied: "Yes, I did think about it and did an experiment to fight against these chaotic memories. There are some things I didn't do."

Zhou Luoyang: "!!!"

The two faced each other after a long silence.

Zhou Luoyang said, "You didn't go to Haneda Airport."

"I didn't," Du Jing said, "even if I didn't know it at the time, Zhou Song is the father of you and Le Yao."

This is really unbelievable, that is to say, when Du Jing was still studying, he knew that he would join the Detective Association in the future, and then he followed what he knew and embarked on this road, just to protect him Zhou Luoyang.

But this is the most unreasonable explanation, but the most reasonable. Otherwise, how to explain that Du Jing, as a college student, knew about the Detective Association? What's more, the files about the Zhou family were found in the association? !

"This is really too complicated." Zhou Luoyang muttered to himself and sat down by the window.

"You still have forty minutes." Outside, Wang Shunchang said through a loudspeaker.

"I have the memory of shooting your father's car on the Haneda Airport Expressway," Du Jing said. "But on that day two years ago, I really didn't go to Japan."

"Do you have an alibi?" Zhou Luoyang said.

Du Jing thought about it and said, "No, it's been too long."

Zhou Luoyang said, "Where were you at that time?"

"I was by a lake," said Du Jing, "alone. Luoyang, your father was not a special person to me at the time..."

"I know." Zhou Luoyang said immediately, "If you knew at the time that he was my father and there was Le Yao in the car, then you would definitely try to leave alibi to prove it to me. But at that time, he, It's just an ordinary person you met in countless missions, and you didn't even know he was related to my case, didn't you?"

"Yes," Du Jing said with relief, "you trust me."

"Of course I believe you," Zhou Luoyang said. "As long as you say it, I believe it. You just have bipolar disorder, not hysteria."

Du Jing stroked his hair, closed his eyes tiredly, and sighed.

Zhou Luoyang said: "But who is the person who rented a car at the airport?"

"I don't know." Du Jing said, "Now I have a guess, maybe it's me in another time and space."

"Parallel time and space?" Zhou Luoyang remembered Su Pu's words.

"We have to figure out a way to get out of here first." Zhou Luoyang now has a general understanding, and he feels that this matter must have an inextricable relationship with the Eye of Versetti. future! He instantly thought of a possibility. Du Jing's memory might be related to the future! In other words, the cause of all this has not happened yet!

Could it be that the future Du Jing, through the Eye of Versetti, returned to that day? But Zhou Luoyang felt that this speculation was vaguely wrong.

"Du Jing," Zhou Luoyang said, regaining his former composure, "I believe what you said, we have to find a place and think of a way, they will rush in soon, and it won't wait until twelve o'clock. I know that as long as Going back in time, all of this is equivalent to not having happened, but have you ever thought that if they take away the Eye of Versace, and then disassemble it for research, destroying its function, the retrospective will not happen. ."

"You're right." Du Jing opened his eyes, cheered up, and said, "I'll think of a way to prevent it from falling into their hands. I don't know where Wang Shunchang's news came from, but your guess is very could happen."

Zhou Luoyang turned his head to look out the window, the special police had already started to prepare, and then turned to look at Du Jing.

His eyes were dazed—what Du Jing was burdened with was too many words? He is only one year older than himself, but he has endured so many tests. Even at this moment, he still shoulders the responsibility of keeping the two out of danger. Du Jing's will can only be described as "strong".

And it's all for him.

Du Jing walked towards Zhou Luoyang who was standing by the window, and said with a little nervousness, "So you forgive me." He pretended to be relaxed and said, "Can you let me continue to be your boyfriend and not fire me? "

Zhou Luoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Du Jing stretched out his hand towards him, waiting for his understanding, while Zhou Luoyang pulled him towards him, threw himself into his arms, and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry," Zhou Luoyang said, "you're too tired to do all this, really too tired."

Du Jing hugged him with even greater strength.

"You should have found a time to tell me all this," Zhou Luoyang said, "not now."

"The future is uncertain." Du Jing's heartbeat was fast, Zhou Luoyang looked up at him, saw his pupils shrink, and his hands were covered in sweat.

He knew that Du Jing was in a state of extreme unease and fear. Every time he held him, Du Jing had a little bit of this behavior, and it was especially strong today.

"Wait," Zhou Luoyang looked into Du Jing's eyes and said, "Are you sure you've finished what you have to say? I'll confirm it one last time."

Purely out of intuition, Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing might have something to say.

Sure enough, Du Jing admitted it.

"I took you and stepped into danger several times." Du Jing murmured, "Maybe it is very unreasonable, after all, no one will put the person they like in danger..."

Zhou Luoyang understood instantly, and his voice trembled: "Because you know, no matter what, I won't die, why?"

Du Jing didn't speak, and looked away.

"In your memory..." Zhou Luoyang said, "there is my death, answer me, Du Jing!"

When Du Jing looked at Zhou Luoyang again, his eyes were red and he couldn't say a word.

Zhou Luoyang held Du Jing's hand tightly, and suddenly remembered a sentence he once said.

"I will never point a gun at you at any time."