Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 73: time gap


The gunshots sounded, and they were caught off guard. This was the fourth time they stepped into the same river. Zhou Luoyang searched for his younger brother and shouted in the chaotic crowd: "Le Yao! Le Yao!"

Zhou Song discovered his eldest son in an instant during the process of dodging.

"Luoyang!" Zhou Song shouted.

Zhou Luoyang ran quickly towards the vending machine. There were so many people running that he was almost pushed to the ground several times.

"Don't come here!" Le Yao finally shouted, "Brother! Don't come here again!"

Zhou Song looked at Le Yao in disbelief, and Le Yao said to his father, "Give me the watch!"

"Le Yao! Where's your mother?!" Zhou Luoyang shouted loudly.

"She's in the bathroom!" Le Yao shouted.

Zhou Luoyang said, "Du Jing is going to divert them away. Take advantage of this time, and leave now!"

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, and a Russian rushed towards them, but was shot nearly thirty paces away, and his heart was shot with accuracy.

Blood spurted out, causing even more riots at the scene.

Zhou Luoyang walked over quickly, and the next moment, Le Yao's stepmother staggered towards them from the direction of the bathroom, holding her bag. Immediately afterwards, Du Jing charged with a gun from another direction.

There were several corpses lying on the ground, the passengers at Haneda Airport had fled almost empty, and the sirens were blaring wildly.

Du Jing: "Give me the Eye of Versetti..."

Then, Du Jing's voice stopped abruptly, holding a gun and pointing at Le Yao and Zhou Song.

Zhou Luoyang's face changed instantly, and he turned to block in front of Le Yao and his father, and the five fell into silence.

"Du Jing?" Zhou Luoyang said, "what's the matter with you?"

"She was knocked out, I found her in the bathroom." Du Jing's voice was almost terrifying, but his hand holding the gun couldn't stop shaking, pointing at Zhou Luoyang, but his intention was not his, the person who spoke was behind Zhou Luoyang, "Who are you?"

"Who?" Zhou Luoyang asked blankly. He saw the scene where Du Jing was holding a gun and his wrist was shaking wildly. For some reason, he remembered what he said—

"I would never point a gun at you."

In an instant, Zhou Luoyang seemed to have a premonition that the final destination was at this moment, where it suddenly came without warning.

A gun touched Zhou Luoyang's back, and Su Pu's voice sounded: "Goodbye, you two."

Zhou Luoyang looked at Du Jing in front of him and nodded subconsciously.

"It's okay." Zhou Luoyang said, "I love you."

With a gunshot, Su Pu fired, instantly piercing Zhou Luoyang's chest, Zhou Luoyang's chest spurted blood from the sky, staggered forward under the impact of the bullet, and fell to the ground.

A huge blood hole opened in his chest, and he fell straight in front of Du Jing.

Du Jing's eyes instantly lost the light, and his mind went blank.

Then, Supu faced Du Jing with a gun.

"No!" Le Yao cried out in grief, turned around and rushed towards Su Pu.

Su Pu just punched him lightly and subdued him, and then Zhou Song rushed up again under the fury.

"Run!" In the chaos, Le Yao shouted, "Dad! Run!"

Le Yao turned around and ran out of the airport, Su Pu suddenly found that the Eye of Versetti on Zhou Song's wrist had disappeared, and suddenly realized that it was taken away by Le Yao, and immediately stopped fighting, dragging Le Yao in one hand and using a gun. Pointing at his head, he hurried out of the airport.

Du Jing knelt in front of Zhou Luoyang's body and held him in his arms.

Zhou Luoyang is dead.

"I'll be back soon," Du Jing whispered, "Luoyang, you will come back to life."

Zhou Luoyang lay on his side on the ground, more and more blood spread out, forming a dark red blood pool beside him.

"You take a rest first." Du Jing said.

With his usual demeanor, he checked the gun in his hand and turned to see where they came from.

"I love you." Du Jing finally said.

Du Jing put down Zhou Luoyang, got up, walked through the airport arrival hall, and went to the exit.

When two Russian killers approached, Du Jing shot them in the head, blood mixed with their brains flying all over the sky. The moment before the corpse fell, he took the gun lightly and walked outside the parked road. He shot the Mercedes-Benz directly, opened the door, and the driver inside had just put up the AK, but he was merciless. dragged down.

Another shot rang out, and Du Jing shot the driver who fell to the ground. He took the AK, but did not drive and waited patiently in the back seat of the car.

The Russian killer heard the gunshots and rushed from the exit. Du Jing waited in the car, shot one at a time, and killed two more people.

The people inside heard the sound and did not dare to come out again, and hid behind the glass door. Du Jing casually wrapped the gun around his wrist, held an AK in one hand, walked quickly, and started a shootout at the exit.

In less than thirty seconds, the glass door was covered in blood. He fired several more shots, shattering the glass door. The police ran out, and Du Jing turned around and pointed a gun at him.

Several Japanese police officers backed away in fear.

"Don't let the police attack." Du Jing said to himself.

He flew onto the roof of the car, and turned over to the second floor. Haneda's departure hall was already empty. The special police came, and gunshots rang through the departure hall.

After Du Jing hid in the hand-made store, he suddenly appeared, two shots interrupted the billboard under the ceiling, and the billboard crashed down. Using this cover, he flew over the airport departure hall and ran quickly to the VIP room where he was resting and waiting. . A Russian killer rushed out of the VIP room. Without looking at it, Du Jing shot him in the face and killed him in front of the wall.

The four remaining bodyguards rushed out, Du Jing leaped over the welcome counter outside the door, shot down, killed the Russians who were in ambush there, changed guns, hid behind the counter, and fired according to the sound of gunfire and the shooting. Clearance.

After a short pause, Du Jing probed, shot the last bodyguard three times, and walked into the VIP room.

There was no one around Svartanlovsky, and he brought out twenty-seven people, all of whom died under Du Jing's gun.

"Pri-Vet," Du Jing said, "the pagan gods are calling you."

Svartanlovsky put down his cigar, got up and raised his hands, smiled and was about to speak when Du Jing put the barrel of the gun into his mouth, shot him in the back of the head, and turned to leave neatly.

Swartanowski's local reinforcements came, all of them were local Japanese underworld, dressed in suits, armed with long knives and firearms.

Du Jing got on the escalator and returned to the arrivals hall, hanging one hand outside the escalator, looking up at the time on the flight information, judging how long it was, and shooting down at the same time.

The submachine gun rang, the ballistic swept away, and screams came from below. The special police chased down from above, holding a bulletproof shield and rushing down, Du Jing turned over, spread his arms, jumped down from the escalator, fell nearly five meters away, bowed, and stepped on the convenience of reaching the hall. The glass on the ceiling of the store clattered loudly and fell in front of the counter of the convenience store.

The whole airport had begun to be blocked outside. He got into a bulletproof Mercedes, accelerated, and the police who blocked the road fled to both sides. Du Jing slammed the steering wheel, put on the AK, shot the glass wall at the exit with two shots, drove the car back to the entrance, got out, picked up Zhou Luoyang's body lying in a pool of blood, put him on the back seat, and fastened him. Put on the seat belt, smiled, and touched his face.

"Go after them now." Du Jing said to Zhou Luoyang.

Zhou Luoyang's blood had solidified, his face was pale as a corpse, and a broken heart appeared in the blood hole in his chest. Du Jing took off his suit, put it on him, smashed another glass wall with his car, turned to the flowerbed, and drove out along the sidewalk.

The bulletproof Mercedes collided with the high-speed barrier, hit the vehicle in front of it waiting to be clocked in, and forcibly pushed the two cars away. The Japanese yelled at them, but the Mercedes-Benz drove to the highest horsepower and flew onto the highway.

"Do you listen to music?" Du Jing said to himself.

He flips through the CD in the car, plugs it into Bluetooth on his phone, and plays Stan.

The prelude of Dido's slightly magnetic female voice sounded, accompanied by the gloomy and thick stratus clouds in the sky, the faint thunder under the clouds, and the wind and rain, Du Jing's car drove towards the darkness and hell.

What is death? Before this day, Zhou Luoyang had never thought about it.

The moment his chest was pierced, he had the strange idea that he seemed to be alive, maybe in another way. The moment his body died, he clearly saw Du Jing's expression, and he even wanted to step forward, touch his handsome cheek, and touch the scar on his face.

But as he moved forward, he felt his heavy body tumble uncontrollably, as if his soul had left the body.

He wanted to reach out to hold Du Jing, but Du Jing didn't do anything.

"Du Jing?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Am I... dead?"

Just at the last moment when he tried to speak, all around was radiant, ripples swayed from under his feet, all the sights disappeared, and the only thing left was the light. A bizarre platform.

Like a meteorite ring of a planet, it expands around Zhou Luoyang's foothold.

"What place is this?" Zhou Luoyang asked in surprise, "Where is Du Jing? Du Jing!"

He found that the "ground" under his feet was flashing with countless complex scenes, vehicles speeding forward at high speed, the sun shining in the bedroom, the complex labyrinth in the dark underground of Angkor Wat... The only difference is that there is no one of these scenes. people.

A ray emanated from under his feet, pointing out a path along the myriad concentric rings. Zhou Luoyang turned around and faced the other direction. Tens of thousands of concentric rings took him to rotate automatically, re-staggering the established roads, fitting them together, and lighting up the road. The scene was rotated, and the scene was always consistent.

That was his life.

He looked back, the distant place, the center of the thousands of concentric rings, was a luminous origin.

At the origin, a light body is suspended.

There are countless flashes on the disc, like the light and dust of the universe, converging into a tornado, radiating into the outer vast dark space, criss-crossing, illuminating this strange dark world.

"Where's the person?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Where the hell is this? Du Jing! Are you there?"

"Thinking radio wave compilation, Earth life body, intelligent life type X7. Successfully compiled. Hello, Zhou Luoyang, this is a stream of light particles," a voice said, "that is, the 'time' that your species calls it."

Zhou Luoyang: "Who??! Who is talking!"

He turned around and ran towards the source of the sound, and strangely found that his body seemed to be much lighter, and when he looked down again, he saw that he had also become a light body form.

Is it the soul? Zhou Luoyang thought.

He crossed one after another of concentric rings, walked through the world of time like annual rings, and came to the strange origin, where he saw a small, blue-gold gear suspended on the origin, and the gear glowed Soft light.

In front of that light, stood another light body, it was not Du Jing, there was light between his brows, and he vaguely looked like Zhou Luoyang.

"You... Who are you?" Zhou Luoyang asked in surprise, "Are you a ghost here?"

The ghost glanced at Zhou Luoyang, but before answering, Zhou Luoyang suddenly remembered the faded old photos he saw that day.

Zhou Luoyang was shocked: "Grandpa?!"

"Mode access, intelligent lifeform thinking communication imitation, sample, X7 type, number 700396404U7, thinking imitation is successful." Ghost said, "I just used Zhou Yuan's image."

Zhou Luoyang glanced at the suspended gear and then at the ghost of "Zhou Yuan".

"I have the authority to use the sampled form of the previous monitors." "Zhou Yuan" added, "Reviser, if you need, I can change the form and communicate with you effectively."

Zhou Luoyang saw that the ghost suddenly transformed into Du Jing again.

"Monitor?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Remediator? What is this?"

"The intelligent life form that accesses the right of the countercurrent runner of the light particles and controls the operation. In other words, it is what you call the 'master'." The voice fell, and the ghost turned into a Russian with a high nose and deep eyes again. Changed into a Nordic man with a full robe, his form changed one after another, and finally landed on a strange human race.

"This is the first user after my initialization," said the ghost, "that is, the first watcher."

"You are this light particle countercurrent runner," Zhou Luoyang said, "it is the artificial intelligence of this instrument, I understand!"

The man was taller than Du Jing, more than 1.9 meters. Zhou Luoyang's first thought when he saw him was "this is not like a person from the earth". His complexion is fair, and his facial features are a mixture of some features of the Caucasian race and the Mongolian race, but the length of hands and feet, body and physique have the characteristics of the African race.

"Who is he?" Zhou Luoyang had a hunch that he might have solved a very complicated mystery. "Did he bring you to Earth?"

"The corresponding information in the database cannot be retrieved." The ghost replied.

Zhou Luoyang said: "Du Jing doesn't know what's going on... I have to go back quickly, but am I dead? Can I go back?"

"There is a dimensional difference between the stream of light particles and the space where your body is located." The ghost replied, "There is no difference between fast and slow. There is no time coordinate point."

Zhou Luoyang understood roughly, he circled around the tall ghost, raised his head to talk to him was too uncomfortable, and said, "You should become Zhou Yuan, become my great grandfather."

The ghost reduced his height proportionally. Zhou Yuan and Zhou Luoyang had a similar figure. Zhou Luoyang said with satisfaction: "This way, it's not too hard. What should I call you? You are it?"

Saying that, Zhou Luoyang pointed to the small pinion suspended in the air. He tried to touch it and held it, but the gear did not move at all, so he couldn't take it off.

"Correct." The ghost in the form of Zhou Yuan replied, "Connect the light particle countercurrent runner system, do you start formatting and reset the monitor and corrector?"

"What is formatting?" Zhou Luoyang asked.

"Open format, prepare to reset the modifier."

"Wait!" Zhou Luoyang said immediately, "Don't continue, leave it for now, pause."

"The permission is open and can be used at any time." The ghost in the form of Zhou Yuan replied.

Zhou Luoyang realized that he could not move around, otherwise serious consequences would be likely.

Zhou Luoyang said to himself: "You can always perceive the existence of Du Jing and me, right?"

"Correct." The ghost in Zhou Yuan's form replied.

Zhou Luoyang is not in a hurry to go out now. He has watched sci-fi videos about four-dimensional, five-dimensional, and even higher latitudes, and he can roughly understand that here, time is like space, both continuous and reversible, which means that he No matter how long he stays with the time gear, as long as he finds that point in time, he can go back to a certain past, present, and even further into the future.

No, there is no so-called "now" anymore. Once he comes here, his whole life becomes an area on the annual ring, just like the scene where the ray lights up on the ground after the ray is emitted. .

This scene is really spectacular. Through guessing, Zhou Luoyang began to slowly understand the meaning expressed by each scene - the rotating concentric annual rings, which is the lower dimension, that is, the real world he once lived in. Everyone is a part of the growth ring, they are born in time, they turn into a ray, set off, and launch towards the outer ring of the growth ring, lighting up all the events along the way, creating the history of each person's life, until the end After the area…

"What are those luminous ones that are released from the disc?" Zhou Luoyang asked "Zhou Yuan" again, "Is it the soul?"

"Precisely, it is a wave of consciousness." Zhou Yuan replied, "The wave of consciousness is generated by the material life in the lower dimension. After the death of the life, the wave of consciousness loses its carrier, leaves this dimension, and releases it towards a higher dimension."

"Where will they go?" Zhou Luoyang asked Zhou Yuan again.

"The information in the database cannot be retrieved." Zhou Yuan replied.

He didn't know either, he was in charge of time control... Zhou Luoyang thought, um, yes.

"But why haven't I... been released?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"You are the corrector." Zhou Yuan replied, "This is a manifestation of the differentiation of the corrector's life forms. The first, the original corrector, added multiple life forms on the earth, allowing them to obtain some of the life forms that entered the core of the control. authority to expel the original watchers, also known as Operation 'Seventh Day'."

Zhou Luoyang heard this name again, the form of the corrector is different? He is very sure that he is an earthling. That's right... He suddenly guessed something, maybe the original owners who used to control this device, their life forms are not, the same, the same as the people on earth! Maybe their souls can leave the body at any time, enter the time gear, and go back in time.

Therefore, for this "Zhou Yuan", he and Du Jing who were authenticated were equivalent to obtaining a part of the authority for the soul to leave the body and come here, and did not ascend to a higher dimension.

"What do correctors do?" Zhou Luoyang asked again.

"The corrector assists the monitor." Zhou Yuan replied, "The monitor is responsible for monitoring the flow of time, and the corrector is responsible for correcting the experimental history to obtain accurate data."

"What kind of data?" Zhou Luoyang couldn't help asking.

The huge amount of information has already made it impossible for him to process it, but in the state of the soul, after breaking away from the limitations of the body, there is no pain that he had previously spent his mind on.

"The experimental results are summarized in the D module." Zhou Yuan replied, "It is recommended to access the D module for query."

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

"But since one of us is a monitor and the other is a corrector," Zhou Luoyang had other thoughts and asked, "Why are people like Le Yao, Swartanowski and Supu able to activate the time too? What about backflow?"

"The retrieval authority is written into the log and operation records..." Zhou Yuan replied, "Retrieving. CXI3920 coordinates, the monitor A1 writes the second-level authority, and uses this authority to allow multiple Earth lifeforms X7 to obtain countercurrent results."

"Ah." Zhou Luoyang has begun to understand the explanation of this artificial intelligence. That is to say, the original owner of the wheel of time released a small part of the authority to the people on earth, so that they could gain part of the ability to travel through time and space.

He turned his head to look into the distance, and then looked at the soles of his feet.

The material that looks like a glass floor presents a deep, indigo vortex inside.

This is the starting point of the universe, and it is also the place where time diverges. The bird's-eye view of the entire vast space is like a mandala thangka hanging in an antique store. Time erupts from the very beginning, stirring up circle after circle. The ripples that form the rings of the world. Each person is a line segment on the annual ring with the center facing outward, starting from one ring and ending in another.

Their waves of consciousness leave the bodies of aging and death, ascend to higher dimensions, cross this vast universe, and go to a certain ultimate that even the wheel of time cannot answer.

"So, as a corrector, I can choose to go back." Zhou Luoyang said.

"The authority can also be lifted," Zhou Yuan replied. "The dimensional transition of the wave of consciousness is carried out. The specific operation method is to connect to the countercurrent runner of the light particle in the form of the wave of consciousness, complete the formatting, and give up the authority, and the transition will begin."

Zhou Luoyang thought that fortunately, the central gear at the origin of the universe was not disturbed just now...

Zhou Luoyang looked up at the splendid soul wind, smiled, and said, "Forget it now, wait until one day in the future, when I come back with Du Jing, maybe we will go hand in hand. I always I feel that my life is still very long, very long, although in your eyes, it is only a moment."

"Crossing the line segment on the countercurrent runner of light particles," Zhou Yuan replied, "The distance between the coordinates is really not long. Compared with the scale of the universe, the magnitude is ten minus thirty-one square."

Zhou Luoyang has always known that life in heaven and earth is like a white horse passing through a gap, and it is extremely small, but when this vast time ring appears in front of him, and everyone's life is turned into a short line on the annual ring, it makes him even more. Feel shocked.

"Can you accompany me?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"Please." Zhou Yuan replied.

"Why is the departure of the wave of consciousness certain?" Zhou Luoyang couldn't help but ask, "If a person dies within a given 24 hours, to save his life, another person must die?"

"Because the exit for opening the dimensional transition is constant." Zhou Yuan replied, "The first monitor took the rotation speed of the earth as the interval, and set the number of entry and exit interfaces in the interval to ensure that the generation and release of consciousness waves achieve dynamic conservation. After completing the wave of consciousness release."

"That is to say, once the first time causes death..." Zhou Luoyang immediately realized that there is no such thing as "the first time" and "the second time", because time has become a measurable annual ring interval. After a certain area opens a channel where two dimensions intersect, the channel will always exist. When a person's lifeline comes here, it will naturally be released from the channel and leave the dimension of the real world.

He looked down and found that when some line segments came to a certain point, they would be released. Each ray symbolizes the time that a person's soul has experienced. When two or more souls meet, the line segment will have an intersection, or even three rays, four rays, and countless rays. The intersection of rays, once the exit appears in At the intersection, at least one soul needs to be released.

Either you or him, there is always a soul that must fly out through this breakpoint, and the remaining souls will go their separate ways after a brief meeting, which may be fate.

Every minute and every second of the earth, thousands of people are born, new rays are born, and every second, countless people are dying... I just don't know what principle is this dynamic conservation based on.

Zhou Luoyang looked into the distance, the concentric rings spread out over time, the area became larger, the line segments became more and more, and the exits of the transition became more and more... But at this moment, he saw another person.

"Du Jing?"

Zhou Luoyang woke up from his thoughts and looked at another soul not far away.

Du Jing didn't understand what this place was yet, looked at Zhou Luoyang blankly, and then ran to him, Zhou Luoyang thought they would pass through each other's bodies, but at this moment, they touched each other's entities!

"Why are you here?!" Zhou Luoyang hugged him tightly.

"What is this place?" Du Jing replied.

In an instant, the two were in a state of consciousness, and Zhou Luoyang seemed to have no need to speak, and his body radiated light, entwining and intersecting with Du Jing. At that moment, he briefly felt a huge amount of information - Du Jing was driving a bulletproof car, catching up with the highway, Supu hijacked Zhou Song and Le Yao, and started a fierce gun battle with Du Jing... The vehicle rolled over, and Du Jing successfully shot Killed Supp.

The moment Supu died, the car flew away, causing a series of car accidents. Du Jing immediately crossed the car and stopped on the road.

Zhou Song's car collided with Du Jing's car, cast off a little, and fell heavily to the ground.

Du Jing took Le Yao and Zhou Song out of the car. Zhou Song was still alive, and Le Yao was also still alive.

He took the watch from Sup's body, put it on the ground, and shot it.

The Eye of Versetti shattered instantly, the parts flew out, and the gears flashed out. Du Jing raised his hand and grabbed it.

The police car came, and hundreds of special police officers besieged Haneda Expressway. Under the gaze of Zhou Song and Le Yao, Du Jing returned to the car, hugged the dead Zhou Luoyang in his arms, pulled up his left hand, and the two held the time gear together.

Then, he buried his head on Zhou Luoyang's shoulder, raised the gun, and pointed it towards his temple.

A gunshot rang out, and the trigger was pulled inside the car.

What followed was the countless memories that would drown Zhou Luoyang, the many pasts they had gotten along with, and many scenes were displayed like a revolving lantern. Zhou Luoyang was caught off guard, and at the moment when the past flooded into his consciousness, he finally really felt that Du. Jing's love for him is like the vastness of the entire universe, the stars erupting in the vast deep space, dragging their tail flames and whistling towards him.

The fiery energy was so strong that it swept away like a hurricane. At that moment, Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang emitted strong light and swept the surrounding area.

"Feel it?" Du Jing whispered.

"I feel it," Zhou Luoyang also whispered, "You have too many emotions to express."

Zhou Luoyang felt ashamed. Under the shock of this moment, he finally understood how much Du Jing loved him.

Du Jing also read all the information from Zhou Luoyang, and roughly understood what was going on. At this time, they raised their heads together and looked at the gears in the distance.

They have been holding hands, and their consciousness communicated with each other in the state of the soul.

"Do you want to go back?" At this time, Du Jing asked, "Return to the real world, or give up all authority and leave here?"

Zhou Luoyang understood what Du Jing meant by asking him, if he wanted to return to the real world where they lived side by side, or turned into souls together, ascended to a higher dimension, and went to the space that the living never knew.

"I don't know." Zhou Luoyang said, "what about you?"

Du Jing replied, "You can make a decision. As long as we are with you, you can go anywhere, live or die. It doesn't matter."

Zhou Luoyang looked at the gear in the distance, and then looked at Du Jing.

Zhou Yuan: "Access to the light particle countercurrent runner system, the authority has been opened, do you want to start formatting and reset the monitor and corrector?"

Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing suddenly turned their heads and looked at Zhou Yuan.

"Yes." Svatanlovsky's voice sounded between heaven and earth.

The two immediately turned around and ran towards the blue-gold gear suspended at the origin of time.

In an instant, the blue-gold gear emitted a strong light and swept away, blowing the wind of light transformed from the soul to all parts of the universe.

Du Jing said, "Anyone can reset the system?"

"I accidentally opened the permission just now!" Zhou Luoyang said, "Go and close it!"

In an instant, the annual rings composed of hundreds of billions of concentric circles began to rotate in random directions, turning into a maze-like giant celestial sphere. As soon as the giant wheel of time in the semi-disintegrated state was staggered, it immediately covered all the space, going around in a circle and starting to spin. .

"Formatting is on." Zhou Yuan's voice said, "Progress: 10%."

With a loud bang, the rotating annual rings collided with the two and entered the future of the real world.

High-rise buildings rose from the ground, and the shuttle maglev tracks criss-crossed. Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang were in the state of souls, and a gust of ionized wind swept across them.

"The sun ionizes the field!" Du Jing protected Zhou Luoyang with his soul, but in an instant, the celestial sphere swept past, and the two escaped from the real world and flew to the origin at the core of the staggered and rotating celestial sphere.