Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 74: Past, present, Future


The concentric rings open, disintegrate, and spin rapidly. Du Jing took Zhou Luoyang to avoid the giant rotating ring that hit him.

"Watch out!" Zhou Luoyang shouted.

"Formatting progress, 20%." Zhou Yuan's voice sounded.

The souls of the two were unavoidable, they collided with another giant ring, and were dragged into the not-too-distant future. The neon lights flickered at night, but in just an instant, Du Jing had found a way to escape and dragged Zhou Luoyang away. come out.

They went upstream in the huge time loops flying side by side, constantly approaching, the annual rings of the fifth century AD whistled past, and Du Jing turned into a meteor, holding Zhou Luoyang from the ceiling to the earth of medieval Europe, the spire of the church Flicking by, the Nordic sky jumped with the gorgeous aurora 1,500 years ago.

With a loud bang, the two crossed the boundless river of time and space again, and Zhou Luoyang held Du Jing's wrist with his backhand.

"Formatting progress, 30%."

The giant wheel of time swept across the face, Zhou Luoyang flew over the top of the Sara Shuangshu tree, and passed through. , tens of thousands of years or even nearly 100 million years passed in a flash.

"Fear... Dinosaurs!" Zhou Luoyang shouted.

Under the strange roar, Du Jing grabbed Zhou Luoyang's hand, turned into a ray of light, and rushed out of the Cretaceous period where dinosaurs gathered. In the blink of an eye, peaks rose, volcanoes erupted, and lush green vegetation reached the sky. , the sea is like a pot of boiling soup.

"Cambrian." Du Jing's voice said.

They shuttled through the rings of annual rings, and hundreds of millions of years of time became condensed moments, thunder and lightning, endless as far as the eye could see, the sky was dark, and there was only a large ocean on the earth.

"Life is about to appear." A male voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang. It was neither Zhou Yuan nor Du Jing.

"Did you hear that?" Zhou Luoyang said suddenly.

Du Jing said, "Who is it?"

They shuttled among the flying lightning.

"Amino acids are starting to form..." another male voice said.

In the blink of an eye, the earth turned into a huge furnace, and they flew in the giant wheel of time for billions of years, and the slowly rotating celestial sphere had not yet passed by.

"Formatting progress: 60%..."

A celestial body was thrown out by the rotating lava earth, forming a magnificent and spectacular scene, and then the sun contracted, expanded, and erupted, forming a powerful solar wind that swept everything.


"Du Jing!" Zhou Luoyang said loudly.


The powerful particles from the universe began to interfere with the waves of consciousness of the two of them, causing Zhou Luoyang to feel that his soul energy was constantly being weakened. Du Jing hugged them in an instant, and the waves of consciousness of the two merged at this moment. over the solar wind.

But the next moment, the world suddenly quieted down, and all the matter began to disintegrate, turning into countless particles, flying towards a certain point.

The origin of the universe is about to come, where time opens, on the causal rotation ray of all things, the original endpoint.


With a loud bang, Du Jing held Zhou Luoyang in one hand and stretched out the other hand. The two flew to the gear hanging in the air at the origin. The souls of Svartanlovsky and Supu were being connected to the time gear.

At the singularity of time and space when the universe exploded, Du Jing's slender fingers touched the time gear.

"Formatting aborted."

Du Jing's strong voice sounded.

"Execute." Zhou Yuan's voice said.

"Expel the access party," Du Jing said, "cut off contact."

With another loud noise, Swartanlovsky and Sup were smashed out by the powerful repulsion generated by the time gear at the last moment when they were about to succeed.

The rotating celestial sphere was completely still, and then retracted in the same direction, all the scattered concentric rings retracted back to the soles of their feet again, forming the previous huge platform.

Svatanlovsky was in a state of embarrassment and struggled. Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang held hands and stood in front of the time gear.

"You can't go back either, everyone is dead," Swartanowski said.

"There is no God, and there is no heaven." Svartanlovsky suddenly smiled bitterly, "After a person dies, there is only such a world."

"That's not necessarily true." Zhou Luoyang said, "Where do all these souls go? But I think you may not be able to go to heaven."

"That's my family's relic," said Svartanlovsky. "Let's make a deal. What do you want to be willing to give it back to me?"

Zhou Luoyang replied: "Don't you understand? Russians, look at this endless time, a thousand years, ten thousand years, or even billions of years are just a small segment of the annual ring. Your A family is just a line in the boundless sea of time."

Svartanlovsky's soul shone and slowly retreated. At this moment, Supu was slowly approaching Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang from behind, and looking at Svartanlovsky, as if he was still delusional, grabbing the time gear in his soul state.

Du Jing suddenly said: "The light particles turn the wheel against the current, order, release this wave of consciousness."

"The monitor's order is executed." Zhou Yuan's voice sounded.

In an instant, Supu shouted, but uncontrollably turned into light and dust flying into the sky!

Zhou Luoyang looked back and saw the unwilling look in his eyes at the last moment before Supu disappeared.

Svartanlovsky immediately raised his hands to signal Du Jing not to mess around.

"Let me go back," Swartanowski said. "I promise I won't see you again, I beg you, Vincent."

Du Jing looked at Svatanlovsky, and after a while, he pressed his hand on the time gear and took it off.

Zhou Luoyang: "!!!"

Zhou Luoyang tried to hold it, but he couldn't hold it at all. Du Jing could actually do it! Is it because he is the watcher

Then, Du Jing put it in Zhou Luoyang's hand and let his soul hand close and hold it.

He walked towards Swartanlovsky again, and Swartanlovsky kept retreating, from the Ordovician to the Cenozoic, from the classical to the Renaissance to the modern.

And Zhou Luoyang was still standing at the origin, watching them from a distance.

"I beseech you, Vincent... I beseech you, don't let me go to an unknown place where there are no gods, not even demons..."

There was fear and trembling in Svartanlovsky's voice, but Du Jing still didn't speak.

"You're mentally ill, don't you? Vincent, you should understand my choices, my pain," Swartanowski said.

"Do you have one too?" Zhou Luoyang mocked, "but why do I think it doesn't look like it?"

Swartanowski, perhaps knowing that he was going to die, softened his tone.

"When do you want to go back?" Du Jing said, "Look at your feet, it's all gone."

The annual rings of human society flickered like a revolving lantern. Du Jing just made a move, and countless scenes floated up. The October Revolution of the Soviet Union, the Cold War, and the final disintegration.

Svartanlovsky suddenly looked at everything in front of him with fascination, and laughed at himself: "I remember you were bipolar, bipolar? Is that right?"

Du Jing didn't answer.

Svartanlovsky added: "Do you think that the country we once called, the great Soviet Union, is like a patient with bipolar disorder? Sometimes manic, sometimes depressed, sometimes indifferent, sometimes crazy … it’s like all our lovers, seemingly incomprehensible, but only lovers can truly understand it.”

"No," murmured Svatanlovsky, "we can't even understand it, we just accept it all unconditionally. Even if we know that it will go down the road of self-destruction one day, we will not give up trying to save one day its life. Life, do something irreparable. Like your love for you, Mr. Zhou."

Du Jing raised his hand, pressed in front of him, and said indifferently, "Does this intercede work for you?"

Zhou Luoyang replied: "I don't think it works very well."

"Mental disability is innate." Svartanlovsky sighed. "People are like this, and the country is like this, and it can never be cured. Look, just like your indifferent face."

Zhou Luoyang said: "I don't expect him to recover, but I just hope to be with him for a long time."

Du Jing turned his head and glanced at Zhou Luoyang.

At the moment when they embraced each other, Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing must also understand his heart - he never thought about what kind of appearance Du Jing would become, whether it was a complete recovery, like a healthy person, or transformed into a The one he is satisfied with.

Even Zhou Luoyang never thought that Du Jing was an unhealthy and abnormal person. There are so many people in the world, and everyone is unique and has their own way of living.

He just wants them to be together, no matter the past or the future, he only wants the present.

"Let him go." Zhou Luoyang said.

"The light particle countercurrently turns the wheel, and the monitor orders." Du Jing said, "Remove this consciousness wave authority and release it."

"No-no!" Svartanlovsky was instantly terrified, but turned into light dust in an instant, rose up, and flew into the wider universe.

The world quieted down, Du Jing made a simple gesture, and the scenes of history instantly returned to the huge growth rings of time.

He returned to the origin and came to Zhou Luoyang. Zhou Luoyang held the time gear and looked up at him.

"Have you made up your mind?" Du Jing asked.

"Think about it." Zhou Luoyang said, "I still want to go back. When will we come back here again and go to that unknown world, what do you think?"

"Let's go then," Du Jing said, "Let's go together."

There is no one in this world anymore, Zhou Luoyang handed the time gear to Du Jing, Du Jing thought about it, and then said: "The light particles turn the wheel against the current, and remove all the waves of consciousness except me and the corrector. permissions."

"Execute." Zhou Yuan's voice said, "Human individual 9327DAS4430 consciousness wave memory is separated and corrected."

"Who?" Zhou Luoyang thought of another person, "Is it Le Yao?"

Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang stopped, and Zhou Luoyang suddenly remembered the problem of memory and vaguely understood something.

The soul can leave the dimension of the body, and the concentric rings can be constantly corrected in the one-way travel of time. Once each past is changed, it will rotate at a very small angle and deviate from the original life trajectory. After passing through his consciousness, only memories are preserved.

"I understand," Zhou Luoyang murmured, "I understand roughly."

He couldn't tell the details, but he vaguely felt that all the experiences in his memory had really happened, but with the rotation of these annual rings, they were pushed to the other side and disappeared.

But everything about Le Yao... Will his memory be erased

Du Jing took his hand and walked along their life ray towards the distance where countless concentric rings were spliced together.

"This is your childhood." Zhou Luoyang thought it was very interesting.

"Well." Du Jing said, "what about yours?"

"On the other side." Zhou Luoyang looked at the ground not far away.

Their life trajectories turned into two flashing rays, extending from a distance and heading towards a certain point, as if they were so determined that even if the sky and the earth fell and the time went back, they could not prevent the intersection of fate.

And after the meeting, they were tightly entangled together, and they went through a life together. The rays separated again, but they soon converged again.

The splendid rays converged towards the end point. Du Jing said, "Let's go to the day we met, don't lose your way."

"No." Zhou Luoyang stopped before the still forked trajectory of fate and said, "I suddenly thought, we are here."

It was more than half a year ago when they knew each other and accompanied each other. Zhou Luoyang saw the scene described by Du Jing.

He held Du Jing's hand and said to "Zhou Yuan", "We want to go back to the real world here."

"Execute the order." Zhou Yuan's voice replied, "Dimension reduction starts."

With a bang, Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing lost weight at the same time, clasped each other's hands tightly, and fell into the real world—

— Spain, Granada, Barça mountains, cliffs.

On the Ferrari, Du Jing pressed the steering wheel with his left hand and pressed the "play button" with his right hand.

At this moment, his eyes widened.

Zhou Luoyang landed in the passenger seat. At this moment, he only had a soul, but he was surprised to find that the left hand holding the time gear seemed to transcend the limitations of time and space and touched the real body of the car.

Du Jing turned his head suddenly, there was no one in the passenger seat.

"Luoyang?" Du Jing murmured.

Immediately afterwards, Eminem's "Stan" sounded in the sky. Under that rhythm, Du Jing did not hesitate. He stepped on the accelerator and looked at the far end of the cliff with his indifferent eyes.

The Ferrari roared 320 yards, like the explosion of the universe in the deep space of Genesis. The exhaust pipe roared with a sonic boom, and along the slope, a splendid tail flame spewed out, with a strong sense of rhythm in Eminem. In the singing, flying to the end of the world where the setting sun is like blood and sinking under the vast sky.

However, the next moment, Zhou Luoyang's soul, holding the time gear in one hand, stretched out his finger, pressed the screen of Du Jing's mobile phone, and clicked "Change Song".

Eminem's singing was taken into the end of time, and Du Jing suddenly widened his eyes.

"Let the time flow by in a hurry," Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing couldn't hear his voice, but turned his head seriously and said to him, "I still love you."

The moment Ferrari flew out of the cliff, the prelude to "Let the time flow by" sounded, Zhou Luoyang turned around and hugged Du Jing. The flow of time slowed down in an instant, and the sports car flew high into the sky. After the four songs, the moment the chorus was sung, it flew to the opposite cliff.

Du Jing felt that his chest was being touched, let go of the steering wheel, and looked forward with his eyes. At the last moment, he returned to hold Zhou Luoyang's hand.

With the loud noise, Ferrari slammed into the cliff and fell rapidly from the cliff. Under the weightlessness, Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing floated up at the same time.

"Wait for me," Du Jing murmured, "I will come to you."

With another loud noise, Du Jing slammed his head into the windshield, and the Ferrari suddenly crashed into scrap metal.

Among the ruins, Zhou Luoyang saw that the scar on Du Jing's nose was bleeding continuously. He was like a tough tree that was thrown down the hillside. His left leg was broken and bent in a strange posture.

Zhou Luoyang shouted: "Du Jing! Wake up!"

He pressed Du Jing's cell phone, dialed the emergency number, and the call was connected. Zhou Luoyang shouted anxiously, but he couldn't hear him there. But soon, the emergency agency located the location of the mobile phone, and the helicopter came and rescued Du Jing.

"Du Jing. Du Jing!" Zhou Luoyang's body was still illusory, he followed Du Jing's bed until he was pushed into the ICU.

He held the time gear, and at that moment, he seemed to hear the sound of the wheel of destiny spinning.

On that grand annual ring of time, the concentric rings were staggered and rotated and began to be corrected. The fate trajectory of Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing disappeared, and the line segments were like pictures on a jigsaw puzzle. , while redrawing the intersection trajectories.

Countless memories emerged in the sea of life. Zhou Luoyang held the time gear and returned to the last day of the college entrance examination.

"How was the test?" Fang Zhou came over and smiled at Zhou Luoyang.

It was a rainy afternoon, the last exam of the college entrance examination was over, and Zhou Luoyang was still a little bit stunned.

"Back to your alma mater?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Why is this day?"

"What?" Fang Zhou didn't hear clearly and asked Zhou Luoyang.

Zhou Luoyang immediately said, "It's nothing."

"Come to my house to play?" Fang Zhou said, "Celebrate?"

Zhou Luoyang held the transparent plastic bag in his left hand, picked it up and looked at it, with pencils and gel pens for answer sheets, put his right hand in his trouser pocket, and took out a blue-gold time gear.

He suddenly laughed and glanced at his own reflection in the glass window, which was still the green onion in his third year of high school.

Fang Zhou: "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Luoyang smiled and remembered something.

"Where's my cell phone?" Zhou Luoyang went to retrieve his cell phone, pondered for a moment, and dialed the number in his memory, but it was an empty number.

Then he dialed another number, and there was a Japanese woman's voice.

"I'm Luoyang." Zhou Luoyang asked anxiously, "Where's Dad?"

There was no speech over there, and after a while, another voice answered the call.

"Is it Le Yao?" Zhou Luoyang said, "I'm my brother."

"Brother?" Le Yao can speak Chinese and can only rely on him to translate. He asked, "What's the matter? Is your exam over?"

"No... No, yes, it's over." Zhou Luoyang was a little incoherent, motioning Fang Zhou to wait.

At that moment, the giant wheel of time turned slowly, and the concentric rings of time revolved on the trajectory of Zhou Luoyang's life, re-embedding, but his fate trajectory was extremely firm and straight forward.

"Why is Dad's phone number empty?" Zhou Luoyang asked.

"Dad has passed away," Le Yao said. "It's been a year since he passed away."

"Really?" Zhou Luoyang said.

Fang Zhou saw Zhou Luoyang's expression, as if something was wrong, so he took the initiative to take out a cigarette case, handed him one, and lit it for him. Zhou Luoyang took a few puffs at the corner of the stairs in the exam room, and said sadly, "Yeah, I remembered."

A memory flooded into his mind—a year ago, his father took his stepmother and younger brother out, and he was involved in a car accident. His father died, but his stepmother and younger brother survived unscathed.

"Yes." Zhou Luoyang said, "Well, it's fine, maybe I'm under too much pressure to prepare for the exam."

"Brother, are you alright?" Le Yao was very sensible and maintained his usual respect, "Are you alone now?"

Zhou Luoyang said: "Well... not counting, yes, it's a person."

"I also suddenly missed you just now." Le Yao said, "I don't know why, will you come to see me during the summer vacation?"

"Yes." Zhou Luoyang sighed and said, "Yes, I love you, Le Yao, hang up."

"Yeah." Le Yao answered without asking any more.

Fang Zhou glanced at the time gear in Zhou Luoyang's hand and said, "Is this your lucky coin? Where did it come from?"

"Grandpa gave it." Zhou Luoyang thought for a while and replied.

"Are you okay?" Fang Zhou said.

Zhou Luoyang said: "You go first. If I go there at night, I will call you."

Fang Zhou did not force him, knowing that Zhou Luoyang would definitely say it if he needed someone to accompany him, so he patted him on the shoulder and left.

Zhou Luoyang sat on the playground for almost half an hour. Midsummer's alma mater was drenched by a rain, and the fresh air was refreshing. At this moment, he didn't think about anything, as if the past had all turned into unreal memories, turned into a dream, and the present is the present, and only the present is real.

It wasn't until all the candidates were gone that Zhou Luoyang came out slowly. He didn't know Du Jing's phone number, and Du Jing didn't know his. They couldn't even contact each other. It would take three months to report to the university. Only after entering the doomed bedroom can you see him with a scar on his face, struggling to close the window in the wind and rain.

How are you now? Zhou Luoyang thought to himself that in the end they were all broken, it must be very painful.

"The lunatic outside hasn't left yet," the girls said. "It's scary. What is he doing?"

When Zhou Luoyang heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then quickened his pace and ran out quickly.

The man stood in front of the canteen outside the school, his hair was cut short, there were scars between his eyebrows and eyes that had not fully healed, his wrists were bandaged, and his eyes stared straight at every boy who left the school, watching them leave.

Zhou Luoyang stood across the road and looked at him with shock in his eyes.

They found each other, and he strode toward him.

“My name is Du Jing,” he said.

He replied: "My name is Luoyang, Luoyang relatives and friends are like Luoyang who ask each other."

"I know who you are," Du Jing said, "the one who is destined to be with me forever."

The wind after the summer rain rolls the wet green leaves flying, the annual rings of time rotate for the last time, staggered, and closed again.

The trajectory of destiny is shining with golden light, and it shoots straight into the distance, towards the boundless vast world. That trajectory crosses the gap of time and pursues the footsteps of all things in the world, until the end of time, time and space. the end of.

—The End—

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