Tianting Kindergarten

Chapter 23: Tengu


Behind the Erlang Zhenjun Temple is a small courtyard. There is nothing unusual in the courtyard. The ground is covered with short grass and wild flowers, covered with some bluestone bricks. is special. This peach tree grows extremely thick, but with few branches and few leaves, it looks bare, like a wood carving.

"Xiao Langjun, don't go." An elderly woman behind him stopped Bai Ze and refused to let him go to the backyard.

"Auntie, what's wrong?" Bai Ze has always been good-tempered, and he always responds when someone talks to him.

"There is a fairy formation in this backyard, you can't get out if you go in," the woman said seriously, and gave Bai Ze a handful of pine nut candy, "Take your brother to play somewhere else."

Bai Ze looked around, and found that the people who came to worship the gods did not go to the backyard, at most they stood in the hallway and looked around for a while. If you want to come to the locals, you will know the secret of this, and you will never approach it. If you see foreigners who don't know, you will remind them in time, which is kind of good. Bai Ze nodded, and smiled gratefully at the woman: "Thank you for reminding me." After finishing speaking, he gave her a wild flower that he just picked casually.

The wild flowers turned into a ray of colorful auspicious light, circled the woman for a circle, and dissipated in an instant.

While the aunt was in a daze, Bai Ze hugged Fu Li and disappeared into the backyard.

The woman was stunned for a long time, looked at her hands, then at the young man who had disappeared long ago, knelt down with a "plop", and bowed to the place where Bai Ze was standing just now: "The gods have appeared! The gods have appeared! "

"What did you give her?" Fu Li put a pine nut candy into his mouth.

"A little auspicious light will ensure her family has a good harvest." Bai Ze raised his eyebrows proudly, hugged Fu Li and began to circle around the peach tree. He is an auspicious beast, and auspicious light can bring good luck to people.

Walking around the peach tree three times, Bai Ze stood still, cleared his throat, and said the magic formula for opening the door: "Wow, woof, woof!"

Fu Li was startled, and the pine nut candy in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter. What kind of formation breaking method is this, to learn how to bark like a dog!

After three dog barks, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. It is no longer the bare little courtyard, but a quiet valley with mountains on both sides, a wide view, flat terrain and luxuriant grass. There is a shallow stream meandering through the middle of the valley, making a gurgling sound. On the mountain wall not far away, there is a stone gate with five characters "Erlang Zhenjun Mansion" written on it.

This is the place where Erlangshen usually lives, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and vast grassland, which is convenient for walking the dog.

"Who is here?" Just two steps away, the surrounding grass suddenly rustled, and two guards dressed in green shorts appeared suddenly, wearing grass hats on their heads, and holding black turbans in their hands. The spear is the subordinate of Erlang God - Caotou God.

"Bai Ze." Bai Ze reported his name honestly.

"I have seen the gods, so let the gods do what they want." The two grass-headed gods saw the person coming, and immediately bowed respectfully, took a few steps back, and quickly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before, and did not intend to inform or guide the way at all. Obviously treating Bai Ze as a master and following him around.

Fu Li pursed his lips, jumped out of Bai Ze's arms, looked around: "Did you come here often?"

"Well, the food here at Guankou is delicious." Bai Ze said with a smile, and took Fu Li's little hand to knock on the door, but the stone door didn't open, but there was a barking of a dog in the distance.

"Wow woof!" It was as thick as a bell, and it sounded like a tengu's voice, but it was not as majestic as it used to be in battle, and it was a little more cheerful.

The Tengu is an ancient mythical beast, extremely ferocious, with fangs that can tear gods and demons apart. The monsters in the Far Eastern Demon Abyss are all afraid of it. The immortals in the heavenly world also don't like to get close to the dog, because this guy has a violent temper and will bite people if he disagrees.

Fu Li clenched Bai Ze's hand tightly, and popped a small bubble of Liangyi Hunyuan Knot from his fingertips, just in case.

Bai Ze stood on the spot without any sense of danger. Not long after, he saw a big black dog with long legs and a thin waist, with two pointed ears, running over from the other side of the valley.

"Goose!" Bai Ze smiled and waved at Tengu.

"Wang woo—" Tiangou was taken aback when he saw Bai Ze, then ran forward even harder, jumped on Bai Ze, and threw him down.

"Okay, okay, hahaha!" Bai Ze was pushed down in the grass by the Tengu, and his big warm tongue licked his face firmly.

Fu Li was a little dazed, put away the Liangyi Hunyuan Knot, and frowned slightly. The scene in front of me is weird no matter how you look at it. Tengu has lived for tens of thousands of years, why is it still like a silly dog in the mortal world

Bai Ze got up, and the Tengu, who wasn't affectionate enough, circled around him, rubbing his head against his legs vigorously.

"Where's Yang Jian?" Bai Ze patted Tengu's dog's head.

"Wow!" Tengu nodded his chin in the distance, then continued to look at Bai Ze, wagging his tail constantly, because the wagging was so hard that even his buttocks swayed.

"Where is it?" Bai Ze looked in the direction Tengu pointed, but saw nothing.

The Tengu didn't point any more, and ran in the same direction as it had come and gone, pounced into the dense grass, grabbed something in its mouth, and jumped out. Look carefully, what the dog is holding in its mouth is a three-foot-tall doll.

The doll is wearing a goose-yellow dress with narrow sleeves, wristbands with eight treasures and beads, and a flying phoenix crown on her head. She has exquisite eyebrows and is very beautiful. The most important thing is that there is a half-opened and half-closed eye on the doll's forehead, which is smaller than the other two eyes, and looks like a flower bed between the eyebrows from a distance.

Three eyes open to the sky, who is it but Erlang God

White Pond:"… "

The Tengu quickly ran to Bai Ze with his master in his mouth. Erlang kicked his short legs and said, "You stupid dog, let me down!"

"Plop!" Tengu let go of his mouth, and the little Yang Jian fell face down on the grass.

"Zhenjun Erlang?" Fu Li took a step forward and asked tentatively.

"What are you doing?" As expected of the number one God of War in the heavens, he jumped up the moment he landed on the ground, staring at Fu Li with his small chin up, "Who are you?"

"He is Tianzun, and I am Bai Ze." Bai Ze knelt down and gave Erlang Shen a pine nut candy.

"Tianzun?" Erlang God widened his three eyes, tilted his head to look at Fuli, and scanned it with his heavenly eyes, then suddenly burst out laughing, "I just said, I'm sure I won't be unlucky alone, hahahaha ! Has my uncle gotten smaller?"

"No, he has the Tiantian Stone." Bai Ze shrugged, and a dog behind him stretched out its head, put it on Bai Ze's shoulder, and panted with its tongue out.

Erlang Shen curled his lips, threw the pine nut candy into his mouth, took a bite bitterly, and glared at Tiangu: "You idiot, if you see Bai Ze, you don't want me anymore."

Just now he was walking his dog in the valley, and he was competing with the dog to see who could run faster. Originally, the Tengu let him go, and would run back after two steps, but when he heard Bai Ze's voice, he was no longer his master, and ran away like a jerk, tripping him up!

"Woof!" Tengu responded, continued to put his head on Bai Ze's shoulder, and wagged his tail vigorously.

"Pfft—" Bai Ze let out a muffled laugh, and rubbed Tengu's head with his backhand.

Fu Li took Bai Ze Mogou's hand: "Don't be joking, let's get down to business."

Bai Ze slapped his head, remembering his purpose for coming. Nezha didn't know what the situation was like, and he couldn't hold back on his side, so he had to make a decision earlier. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he hugged Fuli into his arms, and Bai Ze patted the seat beside him for Tengu to sit down. Tengu came over obediently, lay down on the ground, and put a big head on Bai Ze's knee.

Fu Li pushed the dog's head away without any trace. Tengu was not angry at all, stuck out his tongue, and licked Fu Li's palm.

Erlang Shen also sat down with his short legs spread apart, and shook his two little hands: "Tell me first, what's going on here?"

Bai Ze popped a wisp of clear spring water on his fingertips, and washed Xiao Yang Jian's hands: "The vicissitudes of life, the power of reincarnation..." explained the cause and effect, and said all about the Big Dipper.

Erlang Shen chewed three pine nut candies, managed to finish listening to Bai Ze's words, curled his lips in disdain: "Ask the Jade Emperor to grind the Dingtian Stone into powder, and give everyone a bite."

"The treasure of heaven and earth, you can just grind it into powder, and what's more, it may not be useful if you grind it into powder." Bai Ze persuaded earnestly.

"It's useless for you to tell him, children don't understand," came a thick and pleasant voice, Bai Ze turned his head, and saw a young man in a black suit lying lazily on the ground with his head still on his back. On his knees, seeing him turn around, he showed him a big smile, "Eat the moon, just tell me."

Seeing the Tengu transform into a human form, Fuli immediately pushed down the big head with both hands. Tengu sat up and scratched his ears with a smile: "It doesn't matter if the moon is eclipsed, but you want the sun to come out to the west, and at the same time, Tiangu eclipses the moon. This will inevitably lead to flying sand and rocks, rivers and rivers backflowing, and then the world will be chaotic. How do you deal with it?"

Bai Ze was taken aback. He really didn't know that there would be such a big reaction: "You two go to Heaven with me, let's discuss it together."

Tengu had no objection, but Erlangshen didn't want to go.

"Yang Jian, now is not the time to be awkward!" Fu Li reached out and slapped Erlang Shen on the back of the head.

Yang Jian didn't have a good relationship with the Jade Emperor, but he always respected Tianzun, and he didn't say anything when he was beaten, but just stood there awkwardly with his mouth puffed out.

Bai Ze winked at Tengu, and Tengu understood, lifted his master up and let him ride on his neck: "Let's go, woof!"

"You stupid dog!" Erlang tugged at Tengu's ears angrily.

"Hey." Tengu just smirked, ran back to the cave happily, took out a three-pointed two-edged knife that was only one foot long, stuffed it into the master's hand, and followed Bai Ze away.

Fu Li lay on Bai Ze's shoulder, staring at the young man in black behind him who stuck out his tongue from time to time: "From now on, don't get as close as Tengu."

Holding Tianzun's little butt, Bai Ze turned it upside down, making him lie down more comfortably: "What's wrong?"

"This is the basic etiquette," Fu Li tightened the fur on Bai Ze's collar, "Beasts don't kiss each other!"

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

"Intimate Brother Laojun Column"

Laojun: After meeting Erlangshen, do you feel a sense of crisis

Fu Li: No, he is not as cute as me

Laojun: Then why do you still have a bad face

Fuli: I'm so stupid, really, I only know about fire prevention, theft prevention and beauty protection, but I don't want to be taken advantage of by a dog Old gentleman: ...