
Chapter 14: A kind of lovesickness


In the past two days, Yao Yuan contacted his old classmate Zhao Yu through QQ. Zhao Yu was sent to study in Canada together with her by Grand Duke Jiang. Now Zhao Yu is still studying for a Ph.D. in Canada, and Yao Yuan wants to ask him some questions about Ph.D. Zhao Yu said: "You hold a foreign master's degree, and it's not worthwhile to study for a domestic doctorate. Do you want to stop applying for a doctorate here? Based on your conditions, I don't think it's a big problem."

Yao Yuan vetoed it, "My grandma is getting old, and her health has not been very good. I dare not go further."

"Then you want to study for a Ph.D. at Jiang University?"

"Well, I remember you are very familiar with Professor Sun Yunsun?"

"Haha, beauty, don't you ask this question knowingly? You want to be my grandma's student? Although she has a good reputation, she is very strict and has high requirements for students. You will suffer a lot from being my grandma's student. Look, I don't know." It took a lot of hard work to run outside."

"I had the honor to listen to Professor Sun's speech two years ago. I admire her research in the field of Chinese Ming and Qing literature, and I also admire her outstanding contributions to our Chinese cultural undertakings."

I said Xiaoyuan, we haven't seen each other for more than half a year, right? You are really getting better at talking. OK, I'll help you get some air at my grandma's. But I still say that, based on your conditions, whether you are a student of Professor Jiang Dasun or a government-sponsored student, it is not a problem. What I'm curious about is, you have already gone back to work hard, why are you planning to further your studies? "

Yao Yuan's typing hand paused, and he typed again after a while: "I want to live a fulfilling life."

Yao Yuan finally got in touch with Professor Sun. Most of the doctoral supervisors and associate supervisors in many colleges and universities are in name only. What Yao Yuan wants to get is a real degree. She loves literature, and the place she spent most of her childhood was the city library where her mother worked. Later, all the way to school, the school library was the place she often went to. She has come step by step, but at last she has not embarked on the road of "doing what I do, and hating what I do". The main reason is that Chinese literature is profound and profound, and it is enough to study a hundred years out of five thousand years. The tutor has been confirmed. Of course, at this stage, it is only her unilateral determination, and Professor Sun will make a reverse choice after the exam.

During this period of time, Yao Yuan put all his energy into the exam, so that he almost collapsed in class that day. She closed her eyes and then played the PPT to continue the lecture. Her class is an elective class. Last year was fine, and the classes were all arranged in the daytime. This year, two days of classes were arranged in the evening. Her schedule was messed up, and every time she came home after class, she had to study and read materials by herself, often late into the night. She admits she's getting a little desperate, but she can't stop. Because when people are free, they tend to think wildly.

After class, when she walked out of the classroom, someone called her at the back door: "Teacher, wait." Yao Yuan turned around and saw where she was going. The other party ran up to her, "Sister-in-law, hey, I'm here to attend your class."

Yao Yuan frowned slightly when he heard the "sister-in-law", but didn't say anything, just said: "You are not a student of this school, why..."

"It's boring at night. I begged my classmate to help find out your class time, sister-in-law. Your lectures are so careful! Speaking of which, a boy behind me just said that your hair is cut short, and you look like a little girl." Boy, hahahaha." On the left, Yao Yuan said something about sister-in-law, and Yao Yuan felt uncomfortable hearing it, and also avoided being heard by the students who came and went, so he said to him, "Let's talk while walking?"

"Okay. Sister-in-law, you haven't played the game for a long time, and the boss is too. You are not here, and we have no fun playing. The same is true for Elder Wen. He only comes every few days. I am depressed." The situation in "The Prosperous Age" recently. Yao Yuan was absent-minded, and when he walked to the back gate of the school, he saw that the small shop selling milk tea was still open, so he asked where he was going: "Do you want something to drink?"

"I always ask my sister-in-law to treat you, so why are you so embarrassed? Let me treat you this time, what do you want to drink, sister-in-law?" He said, and ran over first. Yao Yuan walked over and said, "I want a cup of hot lemonade. I'll pay for it." She was not used to asking "students" to pay the bill, even though she was only three or four years older than Zou Na Shi Na.

After Yao Yuan paid the money, she kept saying thank you wherever she went, and she couldn't help laughing, "Well, it's time for you to go back to your school, right?"

"Sister-in-law is going back?"


Wherever I went, I reluctantly said goodbye to Yao Yuan, before leaving, I asked Yao Yuan when he would be able to play the game.

"Let's talk about it, I've been busy recently."

After walking wherever he went, Yao Yuan took a taxi by the side of the road at the back door. She dared not walk alone at night, and the bus to her home disappeared after 8:00 pm. Fortunately, the distance was short, and taking a taxi was not very expensive, and she could afford to come and go twice a week.

When she got in the taxi, the car was driving on the dimly lit street with yellow lines. When she looked at a certain place, she couldn't help being lost again. She had recalled the scene that happened here many times, but she couldn't remember how he looked when she first saw him, only his bad tone. Every time I recalled it before, I felt that this man had a bad temper, but he acted like a gentleman in front of her. She was a little funny and also a little moved. But now whenever she thinks of him, her heart feels like being pricked by a small sharp thorn. It doesn't hurt very much, but she can't ignore it.

In fact, even she herself didn't know what she liked about him from beginning to end. It seemed that she fell into his encirclement before she fully understood, and then everything happened naturally, admiring him, trusting him, and relying on him.

But I never thought of it, but in the end it turned out like this.

Love is a double-edged sword. When it is good, it can make people fall into a honeypot, but once it is broken and not in harmony, it will stab people's hearts and bones.

Yao Yuan also knows that she can no longer allow herself to indulge in those negative emotions. She wants to get out of self-pity and self-pity. The past six months will be treated as a dream. When she wakes up from the dream, she will return to the original track. .

Therefore, she silently recited her motto over and over again, to struggle and work hard, and not to embarrass her parents in heaven.

While Yao Yuan was struggling to become a doctor, Jiang Anlan flew to the United States. He went to the United States, on the one hand, to send his half-brother Jiang Jie to his father, because the school there was about to start; on the other hand, he wanted to explain something to his father, Jiang Wenhua.

Jiang Wenhua lives in Washington with his second wife. Jiang Wenhua, who is over fifty, is tall and tall, with sharp features. In terms of appearance, Jiang Anlan obviously inherited more from his mother. But in terms of temperament and behavior, Jiang Anlan is very similar to his father, both of them don't like to talk too much, and they are straightforward. So as soon as the two met, they talked about things directly, and they didn't talk too much about family matters. Besides, the relationship between Jiang Anlan and his father is not particularly close, mainly because Jiang Anlan lived with two old people since he was a child, and Jiang Wenhua is not good at expressing his father's love.

Jiang Wenhua frowned after hearing what his son said, "Do you want to change your mother's surname?"


"Is it because of the girl you were dating before?"

Jiang Anlan was not surprised at all that his father would know about this, "It is."

Jiang Wenhua took a deep breath, "I don't agree. First, if you do this, don't talk about me, how will you explain to your grandparents? Second, that girl lost her parents because of our Jiang family, even if you change With the surname Jiang, Wen Han is essentially your uncle."

Jiang Anlan said calmly, "I know, but I have nothing else to do."

"Nonsense." It was rare for Jiang Wenhua to get angry with his eldest son. He stood up, and when his wife heard the voice coming out of the study, he waved his hand, "It's okay, you go in." Jiang Jie's mother said softly: "Yes Tell An Lan well about anything." After speaking, she turned and went into the study.

Jiang Anlan also stood up, "Dad, I didn't come here to ask for your opinion, I just came to tell you about this matter. As for the change of surname, I have already mentioned it to Grandpa. There are so many people in the Jiang family's family, It's not that I'm missing, but there's only me on the mother's side."

"What do you mean the Jiang family doesn't miss you? Everything about me, Jiang Wenhua, will be yours. How can you change your surname?"

"Your property can be given to Jiang Jie."

"Xiaojie's share, I will naturally give it to him, but you are my heir, Jiang Wenhua. Well, this topic ends here. I have no objection to you being with that girl, but I don't allow you to change your surname, at least Don't even think about it before I die!"

Jiang Anlan wasn't in a good mood, but her face was still calm, "I insist on changing my surname."

"When did you become so ignorant? You have to change your surname to catch up with other girls?" Jiang Wenhua blushed a little with anger, and his neck was thick. A man who has always been taciturn and serious, even if he was put together in the mall, he would not let him down. He is so annoyed. Although Jiang Wenhua lived in the United States most of the time in the past ten years, he still has deep-rooted traditional Chinese ideas. It is absolutely intolerable for his son to change his surname. If it was the same as his mother's surname from the beginning, that's another matter. If he changed his surname midway, Jiang Wenhua isn't that enlightened yet!

Jiang Anlan really didn't expect his father's reaction to be so big. He knew that there would be difficulties, but there should be room for accommodation. Now my father made it clear that this matter was not discussed. He can implement it on his own initiative, but he doesn't want to make trouble with his family, because it won't help what he wants to do, and maybe it will be self-defeating. Now he doesn't dare to make a mistake, he is afraid, afraid that it will be difficult to make up for his mistakes.

Jiang Anlan stayed in the United States for a while because of his company's overseas business issues. When he returned to China, it was already the end of April, and his mood had calmed down during this time. Because he has made clear his goal, as long as the final result is what he imagined, then he doesn't mind a little twists and turns in the middle, even if these twists and turns make his temples twitch and hurt.

Jiang Anlan propped his forehead and pressed his temples. This time it was Li Ao who came to pick up the machine, because he also noticed that the boss was preoccupied recently, so he was always talkative and didn't say much after receiving people, until he saw the person in the back seat take out a medicine bottle from his bag, he Then I took a bottle of unopened pure water from the front shelf and handed it to the back, "If you feel uncomfortable, why don't you go home and rest first, and don't go back to the company?"

Jiang Anlan took the water and took the medicine, "I still can't die."

Usually, when Jiang Anlan said this, it meant that he was very impatient. Li Ao, who had just been given a heavy workload a while ago, didn't dare to speak anymore.

After arriving at the company, Zhao Zijie came over to listen to his cousin's "feedback" on the business situation in the United States. After listening, he immediately said: "Then I will tidy up the things and send an E-mail to confirm with them after I am done?" Zhao Zijie just wanted to When I went out, I remembered something, fiddled with the ipad in my hand, and handed it to Jiang Anlan, "You said a few years ago that you wanted to buy a small car, right? What do you think of these two? Lexus is250c, I think the style and configuration are quite OK, that is The fuel consumption is a bit bad, and the BMW 1 Series M, anyway, you said it is not particularly outstanding, but the performance is OK."

After hearing what Zhao Zijie said, Jiang Anlan remembered that such a thing had happened. That day when Yao Yuan was on the IV in the hospital, Zhao Zijie made a few phone calls. After finishing his official business, he asked him to help him see if there was a car suitable for women. Jiang Anlan pressed his forehead again at this moment, "You go out first, I'll take a look and talk about it."

Zhao Zijie backed out.

Jiang Anlan looked at the car on the iPad, and finally turned off the screen in frustration.

Jiang Anlan dreamed that night, dreaming of Yao Yuan's eighteen or nineteen-year-old appearance, she was sitting on a chair by the river lake, smiling happily. Thinking by day, dreaming at night, this is not true at all. After Jiang Anlan woke up, he couldn't fall asleep anymore. He checked the time with his mobile phone. At two o'clock in the night, there was no sound outside, but a thought suddenly popped up in his mind that made his heart beat gradually faster. He held his mobile phone, thinking that if he called her at this time, no, just sent a text message, it would be treated as a dream in the middle of the night and unconsciousness, heh, isn't he just a dream in the middle of the night...

Jiang Anlan smiled wryly, but didn't post it after all.

Two days later, when Wen Cheng came to Beijing, the invitation to Jiang Anlan was rejected, so he had to ask Li Ao to have dinner with him. Speaking of Jiang Anlan during the meeting, Wen Cheng said: "There may be some problems between him and his sister-in-law, so, you should keep less contact with Jiang Shao recently."

As for the cause of the problem, Wen Cheng was also unclear.

"Ah? What's the problem? I've been so busy recently that I don't have time to play games... No wonder, no wonder, the boss is so scary these days." Li Ao, who knew nothing about it, was still surprised, "Sister-in-law shouldn't be that This kind of person who sees different things and wants to change, and the boss is even less able."

Wen Cheng smiled, "Indeed, although a person like An Lan is so lonely and lofty in his heart, he is such a person. If he decides on someone, he will be determined."

Tomb-sweeping day soon came, and Yao Yuan went to visit the grave with his cousin's family and grandma as in previous years. Yao Yuan burned paper money in front of his parents' grave and kowtowed.

On the day after the tomb-sweeping, Yao Yuan and Yao Xinran returned to the city after dinner, because Yao Xinran couldn't handle her mother even during the Ching Ming holiday, and wanted to arrange a blind date for her. When Yao Xinran started the car, her mother was still saying: "Why is your child always like this? I asked you to go on a blind date. It was for your own good. Look at how old you are, and you still go crazy every day. Don't look for a partner, what's it like? You're still good, you've found a good partner. Yuanyuan, when will you let that young man come to your house for dinner? Your grandma has asked me several times..." Yao Xinran hastily interrupted her mother, "It's alright, alright, mom, let's go, tell grandma and dad that we'll come back next time we're on vacation." Amidst her mother's dissatisfaction, Yao Xinran drove the car out like lightning.

On the way, Yao Xinran was filled with emotion, "If you're a little older, it's a crime not to get married? What age is it now? Really." Seeing that the people around him were quiet all the time, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking? Hey, beauty , ask you something."

Yao Yuan was called back to his senses, "Oh, it's nothing..."

She was thinking about him, isn't it... very sinful

A week later, Yao Yuan took the first round of preliminary exams, followed by a re-examination and physical examination in the next two days. The time of Jiang University's first exam and re-examination was connected together, and there was no time for people to breathe and adjust their status. But this is also good, cut the mess quickly and solve it at once. Yao Yuan was cramming for the time being, because she hadn't thought about getting a Ph. D. before, and she didn't know if she could pass the sprint for nearly two months. The only thing she is thankful for is that the foundation she has accumulated over the years is not bad.

The admission results will not be announced until mid-to-late May, which means that the time from mid-April to mid-May is empty again. Before Yao Yuan had been busy with tense nerves, she suddenly relaxed, and she was a little dazed. After the retest, the next day was the weekend, and Yao Yuan didn't know what to do at home. She really unconsciously clicked on the "Prosperity" icon on the computer desk.

Yao Yuan felt a little strange as soon as the account for the king's account landed, and then a lot of private chat messages poured in, and the beeping sound rang for a long time. Yao Yuan didn't read any of them, and turned off all of them. Just as he was about to quit the game, another message came in immediately.

Looking down upon the sky: "Sister-in-law?! You are finally online again!!"

Then, people sent messages one after another.

Asia: "Sister Jun?! Is it really you?! I thought I was dazzled!"

Ami: "Sister Jun! Tears! I thought you stopped playing games!"

Blossom: "Xiaojun, here we come."

Doraemon; "Sister Jun said in the chat that you finally showed up again! Sure enough, woohoo!"

Looking at these news, Yao Yuan's eyes turned slightly red. Although these people have not had much contact with them in reality, they always make her feel warm, like family members. She sent a message in the help chat: "Thank you." A bunch of messages below were swiped out.

Ami: "Xiaojun, hug!"

Yao Yuan gave a "hug back" like before.

Huakai: "Xiao Jun, come to my flower shop to play with me when you have time. You are heartless. You haven't come to see me since my branch opened. If it wasn't for being unable to leave during this period, after the New Year Even during Lantern Festival, Valentine's Day, Women's Day, Tree Planting Day, and Ching Ming Festival, I have already gone to your school to catch you."

Ami: "Sister Jun, don't play disappearing for no reason in the future, my little heart can't bear this kind of blow! Anyway, no matter what, we will stand by your side."

Yao Yuan was a little puzzled: "What?"

Asia: "We have terminated our alliance with the Tianxia Gang."

Doraemon: "Let's help the backbone, right?"

Yao Yuan understood, and her heart fluctuated: "Oh." After a while, she sent again: "I'm going down first, and I'll come back up when I'm free."

Asia: "Huh? So fast?"

Ami: "Well, let's go, but remember to come back."

When Yao Yuan wanted to close the game again, the last private message he received that day popped up.

King's Landing; "Come?"

Yao Yuan stared ahead for a moment in a daze, and finally quit the game.

At that moment, Yao Yuan's expression was almost crying.

Many people in the online game know that Yao Yuan works at Jiang Ning University, but no one has come to look for her except for Where to Go and King's Landing. However, on this day, Yao Yuan met another player in the game. The National People's Congress stood at the school gate at noon, and all the teachers and students who came and went looked at him.

The man was tall and handsome, with his chin raised slightly, and his whole body exuded a flamboyant vigor, but the most attractive thing about him was the words written in red paint on the white T-shirt on his body: I am looking for Ruo for your sake.

That word is pretty cool.

Countless female students deliberately walked past him laughing, discussing in low voices and not forgetting to secretly look at this handsome guy.

When Yao Yuan saw the man in the white T-shirt, he was a little dumbfounded, and the colleague next to him couldn't help being amused, "Who is this? If it's for the sake of the king, what is it? People nowadays are really not afraid of outsiders' eyes, what? You can do it all."

No matter who he is, Yao Yuan feels that he can't afford to lose that face. Just as he was about to leave quietly with his colleagues, the man in the T-shirt suddenly looked at her, then squinted his eyes, and finally turned to her with an astonishing momentum. She ran over, and when she was about to get close to her, with a snap, the man knelt down straight in front of her.

Everyone, including Yao Yuan, was dumbfounded, and the next second Yao Yuan heard the man in the white T-shirt cursing in a low voice: "Why is the ground so slippery?!"

Yao Yuan was speechless, it rained last night, and the roads on both sides of the school gate were a bit gentle, so it is not surprising that he ran over in a hurry like he did just now, and fell down. Uh, the point is, sir, can you get up and talk? This situation is too easy to misunderstand.

Sure enough, Yao Yuan heard people talking about it.

"That's our school teacher?"

"Is anyone proposing to her?"

"That man's face is so ugly."

"The teacher doesn't agree?"

Seeing that if this goes on, the onlookers will interpret the drama of the ruthless girl and the infatuated boy, Yao Yuan had no choice but to pull up the person who was still kneeling in front of her and couldn't get up.

But at this moment, on the side of the road opposite the school, in a car that had just stopped not long ago, Jiang Anlan watched this scene, the expression on his face was submerged in the unclear light, making it difficult to distinguish.

In this room, Yao Yuan wanted to leave as soon as he pulled her up, but the man who was rubbing his knees with his teeth grinning held her back, "Are you for the king's sake?"

Yao Yuan was startled, then shook his head decisively, "No."

"Then do you play online games?"

Yao Yuan continued to shake his head calmly, "I've heard of some, but I seldom play it." At least she hasn't played it for a while.

"Stop lying to me, I know it's you!"

The colleagues around Yao Yuan looked at her suspiciously, and she could only smile dryly: "My friend, um, you're kidding me." Then, she asked the colleagues to eat first, and when they left, she looked at the man in the T-shirt, " May I ask who you are?"

The man rubbed his knees for a long time, finally recovered, stood up straight, and said his name, "Shishi Shenwei."

World-destroying power? The one who wanted to buy Ruo Weijun's account from her last time, but was rejected by her in the end

Could this person really trouble her because he failed to sell the account? There shouldn't be such a boring person, right

But Yao Yuan still looked at him cautiously.

The other party looked at her for a while, chuckled, and said, "Don't be nervous, beauty, let me treat you to dinner."

Just as Yao Yuan was about to refuse, the other party said, "If you don't come with me, I'll say on the spot that I'm here to propose to you, and I'll kneel anyway."

Good shit...

Seeing that there were still many people watching, Yao Yuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and nodded, "Let's go." She just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Yao Yuan took Mieshi Shenwei to choose a high-end but relatively deserted restaurant near the school. The other party didn't mind letting her decide, so he followed her into the restaurant, and as soon as he sat down, he said, "Where is that insidious guy in King's Landing?"

Yao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the person in front of him might only be looking for her to spy on him, "I don't know where King's Landing is, I haven't contacted him for a long time."

"Oh? I think he's very clingy to you. Could it be that he broke up too?" After speaking, Mieshi Shenwei said happily again, "However, if you really break up with him, I have to congratulate you, so you won't I will be tortured by him again! You don’t know the nature of that guy, he is extremely insidious, he obviously robbed my girlfriend, and he said he didn’t, and I asked him to single out, but he always let him If you come down to deal with me, you can bully more and less! He is still a great god, so shameless."

Yao Yuan took a sip of the tea brought by the waiter, "You have a problem with him, you should go to him." No matter in the game or in reality.

When Mieshi Shenwei heard this, he became indignant, "I can't find him! Do you know how much I spent on checking you? And I flew across the province! Sigh, in the end, you and that guy also broke up. Let me show you a trick to lure the snake out of its hole."

Yao Yuan twitched his mouth after listening, and heard him say again: "Do you have his phone number? You see, you have been dumped by him now, you must despise him in your heart, right? Tell me his phone number, if you know his phone number It would be better where it is. You provide me with clues, and I will go to him to settle the score, don't worry, I will also take your revenge."

Although the two had "broke up", it was already her instinct to protect him, "I don't know."

When Mieshi Shenwei heard it, he said discouragedly: "That's right. It's not your fault. The girls he has come into contact with in the game don't know what he does, let alone make a phone call. I just want to torment him once to vent my anger." , why is it so difficult?"

Yao Yuan recalled a piece of news he saw not long ago. Four post-90s players were tricked into playing LOL, and beat up their teammates across provinces. Sure enough, there are many people who are addicted to playing games.

In fact, in a sense, she is also insane, right

For this meal, Yao Yuan only drank a cup of tea and left.

Seeing that she really didn't want to eat with him, Mie Shi Shenwei didn't force her anymore. But before Yao Yuan left, he insisted on her phone number, and then gave Yao Yuan his business card, "I think you are a pretty good person, if anyone bullies you in the game, please call me."

Zhuang Xiaowei, general manager of Shanxi XX Coal Industry. When Yao Yuan walked out of the restaurant, he glanced at the business card he was forced to accept, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

She was just about to go back to the school cafeteria to eat, when a waiter in the store chased her out, "Your friend packed this for you to take away."

Zhuang Xiaowei

But in the next second, Yao Yuan saw the top box of cut fruits in the bag, which contained the ones she liked, vaguely thought of something, and frowned slightly.

Then, holding the bag in both hands, she walked slowly towards Jiang University.

Yao Yuan still saw Jiang Anlan. That night, she got up and went to the living room to drink water. When she walked by the window, she saw a man standing downstairs. He was wearing a thin sweater, looking ahead, with a cigarette in his hand. It was the first time she saw him smoking a cigarette. The fireworks flickered on and off, making him look a bit bleak on this early spring night.

Yao Yuan looked at it for a while, then went back to the room, forgetting to drink water before. Finally, she found out his number and sent him a message: "You go back."

After a long time, he replied: "Okay."

Yao Yuan didn't check to see if he was leaving.

She hid in the quilt and silently counted the sheep.

The next day, Yao Yuan received a call from a stranger, but the person on the call was no stranger, it was Zhuang Xiaowei, the God of Destroyer who had met her once. As soon as the phone call was made, he cursed rudely, "The world of King's Landing is too dark, it's a dirty trick! I asked him out online for a one-on-one match. I didn't have any hope, but he agreed. He said he was in Jiang Ning City, okay, that’s great! I told the location and the time, but I didn’t say anything because I was late, and in the end he asked his cousin to greet me, and he sat in the car to see me, playing me like in the game Ah! I have never seen a person who is less tasteful and has no lower limit than him! His cousin is a policeman. If I take action, it is not allowed to assault the police? ah!"


"Are you still there? Hello?"

"exist… "

"I just scolded Junlin Tianxia a few times, and was almost taken to the police station..." After a bunch of swear words, the conclusion was, "I have never seen a more shameless person than Junlin Tianxia!"
