
Chapter 8: Beauty Saves Heroes


five years ago.

In the higher education park, the night was full of stars and moonlight, Yao Yuan walked slowly back to Jiangning University after drinking and eating. He got a special scholarship in the first semester of his freshman year, so as soon as he got the money this semester, he asked her to invite him since last year. The roommates who had a big meal had dinner and were going to sing K, but she was too tired. She came to the aunt last night and didn't sleep much all night, so she apologized to the girls in the dormitory and took After paying the money, let them go and play by themselves, and if there is more refund and less compensation, she will go back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep.

The small restaurant where we ate was not far from Jiang University. Yao Yuan took ten minutes to walk to the road at the back door of Jiang University after saying goodbye to his roommates. This road has a long history, and the trees on both sides of the road are tall and gloomy. When the weather is good, you can take a walk on this road. There are quite a lot of students on dates, but now in March, especially at night, the temperature is still very low, so there are almost no people walking on the road. When he was about to walk to the back door, Yao Yuan saw a car parked on the side of the road in front of him, and a figure standing beside the car kicked the car vigorously. Molecular, right? Seeing that there was no one around, Yao Yuan thought it best not to meddle in other people's business. It would not be worthwhile if he was game over. Just as he was about to walk a little further away, he saw the man kicking the car door again, and she still couldn't help but uttered: "Hey, don't do bad things, there is a camera installed here." It is said that there was a camera before, but it was removed later, but anyway, let's talk about it first.

The man turned sideways, the street lamp was set up quite far away, and the light was mostly covered by branches and leaves, so Yao Yuan couldn't see his appearance clearly, only knew that he was quite slender, and then heard him make a cold voice :"roll."

Yao Yuanxin said that if speech could be measured in degrees, this sound would probably be below zero. The next moment, he saw him sliding to the ground with one hand on his forehead and the other on the car body. The accident happened so suddenly that Yao Yuan ran over without having time to think about it, "Hey, hey, are you okay?!"

He seemed to be in pain, panting with difficulty, Yao Yuan squatted down hesitantly, and reached out to check his situation, but he waved his hand away, "Don't touch me, I won't die yet."

It was the first time Yao Yuan had encountered such a thing, and he was a little confused, but after a while, the other party was silent, leaning on the car and seemed to pass out.

"Hey! Hey!"

no respond.

Yao Yuan is in a hurry. In any case, no matter whether he is a "bad social element" or not, why not send him to the hospital first? It was a lucky day, as Yao Yuan just got up, a taxi passed by behind her, she immediately waved to stop him, but she thought it was unrealistic to help him from the ground into the car by herself, so she went over and called the driver for help , the driver was easy to talk to, and came down to help get the man into the car. During that time, the man opened his eyes, but didn't say anything more.

As soon as he got into the car, Yao Yuan immediately said: "Master, please go to the nearest hospital, hurry up, he is dying soon."

Having regained some consciousness, the man who occupied two-thirds of the back seat said indifferently and with difficulty: "Who is dying soon?"

Yao Yuan turned his head to look at him, the car started, and there was light coming in from outside from time to time, bright and dark, Yao Yuan finally got a glimpse of this man's appearance at this moment, he was quite outstanding, but his speech was obviously "disgusting". Yao Yuan didn't answer him, thinking that he should do good for himself today.

The man also looked at her for a while in the beating light, and finally closed his eyes.

After arriving at the hospital, Yao Yuan got out of the car first, and just went around to the man's side and opened the car door to help him out, when he heard him say slowly: "I can't walk, go ask someone to push the wheelchair out, and, I don't have money, The money is in the car."

So, Ms. Yao went to get someone to push the bad-tempered stranger, and then went through the medical procedures for him, and all of her scholarship was used up to less than 500 yuan. After everything was done, Yao Yuan was extremely tired, so naturally he didn't wait for him to come out, rested on the chair in the hospital for a while, then came out to take a taxi back to school.

When lying down in the dormitory, Yao Yuan vaguely thought, could this be some new form of fraud? However, the matter has come to this point, thinking too much is useless, and fell asleep holding the hot water bottle to cover his stomach.

Jiang Anlan stayed in the hospital for one night, and returned to school the next day. As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he took off his coat and fell asleep on the bed. Wen Cheng, who was researching the topic of the thesis, looked back at him: "Anlan is back, where did you go last night?" Have you played?" The other two roommates who were playing games echoed and asked, "Yes, yes, where did you go?"

Jiang Anlan didn't answer. After lying down for a while with his eyes closed, he suddenly sat up and said to Wen Cheng, "What are the school beauties and department beauties of our school? Find them out and have a look."

Among them, the fatter buddy who was playing games was stunned, "Wow, An Lan, are you finally going to attack the flowers and plants in our school?"

Jiang Anlan gave Xiaopang a noble and cool look, got up and walked behind Wen Cheng, "Find it out and show me the photo."

Wen Cheng said with a smile: "It's so urgent." He had already opened the Jiangda Forum very quickly in his hand, and there was no need to think about the collection of beauties in the school's school garden, flower department, and flower class. The homepage, so I found it right away, Wen Cheng clicked in.

Jiang Anlan glanced at the first photo that came out, shook her head and said, "It's not her. Pull it down."

Then Wen Cheng pulled it down, and the photos were displayed one by one, Jiang Anlan denied again and again: "No."

When seeing the last photo, Jiang Anlan couldn't help frowning, "It's gone?"

"Yeah, it's all here." Wen Cheng was really curious, "Who exactly are you looking for?"

Jiang Anlan said, "Find someone." After a pause, he added, "The debt problem."

Wen Cheng complained in his heart: "Of course I know you are looking for 'someone', the question is who?" But when he heard about the debt problem, Wen Cheng was a little inconceivable, "Who owes you money? Now not only men and you Borrowing money, could it be that there are beautiful women who have the cheek to borrow money from you?"

Jiang Anlan frowned: "I owe her money."

Jiang Anlan met Yao Yuan again on the morning when he had finished selecting the topic of his thesis and was planning to fly to Beijing in the afternoon. Yao Yuan in a teaching building next to him.

Jiang Anlan followed after thinking for only two seconds. Seeing her enter the lecture theater on the ground floor, he hesitated for a while and then walked in.

He has been in poor health during this time. After sitting down next to her, he closed his eyes and was thinking about how to pay her back, when he heard her say that, because she didn't know him, he was a little annoyed, and in a fit of anger The money came out without paying back.

And every time I think of this scene afterwards, I grit my teeth.

Later, when he returned to his home in Beijing, he threw the money that was supposed to be repaid into the bedside cabinet, and he did not touch it for more than five years.

In the past five years, he and his ABC cousin Zhao Zijie, who came back from living abroad for seven or eight years, founded an economic and trade company with good results. Apart from his poor health, he Jiang Anlan can be said to be very beautiful, he was born into a famous family, he is extremely smart, and he is also really good-looking. There are too many women around him who think about him. Even if he went out to eat, some girls would have the courage to come up and ask him for a phone call. But he lived to be 28 years old, but he never had a girlfriend. In the past two years, the Jiang family asked him anxiously several times, what kind of girl does he like? Jiang Anlan's answer is always, "I've seen it once, as long as I don't forget it."

Let you never forget? The aunts and cousins at home all have big heads. It's easy for you to make people remember each other when they see each other. On the other hand, it's hopeless no matter how you think.

Only Jiang Anlan knew that he had never forgotten a figure in the past few years.

When Jiang Anlan was 25 years old, she met Yao Yuan again in a famous restaurant in Beijing. He and Li Ao were walking out of the restaurant after having lunch. There were many people waiting in line at the door to be called. He frowned and squeezed through the crowd. When he was about to go out the door, he couldn't help but stop and turned his head to look to the right.

What a coincidence, he just thought of this person last night, although he would not think of him two or three times a year, because when he thinks of this person, he just frowns, but at dawn, when he came out to eat, he met him. Fucked her, real. Not to mention that the two are in different cities, even if they are in the same city, the chances of such encounters are extremely rare.

Jiang Anlan gave a "tsk" at that time, turned around and said to Li Ao, "I'll go out first, you go inside and talk to the manager, and arrange seats for the two over here first."

Li Ao followed the boss's line of sight and was surprised when he saw two girls talking and laughing with their heads down, and immediately turned back to work. Jiang Anlan had a lot of face, as soon as he heard that it was the young master's request, he asked the waiter to arrange it. Li Ao came out to report the results, and Jiang Anlan, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, said "hmm". Li Ao couldn't help but asked with a smile, "An Lan, who are those two beauties?"

Naturally, Jiang Anlan didn't answer Li Ao's gossip, she was still in deep thought.

In the end, Jiang Anlan got out of the car and let Li Ao go back to the company first.

At this moment, Jiang Anlan looked at the people in the car who were close at hand. She didn't know that when they met in Beijing, she went to a teahouse with her cousin to drink tea and listen to an opera after dinner, and he sat at the back table, slowly peeling melon seeds, and looked at her calmly. That time he chewed out a feeling that looking at her was much more comfortable than thinking about her.

At this moment, Young Master Jiang also looked at her calmly, and then said, "Speaking of which, I still owe you a sum of money and haven't paid you, Xuemei Yao."


"But I'm not going to pay it back."


"Are you curious what's going on?"

Yao Yuan nodded repeatedly. In the end, Ren Dashen said: "Then I will not tell you. But if you have insomnia tonight, you can call me, and I can accompany you to relieve boredom."


The car finally arrived at Yao Yuan's residence, and Jiang Anlan said goodbye to her in a normal way, but Yao Yuan couldn't even say goodbye.

And that afternoon Jiang Anlan sent her a text message before leaving on the plane: "Call me if you can't sleep."

You said how bad this person is.

Before meeting her before, this great god gave her the impression of being generous, considerate, and invincible from the inside out.

Now, the flavors of "generosity" and "consideration" have become a little weird. As for invincibility, it is naturally invincible.

According to legend, the image of Senior Brother Jiang had already collapsed in Yao Meiren's mind, and then it was rebuilt, and the first brick was written on it: "This boss is very black-bellied, be careful in PK."

And the follow-up impact of this online gathering is also quite invincible. The alliance channel has been talking day and night for two days, how is Jiangning City so fun, how generous and invincible the gang leader is, how the deputy gang leader is doing everything Hey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

However, in those two days Yao Yuan had no energy to play the game due to insomnia, so he escaped the discussion. It wasn't until the third day that Yao Yuan was pulled online by his cousin, because he was proud of the sky and organized people to scan the Fairy Peak with 20 people. Yao Xinran was very interested in the Fairy Peak, so he dragged Yao Yuan to sign up.

As soon as she entered the alliance, Wen Ruyu greeted her first in a hospitable manner: "Hello, sister-in-law, and hello, Master Shui."

Narcissus: "Go away."

Wen Ruyu: "Hehe."

Eagle No. 1: "I'm talking about Shuishangxian Sect Leader, what kind of enmity do you have with our Elder Wen? You speak so aggressively."

Water Immortal: "It's just not pleasing to the eye."

Disdainful to the sky: "Understood, we all dislike him."

Wen Ruyu: "^_^"

Contemptuous of the sky: "Okay, all the staff are ready, today we are brushing the Fairy Peak, the boss has been feeling ill for the past two days, so let me take command this time."

After everyone gathered at the specified coordinates, they formed a team with pride, and King's Landing was naturally not among them, because he was not online.

Before entering the dungeon, Yao Yuan found him on QQ, which was added when he wanted a video last time. Yao Yuan wanted to ask him how he was doing, after all... Cough, it was considered an acquaintance. When she sent it, his avatar was showing "busy".

Later, Yao Yuan warned himself, don't bother people when they are busy.

Yuan Yuan: "Are you in good health?"

JAL: "[Automatic reply] I love you."

JAL: "It's okay."

Far away: "What?"

JAL: "[Automatic reply] I love you."

JAL: "I said it's fine, don't worry."

Distant: "No, I mean your automatic reply..."

JAL: "[Automatic reply] I love you."

JAL: "Oh, special settings."

Far away: "..."

JAL: "[Automatic reply] I love you."

What is the concept of this "special" setting

According to Jiang Anlan's behavior, he shouldn't be able to tolerate being automatically replied "I love you" to anyone who looks for him on QQ, right

If it is really only for her, does QQ have this setting

So you must be sending it manually, right

God, if you don’t make me feel better for a day, you won’t be happy, right

Thinking of the two days before the game, the two also had "communication". The specific communication situation is as follows: at eight o'clock in the morning, Yao Yuan will receive a message from Jiang Anlan, "morning." At twelve o'clock in the noon, "Have you had lunch?" At six o'clock in the evening, "Remember to have dinner."

The other party is such a busy person, but he doesn't forget to come and care about her three meals a day, which really flatters the person involved, and the emphasis is on the word "shock".

At this moment, Yao Yuan is the copy entered with "I love you" spinning in his mind.

You said this great god, I owe him money, no, let him owe me money and I forgot, is it necessary to torture me in every possible way? Is it true, as the old saying goes, the one who owes money is the uncle? But when I owed people gold coins, the uncle was still good to him... Sure enough, the attitude is divided.

After brushing the Fairy Peak, the group was wiped out within a quarter of an hour. The reason was not because of Miss Yao who was out of her wits. The reason is that Wen Ruyu was fighting with the water fairy...

Before the group was destroyed, Shui Shangxian said, "Wen Ruyu is treating you!! You idiot!"

Wen Ruyu: "Without you, don't rush forward^_^"

Water Immortal: "Handless? Do you have the right to say that about me? You are a priest and you don't even have hands!"

Wen Ruyu: "You say again that I won't treat you anymore^_^"

In short, the group finally died.

After the copy was released, everyone ran to the alliance channel to complain, nothing more than despising those two people.

Yao Yuan looked at it for a while, and then saw that King's Landing World was also online: "Swipe Fairy Peak again."

Falling into the water: "Boss, you are here! The sky took us to brush the fairy bee, and it died in game over in fifteen minutes. It's a shame."

Contemptuous of the sky: "I just reported to the gang leader, this fiasco is not because of my incompetent leadership, OK? It's because two people flirted and scolded and broke the steps, okay?╭(╯^╰)╮"

Wen Ruyu: "Who is flirting^_^"

Water Immortal: "Who is flirting?!"

Eagle One: "Hurry up and do it again, boss, I didn't show my strength at all just now."

Where to go: "Fairy Girl Peak can only be swiped twice a day. I swiped once with someone in the morning. Today I don't have a chance to swip again with the boss."

The team was formed again, and compared with the previous personnel, only where to go was replaced by King's Landing.

Before entering the dungeon, Jiang Anlan chatted with Yao Yuan in private: "Let's talk to each other, let's flirt."

Yao Yuan lay down on the keyboard, typed a line of "dgsdfghjklfghghj", and pressed the Enter key.

Jiang Anlan: "Too happy to speak?"

Yao Yuan: "..."

After entering the dungeon, everyone followed King's Landing Tianxia's instructions and proceeded all the way, which was much smoother than the previous one.

Falling into the water: "Sure enough, it's the happiest to brush with the gang leader!"

Be good, baby: "The leader of the gang is mighty, worship the leader of the gang!"

Contemptuous of the sky: "Cough, according to my understanding of our leader, the old man, he must be drinking black tea and talking sweetly to his sister-in-law at the same time, do you believe it or not? (≧▽≦)/~"

Yao Yuan couldn't laugh or cry, he was guessed right.

Baby is good: "Really? I really want to know what the gang leader is talking about with his sister-in-law? Why do I always think the gang leader's gossip is more attractive than the dungeon?"

Falling into the water: "Hey, I have the same mentality, especially after the online gathering, knowing that the boss is so high-end, and after witnessing that the sister-in-law is such an amazing beauty..."

Yao Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on a chair with disheveled hair at the moment, could not bear to look directly at the screen, and regarding Jiang Anlan chatting with her... If it was for your sake: "He recommended a movie just now, and he didn't say anything else. What."

Contemptuous of the sky: "Movies? The boss will watch movies? Since when did he have literary talents?"

[System] Disdainful Sky is forbidden to speak.

No one was surprised.

Disregarding the sky and chatting privately with Yao Yuan: "Sister-in-law~~~~(>_