Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 20


The night is like water. Looking from a distance, the whole teaching building is divided into small grids by lights. There is a light in each grid, but some are quiet and some are noisy.

During evening self-study, the classroom was so quiet that even the buzzing of mosquitoes could be heard, but now it was like an oil pan with water dripping in it, with a constant buzzing sound.

It’s not that I didn’t get full marks in mathematics.

But no one expected that the one who got full marks this time would be the new transfer student.

Just then, a teacher from another class came to see Sun Liru, and she asked everyone to be quiet during evening self-study.

But how was this possible? As soon as she left, the whole classroom really exploded.

Many people were talking to each other and kept turning their heads to look over here.

Not to mention the other students were so surprised, Jiang Yimian even turned his head away and looked at Lin Xi with a twitching face.

Lin Xi was sorting out her wrong answers. She lowered her head with a calm expression, not affected by the noise around her at all. It was as if she didn't realize that so many people were looking at her.

"Oh my god, Sister Lin, you are so awesome." Xie Ang looked at the thin figure in front of him.

He reached out his hand and nudged Ji Junxing, and asked teasingly: "Ah Xing, tell me, how does it feel to be surpassed by a girl?"

Young Master Ji was doing his homework, but he threw down his pen and glanced at him. "What's wrong with the girl?"

Xie Ang was stunned.

Jiang Yimian, who was standing in front of him, turned around and scolded him, "That's right, what's wrong with girls? Girls can't get full marks, can't get first place, can't beat Master Ji?"

After Jiang Yimian finished speaking, he realized that he had just casually called Ji Junxing "Young Master".

In fact, Ji Junxing doesn't like this title very much.

In the past, a boy in his class called him like this to his face. He just gave the boy a cold look and said nothing, but his eyes were scary.

Fortunately, Xie Ang rushed to speak. He glared at Jiang Yimian and whispered, "What do you mean by suppress or not suppress? How unpleasant it is."

“Where…” Jiang Yimian was about to say something offensive when he suddenly realized what Xie Ang meant.

She glared at Xie Ang angrily, "Shame on you."

Xie Ang was just about to continue arguing with her when he was unexpectedly kicked from the side.

A chilly voice reached his ears, "Do you want to die?"

When he turned around, Ji Junxing looked at him expressionlessly.

Lin Xi, who was completely innocently implicated, stared silently at the question in front of her, wondering if the next time when people discuss her, they could speak a little more quietly.

After Jiang Yimian finished scolding Xie Ang, he held his chin with his hand and looked straight at Lin Xi.

Lin Xi didn't want to talk at first, but Jiang Yimian looked at her like that, and finally she couldn't help but ask, "Have you finished your homework?"

"How did you get full marks?" Jiang Yimian still felt amazed.

In fact, she had asked Lin Xi about her previous test scores before, but she thought she was very good at that time.

But today, now, she realized that she didn't know anything about this genius student next to her.

Zheng Yuanyuan in front carefully turned back and sighed, "Lin Xi, you are too low-key. I didn't know you were so good at math."

Her deskmate nodded and sighed, "I should have asked you for advice more often."

Jiang Yimian sighed, "There's someone sitting next to me who got full marks in math. When will I be able to get 120 points?"

Lin Xi was holding a pen and doing a question, but when she heard this, the pen stopped.

Then, she gave me a serious suggestion: "In the future, if you spend less time daydreaming in math class and more time doing exercises, you will be able to do it soon."

Puff, the two girls in front laughed.

Zheng Yuanyuan covered her mouth and whispered, "Lin Xi, Jiang Yimian is a math idiot."

Jiang Yimian nodded with a sad face and said helplessly: "Do you think everyone can be as good at math as you?"

Listening to what the girls said, Ji Junxing, who was sitting in the back, smiled lazily.

He leaned back in his chair, staring at Lin Xi's profile. She had a small face, and the lines of her profile were softer. Her lips were slightly upturned, and her lip color was light pink. Anyway, her whole body exuded a pure and light flavor.


Are your math grades so good

When the results for all subjects come out tomorrow, she will surprise all of you.

The next day, the results of almost all subjects came out. Many people couldn't wait and found excuses to run to the teacher's office. Several class representatives went to hand in their homework and were told to check their results.

After all, Class 1 is a key class.

As for the students in Class 2 next door, they were not much calmer than those in Class 1.

Both classes were key classes and were next to each other. The head teacher of Class 2 had a slightly louder voice, so Class 1 could hear it clearly if the back door was open. Since the first year of high school, there was an undercurrent between the two classes.

Compare the class average scores, which class has more top ten students of that age, and which class the first place is in.

Before Ji Junxing was in charge, the top spot in the grade mostly went to Class One.

"Who do you think will be number one in the grade this time?"

"I think it's Ji Junxing."

"I think Ji Junxing is in danger this time. Lin Xi got full marks in math."

"But Ji Junxing is so good at comprehensive science, but Lin Xi may not be so good."

"Maybe he's a student from Class 2."

"Then our teacher Sun will be so angry that he will die. I still hope that the first place will be in our class."

Because the grades have not been announced, such discussions can be seen everywhere in the class. The students in Class 1 don't have many hobbies. Not many of them read novels or chase stars. What everyone cares about most is grades.

Lin Xi and Jiang Yimian went to the bathroom and were not in the classroom.

Xie Ang looked at the empty seat in front of him, turned around and said to Chen Mo: "Mo Mo, do you want to make a bet?"

"What bet?" Chen Mo asked with little interest.

"Betting on who will be number one in the grade this time."

Gao Yunlang: "Did you fulfill the bet you made with Jiang Yimian last time?"

Speaking of this, Xie Ang quickly asked the people around him, "Ah Xing, have you received your scholarship?"

Ji Junxing glanced at him casually. He was holding a book in his hand, all in English.

"You lose, so you have to pay for it yourself."

His voice was light, but his refusal was firm.

Xie Ang cried out, "My dad said that if I don't rank in the top 30 in the grade this time, he will cut my pocket money in half. You know I just bought a figurine last time, and I still owe Chen Mo two thousand yuan."

Upon hearing this, Chen Mo sneered, "So you made a bet with us, intending to get something for nothing."

Xie Ang: “…” It seems like he’s been discovered.

But Chen Mo didn't care. He said with interest: "It's okay to bet, but let's make a deal. If I lose, you don't have to pay back the two thousand."

Xie Ang stared at him, and Chen Mo really chuckled, "If I win, you give me that Luffy figurine."

"You're dreaming." Xie Ang immediately retorted when he saw that he was actually coveting his favorite.

Chen Mo encouraged him: "What if you win?"

Xie Ang's hobbies are really expensive. If he fails the exam again, his pocket money will be cut in half, and he will really have no point in living.

Even Gao Yunlang, who was standing beside him, followed suit and said, "Take a chance and your bicycle will turn into a BMW."

Xie Ang looked at Chen Mo hesitantly and asked, "Who do you bet on to win?"

"Of course it's Ah Xing." As a good friend, Chen Mo still has some confidence in Ji Junxing.

Xie Ang was stunned and said regretfully: "I was going to bet on Ah Xing too, so what's the point of making a bet?"

At this moment, the young man who was reading with his eyes downcast suddenly raised his head and said with interest, "Count me in."

Xie Ang was confused. He looked at Ji Junxing in confusion, "Why are you betting on something? Besides, if you bet on yourself, it would be a waste of time for the three of us to win."

"Who said I want to suppress myself?" Ji Junxing said in a leisurely tone, his slender fingers fiddling with the book in his hand, "I suppress her."

I didn't mention anyone's name, but when I talked about it, a smile appeared on the corners of my mouth unconsciously.

Xie Ang couldn't bear it any longer, so he said, "You bet Lin Xi would be first? Ah Xing, are you okay? You haven't even opened the game yet, but you've already admitted defeat. How can you help others become more ambitious and destroy your own prestige?"

"Did you fail the exam this time?" He looked at Ji Junxing suspiciously.

Ji Junxing glanced at it and said disdainfully: "What do you think?"

Xie Ang also thought it was impossible. He had known Ji Junxing for so many years, and he was simply possessed by the god of exams. He had never seen him smash something.

Chen Mo snorted and said in a long tone: "I think some people are confused."

Xie Ang turned his head, looked at Chen Mo, and asked, "Who is it?"

Ji Junxing turned a page calmly and asked nonchalantly, "Do you still want to gamble?"

"I bet. I haven't beaten you once in such a long time. I don't believe I won't beat you this time." Chen Mo felt competitive. After all, Ji Junxing was a great man who could easily get 700 points in exams. He didn't believe that Lin Xi could be better than Ji Junxing.

Xie Ang fanned the flames from behind: "I bet it's Ah Xing."

Jiang Yimian just happened to come in from the back door holding Lin Xi's hand. Hearing what he said, she asked curiously, "What are you guys betting on?"

After winning the bet with Xie Ang last time, Jiang Yimian tasted the sweetness, and now when he heard about the bet, he was very interested.

Xie Ang said, "We are betting on who will be the top student in the class this time. Chen Mo and I are betting on Ah Xing."

Jiang Yimian asked curiously, "Is there anyone who is suppressing others?"

Chen Mo pointed towards the window. At this time, the slender boy was leaning against the wall with his long legs propped up. "Someone is suppressing Lin Xi."

Lin Xi, who had already sat down and was about to pick up the textbook for the class, paused.

Jiang Yimian was surprised to hear: "Ji Junxing, you actually suppressed Lin Xi?"

This time, Lin Xi looked back and her eyes met his.

The young man slightly raised his eyelids, and under his thick eyelashes, his dark eyes were filled with a faint smile.

"Don't let me lose."

He said to Lin Xi.

The bell for class rang, Lin Xi turned around, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

How could someone be so weird, making such a bet, not only betting on her, but also not letting her lose.

Doesn't that mean her score has to be higher than his

Finally, the head teacher Sun Liru walked into the classroom with the long-awaited report card.

"The monthly exam results are out and they're in my hands now." Sun Liru looked around and then looked down at the list. "I've always stressed that you shouldn't think you can slack off just because school has just started. If you slack off, others will definitely catch up. Although your average score is still first in the grade this time, did you know that you were overtaken by Class 2 by three points? The average score difference between the two classes is only one point."

Sun Liru tapped her fingers on the table and yelled, "You think one point is a small amount, right? Let me tell you, sometimes just because of this one point, you can fall hundreds of places behind in the college entrance examination."

After she said this, the students below all lowered their heads.

Fortunately, she didn't intend to criticize all the time. She coughed lightly and said, "This time, our class still has three students in the top ten in the grade. Although the number has not changed, fortunately, the first and second grades are in our class."

Speaking of this, Sun Liru was still very satisfied.

She stared at the list and began to read out the names: "Lin Xi, first in the grade, 701 points. Ji Junxing second in the grade, 700 points, Chen Ya eighth in the grade, 672 points."

Although I already knew last night that Lin Xi got full marks in math.

Logically speaking, no one should be too surprised, but suddenly there comes such a genius who can score 700 points in the first exam, who wouldn’t be surprised.

For a moment, the whole class looked at Lin Xi.

The buzzing sound of discussion started again.

When the get out of class was over, Sun Liru called away the three people who had been on stage at the last commendation meeting.

It's about scholarships.

Because this class was a physical education class, many people around had left. Jiang Yimian was called out by her old classmates from another class, and Lin Xi stayed in the classroom waiting for her.

Soon there were only a few people left in the classroom, and Jiang Yimian had not returned yet.

When Ji Junxing came back, he saw her still sitting obediently in her seat.

He was holding an envelope, which was a scholarship from the school. He received the award at the last commendation meeting and received a certificate. The scholarship was distributed to each class teacher, who then handed it to the students.

When he sat back in his seat, he saw that she was still concentrating on doing the questions, so he reached out and pulled her clothes off.

Lin Xi was pulled by him and turned back.

She saw the young man's delicate face approaching her, and she was lost in thought for a moment as she stared at his sculptured eyes and brows.

He seems to have always been too good-looking.

Until Ji Junxing raised his eyebrows, "You want to take my first place?"

Lin Xi didn't expect that he was going to tell her this. After thinking for a while, she said seriously, "I didn't mean it."

Ji Junxing looked at her like this and thought, wow, she was even reflecting on herself.

Seeing how overly well-behaved she was, he finally started to laugh.

When he spoke again, even he himself did not notice the affection in his voice.

"Well, what reward do you want?"

The author has something to say: Master Ji: Since you are my future daughter-in-law, I won’t bother with you for taking my first place.

Lin Xi: ...bad guy

Young Master Ji is really flirting without knowing it. He said that Lin Xi stole his first place, but in the end he still gave her a reward.

Well, today is the second day of the college entrance examination. Come on, come on, Lin Xi, the god of learning, is possessed again.

Continue to send 100 red envelopes in this chapter

The number of comments has exceeded 10,000. I know that Brother Tong is working hard to save up his manuscripts and quickly return the double update that he owes everyone.

So, isn't it worth leaving a message of encouragement for a boyfriend like me who just finished three updates and is working hard to save up manuscripts for two updates