Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 28


The room suddenly became quiet, and someone's heart was beating restlessly in his chest.

Such a throbbing, silent but so strong.

Lin Xi turned her head to the other side in an instant.

Even without touching it with her hands, she could feel her cheeks getting hot.

Take care of him

What does he mean

She could clearly feel the answer, but she was not sure.

Liking someone, and he also happens to like her, Lin Xi didn't know what kind of number it was in probability statistics. At this moment, she tightly pinched the strap of her schoolbag, so hard that her knuckles turned white.

"Brother, I have to take care of you too." Until Ji Luchi's smiling voice broke the silence in the room.

The little guy half-lay on the side of Ji Junxing's bed, picked up the game console, and said seriously: "Brother is not well behaved at all, let me help him keep the game console."

"You keep it?" Ji Junxing raised his eyelids slightly, looked at him, and sneered, "You want to play with it, right?"

Children's thoughts can never escape the eyes of adults.

After hearing what Ji Junxing said, Ji Luchi laughed happily.

Although Lin Xi didn't look at them, but listening to their conversation, she suddenly felt a strange sense of peace, and the whole person felt as comfortable as if soaking in hot spring water.

She had been nervous before, but now, all these negative emotions disappeared at this moment.

Until there was a sound of the quilt being lifted, Lin Xi looked over and saw Ji Junxing, wearing light blue pajamas, standing up from the bed.

"Why did you get up?" she asked nervously.

Ji Junxing raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you going to make up for the lessons?"

Lin Xi quickly said, "Lie down on the bed, and I'll tell you what the teacher has taught today."

Ji Junxing looked back at his bed. If he was lying on the bed, and Lin Xi was sitting beside the bed giving him questions, well, it was still not close enough.

He pointed directly at his desk and said, "You'd better sit over there. I'm tired after lying down all day."

Lin Xi glanced at him. Ji Junxing was wearing a set of pajamas, blue polka dot pajamas, but the pajamas were shorts. She was afraid that he might catch a cold again because of his fever, so she kindly reminded him, "Why don't you change your pants?"

Ji Junxing looked down at his pajamas.

After a while, he said with a smile: "Lin Xi, can I still eat you?"

He thought Lin Xi was embarrassed to see him wearing shorts.

But the girl opposite widened her eyes and said, "You are the one who is thinking about something. I am just worried that you will catch a cold."

Ji Junxing: “…”

The corner of the mouth of the self-indulgent Master Ji twitched.

Because Ji Luchi had a game console, he looked happy even though he was kicked out by Ji Junxing. Before he left, he waved at Lin Xi and said, "Sister Lin Xi, please teach me well."

"Teacher Lin, please sit down." Ji Junxing pulled the chair over personally.

Lin Xi sat down with her schoolbag, and the boy next to her sat down next to her.

When he sat down, Lin Xi realized what the word "deskmate" meant. Usually he sat in front of her, and she could hear him clearly even if his voice was not loud.

She thought that was enough.

At this moment, she was sitting next to him, so close that she could even hear his breathing clearly.

Without even turning your head, you could see his slender fingers resting on the desk with just a quick glance.

She took a breath and took out the books and test papers from her schoolbag. Before she could say anything, Ji Junxing beside her actually laughed. He reached out and fiddled with the test papers, "Are these all handed out today?"

There is no way. Although the students are divided into arts and science, they are given a test paper for each subject, which makes six papers in total.

Lin Xi was an honest person, and she gave all of them to Ji Junxing without missing a single one.

Seeing her nod, Master Ji shook his head slightly and said in admiration: "You really don't feel sorry for me."

Lin Xi was stunned.

She blushed and defended herself, "I was just worried that you would miss the class."

"Will I fall behind in class?" Ji Junxing snorted and laughed, revealing an extremely conceited expression.

He really doesn't.

Lin Xi couldn't help but pinch her pen, so she ran over to give him extra lessons, which was just an excuse. She just wanted to see him. Thinking that she hadn't seen him for even one day, her heart felt empty, as if a piece was missing.

"Why are you daydreaming? It's time for class, Teacher Lin."

Ji Junxing probably realized that what he said was wrong and nudged her with his elbow.

Lin Xi nodded, and the two of them started reading today's new content.

Because of her good grades, classmates in the class have always loved asking Lin Xi questions since junior high school. Lin Xi has a good temper and not only speaks softly when explaining questions, but is also very easy to understand.

Ever since she ranked first in the last monthly exam, her classmates now understand her abilities, and many of them think of her first when asked questions.

When the get out of class was over, Ji Junxing sat behind her and could hear her discussing the questions with others.

He naturally didn't need to ask her, but sometimes he felt that she had too good a temper. No matter how simple the question was, she would explain it carefully.

In fact, it would be better to say that it is doing homework together rather than making up lessons.

Lin Xi found that after she talked for a while, Ji Junxing understood everything, so she gave him the test paper and they did the questions together.

After finishing the math paper, I started talking about physics.

Unconsciously, Lin Xi looked up and saw the electronic clock on his desk. She exclaimed, "It's already eight o'clock."

Ji's home is not far from the school, but the reason she asked for leave from her teacher was that she had a stomachache.

She had to get back to the dormitory before the other three finished their evening study.

Seeing that Ji Junxing had almost finished his physics test, she immediately said, "I have to go back to school."

"How about you stay here tonight and we can go to school together tomorrow." Ji Junxing frowned when he saw her packing her things.

"No, the dormitory supervisor will check the dorms at night. If you are not in the dormitory without asking for leave, you will be deducted points."

Lin Xi has always been a good student, but today she cheated on her teacher, which was already an outrageous act.

How could she dare not go back to the dormitory unless it was a holiday

"Lin Xi."

He shouted from the side, and Lin Xi, who was packing her books and test papers, turned around.

Unexpectedly, because he leaned slightly, her nose tip was so close to him that his bright black eyes suddenly appeared enlarged in front of her.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Even my breath was held for a moment.

At this moment, he looked at her like that, his black eyes seemed to be able to speak. For some reason, she seemed to realize something, and her hands quickened the pace of packing her schoolbag.

Until her palm was held down by the big hand that reached out to her.

The boy's hands are really beautiful, with broad backs, long fingers, and even the joints are beautifully symmetrical.

And it’s especially white.

She blinked, and the person opposite her suddenly sighed, "Can't you see?"

Lin Xi bit her lip subconsciously.

"I like you."

Lin Xi, I like you.

In an instant, Lin Xi clenched the schoolbag in her hand tightly, her brain exploded with a buzzing sound, and all her thoughts disappeared.

At this moment, his words were the only thing in her mind.

No one has ever asked Lin Xi how you would feel if the person you like also happens to like you.

Now, she finally knew what it felt like.

I was so happy that I couldn't believe it was true, even though the words "I love you" came from his own mouth.

My mind was confused and I was so nervous that I didn't even know where to put my hands and feet.

She didn't even dare to look up into his eyes.

"Lin Xi, what about you?"

What about you, do you like me too

The boy, who had always been lazy and didn't care about anything, finally looked at the girl in front of him with a nervous look on his face.

He rarely had such tense moments.

The room fell into silence again.

Until Ji Junxing saw that she was still reluctant to open her mouth, he licked his lower lip unconsciously and asked again: "Lin Xi, what about you?"

Finally, after he asked her again, the girl made up her mind and prepared to look up.

Unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door, and Wen Xuan's gentle voice asked from outside: "Ah Xing, Lin Xi, can I come in?"

Being interrupted twice at critical moments, Ji Junxing was so angry that he fiddled with his short hair.

As a result, the slightly messy short hair made him even more handsome.

Wen Xuan came in and saw them sitting at the desk with the test papers on it. She said helplessly, "You said you didn't go to school for a day and you still bothered Lin Xi to come and help you with your lessons."

"Aunt Wen, you're back."

When Lin Xi came, Wen Xuan was not at home, and she had just returned home.

"Lin Xi, are you leaving?" Wen Xuan asked softly when she saw her holding a schoolbag.

Lin Xi immediately stood up and nodded: "Yes, if you go back late, the dormitory manager will remember your name."

"How about I call the teacher and you stay at home tonight."

Lin Xi shook her head quickly, but she insisted on going back. Wen Xuan arranged for the family driver to take her back to school. When going downstairs, Wen Xuan and Lin Xi walked side by side, and Ji Jun walked behind them.

I didn't look back at her until she got on the car.

"Ah Xing, don't get cold anymore." After the car drove away, Wen Xuan looked back at Ji Junxing who was only wearing pajamas.

Ji Junxing licked his lips, feeling a little unhappy.

But he was not too anxious, as there was still a long time to come.

But when Master Ji recovered and returned to school, he found that he had thought too simply. He was sitting behind Lin Xi, but until Thursday, he had not found a chance to talk to her alone.

During the day, Jiang Yimian was inseparable from her.

After evening self-study, her two roommates would come and call her back to the dormitory.

In addition, Lin Xi didn't have a mobile phone, so Ji Junxing didn't even have the chance to send her a message or call her.

In the afternoon English class, because it was the second class, the classroom was a little drowsy.

The English teacher looked down and tapped the podium with the English book. "Are you all sleepy? Okay, let's start by reading the article from you."

The student he called out was Lin Xi, who was sitting first in the row.

This English teacher likes to ask students to read the text in class. At this time, the first student picked up the book and started reading.

After a few words, the teacher nodded and said, "Next."

The people behind stood up. The English teacher didn't set a limit on how long to read, so some people read longer sentences, while others only read two sentences before being asked to sit down. When it was Lin Xi's turn to stand up, she held the book and read from the sentence of the student in front of her.

As a result, when she finished reading a sentence, she was suddenly interrupted by the teacher on the stage.

"It's colleague." The English teacher picked out a word from the sentence she had just read and read it again.

After reading, the teacher looked at the students below and said directly: "The word 'colleague' has two syllables, koh-leeg. Don't pronounce the 'ue' at the end."

Suddenly, Lin Xi's cheeks turned red.

She was not a lively and outgoing person, and was afraid of being called upon to answer questions. Now that her mistakes were pointed out, she felt embarrassed and nervous.

After the English teacher corrected her, instead of asking her to sit down, she said, "Keep going."

Lin Xi continued reading.

Fortunately, this time, the English teacher let her finish reading and did not correct her pronunciation of the words.

"Okay, sit down." The English teacher nodded and asked her to sit down.

Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the English teacher on the podium looked at them seriously and said, "Students, I know you have to study a lot and spend time on the subjects for the exam. But what is learning for practical use?"

"Learning for practical use means that you can use what you learn proficiently in the future. The same is true for English. Maybe now you just need to cope with the college entrance examination. But I must say that the importance of speaking cannot be ignored. After all, many of you will study abroad in the future. You can't communicate with others without them understanding what you say."

Jiang Yimian suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Xi beside him.

If I say that when Lin Xi was pointed out for her slip of the tongue just now, her cheeks just turned a little red.

Now, her face was red as if blood was dripping out.

Although the teacher didn't call out anyone by name, everyone knew that he was talking about Lin Xi.

At this moment, many students turned their heads to look at Lin Xi. After all, Lin Xi had good grades and immediately got the first place in the school after transferring to this school. Most teachers treated her like a treasure.

No one expected that the English teacher would criticize her like this in public.

Ji Junxing, who was sitting in the back, had a relaxed look on his face, but after the teacher finished speaking, his face turned pale.

Soon, the English teacher called on someone from another group to continue reading the textbook.

After class, Jiang Yimian looked at the unusually silent Lin Xi and said with some distress: "The English teacher is a psychopath. Why does he say those nonsense in public?"

"Don't say that." Lin Xi interrupted Jiang Yimian, pinching the pen with her fingers, almost crushing the pen tube.

She lowered her head and said softly, "The teacher is right. Learning English is not just about taking exams. Besides, my spoken English is really bad."

After saying that, she forced a smile.

Lin Xi attended a county middle school for junior high school. Many of the English teachers in the school were quite old and spoke English with an accent. Besides, they really didn't pay much attention to oral English because it was not required in the high school entrance examination.

Ji Junxing sat in the back row, staring at her.

When I heard her say this, I was so angry that I cursed in my heart.

After school in the evening, he got up and left.

About twenty minutes later, he came back and saw that only Jiang Yimian was sitting in the classroom.

"Where is she?" Ji Jun walked over, raised his chin, and pointed at Lin Xi's location.

Jiang Yimian said worriedly, "She must have gone to the playground to practice English. I called her to eat just now, but she said she wasn't hungry and went out with her English textbook."

She held her chin with both hands and said angrily, "The English teacher is so annoying. It hurts my self-esteem. Lin Xi's English grades are so good. Even if her oral English is really bad, he couldn't tell Lin Xi in private."

Ji Junxing had a cold face and ran out of the classroom.

Lin Xi was indeed reading English on the playground.

The cool evening breeze blew across the playground, and some of the dry grass leaves on the football field were blown to and fro.

There were people like her who walked around in circles while reading in the playground.

Lin Xi studied very seriously, not because she was angry, but because she felt that there was a gap between herself and other students.

Until she was so busy reading that she bumped into the person in front of her.

As soon as she looked up, a voice above her head rang out, "Don't you know how to look when you walk?"

Ji Junxing was wearing a black T-shirt and looked at her with his eyes downcast.

Lin Xi was stunned, then immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't see you."

"Follow me." Ji Junxing said expressionlessly and turned away.

Lin Xi watched him walk towards the stands and immediately followed him.

Until the two of them walked onto the stands, Lin Xi followed behind him and walked with him to the top tier of seats in the stands.

"Sit down." After Ji Junxing sat down, he moved his chin to the side.

Lin Xi hesitated for a moment, but finally sat down.

This was her first time to be on the stands. Looking down at the playground from here, she felt like she was looking down on someone.

No one spoke first.

Until Ji Junxing turned his head and looked at her, and said casually: "Don't mind it."

After saying these words, Lin Xi was slightly stunned. After a long while, she said lightheartedly, "The teacher is right. I don't care."

But how is it possible not to care

Lin Xi has been a good student since she was young, and she is the favorite of almost all teachers.

No teacher had ever criticized her like this in class.

She looked at the sunset in the distance. She clearly didn't feel uncomfortable at all just now, but the boy's words of comfort made her suddenly feel extremely wronged.

Perhaps, because someone cares about me, the original slight grievance is infinitely magnified.

And the great grievance became unbearable.

Lin Xi opened her mouth, her throat was choked, and tears started to fall.

She cried silently. When Ji Junxing turned around, he saw her crying with her head down, and he was suddenly panicked.

"You're crying... Why are you crying? Yes, I know the English teacher is really too much." Ji Junxing paused, frowning, and finally coaxed: "Don't cry."

Lin Xi raised her hand and wiped away her tears.

She felt embarrassed herself. In fact, she was not a squeamish person. As a result, she cried in front of him again and again.

It was so embarrassing that she quickly wiped her tears with her arm.

The boy next to him took something out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Lin Xi looked at the folded paper in front of her and asked in a buzzing voice, "What is this?"

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lin Xi took it and opened it.

She saw the words "English Speech Contest" on it and turned to look at Ji Junxing.

"The English teacher said you can't do it, so prove it to him that you can do it." The boy stood up from his seat and half-knelt in front of Lin Xi. He looked up at her and said seriously, "Lin Xi, you are the top scorer in the high school entrance examination who defeated more than 100,000 people. You stood on the shoulders of so many people and won them. How could you be defeated by such a simple oral English?"

The setting sun shone on the boy, the golden sunlight fell on the tips of his hair, and his dark eyes looked at her so seriously.

Full of trust and encouragement.

"It's 43,589 people." Lin Xi looked at him and suddenly corrected him.

Ji Junxing was stunned, and then he heard the girl say with tears in her eyes: "The year I took the high school entrance examination, there were 43,589 people taking the exam in our city. I didn't beat more than 100,000 people, I only beat more than 40,000 people."

Ji Junxing was stunned. He looked at her smiling face.

Shaking his head, he chuckled: "Crying and laughing at the same time, aren't you ashamed?"

The boy's voice was so pleasant and his tone was so gentle that it softened her heart.

Then, she looked at him and said very seriously, "Ji Junxing, come here."

"I want to tell you a secret."

Seeing that she had stopped crying, Ji Junxing resigned himself to her and moved closer to her.

In the sunset, the girl's lips were close to his ear.

A gust of wind blew by.

Her voice was so clear.

"Actually, I like you, too."

This is the secret I want to tell you, Ji Junxing.

The author has something to say: You always say that the young master is sweet, but isn’t Lin Xi so cute in this chapter

As for the matter of oral English, your boyfriend is really crying bitterly. When I was in college, I passed the CET-4 and CET-6 without preparation, but I was most afraid of the English teacher asking me to read the text in class.

I was afraid of reading a word wrong and being corrected by the teacher.

This chapter has 6,000 words, and it is a double update in one. This is a bonus update of 25,000 words. Yes, your comments haven't arrived yet, so I'll give you the bonus update first.

Boyfriend spoils me

I am so inflated now, I want to jump up and ask for comments, roll over and ask for comments, do a 720-degree turn and ask for comments

Well, this chapter still gives out red envelopes

200, first 50, last 150 random