Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 38


The wind was freezing cold, and a large number of bicycles were coming and going on the campus, riding from the main road to different teaching buildings.

"Lin Xi, hurry up, you're going to be late." The long-haired girl in the light blue knee-length coat in front shouted against the wind, and quickly closed her mouth, but she still felt a stomach full of cold wind.

The girl in the red down jacket at the back quickened her pace and surpassed the person in front in no time.

After a while, the two parked their bicycles in the open space in front of the teaching building.

Yang Xiaoya looked at Lin Xi and said in surprise: "Lin Xi, I didn't expect you, who is so weak, to have such good physical strength."

"Is this the first time you know this?" Lin Xi looked at her with amusement.

Yang Xiaoya suddenly remembered, and she nodded and said, "I remember now, you are the iron woman who carried the camera for three hours by yourself."

Lin Xi joined the Propaganda Department of the school student union. Previously, the Hangzhou College Debate Competition was held in Zhejiang University. As a freshman secretary, Lin Xi took on the task of photographing the competition.

Unexpectedly, the girl with her forgot to bring a tripod.

So, Lin Xi carried the camera and recorded for three hours.

After hearing this, Yang Xiaoya praised her as the iron woman and helped her to scold the girl from the journalism department for being brainless.

The two of them grabbed the backpacks in the basket and ran all the way to the teaching building.

"Oh, I'm going to be late. Today is Mr. Zhang's class, and he really likes to take attendance."

This class is a compulsory course. Professor Zhang, who teaches them, is over 50 years old. He is rigorous and serious, a typical straight man in science and engineering.

Yang Xiaoya once swore in the dormitory that if she ever found a straight science and engineering man like Professor Zhang in the future, she would die.

Until one day, the two of them met Professor Zhang and his wife in the school cafeteria.

Lin Xi looked at Mrs. Zhang, who was over fifty years old but still had eyebrows that looked like she did when she was young. When they greeted people, Mrs. Zhang spoke in a soft and gentle voice and politely.

After returning, Yang Xiaoya said that she had overestimated her own abilities.

Who knows, in the future, she might not even be able to find a straight science and engineering man like Professor Zhang.

When they ran to the fourth floor, they were both out of breath.

Just then the bell for class rang, and they followed the sound of the bell and entered the front row on the left side through the front door.

Because Professor Zhang didn't like the first row to be empty, the middle front row was occupied by several boys. Normally, most girls would sit in this position, but there were only two girls in their class.

A group of boys decided to risk their lives and sit in the first row in the middle.

Professor Zhang was used to arriving at the classroom early. Before he opened the roll call list, he glanced at the last two girls who came in.

Yang Xiaoya’s old face turned red.

Instead, Lin Xi opened the textbook in front of her and waited attentively for the professor to start the class.

"Lin Xi, I'm sorry for getting you into trouble." Yang Xiaoya whispered when Professor Zhang finished calling the roll and turned to write on the blackboard.

Lin Xi shook her head slightly.

It was cold in the morning, so Lin Xi got up early, and Yang Xiaoya was the last to get up.

Finally, after the first class, Yang Xiaoya touched her stomach and said, "I'm so hungry. I didn't even have breakfast."

"Didn't you have breakfast?" A boy in the back row heard this and directly handed over the biscuits he brought.

Their class studies information engineering. There are 26 students in the class, only two of them are girls.

And the quality is not bad, and each one looks better than the other.

Yang Xiaoya is from Northeast China, tall, with bright features, and a forthright and outgoing personality. As for Lin Xi, when she entered the College of Engineering as a freshman, she was chosen as the campus beauty. The original words of the boys who chose her were, "white skin, beautiful face, long legs."

Lin Xi has a pure and gentle beauty, and her skin is so fair that she glows when she walks in the crowd.

She is actually much shorter than Yang Xiaoya, but her body proportions are good and she is slim enough, so even an ordinary pair of jeans can make her look exceptionally good.

There are few female students in the School of Engineering. There are only two female students in the two classes in the entire department.

There isn't even a single girl in the class next door.

Therefore, all the boys in class took great care of the only two girls in the department.

Besides, both girls are good-looking. Even when they go out to brag to other departments, they can say that although there are few female students in our School of Engineering, their quality is top-notch.

Yang Xiaoya didn't feel comfortable taking all of them, so she took two biscuits and gave one to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

Unexpectedly, just after she finished speaking, two bottles of hot drinks were placed between their tables.

When winter comes, the vending machines in the school teaching building sell hot drinks.

"Hey, thank you. How much is it?" Yang Xiaoya said as she took out her wallet.

The boy who bought the drinks looked at her and raised his lips, "Just two bottles of drinks and you're still paying?"

Lin Xi was asking questions to the boy behind her when she saw the boy standing in the aisle and smiling. She glanced at him indifferently, then lowered her head and continued to discuss the question with others.

When she turned back, Yang Xiaoya whispered, "To be honest, Han Xun is not a handsome guy, but at least he is a stylish guy. You really don't like him?"

The fact that Han Xun liked Lin Xi was not news in the department.

To be honest, he was definitely not the only one in the department who liked Lin Xi. But Han Xun was rich and handsome, so with him as a reference, others would have to consider their own weight even if they were interested.

Besides, even though Han Xun had been pursuing her for most of the semester, Lin Xi was not moved at all.

She wasn't trying to keep Han Xun hanging, she really didn't want to fall in love.

Lin Xi glanced at her and suddenly smiled, "Didn't I say last time that if you dare to ask me this kind of question again, I will take advantage of you sleeping..."

She made a motion of threading a needle back and forth.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaoya snorted, "Forget it, let's let our handsome Han continue to work hard."

After two classes, there is a long break.

The next two classes were in the classroom upstairs, so everyone moved upstairs. The monitor took advantage of everyone being there and said, "Our class's first trip has been decided. We're going to Huangshan this week. Everyone must go, and no one is allowed to ask for leave."

"Two young ladies, you will definitely be there as well."

What the class monitor fears most is probably that one of these two people is missing, which would be equivalent to weakening the enthusiasm of half of the class.

Fortunately, Yang Xiaoya nodded, "Squad leader, we will definitely be there."

When I was in high school, the most we did was a spring outing.

This was Lin Xi's first time to participate in a class trip, and also her first time traveling. Although it was only to Huangshan, which was not far from Hangzhou, it was fresh and worth looking forward to for her.

For her, everything is new after coming to Hangzhou.

The first time she entered the university campus, she was amazed by the land of Zijingang Campus. Every day when school started and went home, the flow of bicycles shuttling through the campus was particularly spectacular.

But whenever she saw a couple riding side by side, Lin Xi would be slightly stunned.

She began to force herself not to always think about studying. She joined the student union and participated in school clubs.

Even Yang Xiaoya was surprised that she would sign up for the school's street dance club.

She practiced dancing three times a week, starting from having no basic skills, and gradually she was able to keep up with the pace of her seniors.

On weekends, she and Yang Xiaoya walked through the streets of Hangzhou. There was a constant flow of people on Hefang Street, surrounded by people of all accents, and they walked among the crowds, visiting the small shops on both sides.

When Yang Xiaoya wanted to spend money to buy it, Lin Xi secretly pulled her aside and said with a smile that everyone in the class had a family doing business in Yiwu Small Commodities Market. If she wanted it, she could ask this classmate to bring back a box. It would definitely be cheaper than this.

As a result, her complaints were heard by the shop assistant, who glared at her fiercely.

She walked across the Broken Bridge, swam across the West Lake, looked at the Leifeng Pagoda in the distance, and thought of the legend of White Snake that she had been hearing since she was a child.

It was not until October that she rode her bicycle along Nanshan Road and arrived at the foot of the Lei Feng Pagoda. The little turtles in the pond at the mountain gate were lying on the edge of the pond to rest, and a circle of coins around the pond reflected a silver glow in the sun.

Yang Xiaoya threw one and asked her to throw one too.

Lin Xi smiled and shook her head.

Does she have a wish

Lin Yaohua's case found a major breakthrough thanks to the efforts of the top lawyers sent by Ji Wenqing. From the video surveillance of the KTV, it looked like the two were trembling, and Lin Yaohua reached out and pushed the other person down.

But they found another witness who was there at the time.

The eyewitness used his mobile phone to record the scene at that time, and his position was clearer than the KTV scene, and the angle was clearer. When the video was played in court, everyone could clearly see that Lin Yaohua's palm did not directly touch the deceased, and the deceased fell down the building after his body suddenly staggered.

When the court announced that Lin Yaohua was not guilty, the other party's family members went crazy and wanted to rush in and beat him.

Lin Xi did not attend. Neither Lin Yaohua nor Jiang Ying wanted her to go to that kind of place.

Fortunately, in the end, everything turned out well.

Afterwards, the three of them visited Lin Zheng’s grave, and Lin Yaohua personally poured three cups of sake on his grave.

Justice is clear, and he can finally rest in peace this time.

But later, Lin Yaohua and Jiang Ying had to move away from their hometown because the other party saw that Lin Yaohua was fine and believed that their family had bribed the court and the verdict was unfair. They petitioned and came to Lin's house to make trouble. Even if they called the police every time, they ran away before the police came.

After getting fed up with it, they finally decided to move away from their hometown.

Lin Xi felt that now that her father had returned safely, she could no longer be greedy.

But is she really not greedy? If she didn't have an obsession in her heart, why did she join the student union, join the street dance group, study so hard every day, and still maintain the top spot in the class in the midterm exam

She tried hard to become a different Lin Xi.

Perhaps, deep down in her heart, she had an extravagant thought that she didn't even dare to say out loud.

If they could meet again one day, she wanted to become a better Lin Xi.

But will there ever be such a day

We arrived at Huangshan Mountain on the weekend. When we were going up the mountain, the boys were eager to carry the backpacks of the two girls. But Lin Xi had always been physically strong, and she didn't want to trouble others, so she shook her head. Seeing her like this, Yang Xiaoya gritted her teeth and carried the backpack herself.

They finally reached the top of the mountain. Because they arrived early, the surroundings were shrouded in mist.

There was a sense that they had arrived in a wonderland.

The squad leader brought a camera with him to take a group photo for everyone.

Yang Xiaoya took out her cell phone and kept taking selfies, and then pulled Lin Xi to take photos together.

After the photo was taken, Yang Xiaoya suddenly shouted towards the cliff, "Ah."

Even the boys next to her were startled by her.

She looked at Lin Xi excitedly and said, "I've never seen a place like this when I was in my hometown. Don't you think this is a paradise on earth? I think if I make a wish here, it will definitely come true."

Then, she said to the boys, "Don't eavesdrop."

The boys immediately assured that they would never eavesdrop.

As a result, Yang Xiaoya turned around, put her hands on her mouth, and started shouting towards the mountains.

As for her great aunt's wish to find a boyfriend, get first place in the grade in the exam, get a national scholarship, and travel to Japan this year, not only did the people standing nearby hear it, but even the people halfway up the mountain probably heard it.

"Lin Xi, why don't you make a wish?"

Yang Xiaoya pulled her.

Lin Xi tried to avoid it, but Yang Xiaoya kept encouraging her, "Lin Xi, what if our wish really comes true? You can hear all my wishes, so shout out one too."

I don’t know if it’s because the scenery here is too beautiful, or if she has been suppressing it in her heart for too long.

Finally, she put her hands on her cheeks and shouted towards the mountains.

"Ji Junxing."

She shouted the name, and in an instant, all the blood in her body seemed to boil with the name.

You must take good care of yourself in the United States.


Tsinghua campus is as noisy as ever during the day. Every student walking on this university campus that all Chinese people dream of may look ordinary, but in fact they are also extraordinary.

It was afternoon and the day's classes were over.

Several boys were chatting in the dormitory. The things placed on the desks under each bed could roughly reflect each person's personality. However, on the table on the left side of the balcony, besides books, there was a computer.

This computer is coveted by all the other boys in the dormitory.

Next to the computer is a black headphone.

After a while, the dormitory door was pushed open, and a tall boy in a black coat walked in. In fact, although he was called a boy, the features of his face had already begun to look like a young man. Ji Junxing was still tall, and wearing such a slim double-breasted coat, he was really conspicuous when walking on campus.

"Jun Xing, those girls from the Journalism Department are inviting us to dinner tomorrow, do you want to go?"

The head of his dormitory asked after receiving glances from other roommates.

There was no other way. They were in a computer science lab class, and there was no girl in the class. If they wanted to find a girlfriend, they could only look outside the department. They were all young, just released from the cage of high school, and they were eager to achieve all their life goals immediately.

Unfortunately, the goal of finding a girlfriend alone stopped them in their tracks.

These girls invited them to dinner, but their real intention was not to have dinner with them, but to be with Ji Junxing.

"No." Ji Junxing looked lazy but his tone was extremely firm.

Finally sitting in his chair, another roommate, Xu Heng, who was eavesdropping, said dejectedly: "Master Ji, tell me, you don't even like the beauty in the journalism department, what kind of beauty do you want to find?"

They had asked this question before, but Ji Junxing would just give a lazy smile.

Not a single word.

He seemed a little upset today, turned to look at them, and said directly: "Want to know?"

The other three quickly stared at him.

"People with long hair must tie their hair into a ponytail." In the end, they tied their hair into a ponytail every day.

The three of them thought that this was not difficult.

"Your skin must be white, at least as white as mine."

The three of them looked at Master Ji's extremely white skin. He was already conspicuous in the crowd, and he wanted to find someone as conspicuous as him.

"You have to smile sweetly, so that people can feel moved."

The three of them widened their eyes.

It was not until Ji Junxing took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair that he finally spoke.

"It has to be what I like."

Damn it, all I’ve been saying for so long is in vain.

The three of them kept muttering, and he ignored them.

His cell phone rang, he took it out and turned it on. The background picture was a photo of him and a girl.

He stared at the photo for a long time, and it must be one he liked.

But what to do, he only likes her.

But, she was gone.

The author has something to say: Well, the storm is over, and Little Sweetie is back again

Don't worry, they will meet again soon. I will write about their separation in detail.

I still can't bear to see my girlfriend sad

I took a look and found that the update yesterday was 10,000 words, which is more than the update of the third chapter.

I was really exhausted yesterday, so I got up at 8am to code this chapter. I'm a few minutes late, please forgive me.

Brother Tong has updated too much these days, and needs girlfriends to leave messages of encouragement, muah muah muah muah

This chapter continues to give out 200 red envelopes, this time for the first 50, and the last 150