Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 44


Lin Xi looked at Jiang Yimian in shock and asked quickly, "What's going on?"

"What else could it be? After you disappeared, he went to your house to look for you." Jiang Yimian recalled that Master Ji was really tough. "He actually waited at your door for three days and three nights. I heard from Xie Ang that in the end he was carried on a stretcher by the doctors and bodyguards brought by his father."

At this time, the wind was blowing outside, and the trees next to the dormitory were rustling, and the leaves on the treetops were falling down.

Lin Xi's eyes seemed to be empty. She stared at the fallen leaves not far away and whispered, "I don't know."

"I didn't know at first. I kept calling you, but you didn't answer. Then I called Ji Junxing, but he didn't answer either. That's when I asked Xie Ang. He told me."

Jiang Yimian looked at her, and seeing Lin Xi's expression, he quickly said, "Lin Xi, please don't cry."

"It's okay, I won't cry." Lin Xi said. But her red eyes couldn't hide her thoughts.

The two walked slowly down the dormitory building. Students on bicycles whizzed by on the main road from time to time. The street lamps on both sides of the road emitted a soft cream-yellow light. The campus under the night was so leisurely and peaceful at this moment.

Jiang Yimian asked Lin Xi how she had spent the past year.

"I went to Zhejiang University and studied for half a semester. I found that the Zijingang Campus is very beautiful and large, with a strong academic atmosphere. The teachers and classmates I met are all very nice people. Hangzhou is also a place with outstanding people and beautiful scenery. Everything is great." Lin Xiwei looked up. There was a sky full of stars above her head tonight. This was the first time that Lin Xi had seen such a beautiful starry night since returning to Beijing.

She looked at the quiet and far-reaching sky, then turned to look at Jiang Yimian, "But after all, that's not the place I want to go the most."

“So I came back.”

Jiang Yimian smiled and said sincerely: "Lin Xi, it's great that you can come back."

"But I seem to have messed up my first meeting with him." Lin Xi felt helpless and regretful.

The two of them just walked to a grassy area, and Jiang Yimian pulled her to sit down.

She asked curiously, "What's going on?"

Lin Xi told Jiang Yimian that she thought Ji Junxing had gone to MIT, and Jiang Yimian's eyes widened when he heard it.

After a while, Jiang Yimian let out a light breath, "Is Ji Junxing angry with you?"

Was that considered a rage? Actually, he didn't really scold her, he just told the truth.

Jiang Yimian shook his head and said, "If I were Master Ji, I would be so angry that I would vomit blood on the spot. He gave up MIT for you and quarreled with his family. I heard from Xie Ang that his grandfather insisted on him going abroad, but he refused. His father was so angry that he almost beat him up. And you actually thought he went abroad..."

In the past, Jiang Yimian admired Lin Xi very much. After all, if Lin Xi hadn’t been tutoring her in math and pulling her along, she really might not have been able to get into Tsinghua University.

But at this moment, she, who was so partial to Lin Xi, actually spoke up for Ji Junxing.

Only then did Lin Xi realize how much she had gone too far.

Not only did she give up, she also thought he had given up, but he had clearly been waiting for her.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Ji Junxing came out of the bathroom. He washed his hair, covered his head with a towel, sat back in his chair, and started typing code again.

This was not something done in the laboratory. A senior fellow asked him to do it and paid him for it.

The cell phone he placed on the table beeped twice, but Ji Junxing didn't even look at it. He didn't like looking at his cell phone when he was working.

And I don’t know who leaked his number, but there are always girls sending him text messages.

As for this side, Lin Xi got Ji Junxing's cell phone number from Jiang Yimian.

She thought for a long time and typed: I am Lin Xi, this is my new number.

After sending the message, there was no reply. Ten minutes later, Lin Xi finally put her phone on the table, but even though she was staring at the book, her eyes kept glancing at her phone.

Didn’t he see it

But another more terrifying thought rang in her mind. Did he not want to reply to her text message at all

"Lin Xi, do you want to take a shower?" Chu Qianqian asked her from the opposite side.

Lin Xi hummed, took her pajamas and underwear from the closet, and when she was about to go to the bathroom, she turned around and picked up the phone on the table.

Chu Qianqian happened to see it and said in surprise, "You take your cell phone with you when you take a shower?"

"I'll wait for a call." Lin Xi said and went into the bathroom.

As soon as she entered, Chu Qianqian said strangely, "What call is so important? I'm afraid I'll miss it even when I'm taking a shower."

"What do you think?" Ye Ke said without raising his head, holding the book in his hand.

Xiao Fangyu recalled what Chu Qianqian had said before, "Could it be that the sophomore computer science student is really related to Lin Xi?"

"That's for sure."

Chu Qianqian, who witnessed everything at the scene, said this with particular certainty.

Xiao Fangyu recalled the post on the school forum and said, "But I saw the post there saying that the senior didn't have a girlfriend."

"Of course not. Think about where Lin Xi was last year. She was not in Tsinghua University. Zhejiang University is such a good school, why would Lin Xi repeat her senior year? It must be for Senior Ji." As expected of a science major, Chu Qianqian's logic is exceptionally clear.

Ye Ke nodded: "The power of love is really great."

During the discussion, a message suddenly came to Chu Qianqian's mobile phone, and she looked down.

"I'll go." She exclaimed softly, and quickly said, "Look, a senior schoolmate sent this photo and asked me about Lin Xi's situation."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Fangyu and Ye Ke quickly stood up.

The two of them walked over and gathered around Chu Qianqian's phone to look at it.

In the photo, the tall boy pursed his lips tightly, and his slender fingers pulled the necklace on the girl's neck. The photographer should be standing beside them. Ji Junxing's profile is deep, especially his nose, which is tall and straight. I'm afraid that even a carving knife can't carve such a beautiful nose.

As for Lin Xi, she has a pretty face and a soft profile.

It was clearly just a candid shot, but both of them looked exceptionally good in the photo.

The senior student asked: Is this the girl in your dormitory? What is her name

Someone had seen Chu Qianqian talking to Lin Xi before and knew that they knew each other.

Chu Qianqian said: "This is a senior from the Journalism Department. She is our deputy director. She usually looks quite aloof. I didn't expect her to be so gossipy."

As she was talking, the senior student sent several messages in succession, all asking about the relationship between Lin Xi and Ji Junxing.

At the end, the senior student specifically said: I am also asking on behalf of my classmates, please don’t tell anyone else.

Seeing this, Ye Ke burst into laughter and said sarcastically, "I'm afraid this classmate is the senior sister herself."

"This senior is so popular. Not only are people discussing him on the forum, but some people even come directly to ask Xixi about him." Xiao Fangyu was amazed. After all, she was really unfamiliar with this kind of enthusiasm.

Ye Ke was not surprised. She said directly: "That's because in this school, although there are more boys than girls, there are far fewer handsome boys than pretty girls. After all, girls can become little beauties by putting on makeup and changing clothes. Look at the seniors in our school. How many of them will spend time dressing themselves up?"

In fact, Ji Junxing didn't dress up in the photo. He was just wearing competition clothes. Because of his height and long legs, he looked like a clothes hanger. The same clothes looked better on him than others.

After Lin Xi came out, the other three told her about this.

Chu Qianqian said very seriously: "Don't worry, I have told this senior exactly what you said to me before. We all know whether this senior Ji has someone he likes."

Lin Xi smiled, but until the lights in the dormitory were turned off, she still didn't receive Ji Junxing's call.

Because when Ji Junxing picked up his phone, it was already half past twelve. Because his computer was running out of battery, he picked up his phone to take a look and was about to go to bed, but when he looked at it, he found that Lin Xi had sent him a text message.

When Ji Junxing looked at the time of the text message, it was a little after ten o'clock.

He cursed himself in his heart, looked at the time, and didn't reply to the text message.

After finishing his major class in the morning, Ji Junxing went to the laboratory temporarily. There happened to be other students there. When it was almost 1:30 in the afternoon, the Mao Zedong Thought class was about to start. This was a public class in the tiered classroom. The sophomore students in the laboratory were packing up and preparing to go.

"Ji Shen, aren't you leaving?" A classmate passed by him.

Ji Junxing frowned, staring at the things in front of him, and was about to call his roommates to ask them to help him count them.

Unexpectedly, someone next to me complained: "Freshmen take Marxism-Leninism, sophomores take Mao Zedong Thought. Anyway, it's never wrong to have ideological education once a year."

"Where do you take the freshman Ma Yuan course?" he suddenly asked.

The classmate said, "They also have a public class, and it seems to be this afternoon, and they are next to us."

"Yes, last time I met that junior of mine, he asked me to borrow a book, and he said that he lost Ma Yuan's textbook at the beginning of the semester. I remember that I met him in the big lecture hall that day."

After they finished talking, Ji Junxing picked up his schoolbag and said, "Let's go."

"You went to class again? I thought you were going to ask your classmates to help you count."

In fact, they often stay in the laboratory until critical moments, and they will skip classes when they encounter such political courses.

Ji Junxing changed his mind.

Until he arrived at the lecture hall, where they had classes, it was the second classroom in the corridor, and the first classroom was where freshmen had classes. He tilted his head and took a look, and immediately saw Lin Xi sitting obediently in the first row.

She had a notebook and a book in front of her, and she was looking down at this moment.

I didn't know she was in this school before, and we were in separate classrooms, but we had never met each other.

Of course, Ji Junxing had never considered that he had already skipped several political classes since the beginning of this semester.

The political classes were two consecutive periods. Their teacher was the kind of person who taught in a very imaginative way. There was no break in the class. The teacher just said that if any students wanted to go to the toilet, they could just go directly.

As soon as the second class was over, he immediately stood up, walked down the classroom stairs and walked out.

The class next door had just finished, and students carrying backpacks came out one after another.

Ji Junxing saw Lin Xi packing her things from the back door. He walked forward a few steps and stood next to the front door.

But when she came out, she was following her roommate, looking down at her phone.

Seeing that she was about to pass by him, Ji Junxing cleared his throat and called out, "Lin Xi."

When someone called her, Lin Xi looked up.

When she saw him, her indifferent expression suddenly turned into joy, and her soft lips immediately curled up.

Ji Junxing didn't even know that when he saw this scene, the irritability that had been accumulating in his heart since last night suddenly disappeared.

She came over immediately, while several roommates stood not far away and looked at them.

Lin Xi walked up to him and tilted her head slightly. She had just been looking at her phone to see if he had sent her any messages.

"Why are you here?" she asked with a smile.

Ji Junxing looked at her and laughed. His face became relaxed. Just when he was about to laugh, he suddenly seemed to think of something and said, "I saw you, senior, but you don't know what to call you?"


Lin Xi looked at him, surprised, and muttered in a low voice: "What kind of senior are you?"

"I'm a sophomore and you're a freshman. Do you think it counts?" Ji Junxing glanced at her with his eyelids lowered.

She tilted her head slightly, her long hair was not tied up, but draped over her shoulders. Her fair cheeks were blocked by her long hair, making her look even more petite and delicate, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of beauty and gentleness.

His heart suddenly softened, he snorted and asked, "Should you call me senior?"

Finally, after holding it in for a long time, Lin Xi spoke.

"Senior Ji."

The author has something to say: Report to the teacher, there is a senior Ji who is bullying people here

Young Master: Hmm? Am I not a senior

That season is back again.

Sorry for the late update today.

I still say that, if it reaches 50,000, I will update it tomorrow.

Send 200 red envelopes to girlfriends, still 20 for the first and 180 for the last