Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 55


In the early morning, people woke up from their sleep, opened the curtains, and saw a vast expanse of white outside. Only then did they realize that the first snow of this winter had quietly fallen last night.

After Lin Xi and Ji Junxing finished their breakfast, they returned to school.

Because this place is not far from the school, they walked all the way back. However, it snowed heavily last night, and many places had not been cleared this morning. From time to time, people were seen stumbling along the way.

Lin Xi lowered her head and walked cautiously, but unexpectedly a soft sigh was heard from the side.

Ji Junxing glanced at her and whispered, "Don't you want to hold my hand?"

After saying that, he grabbed her hand and put it directly under his arm.

Lin Xi smiled softly and followed him step by step towards the school. Finally, they arrived at the dormitory building. Ji Junxing nodded his chin slightly and pointed to the door behind him, "Go in."

"Do you want to go back to the dormitory?" Lin Xi asked him.

Ji Junxing shook his head, "Let's go to the lab building later. We have training today."

Lin Xi returned to the dormitory and just opened the door, she felt a gust of wind blowing through. When she looked again, she saw Chu Qianqian and the other three lying on the balcony of the dormitory looking outside.

The thick snow covered the entire school, and everything was white as far as the eye could see.

The sound of her pushing the door startled them, and the three of them turned around at the same time.

Chu Qianqian said excitedly: "Lin Xi, you are back."

She came in bounding.

Ye Ke followed in and shivered, "It's freezing cold."

Xiao Fangyu felt the same way and quickly followed in.

As soon as Lin Xi sat down in her seat, Chu Qianqian said mischievously, "Lin Xi, a night of spring is worth a thousand gold, why did you come back so early?"

Lin Xi and Ji Junxing both have regular work and rest schedules, and they both woke up at around six o'clock.

It's only half past seven when I get back to the dormitory.

When Lin Xi heard this, her mind went blank. She shook her head for a moment and said, "What are you thinking about?"

"What else can I think of? Do you know that you and Mr. Ji are famous all over the school?" Chu Qianqian said with a smile.

Lin Xi looked at her, somewhat confused.

Chu Qianqian simply dragged her chair next to her and handed her her mobile phone. At that moment, the school forum was displayed on the screen.

Lin Xi looked down and her cheeks turned slightly red.

"This is the first time I know that there are boys in our school who are so handsome! So romantic!! Please tell me, are there any other guys like this in Xinyuan? Please introduce one to me!!!"

The picture accompanying this post was a picture of Ji Junxing kissing her on the stage last night.

On the stage, he was wearing a black suit, his eyebrows and eyes were handsome and deep under the light and shadow. He lowered his head slightly, held Lin Xi's cheek with his palm, and kissed her. This photo shows Lin Xi's back and him from the front.

When his kiss came upon her, Lin Xi had her eyes closed.

Only now did she realize how handsome he was at that time.

Obviously, everyone loves to watch this kind of excitement and the discussion is heated.

Immediately, a girl from the School of Information Technology came forward to share her experience.

"Classmate, I can assure you that there is only one Ji Junxing in Xinyuan, and there will never be another one."

"I promise +1 too."

"I promise + ID number."

There is a crying expression of the OP below.

However, at this time, many people felt that they shared the same suffering as the OP.

"I've heard this name before. I didn't take it seriously when I heard the name Ji Shen Ji Shen. But then I realized I was really blind."

"You're not the one above. Master Ji represented our school in the ACM Beijing regional competition this year, and he beat the next door and directly qualified for the finals. How could you not know him?"

"He's a perfect boyfriend, people who were at the scene said."

"Am I the only one who thinks he's too good-looking? I think this girl isn't good enough for him."

As a result, the person who said Lin Xi was not worthy of Ji Junxing was besieged by many people.

Even quite a few boys came out.

"Girls' jealousy is terrible. Even someone like this is not worthy of him. What do you think is worthy of him?"

"When Lin Xi was dancing last night, my roommate said he wanted to get her phone number. But before the party was over, he broke up with her."

"Fuck, someone actually has the same idea as me."

"Classmate, you are definitely more than one person."

Then, someone posted Lin Xi's student ID photo. In the photo, she was looking at the camera with a faint smile, wearing a simple white shirt and a neat ponytail, with a clean and refreshing temperament.

This photo sparked another round of heated discussion.

Obviously, Lin Xi's appearance is gentle and non-aggressive. No matter whether it is a boy or a girl, no one would hate her appearance.

However, just as Lin Xi’s photo was posted here, a photo of Ji Junxing secretly taken by a passerby was posted over there.

He was wearing a jacket and sitting in the cafeteria eating, as there were other people photographed nearby.

Well, the comparison in appearance is really terrible.

What was originally a good post turned out to be a battle between the two of them about their looks.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Ye Ke thought she was concerned about the unpleasant things some people said in the post, so he raised his eyebrows and said directly: "Lin Xi, don't mind it. You handsome men and beautiful women are in love, is it the turn of other monsters to talk?"

"Ye Ke, don't say that. I also replied to the post." Chu Qianqian yelled.

Xiao Fangyu burst out laughing, and she quickly comforted him, "You didn't say anything bad, you don't belong to the monster."

Chu Qianqian snorted and said with a smile: "But this post is really funny. It went completely off topic in the end and turned out to be a collection of photos taken secretly by Master Ji."

It turned out that later on, because someone posted secretly taken photos, all kinds of photos of Ji Junxing were posted.

Some of the photos were taken in a lecture hall.

There was a photo of him looking very careful in the book.

There was also a photo of him waiting for the elevator in the laboratory building.

Chu Qianqian sighed: "Although I always think that Master Ji is very handsome, I have never secretly photographed him. I didn't expect that there would be so many people in our school who would secretly photograph him."

"It's an anonymous forum. All the attributes that were not exposed before are now exposed."

Ye Ke didn't think there was anything strange about it.

Lin Xi had never talked about her and Ji Junxing's relationship before, but now they were in public. Chu Qianqian asked, "You didn't say anything before, but now you can tell us about your relationship, right?"

"That's it." Lin Xi stammered.

Chu Qianqian was very dissatisfied with her perfunctory answer and asked curiously: "Then tell me, what do you think is the most romantic thing that Master Ji has ever done."

This time Lin Xi really thought about it seriously, but she thought for a long time and suddenly laughed.

Seeing her smile, Chu Qianqian became even more curious, "Tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

"The most romantic thing he said was probably that he added 2,000 yuan to my meal card."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Ke sighed: "Fuck, rich people are so generous."

Lin Xi immediately waved her hand, "That was a scholarship he got himself. He ranked first in our school and it was a reward from the school."

Xiao Fangyu said enviously: "I can only top up my meal card by 200 yuan at a time now."

Chu Qianqian nodded: "Me too, firstly, I'm afraid of losing it, and secondly, I don't have that much money even if I want to recharge it."

At that time, Lin Xi just saw the two thousand yuan in the card, and she was not moved. Her strong self-esteem when she was young even made her feel a little humiliated. But now looking back, this was probably the beginning of her love for Ji Junxing.

It wasn't because of the money, but because he cared about her with such childish actions.

Chu Qianqian made the decision: "I've decided."

The other three turned to look at her, and she said solemnly, "Before the next semester starts, I must find a boyfriend. Then he can use his scholarship to buy my meal card."

Ye Ke said expressionlessly: "I think you'd better study hard and try to get the scholarship faster."

"Do you have to hit me like this? I really want to fall in love." Chu Qianqian sighed to the sky.

The other three were amused by the sight of her opening her arms and tilting her head back.

For a moment, the whole dormitory burst into laughter.

Because it is near the end of the year, not only do each class have dinner parties, but various student unions and clubs are also starting to get together.

Lin Xi's dance club had a meal together.

In the afternoon, she studied in the library while Ji Junxing went to the laboratory building for training. At around six o'clock, he called and said he would pick her up for dinner.

Although there was a lot of heated discussion about them on forums and school bulletin boards a few days ago.

But after a while, everyone naturally calmed down, after all, they all had their own things to do.

Because he sent a message, Lin Xi quickly packed her bag and stood at the entrance of the library waiting for him. After a while, a man in a black down jacket came over on a bicycle.

He saw Lin Xi standing there, parked the car, and got in immediately.

The wind outside was strong, and although Lin Xi had only waited for five minutes, her cheeks were still red from the cold. Ji Junxing walked up the steps and directly reached out to cover her cheek.

"Next time I'm not here, you can wait in the library." After saying that, he took off the dark gray scarf around his neck, wrapped it around her cheeks, covering her eyes tightly.

Lin Xi smiled with curved eyebrows.

She was about to ask where they were going when Ji Junxing's phone rang. He motioned for Lin Xi to wait and answered the call first. The other end seemed to be talking all the time. He pursed his lips slightly and whispered, "I'm going to have dinner with my girlfriend tonight."

"Bring your girlfriend here." the other side said.

Ji Junxing glanced at Lin Xi and said calmly, "I'll ask her if she's willing to go."

"The Computer Association is having a dinner party tonight. Do you want to go with me?" Ji Junxing hung up the phone, looked at Lin Xi and asked.

Lin Xi looked at him, blinked, and whispered, "I'm not from the Computer Association, so it's not a good idea for me to go."

"Forget it then." Ji Junxing said calmly.

Lin Xi nodded and said with a smile: "You go first, I will go back and have dinner with Xixi and the others."

Who knew that after she finished speaking, Ji Junxing turned around and looked at her, saying, "If you don't go, I certainly won't go either."

He said this as a matter of course.

Lin Xi was really stunned. After a while, she said with a smile: "You are not the office director, how can you be so responsible?"

Although she said so, Ji Junxing didn't care and said nonchalantly: "I didn't want to be the director at the beginning."

But when it came time to vote, everyone voted for him.

As for why he was willing to be a candidate, it was because the previous chairman told him that there were too few candidates and he was just making up the numbers.

Unexpectedly, after the vote, the chairman immediately changed his mind and forced him to be the director of the office.

Lin Xi looked at him and asked quietly, "Are you so dependent on me now?"

She is rarely so narcissistic.

Unexpectedly, Ji Junxing glanced at her and raised the corners of his lips.

"Yeah, yeah."

Lin Xi: “…” He does this, making her feel so accomplished. What should she do

The dinner was held at a restaurant on a commercial street near the school.

When Lin Xi followed Ji Junxing to the private room, they pushed the door open and saw that it was full of people and there were several tables.

It looks like everyone from the Computer Association has arrived.

The noise of them opening the door attracted the attention of the people inside.

Obviously, many people did not expect Ji Junxing to bring Lin Xi here. For a moment, the box that was very noisy just now became a little quiet.

Lin Xi felt a little embarrassed, as if she had come to the wrong place.

Suddenly, a boy wearing glasses at a round table stood up and shouted, "Come on, come on, let's welcome Director Ji and his wife to the scene."

The boy livened up the atmosphere and the stagnant air in the box seemed to disperse all at once.

Everyone laughed.

Ji Junxing turned around, looked at Lin Xi who was in a daze beside him, and reached out to hold her hand.

"Madam Director, let's go."

Lin Xi stared at him with eyes wide open. He took other people's jokes seriously.

The author has something to say: What fiancée? She is Director Ji’s wife now.


Today is a double update, the second chapter will be updated at 19:00

I found that after there are too many comments, once the number drops, it will drop by hundreds. Fairies, let's make a deal, okay

You Jiang Jiang can't stand this stimulation.

Come on, come on, let's encourage Brother Jiang Jiang who is going to update twice

Also, I found that I only updated twice a day every two days. It's not because Jiang Jiang has become lazy, but because you have become lazy. The speed of adding 5,000 has slowed down.

Are there any fairies who have extra nutrient solution? If you do, please give some to Jiang Jiang, mumumumumumu