Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 61


May is the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The campus is full of trees and flowers. Not only has the school changed, but even the female students walking on the street have started to wear shorts and skirts that show their legs.

The whole school shed the heaviness of winter and became lively again.

Lin Xi was packing her things in the dormitory. She was looking at the box in front of her. Ye Ke, who was standing next to her, was holding an apple in one hand and a book in the other. Her long legs were raised and resting on the table. Seeing Lin Xi's hesitation, she finally couldn't help but said, "Lin Xi, you're going for three days, not three months. Do you need to bring so many things?"

Lin Xi said distressedly: "But I feel like there's a lot to prepare."

"Prepare what?" Ye Ke glanced at her nonchalantly. Seeing that she was putting her underwear into a small bag, she suddenly smiled evilly and whispered, "I think you should prepare one more thing."

Lin Xi was afraid that she had forgotten to bring something, so she couldn't help but ask, "What else do you need to prepare?"

"A set of sexy underwear."

Ye Ke spoke each word slowly and Lin Xi's face turned red after hearing it.

"If Master Ji wins this time, you can take the opportunity to reward him. If he loses, you can also comfort him. It's a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. I think you should buy it."

Lin Xi said softly with her cheeks flushed, "I found that there are times when you can't spit out ivory."

Xiao Fangyu, who was reading a book nearby, raised his head and looked towards Ye Ke.

Lin Xi said: "Fang Yu, as the dormitory head, shouldn't you teach someone a lesson when someone like this appears in the dormitory?"

Xiao Fangyu was silent for a moment, then whispered, "But I think what Ye Ke said makes sense."

Lin Xi didn't expect that the honest people in the dormitory would one day become bad.

Ye Ke lifted up the front legs of the chair and said slowly, "I have eaten too much food and snacks from Master Ji this semester, and I think I need to give back."

At the beginning of this semester, Ji Junxing treated several of her roommates to a big dinner.

After that, Lin Xi didn’t go to the cafeteria to eat. When Ji Junxing ordered takeout for her, he would also order takeout for the other three people in the dormitory.

Not to mention, a wide variety of snacks.

The three people in the dormitory had a kind of admiration for Ji Junxing, after all, he was a famous god-level figure in the computer department, handsome and with good grades. Now the god was so considerate, the three of them had no way to repay him, and they wanted to tie a bow around Lin Xi and give it to Ji Junxing.

So even a girl like Xiao Fangyu, who is a bit conservative, said: "Actually, I think your relationship is so stable that you don't have to wait until you graduate from college..."

Lin Xi looked at Xiao Fangyu in confusion.

Is this still the honest man she knows

Because Ji Junxing entered the finals of ACM, and the global finals were held in Shanghai, Ji Junxing asked her if she wanted to go with him, and Lin Xi naturally wanted to go.

Later, somehow, Jiang Yimian also wanted to go, and once she went, Xie Ang naturally had to follow.

Xie Ang had already gone, so Chen Mo and Gao Yunlang thought that since they were not very busy recently, they might as well go together.

So Ji Junxing had a competition, and five little followers followed him.

This time, the competition was held in the name of the school, and the school paid for the tickets of the contestants and the instructors. Lin Xi and the others had to buy their own tickets, but in the end, Ji Junxing paid for the tickets.

The hotel was booked by Xie Ang and a few other boys.

The next day when going to the airport, Ji Junxing followed the school bus.

They took Xie Ang's car to the airport, and when they arrived, they went to find Ji Junxing. Because the school booked economy class tickets for them, Ji Junxing booked business class for them.

So after getting on the plane, he followed the other contestants to the back.

Lin Xi knew that he was tall and his seat in the economy class was a bit cramped, so before the plane notified him to turn off the communication equipment, she sent him a text message asking if he wanted to switch with him.

The person on the other end responded quickly, saying directly: No need, just have a good sleep and you will be in Shanghai soon.

Jiang Yimian saw her looking at her phone, so he came over to take a look, then said with a smile, "It's useless to persuade a person with Young Master's temper. Otherwise, he wouldn't have booked business class for all of us, and he would still sit in economy class with other students."

Ji Junxing is just like that. He won't do anything special at a time like this.

The other contestants and teachers were all sitting in economy class, so he sat with them.

The flight from Beijing to Shanghai is indeed not long. In just the time it took to sleep, the plane had landed smoothly at Shanghai Pudong Airport.

Because today not only Tsinghua University came, but also other schools in Beijing.

The school hosting the event sent a school bus to pick them up.

As for Lin Xi and the others, Xie Ang had booked a car in the morning, a comfortable seven-seater. They would not put themselves in a difficult position wherever they went, so they all parked in the parking lot. When Lin Xi and the others got in the car, Ji Junxing was talking to the teacher.

Chen Xuegeng looked at the departing car, thought for a moment, and chuckled, "Does your girlfriend come to cheer you up this time? Is it stressful?"

Ji Junxing carried a simple black backpack on one shoulder and wore a black baseball cap on his head.

The all-black outfit contrasted particularly sharply with his skin, but it also made him look particularly neat.

He put his hands in his pockets and smiled faintly: "No pressure."

At this time, the car that Lin Xi and the others were riding in had already left. He narrowed his eyes slightly in the direction the car was leaving.

“It’s pretty much full of energy.”

Chen Xuegeng had always been his instructor in the competition and knew his personality, which was that he looked down on everyone. As a result, such a quiet-looking girl was able to hold him in high esteem.

He looked at this proud disciple, shook his head and smiled: "You'd better bring back a gold medal, otherwise..."

"No, otherwise you just wait." Ji Junxing smiled lazily at him.

The opening ceremony was held the next day after they arrived. This was the first time that the global finals were held in Shanghai, and the organizer was Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Jiao Tong University had won the world finals championship three times, making it the only university in Asia that has won the most championships.

Therefore, it is well deserved that the finals are held at Jiaotong University.

The team from Jiaotong University was also holding back their enthusiasm and wanted to win another victory for their alma mater and get the championship again.

Only the representative teams from other universities all want to make history for their own schools.

This is truly a time to test our abilities and bring honor to our alma mater.

This time, Tsinghua University had three teams selected, among which Ji Junxing's team was the only one to win the regional championship and advance directly.

The opening ceremony was held in the evening, and all participating teams came to sign in in the afternoon. Because there were not so many lounges, many lounges were shared by several schools.

At this time, many people also met their high school alumni.

For example, Wang Yuan from Ji Junxing’s team met a classmate who was studying at Zhejiang University.

When the two met, they hugged each other and talked for a while. Wang Yuan pointed at Ji Junxing who was sitting on the sofa looking down at his phone and said, "We have Master Ji here this time, so we will definitely get good results."

"Who is he?" a Zhejiang University student asked curiously.

Wang Yuan chuckled and said proudly, "Ji Junxing is great. He is the champion of the 2011 World Informatics Olympiad. He was admitted to our school in his second year of high school. He is awesome."

The boy from Zhejiang University certainly knew the importance of an Olympic champion, but he asked curiously, "His name is Ji Junxing?"

Wang Yuan nodded.

"Why does his name sound so familiar to me?" muttered a Zhejiang University boy.

Wang Yuan heard: "Maybe you saw it on the news. After all, he won the championship, so there must be a lot of reports."

"That's not right. I definitely didn't see it on the news. I think I heard it from someone else." The boy was still trying to think until he suddenly raised his head and said, "I remember it now."

He was so excited that he walked directly to Ji Junxing and asked, "Classmate, do you know Lin Xi?"

Originally, Ji Junxing was texting Lin Xi with his head down, and they were all waiting for them to appear in the stands of the stadium.

Everyone else was chatting, but the corner where Ji Junxing sat seemed to have its own barrier, a little too quiet. He didn't speak, and no one dared to come up and talk to him. The other girls from other schools who came to participate in the competition had already glanced at him several times.

At this time, a boy from Zhejiang University came up to chat with her, and the other students who were chatting all looked over here.

As for Ji Junxing, when he heard Lin Xi's name coming from another boy's mouth, he looked this boy up and down. He looked like a typical science boy, not very tall, with a big forehead, and looked a bit honest.

"Who are you?" Ji Junxing leaned lazily on the sofa, looked at him and asked.

Seeing that he did not deny it, the Zhejiang University boy immediately said, "I am Lin Xi's classmate."

Wang Yuan was not unfamiliar with Lin Xi. Sometimes when Ji Junxing was training in the laboratory, Lin Xi would come over to accompany him. They were all quite familiar with Lin Xi. He asked in surprise, "When did you and Lin Xi become classmates?"

This boy was his high school classmate and they were in the same class for three years of high school.

The Zhejiang University boy said: "Of course they are my classmates from Zhejiang University."

Wang Yuan didn't know that Lin Xi had studied at Zhejiang University, and he was quite surprised. At this time, he asked in surprise: "Lin Xi studied at Zhejiang University?"

"Yes, but she dropped out after only half a semester. It is said that she went back to high school to repeat her senior year, and later was admitted to Tsinghua University." The Zhejiang University boy smiled, "At that time, Lin Xi was the most beautiful girl in our class. When she left, everyone was reluctant to let her go."

Only then did Wang Yuan know the origin of this.

He smiled and said, "You are actually classmates with Ji Shen's girlfriend. What a coincidence."

"Girlfriend?" The Zhejiang University boy glanced at Ji Junxing, then nodded and said with a smile, "No wonder."

At this time, Ji Junxing looked at his expression and asked, "What's the wonder?"

The boy touched the back of his head sheepishly and said softly, "We went on an autumn outing in our freshman year and chose to go to Huangshan. Another girl in the class said that if you make a wish facing the mountain, it will definitely come true, so she dragged Lin Xi along to make a fuss. As a result, Lin Xi shouted your name towards the mountainside."

At that time, there was actually more than one Han Xun in the class who liked Lin Xi.

Many boys have a good impression of her. After all, she is the only girl in the class. She is beautiful, has a good personality, and has excellent grades. It is no exaggeration to say that she is a goddess in the eyes of boys.

At that time, Lin Xi resolutely refused to accept Han Xun's pursuit, and the other boys were secretly happy.

Who would have thought that the trip to Huangshan would break everyone's hearts.

Because she was shouting that name towards the mountains, everyone could see that it must be the name of the boy she liked.

Not feeling disappointed enough, Lin Xi soon dropped out of school and left.

The Zhejiang University boy was also one of the students who had a special liking for Lin Xi, so he was particularly familiar with the name Ji Junxing. When Wang Yuan introduced him just now, he thought that he must have heard of it somewhere before.

Ji Junxing was stunned almost the moment he finished speaking.

Lin Xi once called out his name towards the mountains, when they separated...

This sudden news made him sit there for a long time without saying a word.

The sound in the lounge did not stop, but at this moment, his heart suddenly became silent, until Lin Xi's name filled his entire heart.

The competition went very smoothly, especially with Ji Junxing and the other two members, who won almost all the way. They fought with the St. Petersburg University from Russia almost until the last moment.

At 2 pm, the competition ended and the official announcement was made that the "White Dream" team from Tsinghua University won the final championship. When Ji Junxing stood on the podium, Lin Xi stood in the audience and clapped crazily.

The surrounding stands were filled with students, even though their alma mater did not win the championship.

But the fact that the Tsinghua team was able to defeat the powerful Russian team is already worthy of everyone's cheers and shouts for them.

After the game, Ji Junxing was going to be with other students and teachers, so Lin Xi and the others went back to the hotel to wait for him.

It was not until six o'clock in the afternoon that he came back and knocked on the door of Lin Xi and Jiang Yimian's room.

Lin Xi went to open the door, and he said directly: "Please pack two sets of clothes and some toiletries and take them with you."

She was a little confused by what he said, and she said, "Aren't we going back to school tomorrow?"

"No need to go back. I'll take you to a place." Ji Junxing said lightly.

After listening to Lin Xi, she turned around and went to pack her things. Jiang Yimian was lying on the bed playing with her phone. When she saw her come back, she asked, "Are you going to eat? I'm going to give Master Ji a good meal this time. You see, I've been searching for good restaurants in Shanghai."

Jiang Yimian said this while showing Lin Xi the screen of his phone.

But Lin Xi was busy packing and didn't have time to pay attention. After she finished packing, she turned around and said, "Yimian, I may not be back tonight, please tell Xie Ang and the others."

"If you're not coming back, where are you going?" Jiang Yimian suddenly jumped up from the bed.

Lin Xi pointed outside: "He said he wanted to take me to a place."

Jiang Yimian knew it was Ji Junxing knocking on the door. She was stunned at first, then looked at him with ill intent, waved her hand and said, "Go, go, don't come back tonight, don't come back."

Lin Xi didn't bother to explain and said goodbye to her.

When they arrived at the hotel entrance, Ji Junxing took her into a car. She asked in surprise, "Where did this car come from?"

"I asked Xie Ang to get it for me." Off-road, suitable for long-distance driving.

On the way, Lin Xi sat quietly in the passenger seat, watching Ji Junxing drive out of Shanghai. Following the constant guidance on the elevated road, the car seemed to be heading towards Anhui.

Finally, when they were refueling on the road, Lin Xi asked him, "Do you want to go to Huangshan?"

Ji Junxing suddenly unbuckled his seat belt, leaned over, and looked straight at her: "Are you scared?"

"What are you afraid of?" Lin Xi asked puzzledly.

Ji Junxing smiled and said, "I'll tell you when we get there."

It was already past midnight when the car arrived at Huangshan. Ji Junxing booked a hotel, and after they checked in, he only said that he would go up the mountain to watch the sunrise tomorrow, and soon fell asleep.

Lin Xi was thinking about how he had been preparing for the competition these days and had just driven for four hours, so she quietly set the alarm.

Unexpectedly, the next day, before her alarm clock rang, Ji Junxing had already woke her up.

Lin Xi looked at the place when she reached the top of the mountain. She felt a little familiar with it, after all, she had been here with her classmates from Zhejiang University. At that time, she thought Ji Junxing was in the United States.

Remembering that she once shouted his name towards the valley, Lin Xi suddenly smiled.

But just as she finished laughing, the person next to her put his hands on his lips and shouted towards the mountains.

"Lin Xi."

When he called out her name with all his might in his clear and mellow voice, Lin Xi was stunned for a moment and turned to look at him.

Ji Junxing looked at her and whispered, "Lin Xi, I love you."

The author has something to say: Master: Lin Xi, I want to call your name again in the way you called me

Ahhh, let me ask you guys, are you still as sexy as before

I saw some classmates asked me if the article was finished, so the number of comments and subscriptions decreased recently. Is it because of this

My setting for this book is the transition from campus to society, as well as the entrepreneurial part.

Doesn't anyone want to see the young master become President Ji? ?

Are you really eager to see the double update

Leave more messages, you guys will try your best to update twice.

This chapter will continue to give out 200 red envelopes, the first 20 and the last 180 will be randomly selected (Jinjiang seems to have no update reminders these days. As long as I don't take leave, I will definitely update at 10 o'clock in the morning)