Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 64


After all the courses are completed, there will be a two-week examination week.

The whole school was filled with the atmosphere of preparing for the exam. The all-night study room was almost full every day. Starting in the morning, the school library was full of students.

Lin Xi went to the library with her roommate early in the morning. When it was almost ten o'clock, she sent a text message to Ji Junxing.

He has been very busy recently and sometimes has to stay up until two or three in the morning. Lin Xi rarely calls him in the morning for fear of waking him up.

"I'll go find a book." Lin Xi whispered to her roommate and left her seat.

The library is divided into two areas. On the left are rows of bookshelves filled with books. Almost all kinds of books can be found here. On the right are long tables for students to read.

However, because it is exam week, many students bring their own review subjects here.

Lin Xi got up to look for information. After a while, she stood on tiptoe and looked at the books on the top shelf. Unfortunately, she couldn't reach it. She looked around, trying to find the small ladder in the library. When she walked out and looked for a long time, she still couldn't find it because there were too many bookshelves in the library.

I don’t know which classmate pushed me there.

So Lin Xi stood on tiptoe, ready to pick up the book. When her fingertips touched the book, a hand stretched out from the side and directly pulled the book down.

She turned around and saw Ji Junxing, showing a look of surprise, and lowered her voice and asked, "Why are you here?"

Ji Junxing made a hushing gesture to her.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and sent her a message in front of Lin Xi.

"You weren't the one who sent me the message?"

Lin Xi pursed her lips and smiled softly.

She sent back: But how did you know I was here

"I saw Ye Ke and the others sitting there."

Lin Xi thought for a moment and sent another message: "Have you had breakfast? How about I go to eat with you?"

Lin Xi looked at him wearing a simple black T-shirt and trousers, with a pair of sneakers on his feet. Compared to the boys who were running around in slippers nowadays, he seemed to only wear that at home. Whenever he went out, he always dressed neatly.

"It's almost time for lunch, and Chen Mo just happened to ask us to have lunch together today."

The two leaned against each other and sent messages to each other on their phones.

When Lin Xi raised her head, the person opposite her was looking up at her. The sunlight poured in from the glass window next to her, and the entire library was shrouded in the scorching sun of early summer.

She pursed her lips and smiled slightly.

Suddenly Ji Junxing came over and tapped her lips lightly.

It feels like the touch of a feather, soft and sweet.

Lin Xi was slightly surprised and looked around. Fortunately, there were not many people around. She glared at Ji Junxing with shy annoyance.

"It's not good if others see you like this." Lin Xi finally couldn't help but speak.

Unexpectedly, Ji Junxing moved closer and spoke in a low voice almost close to Lin Xi's ear.

"I can't help it."

After the two came out of the library, they went directly to the school cafeteria. However, they did not go to the big cafeteria, but to a restaurant where they could order food.

Everyone has been busy recently and we haven't seen each other for a long time.

Chen Mo and Gao Yunlang were the first to arrive. Lin Xi couldn't help but ask, "Are you two from the academy? Why are you together every day?"

For so long, wherever Chen Mo appeared, Gao Yunlang must be there.

When Gao Yunlang is around, Chen Mo must be within five meters.

Chen Mo glanced at Gao Yunlang and said affectionately, "Because of love."

Lin Xi: “…”

Instead, Gao Yunlang directly threw the tissue on the table on his cheek and whispered, "Get lost."

"Lang Lang." Chen Mo held his cheek with his hand and called softly.

Xie Ang and Jiang Yimian just happened to arrive at this time. Upon hearing this, Xie Ang's face showed disgust, "You're making me want to vomit, Chen Mo."

Jiang Yimian: "I feel sick to my stomach too."

"You people who are in love, can you please consider the feelings of me and Lang Lang, two single guys?" Chen Mo said dissatisfiedly.

Jiang Yimian said directly: "You can also find a girlfriend. There are a lot of girls in your finance department. If you don't like one, I can introduce one to you."

"I don't dare to mess with the girls from your journalism department." Chen Mo snorted and laughed.

Wei Mingya's incident opened his eyes. Even Ji Junxing was laughed at by him, saying that this was an idol drama, a drama about unrequited love.

After everyone sat down, Xie Ang quickly ordered food.

"The final exams in our Department of Mechanical Engineering are too abnormal. I really can't stand it." Xie Ang is from the School of Mechanical Engineering. After he was admitted to Tsinghua University, his parents originally wanted him to learn a minor language.

This would be the best way to inherit my parents' legacy and join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, Xie Ang was not really interested in being a diplomat. After all, he was the child of a diplomat and most of them became left-behind children.

He found it too boring.

So he chose mechanical engineering, which was what he liked anyway.

Jiang Yimian continued, "Do you think our journalism department's final exams are easy? I'm about to start my internship in my junior year, and I'm considering whether to apply to study abroad."

"Damn, you're going abroad?" Xie Ang was shocked by her.

Jiang Yimian: "Is it strange to go abroad? At least one-third of the students in our school want to go abroad."

"Then what should I do?" Xie Ang asked dissatisfiedly.

Jiang Yimian reluctantly said, "If you cry and beg me, I'll take you with me."

Xie Ang then revealed a playful expression, resting his head on Jiang Yimian's shoulder, and said with a chuckle, "I knew that Damian was the best to me."

Jiang Yimian hated it most when they called her Da Mian, and immediately slapped Xie Ang on the back.

The two of them were discussing enthusiastically, and even Chen Mo felt a little emotional.

"We will be juniors soon, so we really need to think about the future." Chen Mo glanced at Ji Junxing and asked, "Ah Xing, what about you? Do you have any plans to go abroad?"

When Ji Junxing was in high school, he rejected the offer from a prestigious foreign university just for Lin Xi.

He had a big fight with his family over this matter, and their relationship had just eased a little.

Chen Mo glanced at Lin Xi and said, "If Lin Xi keeps up her grades, it will be easy for her to apply to study abroad. And you may even get a full scholarship. It depends on which school you want to go to."

Studying at Tsinghua University, studying abroad and taking the postgraduate entrance examination are actually not difficult things.

"I won't go." Ji Junxing said indifferently.

The table suddenly became quiet, and even Lin Xi turned to look at him. In fact, Lin Xi studied so hard, partly because she wanted to apply for a full scholarship to study abroad in the future. After all, her parents' income was not high, and if she didn't get a scholarship, it would be difficult for her to go abroad.

She knew what Ji Junxing had given up for her, so she wanted to work hard and go abroad with him.

At least make up for this regret.

But she didn't expect that Ji Junxing had no plans to go abroad at all.

Ji Junxing tapped his fingers on the table and whispered, "I plan to do my own thing."

"You want to start a business?" Chen Mo asked immediately.

Ji Junxing nodded. Chen Mo was not surprised. He chuckled and said, "I knew you wouldn't let it go like this."

They had attracted an angel investor before, but Chen Mo thought it was a pity and asked Ji Junxing if he wanted to start a new project. But he refused at that time, and Chen Mo thought he was a little discouraged by that group of people.

“I had never thought about it before, but now I have a direction and plan to do it myself.”

Ji Junxing said calmly.

Chen Mo: "Let's talk about it later. If you really have an idea, you should at least bring me along."

"And me." Xie Ang joined in the fun.

As soon as he said that, Jiang Yimian pinched his arm fiercely and said angrily, "Didn't you just say you wanted to go abroad with me?"

"I..." Xie Ang was embarrassed for a moment, then suddenly said with a smile: "How about this, I will split myself in two, one half will accompany you abroad, and the other half will be with Ah Xing."

Jiang Yimian was so angry that he slapped him on the back several times, "Just stay with your Ah Xing. You idiot."

Seeing that the two were about to have a quarrel, Lin Xi hurriedly tried to persuade them.

However, what Ji Junxing suddenly said caught Lin Xi off guard.

Lin Xi remained silent until she finished lunch and returned to the library. Ji Junxing walked with her for a while, and finally realized that she seemed to be worried, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Are you really not planning to go abroad?" Lin Xi asked him.

Ji Junxing didn't know that she was considering this matter, so he asked softly, "Do you really want me to go abroad?"

Then he thought of another question and whispered, "Or do you want to go abroad yourself?"

Lin Xiwei looked up at him and said, "I just want to make up for the regret I had in the past."

After all, she still remembered what Grandpa Ji said. She originally thought that as long as she worked hard, she would be able to get the school's recommendation and apply to a prestigious foreign university. In this way, the years he stayed in China would not be in vain. After all, they finally worked hard to achieve a goal.

Ji Junxing looked at her and said softly, "Lin Xi, after you finish your exam, let's go somewhere together."

Exam week was long, but it ended so quickly that it seemed like just a blink of an eye and two weeks had passed.

Lin Xi had already told her parents that she would not go to Hangzhou this summer. She applied to stay in school and planned to use this summer to do something on her own.

On the day the exam ended, the other three people in the dormitory packed up and went home.

The next day, Ji Junxing called Lin Xi and asked her to come to the school gate. Because Ji Luchi was on vacation, Ji Junxing brought him along when he came.

Ji Luchi wore a hat, short sleeves and shorts, revealing his fair skin. Both brothers looked a bit like Wen Xuan, especially their skin, which was glowing white.

Lin Xi arrived at the school gate and saw the two of them at a glance.

"Why don't you wait in the car?" The weather was quite hot, and Lin Xi saw that Ji Luchi's forehead was covered with sweat.

Unexpectedly, the little guy said sweetly: "Sister Lin Xi, I want to wait for you outside."

The little guy has really grown into a young boy now, and he is much taller than when Lin Xi first saw him. But he is still the sweet-talking little boy.

"Where are we going?" Lin Xi asked after getting in the car.

Ji Junxing directly held her palm, gently rubbed the back of her hand twice, and said softly: "When you get there, you will know."

It was not until they arrived that Lin Xi discovered that this was actually an artificial intelligence exhibition.

Lin Xi followed him in. There were many exhibition halls of companies here, and each exhibition hall had different furnishings and layouts. But they all had one feature, which was a full sense of technology.

The whole exhibition hall gives you a feeling of being in the future.

Lin Xi and Ji Junxing looked over slowly until they stopped in front of a medical robot. At this time, the surgical robot was operating, and there was a cooked crab on the plate in front of it.

Many people gathered around and watched this medical robot use its mechanical arm to disassemble a whole crab bit by bit. The crab shell, crab roe, and even the meat in the crab claws were all taken out.

This deliberately showy technique attracted a lot of people's attention.

Ji Luchi was even more attracted and didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing any details.

The three of them walked around the exhibition for a long time. Lin Xi was deeply attracted by these things. During the time, there was a voice robot. She talked to it and it could answer her fluently.

"We have a professor who is an expert in language processing, and he has taught us before," Lin Xi said excitedly.

Being here, even ordinary people can feel the charm of technology.

Not to mention students like her who are learning related technologies, because they understand better than others what kind of difficult process it is to go from a theory to the emergence of a mature technology.

They didn't come out until it was almost closing time.

The three of them walked to the platform outside the venue. There were high steps below. In the distance, the sun was setting, and the fiery red clouds dyed half of the sky red. There was an inexplicable sense of grandeur.

Suddenly, Ji Junxing turned to look at Lin Xi and said, "Lin Xi, what do you think?"

"Very shocking." Lin Xi looked at the fiery clouds in the distance.

Her teachers are all industry experts, so naturally many of them have mentioned the concept of the AI era to them. She had never come into contact with it before, but today, looking at these technological artifacts, she realized that she had thought AI was too far away. In fact, artificial intelligence can be involved in every field of life.

If one day technology matures and costs are reduced, what a brand new society this will become.

Those high-tech scenes that once appeared in movies may actually become a reality one day.

Ji Junxing continued, "What I told Chen Mo before was what I was thinking about. I plan to start with medical AI. You know that medical imaging in China is growing at a rate of 30% per year. But the number of doctors cannot increase at this rate. It takes about 15 minutes for each doctor to read the film. If I involve such artificial intelligence, it can not only read the film in ten seconds, but also be much more accurate than human doctors."

Lin Xi was slightly surprised, as she had also seen a medical robot in the venue just now.

She didn't expect Ji Junxing's direction to be this.

"Lin Xi, I don't want to say that I will take care of you for the rest of my life. You don't want to live a life of being taken care of by others for the rest of your life. Come with me, Lin Xi. Let's work hard together, fight together, and let us both become better. Even if we fail, it doesn't matter, we can afford it."

He stretched out his hand towards Lin Xi, "Do you want to come with me?"

Lin Xi looked up at him, and this time she was finally shocked.

Yes, she studied for so many years, not for a lifetime of care. Even though she loved Ji Junxing so much, she didn't want him to take care of her for the rest of her life. She wanted to be a better person, and wanted to use her own efforts to take care of her parents or love him.

She never knew that he understood the deepest obsession in her heart.

She reached out her palm and grasped his tightly.

Until Ji Junxing whispered: "I have even thought of a name for our first project."

Lin Xi raised her head slightly.

"Doctor Xiaozheng No.1."

Lin Zheng...

Lin Xi was completely stunned.

Until Ji Junxing looked at her and said softly: "I remember you said that your brother's biggest goal is to become a good doctor."

His voice was firm yet gentle, which made Lin Xi tear up immediately.

“We take his share and work together.”

The author has something to say: Brother Lin Zheng, he is always influencing them.

Master, go ahead!

Brother Tong has been really busy these past two days. Today, he accompanied someone to the hospital for a physical examination, so he took two hours off.

There is also Brother Tong's author who has collected more than 20,000. I said before that I would add more for everyone.

Let me see if it's today or tomorrow. There are still 80,000 benefits. Just search for "Jiang Mutong" on the official account.

This chapter will continue to send 300 red envelopes, 50 for the first and 250 for the last

Many girls said they didn't receive red envelopes, because there are a lot of comments on each chapter, I can't guarantee that every girl will receive it, so if you really want it, just write more words so that Brother Tong can see you and pick you.