Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 69


The dinner was held in a five-star hotel. Ji Junxing's family driver came to pick them up in advance. When he saw the driver, even Ji Junxing was slightly stunned.

Just then Wen Xuan called.

After Ji Junxing answered the call, Wen Xuan smiled and said, "Son, you don't drive yourself to a party. Be careful with your dress."

Today he chose a black suit, a white shirt, and a black bow tie. The suit looked simple and ordinary, but the shape was perfect, making him look tall and graceful.

Ji Junxing was holding a mobile phone and wearing cufflinks made of gemstones on his cuffs. These were probably the only shining things on him.

"I understand." Ji Junxing replied with a faint "hmm".

Lin Xi was holding her evening bag, waiting for Ji Junxing to finish his call. He had just hung up when she looked back, her eyes slightly darker. This was probably Lin Xi's most daring and gorgeous outfit, with the tassel diamond earrings dangling gently on her earlobes.

He stretched out his hand in front of her. When Lin Xi took his arm, she heard someone next to her suddenly say, "I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach."

Lin Xi quickly looked up at him and asked in surprise: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

“I want to go back to school.”

He said expressionlessly.

Lin Xi stared at his face for a long time, finally chuckled, and whispered: "Bear with it for now."

Ji Junxing turned his head and stared at her, his mouth curled slightly: "Lin Xi, you have become bad."

His voice was lazy and full of teasing.

Instead, Lin Xi gently pinched her arm and whispered, "It's you who lied to me so well."

He looked at her in silence, because he didn't want others to see Lin Xi like this.

Fortunately, Ji Junxing was awkward for a while and didn't continue. The two went downstairs and got in the car. Because of the traffic jam at this time, they didn't arrive at the hotel until 20 minutes before the dinner started.

When they took the elevator to the banquet hall upstairs, the elevator door opened and there were several bodyguards in black suits standing outside.

Many business leaders attended the dinner, so the organizers put a lot of effort into security.

When they arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall, they saw the red sign-in board covered with the logos of sponsors.

Many signatures have already covered the sign-in board.

They took out the invitation and handed it to the staff at the door.

When Lin Xi entered the banquet hall, she was completely shocked. The entire hall was filled with long tables, pure white embroidered tablecloths, sparkling crystal wine glasses, silver candlesticks, and intricate and beautiful flowers. On each table was a name card with each guest's name written in gorgeous cursive.

Lin Xi and Ji Junxing followed the waiter to a table and sat down.

Their seat was a bit remote, and there were already quite a few people sitting at the table. Lin Xi and Ji Junxing were sitting next to each other, and Ji Junxing pulled out a chair for her, and after she sat down, he sat down after her.

Lin Xi had only seen such dinner scenes on TV dramas.

Even the scenes in domestic TV dramas were not as gorgeous as today's, but more like the dinner parties in American dramas.

Especially these long tables.

Because they were not familiar faces and were too young, the other people at the table nodded slightly at them when they sat down and immediately started communicating with each other.

There were many people talking in the hall, but everyone kept their voices down, so it didn't feel noisy.

Lin Xi looked around quietly and found that the tables in the center were already occupied by some big shots.

He is also the founder of a domestic Internet company.

Ji Junxing was used to this kind of thing and didn't find it novel. He just put one hand on the table and tapped it a few times.

When the dinner was about to start, the few empty seats in the middle began to be occupied one by one.

"Which company are you from?" A young man next to Lin Xi started talking to her.

Lin Xi was stunned. The other party had already handed over his business card. After taking a look, she saw that he was the CEO of a certain technology company.

She smiled apologetically and whispered, "Sorry, I don't have a business card."

The man was obviously a little bit unbelievable that there was no one who came to such a place without a business card. Of course, if you were famous enough that everyone would know you the moment you showed up, you naturally didn't need to bring a business card.

The young man glanced at Ji Junxing next to her and asked, "Which company are you from?"

"stream." Lin Xi said.

The man thought for a long time after hearing this, but he didn't know which company this was. I don't know if it was because Ji Junxing next to Lin Xi looked up and glanced at him, or he felt that Lin Xi was not worth talking to, so he tried to talk to the people on the other side for the rest of the time.

The dinner started quickly. The table in the middle was very lively, with a lot of people looking at each other and other things.

However, their table was a little remote and no one paid attention to it.

The waiter served the dishes quickly. The appetizers were brought to each of them in turn, with a white porcelain plate for each person. On the large plate was a delicate and small piece of food.

Halfway through the dinner, a girl in a pink satin dress suddenly came over, holding up the hem of her skirt.

Song Linxue walked closer, chuckled and said, "Ji Junxing, Lin Xi, it turns out it was really you."

Lin Xi naturally remembered this Miss Song, after all, she had a close relationship with the two children that Lin Xi had taught before. After meeting her for the first time in the restaurant, Song Ran told her the next day to stay away from Song Linxue.

At that time, Song Ran's expression was serious and a little fearful.

Lin Xi didn't care at first, and when Song Ran kept talking, she was even comforting the little girl.

Unexpectedly, Song Yao, who was standing next to him, laughed sarcastically and whispered, "Have you ever seen a beautiful snake?"

At this time, the lights in the banquet hall were dim yellow. Song Linxue was wearing a pink satin dress with a fluffy skirt. Her slightly curly long hair was draped over her shoulders. She had a sweet and amiable smile. Such a sweet and innocent girl really had nothing to do with the three words "beautiful snake".

Ji Junxing raised his head and glanced at her. After a slight pause, he nodded calmly, "Hello."

Just two simple words, hello.

Instead, Lin Xi smiled at Song Linxue and whispered, "Hello, Miss Song, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Yes, it's great to see you here. I don't know anyone else." Song Linxue reached out and lifted the long hair by her ears. She was wearing a sparkling diamond necklace around her neck, especially the main diamond on her chest, which was shining under the light.

Song Linxue suddenly seemed to remember something and said, "I have been in China recently because of an internship course. If you don't mind, can I go to Tsinghua to visit you? Speaking of which, I studied in a foreign university and have not really felt the atmosphere of a domestic university."

Lin Xi was slightly stunned. Song Linxue's request was really strange. Logically speaking, they had only met once.

Not very familiar.

Seeing her hesitation, Song Linxue smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm forcing you."

When Lin Xi heard her say that, she was about to say no, but her hand on her leg was suddenly held down by another hand. At this time, Ji Junxing looked at Song Linxue and said calmly, "I'm sorry, the project we've been busy with recently has entered the final stage. I'm afraid she doesn't have time to receive you."

This rejection is quite straightforward.

Fortunately, Song Linxue's expression didn't change, and she said sweetly, "It's okay, I can contact my other classmates."

"The project you are talking about, is it the artificial intelligence system for medical imaging?" Song Linxue asked.

Her voice wasn't loud, but the other people at the table still looked at the three of them.

After all, Song Linxue had just walked over from the main table. She looked like a daughter of some wealthy family, who came with her parents to attend the dinner.

As for the medical imaging artificial intelligence system she mentioned, other people at the table were quite interested.

Ji Junxing nodded, and Song Linxue said softly: "Then you guys keep working hard, I'm looking forward to seeing the results of your project."

After talking for a while, she waved goodbye to the two of them.

Lin Xi looked at her back. Apart from being quite enthusiastic, this Miss Song didn't seem to have any other problems.

After she left, the person sitting opposite Ji Junxing took the initiative to talk to him and asked about the artificial intelligence system they were researching. Fortunately, Ji Junxing was not as aloof as he was when he first sat down, and exchanged a few words with others.

When the dinner was almost over, Ji Junxing looked down at the watch on his wrist and whispered, "Let's go back first."

Lin Xi nodded.

As they stood up, someone walked over quickly. When he came to their side, he smiled and said, "Jun Xing, Director Ji wants you to come over."

The man pointed to a long table not far away. Ji Xuanheng was sitting in the middle, talking to the person next to him.

Perhaps he felt that someone was looking at him, Ji Xuanheng raised his head and looked over.

Lin Xi only then saw Ji Xuanheng was there. She had only looked around a few times when she first sat down at the table, and then she kept her head down eating almost the entire time. She had no idea that he was also present at the dinner.

Ji Junxing glanced at him and whispered, "Lin Xi, are you going?"

Since it was Ji Xuanheng who asked someone to come and call him, Lin Xi certainly wouldn't say no. So Ji Junxing led her over. This table was the main table for the dinner, and many business leaders were there.

Song Linxue was also sitting at this table. She was talking to a middle-aged man next to her with an intimate expression.

It looks like it should be her father.

Ji Xuanheng saw Ji Junxing coming over and asked reluctantly, "Why are you willing to come here today?"

Ji Junxing used to hate socializing the most. When he was young, he rarely attended those dinners with his parents. So when Ji Xuanheng saw him, he was very surprised.

Ji Junxing: "It's just boring."

The person sitting next to him seemed to be quite familiar with Ji Xuanheng. He smiled and asked, "Boss Ji, is this your son?"

Ji Xuanheng smiled and nodded, saying helplessly: "Children nowadays are too individualistic."

Lin Xi looked at the table full of familiar faces. After all, these people were all well-known entrepreneurs in the country, so it would be hard not to have seen them before.

On the other hand, Song Linxue, who was standing opposite him, didn't seem to show any surprise when she heard this. She smiled and looked at Ji Junxing until her eyes slightly lowered and fell on his hand holding Lin Xi's.

"Are you going back to school?" Ji Xuanheng asked.

Ji Junxing: “Yeah.”

Seeing that he was unwilling to say even two more words, Ji Xuanheng was too lazy to keep him, waved his hand and said: "You and Lin Xi should be careful on the road."

After a while, after they left, a big boss next to them asked with a smile: "Boss Ji, your son and that girl have a good relationship."

This is a mockery.

Ji Xuanheng chuckled and said, "Is it weird that you have a good relationship with your girlfriend?"

His frank attitude made others look at him sideways. After all, families like theirs always have some considerations about who their children date. Although parents arranging weddings is not a big deal nowadays, the phrase "equal status" is still not outdated.

Of course, some people would wonder if that little girl was also the daughter of someone else

When "Times Technology" was published, Liu Qian specially sent a few magazines. When Jiang Yimian brought them over, Xie Ang and Chen Mo took a look at them. Unexpectedly, after reading them, they both felt annoyed.

Xie Ang said: "The photo of Ah Xing is so handsome, I am just his foil."

Chen Mo turned the magazine towards them and said unhappily, "Look, there's only a small portion of my photo, while Ah Xing's photo takes up half the page."

Although the two complained, everyone was still happy watching this special topic.

After all, they are all pretty.

But no one expected that this issue of the magazine would attract so much attention because a netizen posted a message on Weibo.

“Are all the great students from Tsinghua University so handsome now?”

It was originally an ordinary Weibo post, but I don’t know which marketing account forwarded it, and it suddenly received over 10,000 reposts and over 10,000 likes on Weibo.

“It completely overturned my understanding of engineering boys.”

"This is truly the most handsome amateur guy I have ever seen. Please introduce him to me or meet him by chance."

"I want to know his details, now, immediately."

Soon, this issue of the magazine was sold out. Even the Tsinghua forum was discussing how Ji Junxing became popular on Weibo because of his good looks.

However, someone came out to lament: I really feel sorry for Ji Shen. This special feature is clearly promoting the artificial intelligence system he is currently working on, but a group of shallow people only saw his appearance and ignored his brain and talent.

This is obviously a comment posted by a boy.

This comment immediately sparked a discussion in the thread. After all, as a school with a strong scientific research atmosphere, the artificial intelligence system developed by Ji Junxing really attracted more attention.

Unexpectedly, just when the admiration for Ji Junxing was in full swing online, another article appeared on Tsinghua Forum, "The Plagiarist's Carnival and Victory."

Because the title was so sensational, the number of clicks increased quickly and it has been on the homepage ever since.

Obviously, the content is more interesting than the sensational title. The article claims that their team encountered a tragedy similar to Mr. Dongguo's. After the team accepted a newcomer, they taught him step by step from knowing nothing to becoming a technical talent who can stand on his own.

Unexpectedly, this newcomer suddenly started to bully the seniors and even acted arbitrarily in project decisions.

Because others did not listen to his advice, they threatened to quit the team, but in the end the team made the right decision. And the newcomer also left the team. I thought the story ended here, but after he left, the team found out that the new project developed by the newcomer was actually plagiarized from the team leader's idea.

It’s just that the newcomer was afraid that the captain would know about this, so he kept his project strictly confidential.

It was not until the recent series of publicity that the captain learned about this matter, and it was like a bolt from the blue.

According to the description in this article, this newcomer is a typical ungrateful person, and now he is trying to attract attention in the name of scientific research innovation, making him even more of a clown.

Originally, everyone was still wondering who this was referring to.

It was not until someone anonymously pointed out in the post that the Tsinghua version of the story of Mr. Dongguo and the snake referred to the one who became famous today.

Everyone then realized that the person being talked about was Ji Junxing.

However, some people do not believe it, after all, Ji Junxing's abilities are obvious to all.

Who would have thought that half an hour later, a screenshot was posted. It was an email, which indeed talked about how he saw the leading artificial intelligence here in the United States compared to China when he was communicating there. It also mentioned the concept of AI medical imaging, and soon someone said that this email address was Jolian's.

"Fuck, it's confirmed."

"I don't believe it. I still don't believe that my Master Ji would do such a thing."

This post was like water dropped into a frying pan, first exploding on Tsinghua’s forum, then being reposted on Tieba, Weibo, and Zhihu. Especially on Weibo, many people were still obsessed with Ji Junxing in the morning, but in the afternoon, they heard that he had plagiarized other people’s ideas.

"It's poisonous, right? The man I just accepted, please don't let it be real."

"Are all good-looking men really just empty-handed?"

"I was thinking that this person suddenly became famous, there must be someone behind it, but I didn't expect that he would be exposed just one day after becoming famous."

And this post was seen by everyone in stream.

Jiang Yimian was furious and said, "It must have been done by the team that Master Ji was with before. It's so disgusting."

However, Ji Junxing was not there at the time, only Lin Xi and the others were in the laboratory.

At this moment, Ji Junxing was in the office of the department director. The director was originally concerned about the progress of his project, but when he heard about the plagiarism incident, he simply called both parties to his office.

Jolian is not in school these days. It is said that he has gone to the United States.

So Shen Pengyu came over here.

The director looked at both of them, sighed, and said earnestly, "I have contacted the administrator to delete the post. I think if you have any conflicts, you should not attack each other so loudly. After all, you are all brothers from the same department, so there is nothing you can't talk about."

"Director, we are victims." Shen Pengyu said righteously.

It is true that if you tell a lie three times, even you will believe it.

Ji Junxing looked at him coldly, but the director comforted him, "I called you here to solve this matter privately. Don't make it so embarrassing."

But before he finished speaking, Ji Junxing said coldly, "No need."

The director and Shen Pengyu took the initiative to look at him, and saw that the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a mocking expression: "I have contacted a lawyer and am preparing to sue the person who spread the rumors."

Even the department head was stunned. He quickly said, "Ji Junxing, don't be impulsive about this matter. The hospital will definitely solve it."

What was originally a good scientific research project that was supposed to bring honor to the school is now almost becoming a discredit.

"Solve it?" Ji Junxing asked, "How should the hospital solve it?"

He stood up suddenly. "How can we make up for the hard work and sweat of all of us in the past eight months? All the efforts we have made for this project have been turned into a product of plagiarism by a few words in this post. Do you think it can be solved?"

"You should know Brother Ke Zhi. He has ankylosing spondylitis and has to sleep sitting up when he's ill. But for the past eight months, he's spent about the same amount of time in the lab as the rest of us."

"And Gao Yunlang, a student from another department, taught himself programming, and now his level is as good as the juniors and seniors in our department. He must have put in a lot of effort behind the scenes to get to where he is today."

"Xiang Sen, a senior from the Department of Electronic Engineering, lost his mother to misdiagnosis of breast cancer, which delayed her treatment. He gave up the opportunity to work for a big company and joined this entrepreneurial team in the hope of helping those patients."

He paused here, and the figure flashed through his mind before he continued.

"Lin Xi, she is the only girl among the technical staff. But when it comes to staying up late, she never stays up a minute less than anyone else. Even though she is only a sophomore, her current technical level is even better than those graduate students."

"Chen Mo, Jiang Yimian, Cui Hao, Han Mingyan, do you need me to call out their names one by one?"

"All of us have worked hard for this project for eight months, and now we have to endure this dirty water." Ji Junxing's eyes flashed with cruelty, and she said: "If I don't stand up today, I am not worthy of leading this team."

After saying this, he looked at Shen Pengyu, his voice chillingly cold.

"Spreading rumors is against the law."

The author has something to say: When I wrote this chapter, I suddenly felt emotional, because I felt that what the young master encountered seemed very similar to me.

Because when I wrote about artificial intelligence, people also told me that so-and-so had written about it.

The result of his hard work in finding information and coming up with ideas was easily denied, and the young master's team's efforts for so long were denied by a crappy article. His anger is probably enough to burn to death anyone who talks back at him.

Brother Tong has been feeling a lot lately. No, I want to continue to be the energetic Brother Tong. Let's spread the flowers.

You stay and I stay, tomorrow there will be more

It's almost 85,000 comments. Let's work hard.

This chapter will continue to send 200 red envelopes, the first 20, the last 180 are random