Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 70


Lin Xi didn't have a Weibo account, and she applied for one temporarily. After she logged into Weibo, she clicked on the search bar and found Ji Junxing's name below. After she clicked on it, she slowly slid her finger upwards.

The most forwarded posts above were all expressing love for the photo of the man in the white shirt taken by Time Technology.

After all, it is very rare for a boy working in technology to be so good-looking.

Nowadays, beauty is not rare, and there are many geniuses, but it is rare to have both beauty and brains.

But most people didn't expect the controversy to come so quickly.

On the contrary, Zhihu, which has many industry experts, has mixed reactions to this matter.

Someone commented on this article reposted from Tsinghua Forum: Anyone who knows about computers knows that artificial intelligence is the future direction. If it is just that the two people had the same idea, it is ridiculous to simply point out that Ji Junxing's team plagiarized. Moreover, the person who posted the article did not even dare to mention the other party's name, probably because he was afraid of being sued.

However, there are people who support Ji Junxing, and naturally there are also people who oppose him.

"I think this incident is very much like the Chinese version of Snapchat. Reggie Brown was the one who came up with the idea, but he was kicked out after the company was established. The difference is that this so-called Ji Da Shen directly plagiarized the other party's entrepreneurship and pulled a team to set up a new company. But when Reggie Brown sued Snapchat, he received $150 million in compensation. my country's protection of intellectual property rights is not as good as that of the United States. I guess the brothers whose ideas were plagiarized may not win the lawsuit even if they sue the other party."

"It's ridiculous. You're comparing Snapchat to this. Are you okay? The article accuses Ji Junxing of plagiarism for the idea of AI medical imaging, but do you know how broad this field is? Just the diseases they specialize in can be very different. For example, some AI projects focus on lung nodes, while others focus on cancer. Do you think these two projects will have the same direction?"

The number of likes for this comment quickly exceeded one thousand.

"The great man above knows how to do this. When I first saw this article, I found it ridiculous. Just because you mentioned a few words about AI medical imaging in your email, others are plagiarizing your ideas. Are you the one who owns these few words?"

"I'm a college computer geek. I've participated in an ACM competition before, and happened to compete with Ji Shen. To be honest, the difference was so huge. We were from a weak school, and we basically watched the strong schools compete for the first answer of each question. Ji Shen's team won three questions. And when he was in high school, he was selected for the national team and won the gold medal in the confidence competition. You tell me that this great man plagiarized you, haha, tell me who you are first, don't hide behind the computer."

"I think the original author didn't have more evidence, but felt unhappy that his idea was researched by others first, so he exposed it online."

There are actually quite a few such seemingly plausible rhetoric.

The implication of the words is that the original author is struggling with the lack of more evidence, which is indirectly accusing Ji Jun of plagiarism.

I didn't expect this incident to become such a sensation. After all, in the past one or two years, it is not uncommon for college students' affairs to become a hot topic on Weibo. Previously, when a boy cheated on his girlfriend and was dumped by her, many netizens watched.

This time it involves one of the country's top prestigious universities, which has aroused even greater interest among the public.

After all, most people will never have anything to do with this school in their lives, so it’s okay to go online and see what’s going on.

As for the school, many people were also talking about it.

The school’s official Weibo account was flooded with tens of thousands of comments, some asking the school not to cover up for such plagiarizing students, others asking the school to investigate the matter and give justice to the person involved.

Because Ji Junxing was not in school, Lin Xi was forced by Jiang Yimian to have dinner.

As the person in charge of publicity in the team, Jiang Yimian was really angry this time. She said, "Lin Xi, don't worry, I have drafted a long article to refute this person. We must not let this kind of person who throws dirty water succeed."

Of course Lin Xi knew this, she just didn't expect that the public opinion on the Internet would change so drastically.

Before, they were still happy that the special feature they had written about them in Time Technology had received good response, and they imagined that this project would one day become an industry that would benefit the country and the people, just as the article said.

As a result, they wanted to accuse them of plagiarism for an article in which they didn't even dare to mention their own names.

Lin Xi looked up and saw students coming and going on the main road nearby.

She was silent for a long time, and whispered, "Don't post the long article yet, wait until he comes back before making a decision."

Jiang Yimian knew she was talking about Ji Junxing and nodded.

When the two of them arrived at the school cafeteria, there were quite a lot of people there. While they were queuing, a few girls in front of them were discussing something.

"I don't think Ji Junxing would plagiarize. Didn't he just win the gold medal in ACM? To be honest, he is a capable person."

Unexpectedly, the person next to her sneered and lifted her long hair slightly: "Isn't Zuckerberg amazing? He has so many engineers and computer geniuses under him, and his website is just a copy of other people's ideas."

Jiang Yimian got furious when he heard this.

She didn't notice the crowd just now, but now she saw that they were all people she knew. It turned out to be Wei Mingya and the people in her dormitory, and the words about stealing to start a business were said by Wei Mingya.

Obviously, the other girls in her dormitory knew from her appearance that she had been extremely disgusted with Ji Junxing and Lin Xi since the forum incident. If anyone dared to mention the three words Ji Junxing in front of her, she would really turn hostile.

How much you liked the person in the past, but now you take pleasure in the other person's misfortune when the other person is in trouble.

Jiang Yimian was about to go over to argue with her, but Lin Xi grabbed her arm.

She thought Lin Xi didn't want to cause trouble, so she sighed, turned her face away, and was too lazy to look at those girls anymore.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned her head, Lin Xi had already walked towards them.

Because several people were facing the cafeteria window and Lin Xi was standing behind them, when Lin Xi walked behind her, she patted her shoulder lightly.

When Wei Mingya turned around, her expression changed slightly when she saw Lin Xi.

"Are you from the journalism department?" Lin Xi asked her.

Wei Mingya didn't say anything. The people in her dormitory looked at Lin Xi with embarrassed expressions.

Lin Xi looked at her and sneered, "Is this the level of professionalism of your journalism department? You are so sure of something that has no factual basis? Are you worthy of the many teachers who teach you?"

The people around them all looked towards them.

Wei Mingya gritted her teeth, but she couldn't say anything. After all, she did discuss something related to Lin Xi, and she couldn't even say a word that it was none of your business.

Lin Xi taunted, "For someone like you, I suggest you retake all your major courses."

"Because I have learned so much that I have no idea what I am doing."

Jiang Yimian kept muttering until they returned to the laboratory: "Next time you want to do something, can you tell me first? I'm afraid Wei Mingya will go crazy and beat you up."

When Lin Xi said those words to Wei Mingya's face, she was basically rubbing her.

I thought Wei Mingya would be angry, but in the end she just asked Lin Xi to produce evidence to prove that she was not talking nonsense.

When the two returned to the lab, everyone else was gone.

Lin Xi shook her head and sat in her chair. After a long while, she suddenly sat up and said, "Yimian, I remember you took a lot of photos for us before."

Jiang Yimian was fascinated by photography before, so Xie Ang simply gave her a camera.

Unexpectedly, after Jiang Yimian got a camera, everyone in the team became her subjects. She wanted to take pictures of Ji Junxing eating, Gao Yunlang sleeping on the table, and Lin Xi's dark circles after staying up all night in the laboratory due to technical problems.

The name is to record their growth and struggle.

Naturally, these struggle photos were not pretty, and everyone wanted to smash Jiang Yimian's camera before. But she kept the camera very well, and no one could get close to it, and even her wish to delete an ugly photo of herself was impossible.

"Why are you looking for the camera?" Jiang Yimian asked.

Lin Xi said: "Bring it here, I can use it."

Jiang Yimian went to get her schoolbag. She happened to bring her camera with her today. When Lin Xi opened the photos stored in the camera from the computer, looking at the photos one by one, the hard work of the past eight months seemed to come to her mind again.

The efforts they put in are so real and hard.

She would not let anyone smear the work of all of them.

Lin Xi told Jiang Yimian her idea and asked her to work with her on a long picture and text. Together, the two of them spent a full hour to complete a long picture and text.

Jiang Yimian looked at the computer screen and suddenly said, "Lin Xi, when I look back on all this, I suddenly feel like crying. You guys have worked so hard."

Although Jiang Yimian is not a technical staff, as someone who has been with them all the way, she sees their hard work.

Lin Xi was about to call Ji Junxing, but when she dialed the number, a bell rang at the door.

She looked back and saw the person she was looking for was just walking to the door.

Behind Ji Junxing were Chen Mo and the others. Jiang Yimian saw them coming back together and asked curiously, "What did you do?"

"Ah Xing has found a team of lawyers and is preparing to sue the person who posted on the forum." Xie Ang said directly.

Jiang Yimian said in surprise: "Is it possible?"

"It's a bit difficult, but the lawyer has drafted a letter. We are thinking about how to send it out." After all, they currently do not have an influential official account.

Since the public opinion on the Internet is the strongest, the first thing they want to do is to make this lawyer's letter public, at least to let the public know their attitude.

After all, "Xiao Zheng Doctor" is still in the stage of seeking investors, and they cannot let their project suffer such slander.

Lin Xi said, "We can open our own official account, and Yi Mian made a long picture and text, I think we can post it there too."

At nine o'clock in the evening, stream's official Weibo account officially applied.

The first Weibo post was a long text and picture post that they carefully wrote. It quickly attracted attention because it was reposted by Sina Technology’s official Weibo account.

This Weibo post contains a large amount of graphic and text content.

Ji Junxing was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, revealing his long legs casually draped over a chair, with messy hair that looked like he hadn't had time to take care of it. Next to his desk was a cup filled with brown liquid.

But he was concentrating on the computer.

Below is a line of small words: Ji Shen is still in the laboratory with a high fever.

Other people's photos weren't much better than his.

Especially the photo of Lin Xi, there are actually two comparison pictures, one is the photo of Lin Xi wearing a long dress after returning from the dinner party that day, and the other is the photo of her just staying up for more than 20 hours, her eyes are dull, dark circles are obvious, her fair and glowing skin has become dull, and she looks particularly tired.

The contrast between these two pictures is so stark.

"In the past eight months, 240 days and nights, you have accumulated sweat and hard work to create Dr. Xiaozheng. The camera can record your tired faces at the time, but it cannot describe one percent of the hard work. Creation is not easy, and everyone's efforts will not be in vain."

"We have only one word for all the current rumors."

"Fight the rumor mongers to the end."

The official blog was then updated again.

The second Weibo post was a lawyer’s letter, which formally stated the attitude of the entire stream team.

The author has something to say: Don’t talk nonsense, just confront head-on

The number of comments has exceeded 85,000. I am jumping and spinning with joy. Brother Tong has a small dream in his heart, that is, let's work together to reach 100,000 comments. I feel very proud just thinking about it.

I will update twice today, but the second chapter will not be at 19:00. I have something to do in the afternoon, so you don't have to update at 19:00.

I will post updates on Weibo when the time comes.

See you in the second update

This chapter will continue to send 200 red envelopes, the first 20, the last 180 are random