Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 89


As we all know, the butterfly effect refers to a small change that causes a series of chain reactions. The reporter of the New Lianbao was accused of accepting bribes and making false news. Although Song Linxue was involved, no one connected this matter with Qiming Group.

It wasn't until someone on Zhihu broke the news that the "Xiaobai Doctor" recently launched by Qiming Group was not the result of two years of intensive research as claimed at the press conference.

It took a total of fifty-six days from the establishment of the "Xiaobai Doctor" project team to the official launch of the product.

When this news came out, not only were netizens shocked, but even the stocks of Qiming Group plummeted.

Because in the previous public company announcement, Qiming Group disclosed that the research and development time of "Xiaobai Doctor" was more than two years. After the "Xiaobai Doctor" press conference was held, due to this good news, Qiming Group's stock price had reached the daily limit for several days.

But later on, the performance of "Doctor Xiaobai" was really bad and the stock price fell again.

Even though the stock price has fallen now, if this news is true, Qiming Group has already made a profit.

Not only will the CSRC hold a talk with you, but it will also involve a series of legal issues.

If this is true, I am afraid that Qiming Group will face various tedious investigations. Stocks always go up when there is good news and go down when there is bad news.

Within a few days, Qiming Group's stock price was at its limit down.

During this period, Qiming Group did not even dare to send a lawyer's letter directly, but only issued a bland statement.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is something fishy about this matter.

Neither Ji Junxing nor Lin Xi would care too much about this. Song Linxue had to pay the price for what she had done, and now it had implicated Qiming Group. In the end, there were only four words to describe it.

It's your own fault.

"I say you are really cruel. You hit the snake at its most vulnerable part. Song Linxue was really strangled by you in an instant." Jiang Yimian said to Chen Mo.

When Jiang Yimian asked about this matter, Chen Mo did not hide anything.

Chen Mo chuckled, looking nonchalant, and whispered, "You should tell Ah Xing this."

"Is this the idea of our President Ji?" Jiang Yimian had a kind of admiration for Ji Junxing since she was in junior high school. This admiration was mixed with a bit of rebelliousness, so Ji Junxing didn't like people calling him Young Master before, but she insisted on calling him that.

Now in the company, she always calls President Ji.

Every time Lin Xi heard her call President Ji seriously, she found it very funny.

Chen Mo said, "Ah Xing said that if the reporter could take Song Linxue's money to harm others, he could take other people's money to cause trouble. Sure enough, this time he fabricated a piece of news, but it didn't stir up any public opinion. The victim spent a lot of money but got nothing. I contacted him and told the victim that the reporter was a liar who only took money but didn't do anything. The victim already suspected that the reporter didn't try his best, and later he became even angrier and simply called the police."

Then things got simpler.

The person who called the police produced their correspondence information and even provided bank transfer records. With both witnesses and physical evidence, the reporter had no choice but to be caught.

As for the person who entered the police station, he is not someone who is so determined that he would not speak even if beaten to death.

The police naturally had a way to pry his mouth open.

Even Song He didn't expect that Song Linxue's affairs would drag down the entire Qiming Group.

At this moment, he was both annoyed and angry. The person who could reveal online that the development time of "Little White Doctor" was only 56 days must be an internal employee. So he asked the project team to start self-examination. However, since this person dared to reveal the information, he must be 100% sure. Even the IP address of the post was a foreign proxy IP, and the source could not be found at all.

It just so happened that the China Securities Regulatory Commission actually summoned Qiming Group for a meeting and asked them to produce a complete set of evidence on the research and development of "Little White Doctor".

To make matters worse, the stock price of Qiming Group could no longer stop its downward trend.

After Song Linxue came back from assisting in the investigation, Song He did not give her a good look.

"Dad, I'm sorry." Song Linxue knew that she had implicated the company this time and didn't dare to say anything else.

Unexpectedly, Song He frowned and whispered, "You are still too young. Let's put aside the company's affairs for now. Didn't you always say that you wanted to continue your studies? Go to the United States."

Song Linxue had studied in the UK before and finally returned to China.

She didn't expect to be sent away by Song He again. Naturally, she was not convinced and couldn't help asking, "Did someone say anything to you?"

She suspected that it was Song He's current wife who had deceived him, which made Song He decide to send her away.

"The company is now affected by you, and the stock price has been hitting the daily limit for consecutive days. Do you need anyone to say anything?"

After Song He said this, Song Linxue's eyes were filled with shock.

She looked at Song He and whispered, "Dad, you put all the blame on me for the company's stock problem. Isn't that too unfair? The company's stock price fell because of 'Doctor Xiaobai', but I have never participated in the 'Doctor Xiaobai' project..."

"Enough." Song He was used to being the one with the final say, so how could he allow others to interfere with his decisions

He was the one who requested the launch of the "Xiaobai Doctor" project, and he had the entire website code copied from "Xiaozheng Doctor". He originally wanted to force Ji Junxing to acquire the company at the same time, but he didn't expect Ji Junxing to disagree. He naturally couldn't admit defeat in front of a junior.

Who knew it would sow such a huge disaster.

"Stop talking about that. The United States and Canada are pretty close. You might as well go spend time with your mom when you have time."

Song He said without any doubt.

Song Linxue had been spoiled by Song He since she was a child, and she never expected that even her biological father would turn against her. In her opinion, Song He's words undoubtedly meant that he hoped she would not come back from the United States, and he wanted to banish her to the cold palace.

She didn't go to Canada with her mother just to stay with Song He.

It's hers, she must get it.

She couldn't leave, she absolutely couldn't leave.

Song Linxue never thought that Song He was not just making this decision casually. The next day, he arranged for his assistant to start preparing for her trip to the United States.

Song Linxue didn't expect that Song He was really so eager to send her away.

For a moment, she was angry and annoyed.

Lin Xi didn't expect to run into Song Linxue at the company gate.

"Miss Song, is there something you can do for me?" Lin Xi's attitude was neither cold nor indifferent, and she did not intend to continue chatting with her.

Song Linxue looked at her and suddenly said, "I admit that I was the one who did what happened to your family."

Lin Xi’s expression froze.

She didn't expect Song Linxue to dare to provoke her. Since she was no longer gentle and generous, she didn't intend to be polite to her. She sneered and said lightly: "So after this visit to the police station, you haven't learned your lesson yet?"

"Do you think calling the police will help?" Song Linxue laughed.

Lin Xi didn't understand what she meant by provoking her at this time, so she said directly: "Don't think you can really escape the punishment of the law. Even if you get lucky this time, you won't be so lucky next time."

"It turns out you were the one behind my back." Song Linxue gritted her teeth.

Song Linxue was not a brainless person. After she came back from the police station, she thought about it carefully. Why did this reporter suddenly get into trouble, and no one else was involved, but she was involved

So she concluded that someone was behind her.

When she came to find Lin Xi, she was already 90% sure in her heart that it was Lin Xi.

Now that Lin Xi spoke like this, she completely pushed all the blame onto Lin Xi.

She looked at Lin Xi gloomily, and suddenly snorted and whispered, "You can see if I'm that lucky."

After Song Linxue left, Lin Xi looked at her back.

It must be said that since she met her, this person made her feel very uncomfortable. Besides, Song Yao once told her to stay away from Song Linxue. He didn't say it clearly at the time, but Lin Xi seemed to understand what he meant at this time.

She is extreme in her approach to doing things, only caring about the results and not the process at all.

They will even resort to any means to achieve the results they want, even if it involves violating the law.

However, Lin Xi didn't take this little episode to heart. After all, Song Linxue was in trouble now, and she didn't think she would care about her.

After finishing overtime work that day, Lin Xi prepared to go home.

At night, Ji Junxing was dragged by Chen Mo to attend an exchange meeting for national scientific research support funds and preferential policies. Nowadays, the country attaches great importance to the development of AI technology, and Stream's technology is not only mature, but has also been put into the market.

He called Lin Xi before going home, and sure enough, she was still in the company.

So Ji Junxing asked her to wait for him in the company for a while and he would come to pick her up.

Lin Xi was surprised and asked, "You didn't drink?"

"No. We're having tea instead of wine today, no one's drinking." Ji Junxing chuckled and told her not to worry.

Lin Xi then stopped asking.

After a while, she packed up her things, turned off the lights and doors in the company and went downstairs.

It was late at night, and even the busy streets during the day were now deserted. Lin Xi stood by the road and looked at her phone for a while.

After a while, she walked a few steps to the side, ready to throw what she was holding into the trash can.

Unexpectedly, two drunks suddenly came over, and one of them even patted Lin Xi's butt when he passed by her.

Lin Xi immediately turned around and stared at them with disgust.

But the drunk, seeing her looking back at him, came closer and asked, "Girl, are you alone?"

He reeked of alcohol and bad breath, and he insisted on getting close to Lin Xi to talk.

Lin Xi suppressed her nausea and looked at him with disgust. She grabbed her phone and prepared to call the police, but another drunk man next to her seemed to see it and reached out to grab her hand and take her phone.

Seeing this, Lin Xi couldn't bear it anymore and kicked the other person.

But she was just a girl, and the other party was two men, and whether intentionally or unintentionally, they surrounded her at the same time. They didn't seem like drunkards who happened to meet on the street, but rather seemed to come specifically to find her.

When Lin Xi was about to shout to attract the attention of the security guard on duty near the building, a car suddenly stopped by the roadside.

Before the two drunks could react, the man came over and kicked one of them directly onto the flower bed next to him. The attack was fierce and ruthless, and the other one just turned his head and was punched in the face.

Lin Xi looked at Ji Junxing, whose face was ashen, and wanted to step forward to stop him from getting furious.

Unexpectedly, the two drunkards seemed to sober up all of a sudden. The man who had fallen on the flower bed got up and came up with another man to surround Ji Junxing and wanted to beat him.

Ji Junxing was originally filled with anger.

Just now, he drove over and saw Lin Xi surrounded by these two men. In the middle of the night, a girl was surrounded by two men. He immediately became anxious. When he walked over quickly, he saw that the man wanted to grab Lin Xi's hand, and he couldn't help it anymore.

Facing the two men at this moment, he said nothing and was not afraid at all.

When Lin Xi saw that these two people not only bullied her, but also wanted to beat Ji Junxing, she no longer hesitated, took out her tablet from her bag, and slapped it at the man who was kicked several meters away by Ji Junxing.

This man had been kicked and was having difficulty moving. At this moment, Lin Xi rushed over from the side and without any hesitation, hit him hard on the head.

This person didn't dodge and was hit by her until his eyes were dazzled.

As for Ji Junxing, he took the opportunity to hit the other person hard.

After a while, the noise here attracted the attention of the security guard who was patrolling not far away. The security guard shouted from a distance: "What's going on?"

"Uncle, please call the police. There is trouble here." Lin Xi shouted without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished shouting, the two men seemed to be in an awkward position and wanted to leave quickly. How could Ji Junxing let them leave so easily

Lin Xi then discovered that although they reeked of alcohol, they did not behave like people who had drunk a lot of alcohol.

So weird.

Ji Junxing grabbed one of them by the collar and ignored the other. The two were in the same group, so as long as he caught one, it didn't matter if the other one ran away.

Unexpectedly, when he was arguing with this man, a car nearby stopped in a hurry.

A man got out of the back seat. Seeing that he was holding a stick, Lin Xi was afraid that he might harm Ji Junxing, so she rushed over to block him and shouted, "Ah Xing, be careful."

As soon as she finished shouting, Ji Junxing let go of the man's collar and hugged her.

When he exposed his back to her and held her tightly in his arms, Lin Xi heard a heavy and muffled sound, which was the dull sound of a stick hitting the head.

This sound seemed to hit her heart.

Lin Xi's legs went weak, but she found that the person holding her was slowly sliding down.

The man who just now was like a pine tree, holding her tightly in his arms to protect her from the wind and rain, actually fell down.

Late at night, hospital.

Lin Xi stared blankly at the wall where she was leaning against. The lights in the operating room were on, bright red.

Her eyes were blank, and she recalled the scene over and over again in her mind. It was he who helped her block the stick.

He said that he would always stand in front of her for the rest of his life.

She laughed at him at the time, saying that life is so long, who knows what will happen.

Today, he did it.

Time was stretched infinitely, one second seemed like a minute, and one minute seemed like an hour, so much so that Lin Xi couldn't tell how much time had passed.

Fortunately, Ji Xuanheng and Wen Xuan arrived quickly.

The operation required the signature of the family members, and Ji Xuanheng arrived when the doctor asked Lin Xi to sign.

When the doctor asked her who Ji Junxing was, Lin Xi said, I am his fiancée.

The doctor apologized, "I'm sorry, the consent form for surgery can only be signed by family members."

"Yes, I am his family member." Lin Xi stretched out her hand and tightly grasped the documents in front of her.

The doctor looked at her and apologized again, "Miss, you are not his family member. At least legally, you cannot sign for him."

Lin Xi held on to the thing tightly and refused to let go. When the doctors and nurses were at a loss, Ji Xuanheng and Wen Xuan arrived.

When Ji Xuanheng stated that he was Ji Junxing's father, the doctor immediately asked him to sign.

Lin Xi looked at the doctor with tears in her eyes.

Wen Xuan came over, looked at her, and asked in a low voice: "Lin Xi, what's going on?"

After she told Wen Xuan what happened, she cried and whispered, "I'm sorry, Auntie. It's me. It's all because of me."

"It's okay, Ah Xing, it will be okay." Wen Xuan reached out and hugged her.

In this situation, Ji Junxing stood up to protect Lin Xi, and Wen Xuan didn't find it strange at all.

The next day, when Xie Ang, Chen Mo and others arrived, Lin Xi was still sitting outside the ward. Because the stick hit the back of the head, the operation took five hours. At this time, Ji Junxing was pushed into the ward for care, and no one could see him.

When Jiang Yimian saw Lin Xi like this, she immediately hugged her distressedly and tried to comfort her: "Lin Xi, don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

This incident spread throughout the building this morning. After all, it was the building's security guard who helped call the police last night.

It was only when Chen Mo received a call from Ji Xuanheng's assistant that he realized that the person who was attacked was Ji Junxing.

Wen Xuan advised Lin Xi to go back and rest, but she was not moved at all.

Therefore, Wen Xuan asked Assistant Ji Xuanheng to call Chen Mo and the others, perhaps they could persuade Lin Xi.

Seeing her eyes were red, Xie Ang advised: "Lin Xi, you should go back and rest first, we will guard here."

"No need." Lin Xi shook her head.

Even when Ji Xuanheng and Wen Xuan were there, they failed to persuade her to go back.

Wen Xuan was taken away by the driver, and Ji Xuanheng continued to stay here. When he came back from the doctor's office, several people immediately greeted him.

Chen Mo asked, "Uncle, how is Ah Xing?"

"The doctor needs to observe." Ji Xuanheng did not explain directly.

At this moment, Xie Ang heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and looked at the person who came with some surprise. He asked, "Lawyer Xiang, why are you here?"

The person who came was a lawyer who had cooperated with the company, and everyone knew him.

Lawyer Xiang looked at them and said softly, "I heard about Mr. Ji's situation, so I came here immediately."

Now Ji Junxing not only represents him, he is the company's biggest motivation. Now that he has encountered an accident, it will naturally attract the attention of the company's employees and investors. But they didn't expect that Lawyer Xiang would be the first person to rush over.

Chen Mo looked at him, frowned slightly, and asked, "What's the matter with you coming here?"

"Yes, Mr. Ji has signed a document before." He told the lawyer frankly.

Everyone looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

No one knew the existence of this document.

Until the lawyer handed the document in his hand to Lin Xi, he said: "This is what Mr. Ji signed before. He meant that if something unexpected happens, he would give this document to you."

Lin Xi opened the file in front of her with trembling hands.

But almost at the first glance, the tears that she had been holding back until now could no longer be held back.

When she looked at the last page, she saw the strong and powerful signature.

A tear slid down the corner of his eye, fell on the paper and wet his signature.

This document states that if anything happens to Ji Junxing, all of his shares will be transferred to Lin Xi.

Even Ji Xuanheng didn't expect that such a document would appear out of nowhere.

Everyone looked at Lin Xi, she was crying.

Finally, after a long time, she said, "I don't want these things, I just want him."

Fortunately, things were not that bad, and Ji Junxing was transferred to a general ward. Lin Xi was finally able to stay by his side, even if it was just to watch him sleeping.

She felt at ease deep down.

The drip was still going on, and his palms were a little cold. She didn't dare to use force and just held his hands gently.

She didn't sleep all night, staring at him, afraid to miss the moment he blinked.

But she was too tired; she had already been working for more than thirty hours.

Too tired.

When Ji Junxing woke up, his eyelids felt very heavy. There was a slight sound of a humidifier in the ward, not loud but soft.

When he tried to open his eyes, he saw someone leaning against the bed.

She did not sleep well, her brows were deeply furrowed, and it seemed that she could not get any peace even in her sleep.

Ji Junxing really wanted to reach out and smooth out the sadness between his little girl's brows.

As soon as he moved, Lin Xi woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met Ji Junxing's gaze.

She was stunned at first, and then a smile broke out on her face. The brows that were tightly furrowed in her sleep just now seemed to relax all of a sudden.

"You're awake." She immediately rushed to his bedside and wanted to reach out to touch his cheek, but she was afraid of hurting him, so her fingers were very careful.

She looked at him with joy in her eyes.

Ji Junxing wanted to raise his hand, but the anesthetic in his body had worn off slightly and he still felt a little heavy.

My arms were so heavy that I couldn't lift them.

Lin Xi saw what he was thinking, reached out and grabbed his hand, placing it on her cheek.

"Lin Xi." Ji Junxing called her softly.

Lin Xi suddenly interrupted him the moment he was speaking, "Promise yourself not to do this again in the future."

"What?" Ji Junxing said softly.

She didn't say anything.

Ji Junxing smiled softly and said in a low voice: "I won't agree to you."

"Ji Junxing." She finally yelled out in anger.

"Lin Xi, if I don't protect you, who will?" His voice was very soft, but so firm.

At this time, the police who had just finished interrogating these people immediately rushed to the Song family. When they learned that Song Linxue had gone to Canada, the leading police frowned and said angrily: "No wonder this happened."

It turned out that the two drunks were not drunks at all, they just poured wine on themselves and pretended to be drunks.

Because someone found them and asked them to humiliate Lin Xi, no matter what method they used, as long as they humiliated her.

These people stared at Lin Xi for a long time, but Ji Junxing and others were always by her side.

She was finally alone that day, and the others thought that this was their chance. Since the other party only said humiliation and didn't say what to do, they planned to pretend to be drunk and touch Lin Xi.

They also arranged for two other people to drive and shoot the video. After all, the person who paid the money had a requirement and required a video.

This time, Song Linxue himself was found directly.

But she was unexpectedly scheduled to take a flight to Canada at 2pm. The policeman looked at the time and thought, it was useless to go to the airport now because the plane had already left.

This Song Linxue has already been forgotten.

By doing this, she didn't know whether she was provoking the police or Lin Xi.

Several policemen drove back to the police station, but before they arrived, someone from the station called and said that a plane flying to Canada at the Capital Airport was suspected of terrorist threats and was returning.

The captain sitting in the car said impatiently: "For matters concerning violence and terrorism, please contact the special agents. We don't care about this."

The person on the other end of the line whispered, "Captain, we have a suspect on this flight."

With this reminder, the criminal police captain woke up completely.

This fucking duck flew away and came back to fall into the trap.

Lin Xi didn't expect that this was actually a gift that Song Linxue prepared for her before she went abroad. Song Linxue also didn't expect that Ji Junxing would be seriously injured because of the accident. Now her crime has suddenly become abetting murder.

Originally, she wanted to let Lin Xi see how she played with her.

But now, she has gotten herself into the police station.

In this world, someone may be lucky enough to escape for a while, but more often than not, there is always God's will.

One year later.

Lin Xi didn't expect that before her graduation ceremony, Ji Junxing would immediately put her on a plane to the UK. She had agreed with other people in the dormitory to go to Sanya for graduation trip, but Ji Junxing intervened and forced her to go to the UK.

"I want to go to Hogwarts Castle." Lin Xi was deeply attracted to the story when she read the first Harry Potter book from her classmates in junior high school. Over the years, she would go to see any movie that came out.

This is probably one of the rare extracurricular books she likes.

"Okay, let's go and see." Ji Junxing said in a low voice without raising his head.

The two of them were sitting in the business class of the plane, with soft and comfortable seats. Lin Xi thought that since she was here, she might as well have a good time. So she started counting on her fingers, calculating where to go.

"I'm going to platform nine and three quarters."

Ji Junxing continued to nod.

She said: "I also want to go to 221b Baker Street."

Ji Junxing coaxed her: "Okay, okay, let's all go."

While chatting, Lin Xi fell asleep on her seat. Ji Junxing tilted his head to look at her and chuckled softly. She must have never expected that he would give her a surprise that she definitely didn't expect.

After arriving in the UK, they stayed in London for a day, and Lin Xi actually went to Baker Street.

I still remember that before, she won the championship of "Gather the Geniuses" and could have come to study abroad, but later she had to give up due to visa issues. At that time, she felt very regretful, but now that she is here again with Ji Junxing, the regret in her heart has finally been made up.

When they went to Scotland, Lin Xi was still regretting that they spent too little time in London.

Ji Junxing comforted her: "If you still want to play, you can play again when we come back."

"Can we come back again?" Lin Xi was pleasantly surprised. After seeing Ji Junxing nod affirmatively, she happily began to look at the next tourist attraction.

"Lin Xi, do you still like the forest now?" he asked.

Lin Xi nodded: "Of course."

"Are we going camping in the forest?" Lin Xi suddenly laughed when he asked this.

Ji Junxing said nothing.

When they arrived at the hotel and Lin Xi got off the car, the waiter had already helped them take down their luggage. Ji Junxing booked an executive suite, and when they arrived at the door of the room, Ji Junxing asked the waiter to leave the luggage there and they opened the door themselves.

But after the waiter left, Lin Xi saw that Ji Junxing was still not opening the door, so she whispered, "Open the door."

"Lin Xi." Ji Junxing glanced at her.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Lin Xi whispered, "What's the matter?"

He thought for a moment, but still didn't say anything, just swiped the door card. Lin Xi ignored him and pushed the door open. When she walked into the living room, she felt that the furnishings in the living room were very strange, with flowers everywhere, and thought it was a thoughtful service of the hotel.

But at this moment, there was suddenly a loud bang.

Several doors around were opened, and people rushed out at once, shouting, "Lin Xi."

Lin Xi looked at the group of people who appeared like magic, Jiang Yimian, Ye Ke, Chu Qianqian, Xiao Fangyu, and the boys Xie Ang, Chen Mo, Gao Yunlang, Ke Zhi and Xiang Sen, all of them.

She looked at these familiar faces and her heart skipped a beat.

It took him a while to come back to his senses, "You, why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to attend your wedding." Jiang Yimian shouted with a smile, and the fireworks in her hand exploded with a bang, and colorful fragments fell in the air.


Lin Xi turned her head and looked back. Ji Junxing was looking at her with a faint smile on his face. When she looked at him, he slowly walked over and whispered, "Lin Xi, this may be the stupidest decision I have ever made in my life, or it may be the smartest."

"I have prepared a wedding for you. Will you be my bride?"

The graduation trip suddenly became a wedding trip.


At this moment, Lin Xi covered her face completely, as if she couldn't believe what she saw. But every familiar face told her that it was true.

"Tell me whether my decision is stupid or smart."

Ji Junxing looked at her with a smile.

Lin Xi covered her face for a long time, and finally said: "I do."

I want to be your bride.

Lin Xi thought that only classmates came, but unexpectedly, all the close relatives and elders of the family were present, even Grandpa Ji came. When Lin Xi saw the elders, Wen Xuan couldn't help but said, "Ah Xing, are you scared? How can you get married without telling the bride? Isn't this a forced sale?"

Even though she agreed with Ji Junxing's idea, Wen Xuan still couldn't help but teach Ji Junxing a lesson.

Instead, Jiang Ying smiled and said, "I think this is quite novel. I think Lin Xi is also very surprised."

Fortunately, Ji Junxing knew to give her some time to prepare. Tomorrow night is the pre-wedding party, and the day after tomorrow is the formal wedding.

There is a huge lake behind the hotel, and the pre-wedding party will be held on the lawn in front of the lake.

But no one knew the location of the wedding except Ji Junxing and the wedding planning company.

"It seems that your God Ji is going to give you a surprise." Chu Qianqian said with a smile.

Fortunately, Ji Junxing let them see the bridesmaids' dresses in advance. They were light green tulle long dresses with different styles, but it was obvious that they were all carefully designed dresses.

As for Lin Xi, she saw her party dress.

Lin Xi asked: "You don't know?"

Jiang Yimian raised her hand and said, "I only know that he asked me to get the sizes of Xixi and the others, but he asked me not to tell you."

After saying that, she immediately said, "You are not allowed to hit me."

Lin Xi glanced at her and chuckled, "You've kept so many things from me, I can still settle them with you one by one."

Although the wedding was held in the UK, the wedding process still retained Chinese elements, and the bride-picking segment could not be omitted.

The four bridesmaids are already gearing up to ask for red envelopes.

Chu Qianqian said: "We agreed that we must maintain the purity of the team and must not be bought."

So Jiang Yimian, who was glanced at by her, immediately raised her hand and promised: "Even if Xie Ang uses his beauty to seduce me, I will never compromise."

At the wedding party, everyone was a little reserved at first because of the presence of their elders.

When the melodious music of the Scottish accordion sounded, no one knew who led them to start dancing. Lin Xi initially refused, but was pulled up. As she spun around lively with her skirt lifted, she came to Ji Junxing's side and reached out to pull him up.

The two hugged each other in the evening breeze.

There are cheerful friends around me and melodious music in the wind.

At this moment, Lin Xi felt that she would remember it for the rest of her life.

Early in the morning, the stylist came to dress Lin Xi up. In the morning, it was the traditional bride-receiving session, which was to please the elders, after all, Lin Xi's parents were both traditional Chinese.

Besides, the bridesmaids also strongly requested this step.

To this end, they prepared a bunch of questions.

While Lin Xi was dressing up, she listened to them answering each other's questions and couldn't help asking, "Are you blocking the door or taking the exam?"

"You are the quiz champion of 'Gather the Geniuses'. You can answer any question. Now that Ji Shen wants to marry you, it's not too much to ask him to answer a few questions."

As soon as Chu Qianqian finished speaking, the other three echoed her.

“Not too much.”

It was called a wedding reception, but in fact, they were all in a hotel. At this time, the elders were waiting downstairs. As long as Ji Junxing picked up Lin Xi, he would take her to offer tea to both parents.

Originally they thought that as long as they prepared enough red envelopes, it would be fine.

For this reason, Ji Junxing's red envelope was filled with pounds.

At the beginning, Ji Luchi, as the young boy that everyone liked, was the first to knock on the door and asked, "Sister, can I come in?"

"Oh, it's our Chi Chi." Jiang Yimian also likes Ji Luchi.

But now she hardened her heart and said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Chi Chi, if you want a sister-in-law, you have to ask your brother to come in person."

The person outside wanted to come in, but was blocked from inside.

More than ten red envelopes were stuffed in, and the door couldn't even be opened a crack.

Xie Ang couldn't hold back his anger and asked, "What do you want to do?"

So the questions that had been prepared long ago finally came in handy. Except for Ji Luchi, everyone else here was a top student from Tsinghua University. So a group of people stood at the door, thinking hard about various questions.

I really put in the same effort as I did when I took the college entrance examination.

Fortunately, they didn't prepare many questions, and these few experts were able to answer them all.

So a group of people were laughing and joking, and a group of boys finally rushed in.

Ji Junxing was wearing a black suit and looked extremely handsome. Just standing there, he seemed to be glowing. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at his bride.

It was not until he was reminded by everyone that he started looking for Lin Xi's shoes.

It’s just that these girls were too cunning and hid their shoes under the hem of Lin Xi’s cheongsam.

It was only after Lin Xi winked at him that he found it.

When he held her wedding shoes, he knelt down on one knee in front of everyone and put the shoes firmly on her feet.

The moment he put on his clothes, he raised his head and looked at her quietly.

The sunlight shone gently into the room, and his eyes were gentle and affectionate.

The wedding in the evening was the real ceremony, but the wedding scene was kept so secret that no one even knew the venue. But when everyone was taken to the forest near the hotel, they were all completely shocked.

The entire wedding venue was set up deep in the dense forest. The entrance was a tall, grass-green porch with white flowers dotted on it, forming the initials of Ji Junxing and Lin Xi.

The surroundings are composed of light green, grass green and white flowers.

The fresh air in the forest is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Lin Xi wore a long white strapless wedding dress, which was not only decorated with layers of embroidery, but also with Swarovski crystals. She wore an embroidered long veil on her head and a pair of white gloves on her arms.

At this time, she was sitting in the lounge, quietly waiting for the wedding to begin.

It was not until she walked out of the lounge and saw Lin Yaohua waiting for her at the door that she smiled softly through a thin layer of white gauze.

She gently took Lin Yaohua's arm and appeared in front of everyone. The sunlight just passed through the trees and fell on her body. The shining crystals were sparkling at this moment, making her seem to be glowing.

Ji Junxing stood at the end of the carpet made of white flowers, waiting for him quietly.

She will hold her father's hand and walk step by step to the man she loves most in her life.

The wind in the forest blew gently, and in the distance, there seemed to be the sound of cheerful birds singing.

When Lin Yaohua gently placed Lin Xi's hand on Ji Junxing's palm, both of them seemed a little excited. They held each other's hands for a moment.

They met when they were seventeen.

At that time, he was a proud and arrogant boy, and she was a strong and sensitive girl. At that time, neither of them thought that they could go so far. But fortunately, although time has changed, they have never given up.

When the wedding was going on and the groom was about to speak, all the guests looked at Ji Junxing.

This always arrogant man finally showed a look that moved everyone. He looked at Lin Xi deeply, as if he wanted to suck her into his eyes and treasure her for life.

"Lin Xi, I can't say thank you for our meeting. Because our meeting was a mixture of misfortune and luck."

The unfortunate person is Lin Zheng, and the lucky one is Ji Luchi.

He said: "But I am really grateful that you came into my life. I want to turn all the misfortunes into luck. I want to be your biggest support in this life. No matter when, when you mention Ji Junxing to others, he will always be the husband who makes you happy, makes you happy, and makes you happy."

When she heard the word "husband", Lin Xi couldn't help herself any longer.

From today on, her Ah Xing will become her husband.

And she will become his wife.

Tears rolled down her eyes and she held his hand tightly.

They will be together for the rest of their lives.

Even on the day of death.

Their epitaphs will read—

Husband: Ji Junxing.

Wife: Lin Xi.

This is the end of the story.

The author has something to say: The main text ends here.

As a talkative brother, I naturally want to have a long chat with you at the end.

1. This is the most enjoyable book I have ever written. Whether it is the young master, Lin Xi or these lovely boys and girls, they seem to be really alive in the past two months. When I finished the previous books, I always reflected on the issue of updating. But for this book, I really want to say that I tried my best. I tried my best to update twice a day, on time, and even if there were twists and turns in the later stage, the merits outweighed the flaws.

2. As for the performance of this article, it is the best among all your children's books. The number of collections is about to reach 70,000, and the number of comments has exceeded 100,000. Here, I would like to thank every little fairy who has collected it and every little fairy who has left a message.

When we gather together, we are a ball of fire; when we disperse, we are a sky full of stars. It is you stars who illuminate me and allow me to emit a little light of my own.

3. Although the main story has ended, there will be extra chapters.

However, the update time of the extra chapter is uncertain, it may be updated every other day, so I’m telling you in advance.

4. After the extra episode is over, Brother Tong will take a break this time. Don't worry, resting and recharging is for a better return next time.

Then, I will introduce the article I plan to write next.

Following Xiao Tiantang's "Black and White World, Colorful Him", app readers click on the author's column and collect it quickly.


Yan Han Chapter:

As a hand control freak, Yan Han has always felt inferior because his hands are a little rough from years of cooking.

Because she has always wanted to find a boyfriend with a perfect pair of hands.

Her friend comforted her, saying that there was nothing good about a man’s big pig’s trotter.

Until one day, the man who moved in opposite the apartment she rented outside the school knocked on the door.

Yan Han looked at his palm, dazed.

He picked up the salt and pepper pork trotters he had just made and asked: Classmate, do you want to eat it

Pei Yiheng Chapter:

Pei Yiheng, who came to experience college life, rented an apartment outside the school.

It was fine at first, but gradually he became a little irritated.

Because the food cooked across the street every day is so delicious.

Finally, one day he couldn't help but knock on the door.

He was slightly startled when the door opened to reveal a fair and cute little face.

And when she picked up the salt and pepper pork trotter in her hand and asked him if he wanted to eat it.

Well, he wants to marry her.

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5. Brother Tong’s Weibo: Jiang Mutong, there will be news about the release of simplified Chinese versions of the previous books. You can follow Brother Tong’s Weibo.

6. Last but not least, this forest wedding has a prototype. It is really super dreamy and beautiful. If you are interested, you can search for "Sean Parker Wedding".