Time and Him are Just Right

Chapter 93: Report to Jilu


The sound of New Year's firecrackers resounded throughout the city. People at that time could never have imagined that in the near future, not only Beijing, but many large cities throughout China would be banned from setting off fireworks.

Downstairs, my parents have a lot of guests.

Wen Hansheng was reading a book alone in his room until his mother knocked on the door and brought in some fruit.

Mother Wen said apologetically, "There are too many guests at home. I am sorry to bother you, aren't I?"

"No." Wen Hansheng shook his head slightly.

Mother Wen looked at her son. To be honest, he was the pride of the family. He was admitted to a world-class university at a young age and received a full scholarship. Wen Hansheng had always been someone else's child. Many of her professor colleagues were outstanding, but she could say that Wen Hansheng was definitely the best one.

I've been preparing for the New Year and entertaining relatives and friends these days, so I don't have much time to chat with him.

At this time, the guests had just left, and Wen's mother brought the fruit plate up. She was about to speak, but a voice came from downstairs saying, "Han Sheng, there's a call for you."

The one who called out was the nanny at home.

Then she added, "It's a call from America, hurry up."

Calls from the United States are of course extremely expensive, so the nanny felt sorry for the person on the other end of the call and shouted, then added another sentence.


Suddenly, a person flashed through Wen Hansheng's mind, and he immediately smiled and stood up to answer the phone. Mother Wen looked at his hurried appearance and couldn't help but smile.

In the evening, when Father Wen came back from taking a shower, Mother Wen, who was lying on the bed, handed him the cup of water from the bedside cabinet.

Mother Wen suddenly smiled and asked, "Did you see Han Sheng making a phone call just now?"

"Don't eavesdrop on your children's phone calls. Even if you are a parent, it's immoral." Father Wen glanced at her and said softly.

Mother Wen reached out and pushed him, whispering, "I mean, he was smiling when he was on the phone, maybe he has a girlfriend. I'm so far away, how can I hear his phone call?"

Father Wen knew he had misunderstood her and quickly apologized.

"When I saw him talking on the phone with someone, he not only looked gentle, but also had a smile on his face. It must be someone he liked."

Wen's mother felt that she understood her son and was usually indifferent to everyone she met.

This time it's really different.

At this time, Wen Hansheng was sitting on the bed reading a book, an all-English novel, to kill time. At this time, the sound of fireworks outside the window was still coming one after another. He lowered his head to look at the English letters on the book, and when he was about to turn the page again, his fingers paused slightly.

When he looked outside, because the curtains were not drawn yet, grand fireworks bloomed in the night sky.

"Han Sheng, Happy New Year." His voice came across the ocean.

There was a lot of noisy noise coming from Baijun's side, and it seemed very lively.

Wen Han's voice seemed to be filled with sunshine, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

People were coming and going in the airport, and all kinds of languages were intertwined. When Wen Hansheng pushed the suitcase out of the exit passage, there were many people standing outside the fence to pick him up.

Just as Wen Hansheng was about to walk towards the taxi waiting area, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Cold voice."

Wen Hansheng looked back and saw Bai Jun standing behind him, waving at him.

The smile on his face and his warm and gentle voice are still remembered by me after so many years. I still remember them all the time.

"Why are you here?" Wen Hansheng asked in a low voice when Bai Jun walked over.

Bai Jun glanced at him, his eyes dark and bright, "Of course I'm here to pick you up."

Wen Hansheng looked at him. No wonder he had asked about his return flight so clearly. She didn't expect him to come to pick her up. For a moment, she let him hold her shoulders.

"I missed you so much."

Bai Jun's voice was filled with a faint smile. Wen Hansheng tilted his face slightly and looked at the face in front of him, and the smile on his face deepened.

When Wen Hansheng got in the car, he saw a lot of food on the back seat. Bai Jun saw him looking away and said directly: "I will be a good person to the end. Not only will I pick you up at the airport, but I will also go to your house later and cook a big meal for you to welcome you."

"Thank you." Wen Han said calmly.

His tone was too bland. Bai Jun glanced at him and sneered, "I say, your thank you is too casual."

"How grand do you want it to be?" Wen Hansheng asked back.

Bai Jun laughed loudly, then suddenly curled his lips and said in a calm tone, "At the very least, you have to pledge your love to me."

He said it in a nonchalant manner.

Wen Hansheng looked at him. At this time, Bai Jun had already started the car, and the car gradually accelerated forward.

Suddenly, an extremely indifferent voice sounded in the carriage: "Okay."

Bai Jun turned his head and looked at him in surprise. Wen Hansheng looked at the front of his car and suddenly reminded him, "Be careful with the car."

Only then did Bai Jun look forward again, the shock still on his face. Because they were silent, the awkwardness in the car gradually increased.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Jun suddenly smiled and said, "I didn't expect you would make such a joke."

He seemed unable to believe it and shook his head slightly.

Wen Hansheng looked ahead expressionlessly. It is said that men are not as delicate as women, and they are big-hearted and thick-skinned. But Wen Hansheng was sitting in the car at the moment, thinking about his courage when he suddenly said that sentence just now, and his retreat now.

His cold thank you just now was because he was too happy in his heart and he was afraid to reveal his feelings.

He was afraid that Bai Jun would find out.

After all, even for an open country like the United States, coming out of the closet is not easy.

What's more, Bai Jun looks like a man who likes women.

He didn't want to take such a risk because it would be easy to face loss.

When the two returned to the apartment, Bai Jun went to the kitchen to cook. After he quickly cooked a few dishes, he looked for someone and found that Wen Hansheng was not there. He looked around the apartment and found that he was not in any room, not even in the bathroom.

Bo Jun remembered that they had been drinking on the rooftop of the apartment building before, so he went to the rooftop.

Unexpectedly, the person was really there.

He looked at the man standing by the railing in front of him. There were cigarette butts all over the floor at his feet, and a lit cigarette was still between his fingers. Bai Jun walked over, looked at Wen Hansheng, put the cigarette to his lips, and took a deep breath.

Bai Jun walked over and took the cigarette from his mouth.

"Are you worried about something?" Bai Jun looked at him.

Wen Hansheng had a tired look on his face and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

"You run outside to smoke a bunch of cigarettes during dinner time, do you think my cooking is bad?" Bai Jun looked at him with amusement.

"No." He denied calmly.

"Wen Hansheng." Suddenly Bai Jun called him solemnly.

But Wen Hansheng turned his head away and didn't look at him. However, at this moment, his heart was like a turbulent sea, and there was an unknown force that was about to rush out.

Don't fucking look at me like that, and don't fucking call me like that.

Wen Hansheng was thinking silently, but Bai Jun didn't know. He turned Wen Hansheng's shoulders and looked at him straight, "If you have something on your mind, just say it directly, don't be like a woman and keep it in your heart. I will definitely help you. If it really doesn't work, we can have a drink together, which is better than what you are doing now."

"Will you help me?" Wen Han asked in a low voice.

Bai Jun said solemnly: "Of course."

Wen Hansheng suddenly laughed. This time he finally looked up at Bai Jun and whispered, "Okay, let's go."

Bai Jun was stunned: "Stop talking? What do you want me to help you with?"

"I'll tell you in a few days." Wen Hansheng still had a smile on his face.

Because it was the first week of school, there was a lot to do. Wen Hansheng had been busy for several days before he had time to go to the mall. He searched around in various counters and finally saw a men's ring at Bulgari.

The red-haired clerk enthusiastically took out another matching women's ring.

He pointed to the women's ring and told people that he wanted to change it to a men's one.

Two identical men's rings.

The clerk was stunned at first, then she understood what Wen Hansheng meant. She looked at Wen Hansheng in surprise and didn't speak for a long time. At this time, it was the end of the 1990s, and the struggle between the equal rights movement and the stubborn ideas of society became more and more intense. Every year in the United States, there are many marches and demonstrations for gay rights.

But in real life, many people still look at this group with tinted glasses.

Wen Hansheng is a person who doesn't care about other people's eyes. As long as he decides to do something, he will stick to it and keep moving forward.

Now, too, when he was on the rooftop that day, looking at Bai Jun, he made up his mind.

The clerk was still in a daze, and Wen Hansheng repeated his meaning again in an extremely gentle and firm tone. Fortunately, the clerk came to her senses this time, and she quickly took out another men's ring.

In the end, Wen Hansheng bought two men's rings.

However, although he had bought the ring, he could not find a suitable opportunity. Besides, Bai Jun was extremely busy again these days.

That day, Wen Hansheng just came out of the professor's office and met Chris.

He immediately reached out and hugged Wen Hansheng, laughing and saying, "Calvin, wish me good luck."

"What's wrong?" Wen Hansheng kissed curiously.

Chris winked at him and whispered, "I'm about to drop out of school."

Is this a good thing? Wen Hansheng looked at him.

Fortunately, Chris didn't keep the secret any longer. He said, "Bo and I are going to set up a company and start a business. So bless me and pray that I will never come back."

In the United States, the most successful example of someone who dropped out of a prestigious university to start a business is probably Bill Gates.

His success was like a bright light in the night, which attracted countless people to fly towards this goal. However, most of them ended up with nothing but a broken head.

Wen Hansheng understood what Chris meant. Once their business was successful, they would naturally not need to come back.

Only when their business fails will many of them choose to return to school.

However, he was called by another name. After a long time, he asked Chris if the "Bo" he mentioned was Bo Jun

"Of course, he is the best among us. He was the one who came up with this idea." Chris said without hesitation.

Wen Hansheng didn't know how he got home.

It turned out that they had already decided to take a leave of absence last semester.


When he returned home and lay on the bed, the two ring boxes were placed side by side on the bedside table, close together.

Just now, Chris saw that he looked serious and thought that he was reluctant to leave him. He even comforted Wen Hansheng that their office was located in a basement in Silicon Valley, which was very convenient. If he missed him, he could come and see him at any time.

And their team is made up of young people, so alcohol and parties are essential.

Chris's enthusiastic invitation did not ease Wen Hansheng's mood at all.

He rarely appeared absent-minded like this in front of others, but when he left just now, he looked a little dazed.

Unexpectedly, the next day, when Wen Hansheng was about to leave school, Bai Jun turned on the phone.

"Where is it?" Bai Jun asked with a smile.

Wen Hansheng was sitting in the car, holding the phone in his hand, and he actually felt that the phone was burning hot.

"Hmm." He squeezed out a word from his throat.

Bai Jun on the other side ignored his cold tone and said, "I'm at your door. Let's have dinner together tonight."

When Wen Hansheng returned to the apartment, he saw a jeep across the street. It looked particularly old and he didn't know how many times it had been owned. But the man leaning against the car, from behind, was tall and straight, with a handsome demeanor.

As soon as his car stopped, the man opposite slowly walked towards him.

When I walked to his car, I reached out and knocked on the window.

Wen Hansheng gently lowered the car window. Bai Jun bent down and looked at him, smiling: "Master Wen, you are really late."

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Wen Han asked him.

Bai Jun shook his head: "It's okay, I didn't wait long, but my ingredients took too long."

This time, Bai Jun waited for a long time because he was stewing soup. Wen Hansheng stood by the refrigerator, looking at him quietly. The casserole on the stove was bubbling, and he stood there with his back to Wen Hansheng.

A peaceful room actually makes life peaceful and quiet.

"Are you going to drop out of school?" Wen Hansheng suddenly asked.

Bai Jun paused holding the spoon and turned to look at him: "Who told you that?"

"Is that right?" Wen Hansheng asked again.

Finally, Bai Jun said, "Yes."

Wen Hansheng stopped asking, and Bai Jun turned around and looked at him, "Why don't you continue asking?"

But Wen Hansheng still didn't speak.

Bai Jun frowned and raised his voice to ask, "Wen Hansheng, why don't you continue to ask me?"

"Baijun, congratulations. I hope you have a bright future and great ambitions."

Wen Hansheng looked towards him and whispered.

Bai Jun suddenly turned around and walked towards him, looking at him with burning eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Wen Hansheng, is this what you want to tell me?"

The two looked at each other, and suddenly Bo Jun whispered: "You said you believed me."

Wen Hansheng's heart trembled, but Bai Jun was staring at him, making it impossible for him to retreat.

"Wen Hansheng, you said you believed I would change everything."

"I'm heading in this direction now." Bai Jun said in a low voice.

Wen Hansheng looked towards him and whispered, "I'm sorry, I just lost my composure for a moment."

"Because I didn't tell you in advance?" Bai Jun thought about the reason why Wen Hansheng suddenly became like this. A smile appeared on his face again, and he whispered, "Actually, I came here tonight just to tell you."


Wen Hansheng looked at him straight.

Suddenly, Bai Jun reached out and hugged him, "Why are you so petty?"

A warm and strong chest, a sudden hug.

At this moment, Wen Hansheng's heart really softened.

"Bai Jun, I sincerely wish you the best." Finally, Wen Hansheng spoke in a low voice.

Bai Jun let go of him, took a step back, looked at him and chuckled: "You were still using the same tone just now."

He was still hugging Wen Hansheng, as if this hug was very ordinary.

Wen Xuan looked around the apartment and finally said, "This place is a little too cold. It doesn't look like a place where people live."

Wen Hansheng: "..."

"You came all the way here just to give me some advice about where I live." Wen Hansheng brought her a glass of warm water and looked down at the child in the stroller next to him. He said with some heartache, "Why did you bring him here from such a long distance?"

"Ah Xing is still young and can't leave his mother." Wen Xuan said softly.

Wen Hansheng sneered.

Wen Xuan reached out and gently pushed him, "Don't do this to Ah Xing, you are his uncle."

Because Wen Xuan came, Wen Hansheng booked a high-end restaurant. Because Wen Xuan also brought two nannies with her, Ji Junxing was left to be taken care of by the nannies, and Wen Xuan went with him.

After they finished eating, they were about to leave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I went out, I met a group of people drinking and singing loudly on the street.

Wen Hansheng was afraid that these would impact Wen Xuan, so he took a step back to protect her.

"Calvin." Suddenly someone in the crowd yelled at him.

Wen Hansheng didn't expect Chris to be among them. He frowned and looked at these drunk people.

But Chris stopped him and yelled at him with a drunken breath. Even Wen Xuan looked at him in surprise, but the more she listened, the more she frowned.

"That son of a bitch actually wants to kick us all out. He wants to take over the company alone..."

Wen Hansheng looked at him expressionlessly and whispered, "You've been drinking."

"This son of a bitch, I'm going to shoot him to death sooner or later." Chris continued to curse.

He didn't want to continue talking nonsense with a drunk person, so he took Wen Xuan's hand and whispered, "Sister, let's go."

Chris wanted to speak again and pulled his arm, but Wen Hansheng shook it off and left with Wen Xuan.

Unexpectedly, he met Chris again at school the next day.

"Calvin, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you last night." Chris said apologetically.

Wen Hansheng didn't take last night's incident to heart, and he naturally wouldn't blame Chris. But he didn't expect that after Chrissi finished speaking, he actually complained to him, "You should have heard about Bai's incident."

Wen Hansheng remained silent.

"He actually wanted to kick us out and embezzle the company. It's really abominable. This son of a bitch..."

"That's enough." Wen Hansheng looked at him, "This is a matter between you two. His parents have nothing to do with your affairs."

"Besides, if you feel there is any problem between him and you, feel free to find a lawyer. I believe that American law will give you a fair trial."

Chris chuckled, glanced at Wen Hansheng, and whispered, "I remember you two were good friends."

Wen Hansheng looked at him and said, "I am not a judge. I cannot judge your affairs."

Two years have passed since Bai Jun left school to start his own business. As he said, he is changing everything. The Internet technology company he founded has received two rounds of investment, and another multimillionaire is about to be born.

However, there were reports of disputes between the founders within the company.

Bo Jun was dissatisfied with Chris and others for not paying attention to the company in the early stage of the business, and even short-sightedly doing things that harmed the interests of the company. In the new round of investment, he diluted the shares of Chris and another person.

This incident was not only discussed at Stanford, but was also reported in newspapers and on television news.

Because this technology company has just been named the most watched startup of the year.

In the past two years, Bai Jun didn't often talk to Wen Hansheng about the company's affairs. This was because Wen Hansheng and he chose two completely different directions. He chose to do research in college and wanted to become a real scientific researcher like his parents in the future.

Bai Jun chose to start his own business and experienced his ups and downs in the business world.

This incident caused a lot of controversy until the two parties went to court.

On the other hand, the company was developing smoothly, and Bai Jun was flying around from time to time. Wen Hansheng rarely saw him.

It was not until a year later that the company announced a settlement between the two parties. As the winner, Bojun admitted what Chris and his team had done to the company. However, they will receive a huge amount of cash and will no longer retain shares in the company.

"Everything that happened this year has finally come to an end." Bai Jun sat across from him at the dining table. Wen Hansheng had invited him to dinner today.

He got so excited that he talked about the company for a long time.

Wen Hansheng sat opposite him and listened with a faint smile until he finished speaking. Then he picked up the cup of water at hand and drank it easily.

"I applied to MIT for further studies."

Bang, the cup in Bai Jun's hand accidentally fell out of his palm. Soon, the waiter came over to clean the cup, but the water stains on his body could not be wiped off.

"What did you say?" Bai Jun frowned.

Wen Hansheng: "There is a professor at MIT whom I have always admired. After meeting him last time, I officially decided to apply."

"You..." Bai Jun suddenly got angry and said, "Isn't Stanford good? Why can't you stay here? Do you have to go to MIT? Have you ever thought about me?"

Wen Hansheng frowned: "What does it have to do with us what school I apply to?"

"No? I'm already busy enough. We don't have much time to meet each other. If you go to MIT, how many opportunities will we have to meet each other?"

"So in order to accommodate you, I have to give up my own future?"

Bai Jun frowned: "I've already said it, isn't Stanford good enough? Staying here will ruin your future?"

They parted on bad terms.

They did not contact each other until Wen Hansheng left Stanford.

When we were young, it was probably like this. It was a small matter, but because neither of us could give in, it became a big deal. But when we look back, it is already past and cannot be retrieved.

Wen Hansheng wanted to pursue his own career, but he made the decision without ever discussing it with Bai Jun.

Because of his busy schedule, Bo Jun selfishly wanted to keep him by his side.

But both of them were the pride of the emperor and were too proud to bow their heads, so they ended up drifting apart.

When Wen Hansheng was walking his dog in the park, he saw a pair of men walking side by side in the distance. They were not close, but Wen Hansheng had a feeling that they were the same kind of people.

Under the setting sun, the two of them were carrying their bags and talking intimately.

"Han Sheng." Suddenly a voice speaking Chinese called him.

He turned around with a look of surprise, because he didn't expect to meet Bai Jun's parents here.

Mother Bai looked at him and said with a smile, "I told your uncle it must be you, but he still didn't believe it."

During the conversation, Wen Hansheng learned that they came to visit an old friend and travel at the same time.

"We have been in the United States for decades, but we have always been ensconced in San Francisco's Chinatown. It is difficult to even leave the community, let alone take a plane to travel far away."

Bai Jun's family has three brothers and sisters. His parents rely on a small restaurant they run to support their schooling. They are already struggling financially, so there is no way they can afford to travel.

"If it weren't for Bai Jun, your uncle and I wouldn't be able to enjoy retirement so soon. Now we are just traveling around."

Hearing her say this again, Father Bo whispered, "You better shut up. You've said this all the way from San Francisco to here. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

"My son has made great progress, so I might as well praise him. Besides, Han Sheng is not an outsider."

Bai's mother looked at Wen Hansheng. Bai Jun had never brought anyone home for dinner except Wen Hansheng. In her opinion, this must be a good friend that her son cherished.

Besides, Wen Hansheng is alone in the United States, and Bai's mother is always worried that he can't take care of himself.

Sometimes when Bai Jun didn’t bring him back for dinner, she would call Wen Hansheng.

"Baijun, you are such a fool. You didn't even tell me that you are at MIT now."

Bai Mu complained.

Even though she knew from the reports that he was now a billionaire with unlimited glory, Wen Hansheng still asked in a low voice: "Is he okay?"

"Hey, what's good about that? He has to manage such a big company. Last time he had a stomachache and ended up staying in the hospital for a day before going back to work."

"This kid's fighting spirit is just like me." Father Bai said while taking the opportunity to comment.

Because of the chance encounter, Wen Hansheng invited them to his home as guests, and the two old people did not refuse.

At his home, Bo's father cooked for him personally, and Wen Hansheng accompanied him for a few drinks. When they were leaving, Bo's mother looked at him and said softly, "Hansheng, if you are in San Francisco later, you must come to our house as a guest."

When he saw the two old people off, he felt indescribably powerless in his heart.

At the dinner table, he heard Bai's mother keep saying that she hoped Baijun would not be so busy and find a girlfriend soon. Yes, from the moment he left, it was destined that someone would enter Baijun's life in the future.

Even if she is not his girlfriend, she is someone he likes.

He did not sleep soundly that night.

So as soon as it was light, he put on his sportswear and prepared to go out for exercise.

Unexpectedly, when he went out, he saw someone sitting at the door of his house.

He was stunned for a moment, and the sound of the door opening also woke up the person sitting there.

When the man turned around, Wen Hansheng's eyes suddenly widened.

"You..." He looked at Bai Jun at the door in disbelief.

At this time, the man in a black windbreaker stood up and looked at Wen Hansheng. "My parents called me and said they met you at MIT. You have a dog, live in a big house, and live a fairy-like life. Unlike me, I work day and night."

"So, Wen Hansheng, I'm here to find you."

Wen Hansheng looked at him.

He said, "I also want to live a fairy-like life like you, would you like to take me in?"

As soon as Bai Jun said this, Wen Hansheng suddenly reached out and hugged him.

"Yes. I want you."

There may be many ups and downs in this life, but they have never really parted ways with each other.

The author has something to say: This time I really have to say goodbye to you all for a short time.

My next book, "Black and White World, Colorful Him", is a subject I have never tried before. I will work hard and look forward to meeting you again.

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After three months of companionship, I don’t want to say goodbye, but this book is really coming to an end.

Shao Nian and Xiao Xi are the ones who are close to my heart. I hope that you, who are also close to my heart, can be happy.

I hope our next good time will come soon.

See you in the next book!!!

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