Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 12: genius


Yan Junxun doesn't come to the Inspectorate very often. He hates the atmosphere here and the various eyes of people here. He was different from the kind of person they understood. He had neither blood nor energy. Every time he came to the Inspectorate, he seemed to be awake. He did not allow Jiang Lian to mention his name here, and he also thought that he had not helped Jiang Lian much.

Jiang Lian called Yan Junxun a psychological profiler, but they all understood that Yan Junxun did not behave like a psychological profiler. Shi Shanyan has a saying that hits the nail on the head: Yan Junxun can empathize with the murderer very well. The details of the scene were crocheted like cobwebs in Yan Junxun's mind, and he often imagined along a line.

"Do you understand?" Jiang Lian said to Shi Shanyan in the office taking advantage of Jun Yan's free time to go to the bathroom, "His mind runs so fast that people often fail to catch up. It's very similar to exams. Everyone is obviously holding the same paper, but he not only answered correctly, but also answered very quickly, to a certain extent, it is inevitable that people will doubt whether he has seen the correct answer, or the kind with detailed explanation."

"I understand."

Shi Shanyan leaned back in the chair and saw Yan Junxun who was behind the glass wall turning around from the corner. Yan Junxun stopped in front of the vending machine, not interested in the gazes around him. His super perception ability makes him very keen, he knows what the people around him are thinking, but he doesn't care.

"He knows how to protect himself, and throws a lot of things and people into the 'irrelevant' category. He doesn't like being watched and has a disgusting attitude towards his own observation. But his talent is so good, more often I can't help myself from thinking. You give him something about the case and he can't help sitting there thinking."

"Yes..." Jiang Lian looked at Shi Shanyan in a complicated way, "You know very well. I want to take the liberty to ask, would you do the same?"

Shi Shanyan turned around the chair and looked at Jiang Lian. His eyes were straightforward and he said, "Why don't you ask Yan Junxun? He can tell you the correct answer."

Jiang Lian was silent for a while, then continued: "I often hope that Jun Xun can think something wrong, which will make him look more normal."

Shi Shanyan was amused, as if he did not understand this sentence. He straightened up and asked Jiang Lian across the desk, "Why do you think he's 'not normal'?"

Jiang Lian's lenses were polished very brightly, he thought about it seriously, and replied: "Because I am an ordinary person, ordinary people will be filled with righteous indignation at some details of the case, and everyone is more willing to stand from the perspective of the victim, not the murderer. Jun. Xun is very calm every time he observes the scene... Sometimes it can also be called indifference."

"You think he can't empathize with the victim," Shi Shanyan was like a psychiatrist sitting in the office. "He 'saw' the victim's pain, but he didn't show the sympathy and anger he should have. The children raised by the system also Pretty scary, isn't it?"

Jiang Lian did not answer.

"Yan Junxun doesn't have Artemis at home now," Shi Shanyan split the question, "because you found that Yan Junxun couldn't empathize with the victim, even though he looks good now, but he doesn't care about the murderer's behavior. The level of understanding far exceeds that of normal people. The teaching achievements of Artemis are frightening. If Jun Yan seeks to commit a crime, he will be the most difficult murderer." Shi Shanyan showed an understanding expression and asked cruelly with a smile, "I'm curious, did you 'kill' Artemis?"

* * *

Yan Jun searched for beer cans and passed through various bells and conversations. He looks like a fresh graduate with a Pikachu pattern on his T-shirt. He didn't go back to Jiang Lian's office, but went to the lounge with relatively few people.

The Inspectorate's lounge is surrounded by lush virtual greenery on all sides, the seats are spaced at the same interval, and the people inside are talking in low voices. The no-smoking area is on the left, Yan Jun thought for a while, then found a remote place to sit on the right.

The sound of the stream was played on a loop in the hall, and Yan Junxun touched his trousers pocket, where there was still a cigarette hidden. He took out the cigarette, hesitated for a moment, bit it between his lips, but didn't light it.

To predict whether a person will do something, he must first figure out what he expects from the result of the behavior, and if he can get a reward from it, he will continue to do it. This is the expectation theory in social learning.

Yan Jun pressed the tip of his tongue against the cigarette butt.

The murderer was afraid of the sexual assault process, but chose to repeat the crime against the sexual assaulter. She is paranoid and her modus operandi is consistent. It was like some kind of ritual, and she had to follow the steps before she could get the expected result.

Yan Junxun has analyzed her too much, and in Yan Junxun's eyes, she is already transparent.

A woman who has endured her husband's sexual violence all year round may not have as good a family status as a dog. She can't play with any thing in the house at will, it doesn't belong to her, she has no right to touch it. She cleaned up Liu Xincheng and Li Jianhua's house, as if she lived in it, but she didn't dare to do the same when she went home, because she would be beaten if she did so at home.

She avoids violence and sexual elements, and refuses to look directly at Liu Xincheng's photos and herself. The graffiti in Liu Xincheng's corridor also made her feel depressed, so she painted the graffiti with a beard, as if rape does not only happen to women, so as to make her feel better.

She loves her child so much that she doesn't want to admit the fact that the child is dead. She modified Li Jianhua's system and asked the system to call her "Dad". In her imagination, she is not only the mother of the child, but also the father of the child, so that she can correct the mistakes of the "daddy" and give the child happiness.

It shows that the death of this child is related to the father.

The sound of the stream is very gentle, making it easy to fall asleep. Yan Junxun didn't want to sleep, and he didn't want to continue thinking, but his thoughts were like long legs, and they dragged Yan Junxun, whether he wanted it or not.


The flame of the lighter ignited Yan Junxun's cigarette, and Shi Shanyan's smell was very prominent. His arms from behind seemed to be half-circling Yan Junxun, and the texture of the shirt was good, allowing his muscles hidden in the fabric to clearly emerge.

"They expect you to solve this problem as soon as possible." Shi Shanyan quickly turned on the lighter and put it on Yan Junxun's shoulder like a friend.

"Don't be stupid," Yan Junxun said with a cigarette in his mouth, "I'm an insignificant character who can only imagine."

The soft light of the lounge hit Yan Junxun's hair, and his tear moles were looming in the smoke, which was his unique charm. After only two puffs, he took the cigarette out. He looked at Shi Shanyan and didn't care how close they were.

"If you care about this case, you can tell Jiang Lian what you know." Yan Junxun's mouth smelled of cigarette smoke mixed with sweetness, it was the smell of lollipops, "Don't fucking test me again."

"Then why don't you tell me," Shi Shanyan was patient, he smelled the scent of oranges, which made him lick his canine teeth, "Tell Jiang Lian that the murderer is sick."

Yan Junxun is very annoying. He hated the feeling of competing with people, and the feeling of being observed all the time.

"I'm sorry," Shi Shanyan squeezed Yan Junxun's leftover cigarette with two fingers and apologized perfunctorily, "I guessed right by accident."

He bit the cigarette lightly, but his eyes seemed to bite Yan Junxun.

"You know why the murderer kills."

Of course Yan Junxun knew that he had already hinted at Jiang Lian.

* * *

Chen Xiulian is feeding the dog.

Chen Xiulian lives in an old residential building near the Iron and Steel Industrial Park. This dilapidated second floor was bought by her husband He Zhiguo when he set up a factory. In the past, people lived on the second floor, and the grinding machines for steel processing were placed on the first floor to facilitate the entry and exit of steel. After He Zhiguo didn't stay in the berthing area anymore, it was Chen Xiulian who had the final say. She moved the old grinder to the basement.

Several local dogs surrounded Chen Xiulian and wagged their tails. She put down the iron basin and the dogs swarmed around her.

"Kill them to death," He Zhiguo said in Chen Xiulian's ear, "a stench!"

Chen Xiulian didn't say a word, she listened to the sound of chewing for a while.

"I'm talking to you," He Zhiguo seemed to push Chen Xiulian's head with his hand, which he liked to do before, "Did you fucking hear me? Don't make me angry, Chen Xiulian, I hit you because you annoyed me, you I'll fucking hit you if you make me angry, you know?"

Chen Xiulian's breathing was a little heavy. She didn't turn on the lights on the first floor. She was scolded in the dark with a pale face. Her lips moved: "I'm going to call the police to catch you..."

"You report," He Zhiguo's spit star sprayed Chen Xiulian's face, "I will beat you after reporting, and beat you to death!"

Chen Xiulian wiped her face with her sleeves, her movements were very forceful, as if she was wiping old dirt. The buttons on her cuffs scratched her face, and she quickly wiped her face red.

"I told you to kill the dog, don't you fucking listen? Then I'll kill Qinqin!" He Zhiguo's voice pierced Chen Xiulian's ear like a knife, "I want to drag her downstairs, Treat her like you treat her. Losers eat Lao Tzu's salary every day, and you're as sick as you are! Beat the scumbags that don't have a long memory!"

Chen Xiulian, like an injured female beast, suddenly howled at the channel. She was shaking all over, pulled off the guide on her ear, fell to the ground, raised her foot and stomped hard.

The local dogs were startled, wailed, tucked their tails, and ran to the corner with their bones in their mouths.

Chen Xiulian shouted her voice hoarse, she panted and looked around with her red eyes, and finally couldn't hear He Zhiguo's voice. She casually pushed back her sweat-drenched hair, rushed to the entrance of the stairs, took a few steps down, and unlocked the lock with trembling hands.

There was a fishy smell in the basement, but Chen Xiulian didn't care, the smell made her relax. Her hands fumbled on the wall and turned on the light.

The basement was so dirty, there was scrap steel everywhere. A grinder was moved, and Chen Xiulian originally wanted to throw it away, but she remembered what Liu Chen wrote in the report - the Inspectorate is very powerful, and they can find a lot of clues along the same thing. He Zhiguo borrowed money to buy this grinder. There were still IOUs at that time. Although she burned the IOUs, she was still full of fear of the unknown inspectorate.

The Inspectorate has arrested a lot of people in the report. Chen Xiulian didn't want to be arrested. She hadn't killed He Zhiguo yet.