Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 13: exposure


In fact, Chen Xiulian has feelings for this grinder, it has helped her a lot, like her most loyal friend, but it is too old. She wanted to put "He Zhiguo" on it, and wanted to put all He Zhiguo on it, but there were too many "He Zhiguo", they were crowded into the newspapers in the basement, and Chen Xiulian couldn't tear them apart.

He Zhiguo used to say something when he beat Chen Xiulian. He said that he had practiced qigong and had worked with master when he was a child. Unlike ordinary people, he never fell to his death when he fell from the third floor. Chen Xiulian didn't believe it at first, but now she believes it, and He Zhiguo is everywhere.

She remembered dragging He Zhiguo from the first floor and stuffing it into the grinder, and she remembered every step she took at that time. But when she woke up in the morning, He Zhiguo was still talking to her in her ear. She cooked porridge that day and ate breakfast to He Zhiguo in the basement. She asked He Zhiguo if he wanted to eat. He Zhiguo didn't speak, so she ate it by herself. In order to make He Zhiguo stop talking, she put He Zhiguo into the porridge too.

Chen Xiulian was dazed by the lights in the basement, she stroked the grinder and put her face on it. The grinder was cold, and the ice made her flushed face feel comfortable. She remembered the last man lying in the basement, what was his name? She had forgotten, but she knew that it was also He Zhiguo.

He Zhiguo is very good at pretending. He used to talk to the inspectorate and said that I didn't have domestic violence, it was my wife who was abnormal, I didn't have domestic violence, and I was wronged. After hanging up the phone, he dragged Chen Xiulian's hair downstairs, locked her in the basement, asked her to reflect, and asked her to write a letter of guarantee with herself.

What did Huo Qingjun say when he was lying here

He also said, I did not rape, I was wronged.

"I know the truth," Chen Xiulian said to the grinder. "The reports are all true. There is nothing wrong with what is written in the newspaper. He is just quibbling."

Grinders won't answer.

Chen Xiulian continued: "In the future, when they report on me, they will tell the truth. I killed He Zhiguo because he broke the law. Why should I be released when I break the law? If it is released, there will be problems. He Zhiguo raped me before, and the Inspectorate did not arrest him, but he was there. They kept raping and beating me outside. What should I do? I did what I was supposed to do."

The basement was damp, and the unclean smell of blood had a spoiled smell.

Chen Xiulian opened her eyes, her eyes were empty, she said: "When He Zhiguo is gone, I will surrender. I will die with him. I will die with him. Qinqin will never be beaten again, and I will go happily in the future. go to school."

The dog squeezed its head out of the crack of the door and barked a few times with its tongue out.

Chen Xiulian said, "Shh."

Unfortunately, before she had time, she heard He Zhiguo woke up again. He Zhiguo fucks your mother all day and doesn't treat her like a human being.

* * *

The murderer had never used her own ID number, so the fingerprints she left on Huo Qingjun's photo did not match the entry and exit records of the Puli Community. The access system of these communities will only require the other party to report their ID number, and then save it in the file.

Jiang Lian made a key check on the cleaning company and moving company that cooperated with Puli Community. He believed that the murderer was around the object of the check. Here is her social circle, from which she got the victim information she wanted. The Inspectorate investigated the social information of these people one by one, and their friends and relatives were all within the scope of the investigation. The surveillance system compared everyone's fingerprints, but none matched.

Yan Junxun didn't reply to Jiang Lian's news, he just wanted to get the people who came home with him.

The panda sits on the carpet and shows Shi Shanyan its electronic photo album. Shi Shanyan is really a friend of pandas. With his patience, he easily won the trust of pandas. In the moment when Yan Jun searched for the door, the pandas had already explained all their old stories.

"I used to be an excellent pet management system, and then the pet store closed down, and the original owner sold me to a second-hand system trading market. I stayed there for several years, and I can't remember many things," Panda's tone was heavy, " But my hometown should not be here, the environment here is too bad. In short, when I wake up again, I will be Mr. Yan's indoor system. The essence of my life is to protect Mr. Yan like a cub. This is my ID number. "

"Too professional," Shi Shanyan took the panda's ID number admiringly, "Is it tiring to take care of the cubs?"

"That's not true," Panda looked for Yan Jun very much, "Mr. Yan is very good."

"I know." Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun.

Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan.

"I forgot," Shi Shanyan suddenly took out the lighter from his pocket and slowly put it on the coffee table, "I have a small gift for you."

"Lighters are not a good thing," the panda was too fat, so he could only put his paws on his stomach, and looked at them both from side to side, "Mr. Yan wants to quit—"

The simulated panda disappeared suddenly, the stew pot in the kitchen made a "gududu" sound of soup cooking, and the whole living room was quiet.

"You can go back," Yan Junxun said, "it's off work."

"Jiang Lian is still sending you messages," Shi Shanyan motioned to Yan Jun to look, "Maybe it's an overtime notice?"

"I never work overtime." As soon as Yan Junxun finished speaking, the ID guide rang. He looked at the unfamiliar number that appeared on the light screen, frowned slightly, and clicked to connect.


The response from the opposite side was Duan Silent, and Yan Junxun was acutely aware that something was wrong in these few seconds of silence. He decisively cut off the phone and turned on the indoor light screen.

Liu Chen's disgusting face is right in front of him. He is in a suit and leather shoes, and his hair is neatly arranged. He sits in front of the camera like a person. He said to the camera with a serious expression: "I now have reasons to condemn the Inspectorate for dereliction of duty. The mysterious foreign aid they are looking for doesn't understand investigation at all. An unqualified psychological profiler was praised by Jiang Lian, but he asked us to Keep silent on this. I suspect that this mysterious Mr. Yan has also been involved in the investigation of other series of murders, my god, this is unthinking, Jiang Lian can't be sure..."

Yan Junxun's heart sank slowly, the window was not closed, he smelled a little damp smell, like the breath before a storm. Two seconds later, the ID guide sounded again, and the continuous "didi" sound was particularly harsh in the room.

"Let Liu Chen talk to me," Jiang Lian stood at the door of the office, waiting for the channel to be connected, and said immediately, "You immediately delete the video about the psychological profiler!"

"What is this, a clear statement from power?" Liu Chen was calm over there. He said, "Why does the Inspectorate ask me to keep silent? I suspect that you are using your position to practice favoritism. Don't try to block me. Mouth, you wait for the alliance to investigate!"

"Who, me?" Jiang Lianqi laughed, he looked around at everyone in the hall, turned around and kicked the door. The loud bang made the hall completely quiet. His chest heaved and he said to Liu Chen, "You'd better delete it immediately, delete it cleanly, and pray that it doesn't spread too widely. I won't wait to investigate, it's a normal procedure for him to come to the berth, understand? I I advise you to start drafting now, and Fu Chenghui will find you soon."

Jiang Lian paused for two seconds after speaking, still puzzled.


He frantically hung up the switch.

* * *

Chen Xiulian saw Liu Chen's homepage while eating. She didn't know what a psychological profiler was, so she cut into Liu Chen's chat room.

Ferryman: [I am grass, I got through! Liu Ji is amazing.]

Dozens of messages quickly followed.

[He really took it? Say no?]

Ferryman: [Said hello, hello hahaha, I recorded it and shared it with my brothers for free]

Chen Xiulian swallowed her last mouthful of rice and clicked on the voice.


The profiler who was disturbed was very young, his voice was clear, and he had the politeness of refusing others.


Chen Xiulian answered silently in her heart. She put down her job, watched Liu Chen's video, and saw Yan Junxun's blurred silhouette.

This man is going to arrest her.

Chen Xiulian had a strange feeling, she saw Yan Junxun's profile, although blurred, it was very white. He looked different from the famous people she knew, and Liu Chen said he had been involved in many cases.

* * *

Yan Junxun was like the protagonist of a stage play under the lights at this time, and all the spotlights were chasing him.

"Let Xiaojulong also turn off message notifications," Yan Junxun said to Panda, "replace the original number."

Panda didn't answer immediately, it turned into a system mechanical sound after a few seconds, and said, "Okay, temporarily enter the 'Artemis' mode, and will soon open the fully enclosed protection for Jun Xun."

However, it didn't work, and the ID conductor was still beeping.

"Request failed, protection data for 'Artemis' has been deleted, number 7-001 is still under review. Request failed, protection data for 'Artemis'..."

The warning sound in the room has begun to cycle abnormally, and the lights are flickering.

Yan Junxun is very quiet, his quietness is very unnatural.

"The indoor system has been maliciously attacked, and the guide has been removed from the system. It is recommended to temporarily stop using it..."

The ID guide suddenly stopped "di-di" and entered the automatic answering mode. The light screen suddenly turned on the camera, and the opposite side of the screen was pitch black. The noise of "Zila Zila" is like a group of pervasive little dense insects, biting the silence of the room.

"Hello—" The voice on the opposite side of the screen was changed, "Let me see, genius—"

The ID guide suddenly exploded, and the screen freezes, and then Shi Shanyan has turned the camera and smiled at the opposite side.

"Do you want to die?"

The next moment, the ductor was completely smashed by the current of the restraint lock, and the light screen disappeared on the screen of Shi Shanyan showing dangerous canine teeth. The room fell silent and all systems went to sleep.

Yan Junxun's pale face was almost exposed to the camera.