Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 18: system


Yan Junxun opened the car door, Xiaojulong was still in repair mode and did not show his face. It lights up red on the top of the car and switches to a cute voice: "Good evening, Mr. Yan, the on-board system is here for you, we can slowly enjoy the time on the road at night..."

Yan Junxun turned off Xiaojulong's autopilot and asked, "Does Shi Shanyan live in the dormitory of the inspectorate?"

"Mr. Shi has a special status." Xiao Julong's reaction was not as quick as usual, and it took a few seconds to answer the question. "He lives in the division of the Inspectorate."

Yan Junxun knew that this place was a mental hospital in the berthing area before the war.

"Turn on the navigation," Yan Junxun turned the steering wheel, "I want the fastest route."

* * *

The berthing area is now a transfer station for large-scale resource ships. During the war, the supply and supplies of the alliance front line must pass through here, and the light iron has played a huge role. The Inspectorate Division was established at that time as a place to receive military personnel. After the war, important military personnel were evacuated from the berthing area, and the partition of the Inspectorate was empty, but the Inspectorate never remodeled it.

It was Fu Chenghui's advice that Jiang Lian put Shi Shanyan here. It looks like it's uninhabited, but it's actually home to a group of official park systems. They firmly control the entire regional building group outside of their daily work, and no turbulence in the separation area can escape their cameras.

This is the replica area of Guangtong Prison's 01 area, but all the objects monitored by the system are Shi Shanyan.

Shi Shanyan has been in the monitoring of every second for too long, and he is already familiar with these "eyes". When he was taking a bath, the foggy glass could only cover his waist and abdomen to his thighs, and the rest were exposed to the cameras monitored by the system. The system will confirm information every ten seconds to ensure that the person standing in front of the camera is Shi Shanyan himself.

Shi Shanyan lifted his hair under the shower head, revealing his forehead. He rushed into the cold water, looked directly at the camera outside the glass, and gave it an unfriendly smile: "I'm going to masturbate."

The center of the system camera was lit with a red dot, and it replied emotionlessly: "The countdown is 60 seconds, please number 01AE86 to solve the physiological problem as soon as possible."

Shi Shanyan didn't care about his answer, turned around against the water column and faced the wall. His muscles are very strong, and his explosive lines run down his back and are well maintained to his calves. He raised his hand and touched the bottom of his pectoral muscle, where the serial number he used to be in Black Panther was written, but he arbitrarily added a few horizontal lines to the serial number, making the tattoo messy.

There is a chip for information positioning.

Shi Shanyan felt that there were black panther chips in other parts of his body, but he wasn't sure where. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but close his eyes.

Yan Junxun also has it, right

It must be cool to leave traces on Yan Junxun's body.

That delicate skin looks like it has not experienced the ravages of wind and frost, and it is so white that it makes people emotional. When he was numbering, he would definitely frown, with a little impatient in his eyes. If someone dared to grab his face when he was in pain, they would be able to see the tear moles dotted at the end of his eyes. It would be better if he was unhappy because of this, Shi Shanyan liked the expression on his face when he was unhappy.

The water from the sprinkler suddenly stopped.

The system said: "Time is up, please go back to your room with number 01AE86."

Shi Shanyan flicked the water droplets from his hair, and pulled the bath towel and towel. He walked out of the bathroom, and the water on his upper body was not wiped clean at all, but he didn't care, and he didn't even bother to remove the hair blocking his eyes. He pushed open the door and walked down the dark, deserted hallway.

There was only one living person, Shi Shanyan, living in the entire compartment, and his room was at the end of the corridor. If the system wasn't too strict, Shi Shanyan even wanted to change a room a day. He is keen to find happiness, even if these rooms are no different from the rooms he lives in the Guangtong prison.

The system checked before Shi Shanyan entered the door, and he walked into the room. There is only one single bed in this room, not even a table or chair. Shi Shanyan sat on the edge of the bed and wiped his hair, when he heard the conductor that Jiang Lian gave rang.

After five seconds, the guide switches on automatically.

"Daily inquiry," Su Heting was playing games all night, "Is eldest brother still alive?"

"Answer my rubbish brother," Shi Shanyan held on to the towel, "eldest brother is alive and well."

"That's such a pity," Su Heting didn't give up the fierce battle, he stared at the light screen intently, "I thought someone would kill you."

"Who will come," Shi Shanyan raised his head slightly, his eyes looked extremely dangerous under his black hair, "I was eaten by me when I came here."

"You blocked the camera for Yan Junxun, the other party was very angry, and in retaliation, he published your photo," Su Heting said here, as if he had cleared the customs, and his tone was excited, "But the speed at which he collects information is too rubbish. Without finding your details, we were kept outside."

Shi Shanyan made a "hmm" sound, which was an answer.

Su Heting slowed down his hands and said, "But you know, Fu Chenghui is mentally ill, maybe one day if you guys completely turn your face, he will throw all your past mission information into the 'black ground' of the alliance, and no one will be able to save him by then. you."

"Black Land" is a "friendship" forum for members of the Southern and Northern Front Alliance special outfits after the war. The beams they forged during the war have not been resolved. Even if there is no hunting target, they will fight here. Shi Shanyan's Black Panther number is still kept secret, and his mission information is locked in Fu Chenghui's hands. But according to Black Panther's mission review from 2160 to 2162, the missions he completed in those two years were all closely related to the Civil War.

"He wouldn't do this," Shi Shanyan tore off the towel, "Do you know why you can only take the sixth test?"

"Because I'm as cute as a normal person." Su Heting replied simply.

"Because you don't seem to have a good mind." Shi Shanyan picked up the guide on the bed and brought it closer to his mouth, "Don't you think Fu Chenghui is more like a system than a system? He wouldn't do such a thing, it's a shame , he is holding our cards, and he wants to fight a more beautiful victory. I don't care who took my mission information, or who has seen it, it doesn't matter. I just want to know now, all the information about Yan Junxun in the Black Panther I want this, you understand?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Su Heting stopped playing the game, "Yan Junxun is different from you and me, he is not even like all the Black Panther members. His number is 001, but the official website of the Black Panther is different. His mission record has never been updated. I hacked into Fu Chenghui's indoor system and walked around, and found that he added three bumpers to Yan Junxun's information."

"So what do you know," Shi Shanyan lowered his voice in the darkness, "not just his birthday."

"No. 7-001, name Yan Junxun, height 175cm, weight 62kg. In 2163, he passed the black panther test and entered the special force, and was expelled from the team in 2164. The review of the special task force said that his overall ability was poor and he could not adapt to dangerous places. The mission is not destructive." Su Heting carried the piece of information on his back, "This is the easiest information to find so far, if you want to know more, please put the money into my account."

Shi Shanyan said, "Go to hell."

"It's also very dangerous to check information," Su Heting looked at the channel guide. "If you are interested in him, you have to pay. By the way, I remind you that Yan Junxun is heading towards you."

"Get it from my account," Shi Shanyan licked his canine teeth, "speak quickly."

"Yan Junxun's data is locked with the system Artemis, and Fu Chenghui has not solved the defense problem of Artemis," Su Heting slid the screen, "As the daughter of the system 'Zeus', Artemis's The character is also prominent in the 'Twelve Main Department'. It was used for information tracking like other main departments at first, but strangely, after a period of time, the data recording group of the twelve main departments no longer updated Al Information about Themis. I don’t know what happened, in short Artemis has become a teaching system, it taught Yan Junxun, and the teaching content was kept secret without telling anyone.”

"Yan Junxun's written test in the Black Panther test was full marks. I suspect that he may be emotionally deficient. The earliest systematic teaching experiment within the alliance showed that children who are completely isolated from the crowd have problems, and it is difficult for them to adapt to human beings. I have become accustomed to a quiet and closed isolation space. The task review will not lie, it says that Yan Junxun has poor overall ability and cannot adapt to dangerous tasks. It should be true. But the destructive power is different, I prefer his Self-discipline limits his performance. He is very similar to the Twelve Masters, and he has a strong sense of alertness to himself."

After Su Heting finished speaking, he bit the straw and sucked the ice cola until "gumbling".

"This is what you're missing. You don't know self-discipline at all. Fu Chenghui may want him to teach you."

"Is Artemis really canceled?" Shi Shanyan brushed his hair, "These systems cost the alliance a lot of money, and Fu Chenghui is reluctant."

"It depends on how you want to understand it," Su Heting looked at the light spot representing Yan Junxun and stopped in the separation area, "Theoretically, Artemis has indeed been cancelled, but I found that the system loopholes that Yan Junxun was attacked were all The repair is successful. That 'Jue' can't do this step, this is the protection data of Artemis. Its protection for Yan Junxun has gone beyond the normal setting range, more like..." Su Heting looked for an accurate description ,"from inner heart."

This sentence made the atmosphere very strange.

The twelve main lines are all extended from "Zeus", the earliest human creation. They have strong computing power, but they are still not human and do not have their own emotions. Their "heart" is a huge data collection library, and they will only respond to human expectations based on data filtering.

"The consultation time is over, and your guest has arrived at the door." Su Heting said, opening Shi Shanyan's account, "...Damn, you have no money at all!"

"Thank you." Shi Shanyan hung up the conductor with satisfaction.

Yan Junxun was passing the system test, and the door opened before he knocked. Shi Shanyan blocked Yan Junxun's sight.

"I'm looking for a guide," Yan Jun looked up and lifted his head a little to get past Shi Shanyan's bare chest, "Call Jiang Lian, hurry up."

"Forgot where to throw it," Shi Shanyan likes this angle, who wouldn't like Yan Junxun's look up? He said deliberately, "Come in and look for it."