Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 2: camouflage


Yan Jun's eyelids twitched, his eyes collided with the eyes numbered 01AE86. He noticed that the "Hello" was climbing up his ankles, like the tail of an indoor giant, with an unpleasant and dangerous aura.

Jiang Lian held the gun and suppressed the alarm: "Immediately suspend the transfer task number 01AE86!"

"Suspension and dismissal," No. 01AE86 couldn't understand Jiang Lian's request, "Don't be like this, are you scared to death by me? I'm just a..." He seemed to be looking for a suitable word to describe, "A poor defenseless prisoner."

Fu Yun's panting did not calm down. He was too close to number 01AE86, and he hurriedly replied foul language in the voice of number 01AE86.

"How energetic, I still think about fucking other people's fathers." Number 01AE86 looked at Yan Junxun, his expression gradually became subtle, "I have a hunch that I will make new friends."

The sweat on Fu Yun's temples dripped down and wet the collar of his shirt. He said, "Contact Commander Fu, this lunatic can't come out at all!"

The system was still for two seconds, turned the camera, and continued to say in a mechanical voice: "The contact failed, Commander Fu refused to call, please continue to hand over the task."

"Your uncle thinks you are annoying," No. 01AE86 let go of Fu Yun's hand and laughed through the door, "It's time for Fu Yun to grow up and learn to walk independently."

Fu Yun stepped back in embarrassment, his face ashen: "The dog chain hasn't been taken off, Shi Shanyan, don't be too proud."

"Yes—" No. 01AE86 lay on the door and said patiently, "So do you have the key?"

* * *

It was already dark outside the cell, and it was still raining.

Jiang Lian couldn't help but lit a cigarette, facing the playground of the prison, looking at the lonely street lights on the playground, with his usual opening remarks: "It's difficult... This guy is too dangerous, he doesn't seem to be a cooperative person. ."

"Not only did he respond very quickly when he arrested Fu Yun," Yan Junxun drooped his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep, "and he only used one hand, which shows that he did not give up the training of finger strength distribution during his imprisonment. You see Is his food and middle fingers?"

Jiang Lian rubbed his chin embarrassingly, expressing that he didn't see clearly.

Yan Junxun opened his palm and looked at it for a moment: "His two fingers are very sensitive. I advise you not to give him the chance to touch the gun, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Jiang Lian had a headache hearing this, he pinched the cigarette and said, "What is Fu Chenghui doing?"

Yan Junxun was afraid of the cold, so he pulled up the zipper of his coat, hid his chin, stared at the puddle of dirty mud under the steps, and answered irrelevantly: "The moored prison has never locked up a few people, it is so dilapidated, all kinds of The electrical facilities are very old."

Jiang Lian didn't understand: "Our side is already broken, and you don't live here, so you still care about the circuit?"

The street lights in the distance suddenly flickered a few times and went out in the heavy rain.

"The aging circuit is prone to leakage and tripping." Yan Junxun's voice was a little muffled. "It's all a safety hazard."

Jiang Lianzaiba made a point: "Mooring is no better than Guangtong, there is not such a strict defense system, if he takes the opportunity and wants to run..."

If the number 01AE86 wants to escape, the berthing area can only ask Fu Yun to bring him back to the Guangtong prison, and he does not even need to report to Fu Chenghui immediately.

The situation had to be reviewed again before handing over, Jiang Lian looked at Yan Junxun.

* * *

The conversation room of the moored prison is old, with decades-old graffiti on the walls. There are no windows on the four walls, and there is only a system monitoring camera facing the chair. Because of the closure, there is an old fire alarm in the corner.

No. 01AE86 is wearing a restraint lock, and he is sitting in a chair with excessively long legs, as if he will cross the line at any time. He hadn't cut his hair for a while, and he tied a messy wad at the back of his head, which looked fluffy and messy, like a lion that had just rolled over.

"You're so serious," No. 01AE86 pushed the corners of his lips with his fingers, "Can't you just smile?"

"No," Yan Junxun didn't bring anything, sat down opposite him, and said coldly, "There is no such rule."

No. 01AE86 is very reasonable to children: "Then what do you want to talk to me about? I can do it."

Yan Junxun didn't expect the number 01AE86 to be so cooperative, he only prepared a plan to deal with it.

"Don't be nervous," No. 01AE86 intertwined his fingers, looking at Yan Junxun, his eyes hidden behind his black hair were sincere and harmless, "I know that your district accepted me under pressure, and Fu Chenghui likes to give people problems so much. But I promise, I'm never as bad as they say in the review. I'm a good guy, really. What's your name?"

"Yan Junxun." Yan Junxun pulled the zipper down to make it easier to speak.

"Jun Xun, Jun-Xun," the tone numbered 01AE86 was full of envy, "Your parents really know how to name them. This is the most emotional name I've ever heard."

The word "feeling" leaves the teeth of number 01AE86, like candy soaked in a cup, quietly melting Yan Junxun's defenses. No. 01AE86's eyes, expressions, and tone are all paving the way for his words, making his every sentence seem very sincere.

"My name is Shi Shanyan," No. 01AE86 opened his palm and wrote to Yan Junxun, "Time, mountain, continuation... are all my favorite words, isn't this a good name?"

Only one light was on in the conversation room, hanging between them, making the shadows of both of them appear dormant. Yan Junxun didn't like too bright, he leaned back a little, his thin back was against the back of the chair, only his chin was exposed to the light.

"Your hometown is not mentioned in the documentation."

"People who join the Black Panther don't need their hometown." Shi Shanyan stopped looking at Yan Junxun, but began to look at the conversation room, "This place is quite crappy, do they really pay you a salary?"

"I don't have a salary."

Shi Shanyan turned his gaze back: "I take the liberty to ask, do I have one?"

"I don't know," Yan Junxun said without hesitation, "you can ask Jiang Lian about this kind of thing."

"I don't know anyone here," Shi Shanyan leaned over slowly, propped up with his arms, and lowered Yan Junxun by one head, "I only know you now, Junxun."

His forehead was covered with hair, which made his deep eyes lose their aggressiveness, and calmly sent a signal to Yan Junxun for help.

"Can you help me a little bit? A little bit, without breaking any rules. You know I've been in Guangtong prison for four years, and the minute-by-second monitoring of the system has made me breathless. Everyone is a bunch of bastards, and they can't give my family warmth at all. I'm too wronged and too tired, so I cherish this opportunity, I just... " Shi Shanyan stretched out his index and middle fingers, begging softly, "I think Have a cigarette."

Yan Junxun's eyes stayed on his fingers for a second, then frowned: "A cigarette?"

"You're quitting smoking," Shi Shanyan's eyes dipped in the dimness, "it smells like a lollipop, I can handle those cigarettes for you. The regulations don't say you can't give me cigarettes, I Trust them to understand."

Yan Junxun was a little slack: "I didn't bring fire."

"I have," Shi Shanyan raised his chin and motioned for Yan Junxun to stretch out his hand, "In my trouser pocket, this is the only treasure I have left."

The hanging lamp tilted slightly, allowing Shi Shanyan's shadow to silently climb out from under the chair. However, he took the initiative to raise his arms, revealing all his vital points, as if he entrusted all of himself to Yan Junxun.

Yan Junxun took out the crumpled cigarette case from his trouser pocket, took out a cigarette and handed it to Shi Shanyan. Shi Shanyan didn't use his hands, but directly opened his mouth to bite. Yan Jun looked at the broken one left in the cigarette case, and without any hesitation, shook it out and put it between his lips.

When he did this, he could feel Shi Shanyan's gaze.

"Don't tell Jiang Lian," Yan Junxun stretched out his palm and searched along the side of Shi Shanyan's leg, "He is very talkative."

"Okay sir," Shi Shanyan reminded, "to the left."

Yan Junxun reached in with his fingers, took out the lighter, lit it for himself, and then threw it back to Shi Shanyan.

"You have a mole," Shi Shanyan lit a cigarette, took a few greedy breaths, and licked his lips after exhaling, "Did you order it yourself?"

Yan Junxun shook his head honestly, looking at the cigarette in his hand, as if counting how many puffs it could smoke.

Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun carefully, but said, "It's so beautiful, I want one too."

Yan Junxun didn't raise his eyes to look at him, smoked a cigarette seriously, and said, "Did Fu Chenghui tell you about the parking area? It's different from the light track area."

"Fu Chenghui is in charge of all kinds of things every day, and he doesn't even bother to see his nephew, let alone pay any attention to me." Shi Shanyan put up the cigarette and accumulated soot to play with, "I know that the berthing area is now a transfer station for large-scale resource ships, and it used to be here. Steelmaking. I heard that there are quite a lot of abandoned factories? The photos look like wasteland, and the greening is very poor.”

"Mooring is a warm home," Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan, carrying the slogan of the parking area, "You and I will build it together."

Shi Shanyan made a "wow" sound and cooperated from the bottom of his heart: "It's really good."

The cigarette was almost finished, but the light above his head suddenly flashed twice.

"Thank you for your smoke," Shi Shanyan's words were meaningful, he let out a light smoke and smiled at Yan Junxun, "Nice to meet you."

The fire alarm in the corner finally felt the smoke and screamed, and then the lights above the two people's heads went out with a "pop", and the sudden trip caused the system surveillance cameras to hang their heads sluggishly.

But surprisingly, neither of the two people in the conversation room moved.

Shi Shanyan's smoke flickered in the darkness, with a faint glow of fire. He seemed to know everything, and calmly took the last sip: "I know why Fu Chenghui is looking for you, ah... Interesting, really interesting."

Yan Jun looked for the bullet and dropped the soot, and asked blankly, "Don't want to go out and have a look?"

"I think," Shi Shanyan pinched off Mars, causing the two of them to fall into darkness, "but I'm not in a hurry, I'm also very happy in the prison, eating, sleeping, watching cartoons, and doing retests if I have nothing to do. The problem is that Fu Yun's repeaters are too noisy and stupid. Will you take me out? You will. Let me guess... The Panther test is easy for you, right? Observation is awesome, yes The little leopard that Fu Chenghui prefers, he will definitely admit you, after all you look so good."

He bites the last word.

"You carefully observe my fingers, trying to determine if I'm a sniper," Shi Shanyan said boastfully, "I am."

The light flickered a few times, then came on again.

Yan Junxun stood up, pulled the zipper back to his chin, turned his head when he was going out, and smiled shyly at Shi Shanyan: "Really, but it's a former sniper, bro? The wording must be clear."

After not waiting for Shi Shanyan to answer, he slammed the door shut.

Jiang Lian was in the corridor, spreading out his hands to Yan Junxun, showing a helpless expression. They pulled everyone out, but number 01AE86 just didn't move.

Yan Junxun clenched the cigarette case in his pocket, as if he had finished a comedy with extraordinary effect, and he was about to be amused by his own stupidity. Jiang Lian said something to Fu Yun, Yan Junxun waited for them to leave, and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. After he came out, he waited for another half an hour. He didn't see Jiang Lian coming out, so he sent a message to go home with the ID guide.

When Yan Junxun sat back in the car, he realized that the T-shirt on his back was soaked through.

The special task review was right, Shi Shanyan had a dominant tendency, he habitually controlled the atmosphere when he sat down, and Yan Junxun was taken away by him. He is even familiar with the essence of disguise, and every look is in place. Before the lights went out, Yan Junxun almost believed that he would seize this opportunity to escape.

The little orange dragon lit up with a "ding", wagged its tail, and said, "The driving system is in place, and I will take Mr. Yan home immediately." It stood up and held up a light sign, "It has detected that Mr. I smoked ten minutes ago, Mr. Yan please consciously abide by the oath of quitting smoking."

"Send a message to the Special Inspection Bureau," Yan Jun ignored it, "don't look for me if there is no case in the near future."


Xiaojulong put down the light sign, and the recording of Yan Junxun suddenly sounded in a three-dimensional surround in the car.

"I swear that I will never smoke again, if there is any secret smoking behavior..."

Yan Jun turned around and stubbornly defended: "I didn't smoke secretly."

The author has something to say: Snipers need index finger strength distribution training, mainly to improve the sensitivity of the index finger to pull the trigger. — "Sniper Combat Guide"