Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 21: irritable


Yan Junxun didn't want to be stared at by the cameras, so he threw away the trash and was about to leave. The ID guide rang again, and Yan Junxun really wanted to throw it away, but he held back. He turned on the channel and said concisely: "Speak."

"You'd better get out of here," Su Heting just woke up, he yawned while tapping on the light screen, "There is a lunatic looking at you."

"Where is he?" Yan Junxun looked at the camera again when he left the convenience store, "Don't let him touch my system again!"

"You're irritable," Su Heting slowed down and looked at the data rapidly sliding in front of him, "but I have to tell you that he's not only stroking your systems, he's also trying to hack them."

The sun passed over the buildings, and the sun dissipated a little haze. There are more people on the street, and most of them are in a hurry to go to work. The bell of the ID guide rang from different people, and countless light screens flickered in the crowd in suits and leather shoes. The entire parking area seemed to have been pressed the play button, and everyone moved in an instant, completely different from the silence ten minutes ago.

"I can't find where he is, he hides himself very well." Su Heting is like a broadcaster who is broadcasting, "I can only remind you that the area system in the parking area is rubbish, and he can watch through all the cameras. following you."

Yan Junxun's eyes wandered quickly. Street corners, traffic lights, and shops were full of cameras. It was impossible to determine where the other party was looking at him. He said, "Will Black Panther let you do a live broadcast?"

"No, my task now is to stare at you two." Su Heting's tone was not at all anxious. This matter has nothing to do with him. Now that someone blows the head of 7-001 and number 01AE86 in the street, he will only be a faithful videographer.

The interior of the Black Panther has always been an Eskimo structure, and the reason why their numbering chose such a rough order is to serve this structure. The top-ranked member is the lead dog in the eyes of the people behind. It is best not to make mistakes in all tasks. Errors not only mean that the task fails, but also mean that the numbering order will drop. If the descending number exceeds a certain number, you will be automatically reduced to a power dog and will be deprived of all rights to enjoy.

Anyone who has been a lead dog would not want to be a power dog. Once they fall into the power dog group, they will be torn apart by the members who used to chase them behind. Black Panther's bloody internal sorting rules have been criticized for a long time, but Fu Chenghui has not changed it. He insists on using this structure and thinks it works well.

Don't expect Black Panther members to help out members with the same tattoos, they're following the rules by not doing it themselves. Unless it is a team battle, and the number of casualties is clearly limited in the mission regulations, otherwise everyone will be like now, watching each other get bitten by a poisonous snake through a light screen.

"Don't always make excuses for yourself, you just can't track down the other party's information," Shi Shanyan walked down the steps, rubbing the sole of his shoe on the place where the clown stood just now, where a bullet from a toy gun dropped, "he was in nearby."

"That's why you don't have a teammate yet. Who wants to stay with a vicious dominator?" Su Heting said without emotion, "My ability is very strong, and I don't want to repeat it. Now, please raise your head. , see the 'Uncle Hong's Hair Salon' on the third floor on the right? He is using the camera there to look at you."

Yan Junxun saw a red dot lit under the sign with the word "hair salon" on the third floor. He said, "Turn it off to prove that you are not as rubbish as Shi Shanyan said."

"I don't need proof," Su Heting said and slammed on the keyboard, "I turned it off! But he cuts very fast. Don't let me turn off the cameras in the entire area, I won't break the law!"

Yan Junxun couldn't hold back, and became irritable at the channel guide: "You broke the law when you were monitoring my system! Keep chasing, I want his position!"

The other party is nearby, otherwise he can't shoot at the clown's balloon. Yan Junxun didn't want to play a reasoning game with the other party, he just wanted to drag the other party out and throw it at the door of the inspectorate.

"Then you have to drive," Su Heting looked at the intermittent red dot positioning, "He's going to run."

The car was parked in the open-air parking lot. Yan Junxun got in the car and turned off the small orange dragon first, and started the car. The rumbling sound was eye-catching, like a beast ready to attack. Shi Shanyan fastened his seat belt, although he felt that the seat belt would be of little use for the rest of the journey.

"Light Iron Inner Ring Road," Su Heting said, "he wants to get out of here."

Yan Junxun stepped on the accelerator, and the car jumped out instantly. The pendant in the car didn't react, it drew a long arc in the air, and finally hit the glass. The sound of "bang" woke up the little orange dragon, and it sounded an alarm on the roof of the car.

"Locate me," Yan Junxun said in the sound of the alarm, "Hurry up."

"Are you the fucking leader of me?" Su Heting was finally annoyed, and while frantically pressing the keyboard, he said, "I don't like being pushed, don't push me!"

The light screen lights up on the side, the sunlight outside the window is gradually dazzling, and the gloom of the morning can no longer be seen. It was rush hour at the moment, and the driveway was full of cars. The speed of the other party's slip was very fast, and he was about to leave the inner ring of light iron. Yan Junxun stared at the flashing red dot on the light screen, and suddenly increased the speed.

"Mr. Yan," Xiaojulong was frightened, "it's too dangerous!"

Yan Junxun couldn't hear him, there was only the red dot that kept flashing in his world. The constant overtaking of the old-fashioned sports car made countless horns sound behind.

Several drivers rolled down the windows, exposing their half bodies and yelling, "You are courting death! Crazy!"

The other party was still watching Yan Junxun's movements, and he seemed to know that Yan Junxun was chasing him. The red dotted the inside line, and he turned to the Outer Zone Expressway and walked in the direction of the mountains. Yan Jun searched for speeding all the way, followed out of the inner lane, and also got on the outer expressway.

At this time, the trucks transporting coke and steel have not yet hit the road, and several private cars are driving ahead unhurriedly. Yan Junxun's sports car rushed out like a cannonball, and Shi Shanyan's ears were full of the roar of the sports car.

But Yan Junxun is very quiet. He is always so quiet. Even if the ice layer on the surface is broken, the dark tide below still makes no sound. He stared ahead, as if there was nothing more interesting to him than catching up. This amazing concentration made him seem dangerous, that subtle, quiet danger that he seemed to tear him to shreds with one more touch.

The butt of the other party's car has appeared at the end of the field of vision. It is a pure black second-generation family car with a parking area code on the license plate. Xiaojulong's alarm sound had completely covered the horn, and Su Heting looked at Yan Junxun's location and had to raise his voice to speak clearly.

"He wants to get off the high-speed and continue to walk in the direction of the mountains. You'd better slow down. There are high-speed trucks waiting on the tunnel!"

Yan Junxun accelerated again.

"Fuck," Su Heting then shouted to Shi Shanyan, "You guys made an appointment to die for love, right?!"

"Shut the fuck up." Shi Shanyan frowned.

The other party began to adjust the direction, and after passing the big curve, he could enter the tunnel in front of the mountain. However, Yan Junxun had already caught up. He turned the steering wheel, and the front of the car slammed into the other's buttocks like a bull. The other party didn't expect Yan Junxun to be so ruthless, and he didn't have time to adjust the direction. The left door slammed directly into the corner fence, and then pulled out a harsh friction sound. But the other party responded very quickly, and just turned away from the scream of the tires, and continued to move forward at the cost of breaking a rearview mirror.

Run fast.

Yan Junxun followed closely and bumped into it again provocatively.

The door of the other party slammed into the fence again, and the alarm sound of the little orange dragon has fallen into a frantic cycle. The other side stumbled and continued to move forward, and because of the curve, the whole car collided back and forth on the narrow road. But Yan Junxun didn't plan to enter the tunnel. When he turned the steering wheel, the rear of the car made an arc on the curve, the front of the car turned around, stuck in the distance of the curve, and hit the other side with the body on the dead corner of the tunnel, and the other side hit it straight. .

Yan Junxun turned off the fire, opened the door, and pulled out a steel rod from under the seat when he got out of the car.

"Warning!" The voice of the other party's on-board system came out faintly, "Warning! SOS has been called—"

Yan Junxun picked up the steel rod and slammed it on the door of the other party's car, and the glass next to the driver's seat suddenly burst open! Everyone thought that Yan Junxun would stop, but he slammed it down again, smashing the opponent's car door into a shape.

Because the driver's seat is empty.

The author has something to say: ①: Eskimo structure: The Eskimos took advantage of the exclusivity of animals and divided the sled dogs into two levels: lead dogs and power dogs. The lead dog leads the way, it enjoys many privileges, such as food alone, the best kennel, and never gets beaten; the force dog pulls the sled behind the lead dog, they don't get enough to eat, they don't live well, they don't get enough food and shelter together. They scrambled for food, lived together, and were often whipped. The preferential treatment enjoyed by the lead dog made Ligou resentful, and he always wanted to catch up and bite it. — "Criminology: A Sociological Understanding"