Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 23: Suspect


Jiang Lian saw Cheng Lixin in the inspectorate. He observed Cheng Lixin's expression for a while through the glass, and asked the investigator next to him, "Did you find him in the surveillance of Li Jianhua's unit building?"

"'Jue' found out that Cheng Lixin went to Li Jianhua's house when he was in debt half a year ago." The investigator's name is Park Lin, who is his partner with "Jue". The information never went wrong. Park Lin turned down the brightness of the screen and looked up at Cheng Lixin in the room: "Li Jianhua paid the money he owed to Liu Xin Cheng Mahjong Hall for him. According to his own account, a netizen gave him several health care items half a year ago. He wanted to make an investment but had no money, so the other party introduced him to the mahjong parlor in Huihe Community, which happened to be the place Liu Xincheng was watching. He borrowed money there, but the investment turned out to be a scam, and all his money was wasted. already."

Cheng Lixin thought about it at home, and always felt that he was being tricked, thinking that the netizens and the mahjong hall were deceived by a group of people. But he bullied the soft and feared the hard. He heard that Liu Xincheng used to be a senior financial section chief in a certain factory, and he had been in prison. It was estimated that black and white would take everything, so he didn't even dare to run the truck, and hid at home all day long.

"His mother Yang Yu happened to be the helper of the service station at that time, and did cleaning in the Puli Community," said Pu Lin, pulling up the screen and turning it to Jiang Lian, "Jue, show Brother Jiang a look at Yang Yu. data of."

"Okay," Jue replied, "this is Yang Yu's information. As you can see, she was complained four times six months ago, all related to information leakage."

Jiang Lian browsed Yang Yu's information and saw the words extortion.

"Cheng Lixin got customer information from Yang Yu, including the door password, system settings, ID number, etc., he joined the online chat room, asked some so-called experts to help him dig these customers' online accounts, and then asked these customers to Blackmail." Park Lin clasped his fingers here and said with emotion, "The information protection capability in our area is still very weak, which is different from the development area of the light track area, where the ID number is the unlock code of the private world. Cheng Lixin made a fortune on this."

"Yes," Jue liked to pick up on Pu Lin's words, it said, "Cheng Lixin is targeting extortion targets, which mainly involves the privacy of many customers, including bigamy, cheating, abnormal account funds and other issues. It is inconvenient to explain this to the official 'cleaning on time' or to us, so few people call the police. Cheng Lixin became so arrogant that he began to borrow Yang Yu's number, chat with her colleagues, and take other people's Customer information, including Li Jianhua's information."

"Li Jianhua was in the news, and Liu Chen still followed him. He is a celebrity in Cheng Lixin's eyes, and Li Jianhua's parents are rich, which makes Cheng Lixin very excited," Park Lin remembered these materials. It is very clear, "Cheng Lixin's debt at that time was 200,000 yuan, so he went to Li Jianhua."

Anyone can enter Li Jianhua's house. He has no sense of protection of his own house, and even greeted the community property, so that his friends can come and go freely. Yan Junxun guessed that the murderer had entered, and Cheng Lixin had also entered.

"He used those videos of Li Jianhua as a threat and asked Li Jianhua's parents for money, so he paid off the debt owed to Liu Xincheng Mahjong Hall. I suspect that Li Jianhua's mother was mad at this. But according to 'Jue' 'Information search, found that Li Jianhua not only did not hate Cheng Lixin, but kept in touch with Cheng Lixin."

Li Jianhua wanted to ask Cheng Lixin to help him dig some account information. He often roams the Internet, and his browsing records are some candid websites and dating platforms, but he is also very interested in some beautiful girls who post daily photos on regular platforms.

"Cheng Lixin doesn't know how to search for information, but he wants Li Jianhua to give him money, so he stays in the online chat room and keeps posting to find those experts in information search." Pu Lin motioned Jue to bring up some screenshots, "He was in Liu Chen I met a big brother in my chat room, and the other party had been chatting with him for several months. According to Cheng Lixin's words, this big brother regarded him as his own younger brother and was willing to help him do this for free. Cheng Lixin relied on this big brother, Continue to help Li Jianhua dig up the personal information of those girls, including their schools and addresses, and track their information."

However, Li Jianhua soon lost interest in this matter because Cheng Lixin asked for too high a price.

"Cheng Lixin's lion talk made Li Jianhua gradually overwhelmed. He had to pay Cheng Lixin some poker debts, and it didn't take long for him to get bored. Cheng Lixin threatened him with video, but Li Jianhua was not like his mother, he didn't care. ."

Li Jianhua has no sense of morality. He regards himself and others as beasts walking on two legs. Even if Cheng Lixin made those videos public, he would be unscathed.

Cheng Lixin could only find a new way. The eldest brother in the chat room brought him to meet many friends on the Internet. One of them lived in the embankment community and was also a homeless person who had a similar smell to Cheng Lixin. The two meet at 8:30 every day and play games all night.

"Later this friend said that he had a good job introduction and met with Cheng Lixin," Park Lin opened the thermos cup, took a sip of hot water, and continued, "The two of them cheated everywhere, and finally found that Huo Qingjun, who was next to this friend, was still fighting. Lawsuits. They think that lawsuits are the most expensive, so they feel that Huo Qingjun has a huge amount of money in his account, so they start to find ways to extort Huo Qingjun.”

Huo Qingjun lived too close to him and had nowhere to run. How could he have any money? His little wealth was spent on lawsuits, and his pockets were as clean as his face.

"Huo Qingjun's uncooperative attitude annoyed them. He was locked by them, and he was blocked and beaten by them near the community. But Cheng Lixin said repeatedly that after he beat Huo Qingjun, he never asked Huo Qingjun to trouble him again. At that time, the news of Liu Xincheng's death was on the news. After he saw it in Liu Chen's real-time feed, he was afraid that we would investigate him, so he stayed at home," Pu Lin put down the water glass, "but Jue found out that he lied, and he and the Diba Community That friend appeared at the mahjong hall several times, all at night. The two of them are very addicted to gambling, and they also gamble online."

Jiang Lian finished reading the results of this morning's investigation. He was silent for a while and did not speak.

"Finally, let us check the bicycle at the entrance of Li Jianhua in the guide. We found Cheng Lixin's fingerprints on it, and the old sneakers hanging on the bicycle are the same as Cheng Lixin's shoe size."

Park Lin knew why Jiang Lian was silent. Jiang Lian trusts the mysterious profiler very much. In the past cases where Jiang Lian participated, there were profilers, and some of the scope of investigation was provided by the profiler. Park Lin felt that the other party's information positioning was very accurate, and it was a little deified, which made him feel distrustful.

People are animals that make mistakes. No matter how powerful people are, they will make mistakes. Especially in the profession of profiler, experience sometimes becomes a distraction for them.

"You can talk to the profiler about this," Park Lin thought for a while, and then added, "Even if it turns out that his speculation is wrong, let him not be discouraged. Based on his previous accuracy, I Still trust some of his judgments."

"Where's Huo Qingjun's family portrait?" Jiang Lian suddenly asked, "Does Cheng Lixin's fingerprints match?"

"That," said Park Lin, "that doesn't match, the fingerprints on the family portrait are not Cheng Lixin's."

"Ask him for details," Jiang Lian looked at Cheng Lixin in the glass, remembering Yan Junxun's speculations, "It's best to ask if the bicycle is his."

* * *

Su Heting wanted to hang up, but the information he provided was wrong. But the feeling of being played by the other party is okay, he is not too sad, anyway, he is not the only one being played.

"Call the police," Yan Junxun got out of Shi Shanyan's arm and picked up his steel rod from the shards of glass, "He stole this car."

"Are you sure?" Su Heting said suspiciously, "You crashed a private car like this, will the Inspectorate lose money for you?" He paused with fear, and whispered, "If you need me, I can help Log out of the video monitored by the system, so that no one knows you did it. It's free."

"If you do something bad, you will be responsible," Shi Shanyan took out the pen he inserted in the car, picked out a piece of paper, turned it over, and wrote in the blank space, "Please call the compensation number—"

He wrote Su Heting's ID number on it.

"Damn it," Su Heting said, "don't ask me to help you again."

"What help?" Yan Jun sneered with the smell of gunpowder, "Are you doing a disservice?"

"Please brothers, I didn't do it on purpose," Su Heting turned off his screen, "I suspect that the other party knows my tracking habits and has read my information, don't you feel it?"

"Maybe you just have limited skills." Shi Shanyan said playfully.

Su Heting was silent. He fell into his chair, leaned back and thought for a while, and said, "He knows the system quite well, and he knows some good camouflage methods." He hesitated and asked Yan Junxun, "What do you think of Artemis? Does Si have an illegitimate child? I mean, is the system going to cheat?"