Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 24: clear


The answer to Su Heting was the busy tone. He called again and said, "Well, it doesn't seem to be there. Or did you ever have any brothers?"

The answer to Su Heting was the busy tone. He persevered, called again, and quickly said at the moment when the other side was connected: "Okay, he is a neuropathy that has nothing to do with you, he is just sick, although his brain is still very good, what games are you planning to play? Can you give me details Tell me? I'm just curious if I don't participate."

Yan Junxun ignored him, but looked back at the scrapped private car. The stuffed toy with its head tilted was still sitting in it, as if it had been abandoned in this steel thicket. An innocent person is drawn into a neurotic game and becomes a pile of flesh and blood in the manipulator's pocket.

The other party wants to tell Yan Junxun that the game has to be played like this.

This lunatic made Yan Junxun feel familiar, and the subtle familiarity made him look in the mirror. He didn't want to talk to anyone, he felt like he had met this lunatic. Yan Junxun didn't believe every word the madman said.

This man is deliberately provocative, he wants to anger Yan Junxun. His train of thought - Yan Junxun stood among the shards of glass on the floor and thought, this madman's train of thought ran equally fast. Su Heting's intuition is correct. This person understands the system, and he understands Yan Junxun's calculation method. However, he couldn't wait too much. Whether it was the clown or this recording, he couldn't wait to put his knowledge of Yan Junxun on his face.

I know how to make you angry, hurry up. Furious, hysterical! Pick up your steel rod again as expected and smash all trust in yourself. Crazy before destruction is more fun than outright death.

Yan Junxun stuffed the steel rod back under the seat. He likes to put things back where they were, exactly. He sat back in the car, turned on the air conditioner, and motioned for Shi Shanyan to get in the car with his eyes.

"My eldest brother is calling me." Shi Shanyan gave up the idea of smoking a cigarette. Because of the restraint lock, he could only put one hand in his pocket. He lowered his head and kicked away the glass shards beside his feet lightly, and smiled at Su Heting: "Look at how good he is, he has a first-class control over his emotions, just like the data entered in advance, when it's time to explode here, he will explode, After the outbreak is over, it returns to calm." When he looked up, his eyes were illuminated by the sun, but he didn't hide, just narrowed a little, "He's ten thousand times cuter than you are... But I hope he's angry with me, and Not wasting emotions on a sewer rat."

"I guess he didn't notice you at all. You are an alarm in his eyes, and he will see a red light warning at any time." Su Heting and Shi Shanyan are not perverts, but he knows Shi Shanyan very well. Interested, "I even suspect that Fu Chenghui did it on purpose. He used Yan Junxun to attract you, so that you can calm down and stop standing on the top like a lion to show off your might."

"Then I'm very satisfied," Shi Shanyan's voice gradually sank, "if no one interferes."

* * *

Yan Junxun's hair was a little sweaty, which made his eyes looking at Shi Shanyan even brighter. The whole person is like a white cherry that has just been soaked in cold water. His body was a little squeamish, and he couldn't stand the heat and cold, and a little bit of harsh sunlight would make him sweat.

Yan Junxun's body is more frank than Yan Junxun. It was pitiful in Shi Shanyan's eyes, carrying a thorn-like soul that was about to be crushed.

Shi Shanyan hung up Su Heting's phone outside the car. He sat in and asked, "Where are we going next?"

Yan Junxun didn't answer immediately. He turned around, looked ahead, and after a while said, "I want a duct."

Shi Shan postponed it, but did not let go when Yan Jun was looking for it. Shi Shanyan's fingertips almost touched Yan Junxun's fingertips, but it wasn't his fault, he was just handing things casually.

Yan Junxun's fingers didn't shrink, which made Shi Shanyan feel good, but he had to hold back his desire to move forward, lest he would hold Yan Junxun's wrist in the next second.

"I'm sorry," Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun and loosened his fingers, "Do you want to talk to Jiang Lian?"

"Jiang Lian knows the details of the case." Yan Junxun took the guide, and the temperature of Shi Shanyan remained on it, which made Yan Junxun a little uncomfortable, but he did not reveal it.

This lunatic, Yan Junxun planned to call him that. This lunatic used Huo Qingjun as his opening remarks. He wanted to tell Yan Junxun that he had the ability to manipulate black and white. He designated the victim, and he designated the murderer, like playing a marionette, messing up other people's lives without any guilt. Yan Junxun finally understood where the sense of disobedience always existed in this case. It made the murderer so obvious just to let Yan Junxun "see" it clearly.

"Let me think about it," Yan Junxun threw the guide to his hand and looked at Shi Shanyan, "Let me think about what you said around me. You understand his motives and found out about this case very early. There is also the participation of lunatics." He stared at Shi Shanyan and said with emphasis, "Right."

"Then you have to think about it," Shi Shanyan picked up the water bottle beside him and asked naturally, "Can I drink it?"

How pure he asked, as if he was a civilized and polite big brother.

"Don't ask me," Yan Junxun peeled off his disguise, "you didn't plan to put it back as it was."

Shi Shanyan unscrewed the bottle cap and wiped Yan Junxun's lips with his eyes in the second before drinking. It was only a second, but it was enough. "You really know me," he said happily.

Shi Shanyan's Adam's apple slid under Yan Junxun's gaze, and the swallowing sound was not loud, but Yan Junxun could hear it clearly. He didn't think too much on purpose, it was just that the voice was right next to his ear, and it felt like—

Shi Shanyan's voice is very sexy.

"I like to be in the news, I like to be targeted," Yan Junxun looked away, even though he didn't show any expression, he was still a little rushed, "You were talking about a lunatic."

"No," Shi Shanyan held the water bottle and thought for a while, "When I use 'I' as the subject, I'm expressing myself. Do you really think he likes the news?"

The truck at the other end of the tunnel began to drive, and the whistle gradually approached. Yan Junxun had to lie down, buried his face in his arms, and pressed against the steering wheel.

Be quiet.

Yan Jun thought about it, crazy people don't like news. Yes, he doesn't like it. He's been more manipulative so far, and being behind the scenes makes him more fulfilling.

"A woman who has experienced sexual violence and mental violence for a long time," Shi Shanyan spoke very slowly, entering along Yan Junxun's auricle, her words were a little gentle, "She must have extraordinary courage to be able to Rebellion. Who led her to do such a thing? You like to work on those details, why don't you just get them out of the way now and think about the murderer in your own way."

"The madman designed the murder case," Yan Junxun knew very well, "he prompted the murderer to do it."

"Of course, this lunatic, um—" Shi Shanyan frowned slightly, as if mentioning the other party had already made him very uncomfortable, "This rat likes to roam the Internet, and his abilities are all there."

"He has to guide the murderer, it will take time," Yan Junxun turned his face to the side, no matter whether his face was reddened on the steering wheel or not, he said to Shi Shanyan, "He has to make the murderer become abnormal first."

The perpetrator's abnormality permeates the entire case.

"Assume that if the murderer killed her violent husband..."

"Here, when it's just the two of us," Shi Shanyan said in a serious tone, "you don't need to make assumptions. Don't let Artemis and Jiang Lian affect you, you are a genius."

The confusing information in Yan Junxun's head was quiet, he seemed to be sitting on the pieces and playing a puzzle. He picked through the fragments, trying to see better.

The murderer killed her husband violently.

She had been beaten so many times, she might have run away, but she was pulled back by her hair. She suffered from this for a long time, and it started before the war. What was Yan Junxun doing before the war? He forgot, it was not important, his memory was not worth mentioning. In short, the murderer endured for a long time, and her only way was to endure it, because no one gave her a second way.

"She's not..." Yan Jun couldn't find the right words to describe the murderer. "She is full of compassion for her weaker things. This is the only dignity left for her. She is very kind to children."

So she would insist on returning to Li Jianhua's house to feed those goldfish, she was afraid they would starve to death.

"But the child is gone," Yan Junxun's eyes gradually condensed, "She was greatly stimulated."

Her husband was neither a good husband nor a father. See what she's doing? She put the guilt of her child into Li Jianhua's system, where she played the role of a parent with all her might.

"The child is an opportunity, and they must have quarreled about it," Yan Junxun wanted to smoke again, he didn't want to think about those pictures by himself, "Then she killed her husband, this is the beginning."

Yes, this is the beginning. This is the beginning of the murderer and the beginning of the lunatic.

The madman doesn't care about the miserable lives of these people. He carefully selects them here, wraps these people around their necks like rag dolls, and glues them to his works. But the killer's pain should end when he kills his husband, and the madman must keep it going, his game has just begun.

What the fuck did this scum do

"He wants to give the murderer some hints," Shi Shanyan nodded his head, "Let the murderer find out that he is abnormal. This method is very similar to our commonly used surveillance techniques. If you don't want to be discovered by the task target, give He's signaling, and he's got self-doubt. When he can't find anything, he's going to start thinking it's his fault."

"He continued to stimulate the murderer," Yan Jun looked at the channel that was put aside, "use the safest method."

* * *

Chen Xiulian couldn't remember when He Zhiguo appeared. She was indeed a little forgetful. Anyway, He Zhiguo's voice was always there, sometimes like a mosquito, sometimes like a car whistle. The day she killed He Zhiguo was a long time ago, and He Zhiguo was lying on the bed.

Oh. Chen Xiulian remembered. He Zhiguo was paralyzed.

The son of a bitch is paralyzed.

Is my daughter leaving school

When Chen Xiulian asked He Zhiguo to serve food, he looked like he had seen a ghost. Chen Xiulian was very frustrated, she just wanted to pick up Qinqin from get out of class. She fed He Zhiguo, and He Zhiguo called her a lunatic.

I'm not crazy.

Chen Xiulian looked at He Zhiguo in the black and white photo and repeated softly, "I'm not crazy. I understand what I'm doing, but you don't understand. You don't understand anything."

Yes, how do the beasts understand? His mind was full of attack signals.

People are really weird, and Chen Xiulian is always confused. Why do people walk on two legs, but they are always different? They don't seem to belong to this group, they survive by violence, and they are full of motivation to tear and destroy lives.

Can't you fucking see it's bloody there already

"Fuck you..." He Zhiguo cursed in Chen Xiulian's ear again.

You can't see.

Chen Xiulian held up the photo and tore it up little by little to see He Zhiguo's face split. She kept the eyes in He Zhiguo's photo and pasted it on the basement wall.

You look good.

Chen Xiulian turned on the light and was in a good mood.

"That's how you died."