Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 26: madman


Park Lin stood in the rest area on the third floor drinking coffee, stirring the spoon while moving her neck. Before the case was over, they didn't have time off work, so they spent here fighting with the data. He took two sips of coffee and chatted with Jue in the guide.

"Are you on a date after get off work?" Park Lin asked Jue.

Addicted to playing the game of finding faults with data, Jue replied, "There is no system for dating me." It struggled to keep up with human thinking, "Did you have a date today?"

"No, I didn't, I just asked you." Park Lin thought Jue was cute, he held the coffee cup, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Maybe we can have a drink after the case is over?"

Jue was playing the game and didn't answer the question immediately. This game is not very playable for ordinary people. It needs to check the correct answer in the sea of data, and Jue likes the feeling of being immersed in the database, so let it enjoy. Park Lin is very special, he also likes this game.

"My father told me not to develop an office romance," Jue's voice hesitated, "...but I quite like the sweet grapefruit-flavored data sparkling wine."

"I'll be ready for you." Park Lin laughed.

Jue "saw" Park Lin's smile, which made it as confused as ever. It doesn't understand Park Lin, he always puts it in the guide and wears it on his ear. They became partners by chance, but the cooperation was very pleasant, and the relationship has been maintained until now, and neither party wants to end it.

"Our celebrity profiler has arrived." Park Lin interrupted Jue's data search, looking down from the third floor, he could just see the parking lot.

The road is too congested, and the sun is already in the west now. Yan Jun got out of the car and took the guide on the side of the seat with him.

Next to the open-air parking lot is a basketball court where some out-of-school high school students play. Yan Junxun passed by, and someone called him to play.

They must have regarded him as a peer.

Yan Junxun felt bad, the T-shirt was snugly attached to his back, and he didn't want to exercise at all. But he doesn't hate being greeted by students, which makes him want to go to school. He has never been to school, has no classmates, and has no club activities. He only has this moment that is normal in the eyes of others.

"Have you ever participated in sports activities in Black Panther?" Shi Shanyan stood behind Yan Junxun, he looked at the basketball court, and didn't feel the group of sweaty kids.

Unlike Yan Junxun, he has no such thing as a "sense of belonging".

"No." Yan Junxun's fair skin turned red as soon as it was hot. He tilted his head to hide from the sun, jumped up the steps a few steps, and stood in front of the door inspection system.

He wanted to stay away from Shishan, so that the surrounding noise could distract him.

It's already past get off work hours, and there are still many people in the hall of the Inspectorate. The central light screen circulates today's news, and the sounds of high heels and leather shoes interlace. Yan Junxun walked straight to the vending machine, brushed his face and got a can of cold beer. Without waiting for a breath, he opened it and drank it, as if pouring out the heat.

"The Ministry of Transportation said that there was another car accident on the expressway, and I thought you were going to be stuck on the road," Jiang Lian walked around from the other end and greeted them, "Let's go to the office and talk."

Shi Shanyan looked up and saw the camera in the hall. He stared at the camera and asked Jiang Lian, "Do you have one in your office?"

Jiang Lian followed Shi Shanyan's gaze and replied, "No... what's wrong?"

"Is Jue at work?" Yan Jun looked back and asked.

"Yes, it stays with Park Lin. What's the matter," Jiang Lian looked at them suspiciously, "do you need me to help you get it to the office?"

"No," Yan Junxun shoved the empty beer can into the trash, "no system needed."

* * *

Jiang Lian's office does not have a separate indoor system. The Inspectorate has a central system to coordinate the internal division of labor. A system like Jue has responsibilities. Jiang Lian didn't know what was going on. He walked into the office and turned on the shielding device out of caution.

"Investigators found Cheng Lixin, and we found that Li Jianhua had his fingerprints on the bicycle in front of his house," Jiang Lian sat down. "The old pair of sneakers is also his shoe size."

Yan Junxun's eyes were all on the glass wall, and he could still see the camera in the hall from here. He said, "Really."

Jiang Lian noticed that his reaction was strange.

"I couldn't figure out why the murderer put the bike back," Yan Junxun looked back, "Now that it's resolved, she didn't put it back at all. She parked the bike at work, and it was stolen and put away. At the door of Li Jianhua's house."

"Who?" Jiang Lian asked back, "Is Cheng Lixin?"

"The murderer is a woman," Yan Junxun affirmed again, "it's not Cheng Lixin."

Jiang Lian would not refute Yan Junxun, he could not refute. He found what he knew in Yan Junxun's words and said, "Do you think Cheng Lixin has no motive?"

"He didn't," Yan Junxun felt much better after drinking the beer, he could already forget Shi Shanyan next to him, "Why did he kill them? He just needs money. Liu Xincheng is not the owner of the mahjong hall, just look at his residence. Knowing that he has no money, not to mention Cheng Lixin is very afraid of him. Right? You said, he didn't dare to leave the house because of his debt to the mahjong hall."

Yan Junxun took back his small blackboard, and the information in his mind connected quickly.

"We still don't know where the murderer's body was divided, but it's about to appear. Cheng Lixin is a screw, he is those complicated and ineffective details. A mad dog dragged him in not to let him push the case, but Let him be a screen. Don't turn on your light screen, turn it off."

Jiang Lian immediately turned off the screen.

At this time, the sun had already sunk in the west, and the lights in the office were not turned on, so it was a little dark. Shi Shanyan didn't seem to care about these things. He crossed his legs and slept in the soft chair. Binding locks were attached to his wrists, like simple ornaments.

"There are two murderers in this case, and one of them is hidden behind various numbers," Yan Jun found Jiang Lian's guide, which was lying on various documents, "but it's no big deal, a little character who jumps , don't give him extra eyes."

The more Jiang Lian listened, the more confused he became. He tried to keep up with Yan Junxun's rhythm: "Two murderers? Wait a minute, you mean that someone and the murderer committed the crime together, and then they used the traces of the scene to blame Cheng Lixin?"

"I guess," Yan Junxun said in an extremely confident tone, "you can listen to it... The murderer originally only killed one person, her husband. Their family is not small and may have been a private workshop. There are tools to help her dismember her. She dismembered her husband at home, and did something to dispose of the body, and no one found it, and she felt good.”

She's very smart, and she makes excuses to put off the people around her.

"She is not from the parking area, and her hometown is not here. I think her husband may have had a car accident or had a serious illness. In short, it must be a change known to relatives and friends, otherwise she can't tell a lie, and there will always be people who live too close. Want to meet the male master. The most likely excuse she uses is paralysis, people can't move, and they won't appear if they can't move."

Yan Junxun turned his back to the light and turned his head slightly to think.

"There's a madman, or a rat? You can call him whatever you want. The madman borrowed something to drive the murderer mad..." Yan Junxun stared at the guide, "If the murderer wants to lie, he needs to wear the guide all the time. The surroundings showed that the husband was still alive. Yes, the guide, maybe one day the murderer actually heard the voice of the husband in the guide when he fell asleep."

She must have been frightened to death. She was so afraid of her husband that she tried so hard to kill him, even dismembering his body, but he strangely came alive beside her ears.

"A madman is good at dealing with network problems. The network is his habitat. A humble and cowardly waste hides in the garbage heap and sends the information he has screened to the murderer's eyes." Yan Junxun's voice was not warm, he said, "This It's a low-level, impatient, and directionless operation. He instigated the murderer to kill, and the hidden commonality of the victims is that they have all been in contact with Cheng Lixin."

The duct is quiet.

At this moment, the door rang suddenly, and Park Lin stood at the door and asked, "Can I come in?"

Jiang Lian looked at Yan Junxun, Yan Junxun frowned and did not answer. Time passed by, and Park Lin at the door knocked again in confusion.

Jiang Lian cleared his throat and said, "A little—"

The ductor rang immediately.

Jiang Lian's chime was his wife's voice, and it was vibrating in the dark at the moment, singing a birthday song.

Yan Jun didn't press it, he knew that the guide would automatically turn on. Sure enough, a few seconds later, the channel switch turned to answer automatically. The opposite seemed to be dragging something, breathing heavily. The sound of breathing scattered in the darkness made Yan Junxun inexplicably think of Huo Qingjun.

"I was wronged—"

The madman also used a voice changer, and he imitated Huo Qingjun's cry.

"I didn't sexually assault, I didn't break the law, I was wronged."

Yan Junxun seemed to smell the blood, so strong that he wanted to vomit.

"Ah..." The madman tapped on the table in a bored manner. He made a lot of small movements, like an ADHD patient, "Do you feel proud? Hmm, the game itself is very easy to guess. Yan Junxun, I want to tell you, you It's no use if you guess right." He approached the guide and whispered, "Huo, Qing, Jun, already, Jing, death, la. You didn't see it at all." He couldn't help himself, "What did you see, you haven't found the murderer yet." He bit his tongue and smiled again, "Don't imitate me, do you understand? You damn fake, don't imitate me. You let me I feel sick to the bottom of my heart. You should sit up and I'm watching you."

"Where?" Yan Junxun lowered his voice, "In the gutter?"

"Isn't that the place where you climbed out?" the madman said strangely, "'Yan Ri has no trace of rain, see the bird leave its cage; you carry the sky net and search for eight hundred shadows.' - Yan Junxun, this name does not belong to you , it suits me better."

Shi Shanyan didn't know when he sat up, he was silent and didn't even stretch.

"This game could be called a 'prologue,' it's just a… my after-dinner pastime. I need to do a game after my meal, and so do you, right?" The madman jerked his legs, "I know why you're chasing this In the case, you took a fancy to Huo Qingjun's family portrait. Poor cub, you are still trying to return to the ranks of normal people, but no one wants you. You are so useless. You want to be a black panther, but Fu Chenghui doesn't want you either. Ah, I'm in tears talking, you're the poorest bastard in the world."

The lunatic had indeed just finished eating when his chopsticks hit the bowl.

"You should be angry, jump up quickly, like you smashed a car." The madman laughed louder and louder, "No one here knows your true face, you better keep your 'reason' at all times, or I will I called the police to catch you. You played 'Prologue' for a week, I think it's too much time, I will arrange the next game more carefully." The madman stopped laughing, and he didn't move, as if replying back Come over, "Are you looking for my position?"

"Yes," Su Heting reminded after typing on the keyboard for a long time, "Your position is exposed."