Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 29: Gundam


In 2147, Chen Xiulian was 20 years old and had already entered the factory to work. There were four children in her family at that time, and her elder brother wanted to study, so her own mother sent her to work in the factory. She has worked in the factory for two years and is very popular, because she is not only beautiful, but also very neat in her work, but she is too tall and has never been able to find a partner.

My mother took Chen Xiulian around on blind dates. She went a few times and sat on a chair like freshly picked vegetables, being picked by people. Chen Xiulian felt that she was good at craftsmanship and could endure hardships. My mother was in a hurry and dragged her along, but she just wouldn't cooperate.

In this year, the factory recruited new workers, and a group of young men came. One of them was called He Zhiguo, who looked like Zhou Zheng and liked to play and play. Some people match up and let Chen Xiulian and He Zhiguo get to know each other at the dinner. Chen Xiulian had a good impression of He Zhiguo at the beginning. She was shy and always blushed when she talked to others. He Zhiguo could not only liven up the atmosphere, but also always take care of her. The two became acquainted as soon as they came and went. Every time Chen Xiulian worked overtime, He Zhiguo would accompany him to work overtime.

But He Zhiguo didn't know the reason, he never said that he wanted to establish a relationship with Chen Xiulian. When someone asked him, he smirked and didn't refute. Chen Xiulian thought it was because the two of them didn't get along enough time, they didn't know each other well, and they had to wait a little longer. When He Zhiguo celebrated his birthday half a year later, he invited people to dinner to celebrate, and let Chen Xiulian drink a lot of wine at the dinner table. When the banquet was over, Chen Xiulian wanted to go back with her female companion, but He Zhiguo said no, he was not drunk and could send Chen Xiulian home, but the delivery sent her to her own home.

Chen Xiulian will never forget the clip of that night. She wanted to go home, but He Zhiguo said no, she was too drunk to stand still, and could not open the door, He Zhiguo half hugged and half dragged her from behind. She repeated "I want to go home", and He Zhiguo responded a few times at first, but then ignored her words. He dragged Chen Xiulian into the room and threw it on the bed. Chen Xiulian recalled later that the memory started to break from here, from the picture to pure pain. Only the lamp in He Zhiguo's rental house was left in front of her.

There was still a dead fly hanging from the lamp, flickering.

Chen Xiulian felt nauseous, she couldn't stand it, and vomited loudly in the struggle and beating. Later, she dreamed of the dead fly countless times, as if it was the fly that crawled over her body. She passed out and woke up again, sober, only pain.

Chen Xiulian knew how long the night was from that night. At dawn, she thought it was over, but after a long time, she finally realized that it was the beginning.

Chen Xiulian curled up in the corner of the bed and said to He Zhiguo, "I want to call the police."

He Zhiguo threw the paper on the ground and replied, "Are you ill? We are in a relationship, and it's your own wish to go to bed, and we didn't break the law."

Chen Xiulian didn't believe it. She took the bruises to the inspector's office in the village and said that I was raped, and I wanted to sue He Zhiguo. The members of the Inspectorate are all acquaintances, and one of them turned his head to look at her and said, who are you suing? You and He Zhiguo are already in love. Chen Xiulian said we were not in love, but no one cared about her. She sat in the inspector's office from morning till night. He Zhiguo came to her, took her hand, and said why are you still angry? My mother also came to her, took her hand, and said that you should go home and quarrel with him.

Chen Xiulian felt that the world was really small, and everyone held her hand overnight. They say it's understandable, they say that's the way it is, they say you don't want to, why should you go with He Zhiguo? Why don't you want to celebrate He Zhiguo's birthday? You don't want to why don't you resist

Why don't you resist

Why the fuck don't you fight back

Chen Xiulian wanted to scream, shout, and hysterically splash! She wanted to tear these identical faces apart to see what was underneath. But she couldn't do anything, she could only pull out her hand, pointed at He Zhiguo, and said I was going to sue him for rape.

He Zhiguo knelt in front of Chen Xiulian, as if she had just made a confession statement, which moved him to tears and wanted to marry her. My mother held Chen Xiulian's hand again and said distressedly that my daughter was stubborn, and their little couple was often noisy.

Chen Xiulian finally cried. She was sad that she lived to be 20 years old, only to realize that she was learning another language, a language that no one could understand. She became an alien species in an instant, and was thrown between the soles of her feet, and no one was her kind.

Her mother took her home, and He Zhiguo followed the door and said that I wanted to marry Xiulian. He was sincere to Chen Xiulian's mother, including his own canteen, saying that it will be managed by Xiulian in the future. The two were touched by each other and hit it off immediately, as if it was a business, and Chen Xiulian was the most important thing in this business.

Chen Xiulian gradually realized her strangeness in this farce. She was too strange. He Zhiguo was her boyfriend she never admitted, and it was a fly that suppressed her that night. She was lying on her home window, watching the sun rise and set. She couldn't sleep every night, she closed her eyes and would refute herself. It was too painful to refute, she could only keep her eyes wide open and let herself accept the script given by God.

In 2147, Chen Xiulian was 20 years old and married He Zhiguo in winter. She slept on the bed in her dream and saw the familiar lamp and the fly lingering in her mind. He Zhiguo can use her, her body does not belong to him, her eyes, her mouth, and her thoughts do not belong to him.

Chen Xiulian has a question that she has been thinking about for decades. What exactly is she? is she human? No one respects her. He Zhiguo drank with others and talked freely about his great achievements after being drunk. How confident he is, he treats his wife as a badge, and he feels that his wife is not decent enough.

When He Zhiguo beat Chen Xiulian, he managed his wife well, and a filial wife came out of the stick! He feels that he is so mighty, comparable to a hero in the Civil War, and has made outstanding contributions to the Northern Front Alliance in securing a family in the rear. It's a pity that no one came to commend him, so he just talked about it online. He regards himself as a cultural man, and a few words can attract the applause of countless brothers.

After the war, the economy of the berthing area declined, a large number of steel mills closed down, and He Zhiguo's small workshop also closed down. His mood swings became more and more obvious, to the point of nervousness. At that time, Chen Xiulian had Qinqin, and the mother and daughter slept downstairs. One day, when she woke up in the middle of the night, she turned around and saw He Zhiguo sitting at the door, staring at her with his head open.

Chen Xiulian felt that He Zhiguo was ill, and she didn't want He Zhiguo to be near Qinqin, so she sat beside Qinqin's bed all night. She works during the day to support Qinqin and is willing to do anything. Qinqin is very sensible. Every time she finishes school, she sits on the table in the cafeteria and does her homework, waiting for Chen Xiulian to get off work. Chen Xiulian finally felt that she was normal, and Qinqin was her connection with the world. She hid the money and saved it piece by piece. She wanted Qinqin to go to school, she wanted to take Qinqin with her, and the mother and daughter could go anywhere.

But He Zhiguo used a drunk driving to crash Chen Xiulian's dream.

* * *

It started to rain when it was almost dawn, and the raindrops hurriedly beat on the tin cover outside the small window. Liu Chen was awakened, his cheeks pressed against the ground, and his nose was filled with the musty smell of the basement. Several dogs were barking, and Liu Chen heard the door open.

"Get up." Chen Xiulian turned on the light, squatted down and slapped Liu Chen's face.

Liu Chen spent the night in the damp basement with a splitting headache. When he was photographed, he trembled involuntarily, restraining his thoughts of wanting to avoid, for fear of irritating Chen Xiulian. He answered in a hoarse voice: "Wake up, wake up."

Chen Xiulian held the wooden stick for picking things, poked the stick out of the window, held it against the iron cover, and pulled it over to cover the window.

The sound of rain became dull, like hot oil covered by a lid, and Liu Chen was the meat in the oil. Liu Chen's glasses fell for some unknown place, and the walls were blurred at the moment. He rolled his eyes and caught fire in his throat, the aftermath of his shouting last night.

"I thought about it all night," Chen Xiulian put down her stick, picked up her rice bowl, and said while eating, "Your original intention is also good, right? You reported those things, I think it's good, but some words are very... " She thought about vocabulary, "Like He Zhiguo."

Liu Chen was beaten up last night, and now his back is hot. He rolled his eyes and could only see Chen Xiulian's shoes.

Chen Xiulian was wearing her own shoes today and planned to go to work later. She eats quickly and the bowl is full of meat. The meat piles up in the refrigerator and goes bad if you don't eat it. She said: "You are very literary, and I wanted to call you before. Is the number you put on the home page real?"

Liu Chen sifted through the keywords, his dry lips moved, and he replied, "Really...really."

"I said so earlier," Chen Xiulian put the tableware and chopsticks aside, "I thought it was fake."

Liu Chen felt that his chest was too tight, and the rope on his body prevented him from breathing normally. He rubbed the ground and rolled his body.

Chen Xiulian watched Liu Chen squirming like a maggot, and asked, "Have you ever called me?" She seemed worried that Liu Chen couldn't understand it, so she held the conductor to Liu Chen's eyes and shook it, "Here, Did you fight?"

Liu Chen shook his head quickly, his face wet. When he opened his mouth, there was a musty smell that seemed to devour him.

"Oh," Chen Xiulian retracted the guide, "it's not you. Do you know 'Snow in May'? You two chatted, I saw it in the chat room." She was a little disappointed, "He called me At the time, I thought it was you who wanted to help me. I always wanted to talk to you about my life."

"We..." Liu Chen swallowed frantically and wet his throat, "We can also chat now."

Chen Xiulian listened to the sound of the rain and thought about it for a long time. After a while, she said, "No, you are not interested. The reports are all lies."

She stood up and pushed the clutter off the table. There were two kitchen knives in the sleeve, and she took them out and pressed them on the grindstone. She has become proficient and learned to use a kitchen knife to solve problems.

The grinders and saws left by He Zhiguo are no longer durable.

Liu Chen listened to the sound of sharpening the knife, and a cry slowly escaped from his throat. He sobbed hard, rubbing tears and snot all over his face, looking both humble and embarrassed. He rubbed his forehead against the ground, choked and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But Huo Qingjun, I only reported Mr. Huo's case after the verdict was clearly pronounced." He gradually burst into tears, "You can't blame me for this, really , I just abide by the verdict."

But Chen Xiulian ignored him, she stubbornly sharpened her knife in the dim light.

* * *

The rain beat on the glass window, Cheng Lixin cried and made trouble in the investigation room, and said to Park Lin, "I really don't know any murderer!"

Yan Junxun leaned against the glass and stared at Cheng Lixin. His thoughts were like rain, beating rapidly in his head, soaking the old and new details over and over again, as if to get a murderer smell out of them.

"Yang Yu is at 240," Jiang Lian walked over from the other end and said to Yan Junxun, "She said that she has several sisters who work together, and two of them work in the industrial park near Puli Community. Jue, tell Jun Xun the details."

"I checked the information of Yang Yu's two friends, and they were all black households who did not pass the regional audit, and their daily access numbers were not mine. One of them was Lin Hui, an auntie in the canteen in the industrial park. The number used was It belongs to her son. The other is Chen Xiulian, a coke transport driver inside the steel factory in the industrial park, and the serial number used is that of her husband He Zhiguo." Jue adjusted the screen and continued to Yan Junxun, "Lin Hui usually works There is no vacation, I don't communicate with Yang Yu very much in private, and I haven't worked for her, only Chen Xiulian has done cleaning work for Yang Yu in the past six months, and she also knows where Yang Yu's family lives."

Yan Junxun's eyelids were heavy, and he said, "Okay."

"You don't look very good." Jue paused for a while, "We tried to contact He Zhiguo, but no one answered the call."

On the light screen, the surveillance footage of Chen Xiulian in front of the weighing room appeared. She was waiting for the staff in the weighing room to weigh her and make a record for the coke she had pulled.

"His car has been used by Chen Xiulian."

Yan Junxun looked at Chen Xiulian in the surveillance, her eyes were deeply wrinkled, her reaction was not too fast, and she looked very serious when listening to the staff.

Yan Jun thought about it.

She used this appearance to talk to Huo Qingjun. She looks so normal, with no sense of distance, even a little bullying.

"But He Zhiguo moved in 2156. At that time, the berthing area had already started pre-war preparations, ignoring the real-time update of the residents' information. Yang Yu said he didn't know where they lived, and Chen Xiulian never invited friends to play at home."

"She may have changed the license plate number, but she can't change the car," Yan Jun said tiredly. "You can ask the steel mill for monitoring, find out her driving route, and know where she lives."

"Yes, we think so, but the tricky part is that the steel mills refuse to provide information about the monitoring and truck drivers," Jue said, "because they have too many black households."

"It's time for you to find a way," Shi Shanyan said strangely, still holding the lollipop stick in his mouth, "Is Yan Junxun a negotiator at the Inspectorate? Jiang Lian, rush."

Yan Junxun looked at the window again, and the rain ripped the glass into pieces. He always felt like a steel bullet was rolling in his head, as if there was something wrong. But the madness, racing cars, and the sound of rain filled his head, leaving him no time to think more.