Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 30: live streaming


Chen Xiulian opened the umbrella, not covering it over her head, but holding it in her hand to block today's wind. She stood at the door, put on the radio, and tried to call May Snow, but no one answered.

Chen Xiulian changed the new number provided by May Xue, but no one contacted her. She wanted to ask the steel mill for leave, but she forgot the steel mill number. Finally, she turned on the light screen and wanted to see today's news.

After Liu Chen stopped updating, Chen Xiulian's source of information was Liu Chen's chat room, and she saw that those familiar IDs were discussing last night's accident.

Someone posted a moving picture, Chen Xiulian clicked it, and saw her basement in the shaking picture. She turned pale gradually, and stretched her fingers back and forth, as if she could not understand how these pictures appeared in the square.

Did I record it

Chen Xiulian's anxiety crept into her heart, she couldn't help biting her nails, and she became more and more panicked while browsing. It wasn't her video, how could she record it

He Zhiguo's phlegm-clearing sound of "ho ho" came from her ears, and Chen Xiulian's hands and feet were cold. She asked, "Is that you? Was it your video?"

There was also a short video in the chat room. Chen Xiulian didn't click it. It played automatically, allowing Chen Xiulian to see her rubber gloves. She threw away her umbrella nervously, like a murder weapon.

There was the sound of a car whistle in the distance, and Chen Xiulian began to breathe faster, as if there were people coming to catch her. She stepped back hastily and tucked herself back into the door.

Chen Xiulian wanted to lock the door, but her hands were too trembling, and she failed to press the latch several times. The dogs circled around her, wagging their tails cheerfully. She stepped on the dog in a panic, then smashed her own finger. The dog barked in pain, and Chen Xiulian drew a "shush" to signal the dog to keep quiet, but the dogs yelped and ran away.

"I'm here to catch you!" He Zhiguo said gloatingly.

Chen Xiulian tore off the guide and shouted at it, "Is it you?!"

He Zhiguo's voice was interrupted for a moment, and then appeared in Chen Xiulian's mind. His voice was pervasive, squeezing Chen Xiulian's nerves, causing her to lose control.

"The whole world is watching you," He Zhiguo said maliciously. "When the inspectorate opens the door and rushes in, the first thing to do is to shoot you!" He simulated the sound of gunfire, "You will be killed immediately!"

Chen Xiulian screamed and dropped the guide. She hugged her shoulders, looked around, and asked tremblingly, "Where are you hiding? You are spying on me!" She wiped the water from her cheeks, "It's all your conspiracy!"

He Zhiguo's laughter was rampant, and he made a "bang" sound, which blew up Chen Xiulian like a frightened bird. He continued in Chen Xiulian's ear: "The Inspectorate now knows who you are. Have you seen the video? It's all over the Internet. They will strip your gloves, strip your address, and finally strip you out and put you online for confession. People appreciate it."

Chen Xiulian's lips were blue and white, she sobbed and gritted her teeth: "It's all conspiracy, it's all conspiracy!"

Chen Xiulian thought of her mother's face and the past. She had been stripped away long ago, standing naked under the sun, letting those eyes scrutinize her.

"I don't blame others, I blame yourself." He Zhiguo said, "I'm keeping my guard up, I haven't broken the law, but you are the one who broke the law. You killed someone, you killed that teacher Huo, you already knew he was wronged, right?"

"Liu Chen said he sexually assaulted, and you said it too!" Chen Xiulian took a few steps back, leaned against the wall, and beat her head in pain, "I killed you all! You are not wronged!"

"The Inspectorate didn't arrest me." He Zhiguo was used to being arrogant to Chen Xiulian, even in death. The tone of his speech was the same as every time he taught Chen Xiulian a lesson. He would slap her in the face, slap her in the face, make her give in to the violence, and cry to admit that what he said was right.

Chen Xiulian held her head reflexively. She had to admit that He Zhiguo was right, otherwise the beating would not stop. Her arm touched the table, and the hard touch seemed to give her courage. She picked up the tableware and chopsticks on the table and smashed it hard. The dog fled in panic at the sound of the broken porcelain bowl, and Chen Xiulian tripped herself to the ground and slammed her head on the edge of the table.

This is a scam.

Chen Xiulian covered her face and panted, the sound of rain hitting her through the wall, she couldn't breathe. The palm was crushed to pieces, and the flesh was cut to pieces, but she couldn't feel it. Her world is dark, and He Zhiguo's face is crawling everywhere. They surrounded her, stared at her, and taunted her.

She can't take it anymore!

"Don't look at me," Chen Xiulian wiped her face, got up and whispered, "Don't spy on me..."

* * *

"Chen Xiulian sent Lin Hui home many times on the grounds of 'dropping the road'. According to the information provided by Lin Hui, Chen Xiulian lived in an old area near the Shanshan coke factory." …”

Yan Jun was looking for the guide, and the rhythm was chaotic. With his back to the investigation room, he seemed to be reading the weather forecast.

"Her professionalism is admirable," Shi Shanyan looked at the jumping picture on the screen, "It's not without reason that the madman found her."

The murderer is perfect in the framework the madman has drawn up. She did not lose a single hair of her own at the victim's home, allowing the case to go undetected for a week.

"The madman didn't treat her as a human being," Yan Junxun stopped his fingers, "he regarded her as a tool, a puppet he played with."

There are rainy icons on the light screen, all of which are detected by the weather system. Yan Junxun used to feel that they were lining up, and whoever had their turn would jump out. He turned them off and looked forward.

The glass in front showed the investigation room, and Jiang Lian was listening to Park Lin's speech. They have their own team with a clear division of labor, even if there is no Yan Junxun—no, it would be better to say that without Yan Junxun, the case would have been solved long ago, and there would be no such thing as lunatics, systems, and black panthers to stir up the case.

Yan Junxun is out of place here, and he is out of place wherever he is.

"I brought the trouble." Yan Junxun said.

"According to the analysis of the geographical portrait, it can be basically confirmed that the murderer is in the old coke factory area. She has a car and lives alone. The house provides her with a space to detain the victim. It is suspected to be a basement or attic..." Jiang Lian glanced at the door as he spoke. He could only see Yan Junxun's shoulder, he continued, "The murderer is emotionally unstable..."

Shi Shanyan rubbed his chin, worried that there would be stubble there. It is difficult for him to understand Yan Junxun's incompatibility. For him, existence is truth. He never thought about why, it wasn't necessary, and he didn't intend to be a philosopher. He has a violent understanding of emotions, happy, unhappy, that's all.

"Do you want to catch her with your own hands?" Shi Shanyan asked, but he answered by himself, "You don't want to. You don't want to see her face, it will remind you of Huo Qingjun. You are too much to Huo Qingjun and her. Care, why? Because you're understanding them. You want to empathize with them and already feel their pain."

This is not a good sign for Yan Junxun, and feelings will affect his judgment.

The investigation room meeting has ended, and the Inspectorate is in action. Pu Lin and Jue printed the list of steel mills and also gave the key scope of the old coke factory area. Liu Chen's identity is special, and in addition to the square accident last night, Jiang Lian must ensure that Liu Chen can come back safely, so they adopted a plan of encirclement without alerting the murderer.

"The traffic system helped us to suspend the traffic in the old coke factory area. The route has been closed, and the action team will set off immediately," Jiang Lian asked Yan Junxun while putting on his coat, "...Are you going together?"

* * *

Liu Chen fell into a semi-consciousness, and Chen Xiulian stuffed something in his mouth, preventing him from staying awake all the time. He felt himself being dragged, and his cheeks rubbed against the ground, rubbing against some blood stains that hadn't been washed away. Liu Chen opened his mouth, but his tongue was numb. He couldn't speak, he could only make strange noises, and the corners of his mouth were still dripping with fluid.

Chen Xiulian changed the old sneakers. These shoes belonged to He Zhiguo, and the tooling she was wearing at the moment also belonged to He Zhiguo. She pulled her hair up carefully and wore He Zhiguo's baseball cap. Because of her height, she does look like a thin man from certain angles.

Chen Xiulian dragged Liu Chen to the first floor. The back door was her humble parking lot, where the truck was. She got Liu Chen into the car first, relying on the sliding pole she made herself, to save some effort.

There were still remnants of rubbish in the bucket, Chen Xiulian swept them away and let Liu Chen lie in. She shook off the rain cover and wanted to wrap Liu Chen, but she felt it was useless.

Useless. Everything she does is under surveillance, and everyone is staring at her. He Zhiguo, the beast, must be reporting to the inspectorate.

The rain wet Chen Xiulian's shoulders, and she changed her mind instantly. She slapped Liu Chen's face and made Liu Chen open her eyes. She said, "You come to interview me, and I want to expose He Zhiguo. I want to talk to the inspectorate. He Zhiguo is a monster. He hides in this society. bomb."

Liu Chen's face was full of rain, and he heard Chen Xiulian continue.

"I can be shot, but He Zhiguo will also be shot." Chen Xiulian looked around the circle suspiciously, leaned over and whispered to Liu Chen, "We can start the live broadcast directly, right? Don't let He Zhiguo know, just start it right away. "

* * *

Yan Junxun was squeezed into the corner by Shi Shanyan's shoulders, the car was not big enough, they were almost close to each other.

Jiang Lian in the passenger seat looked back several times and couldn't help but say, "Are you all okay?"

not good.

Yan Junxun was trapped behind Shi Shanyan's arm, even a little car sick. He wanted to breathe, but the smell of Shi Shanyan filled his mouth and nose.

Jiang Lian couldn't wait for Yan Junxun's answer, his channel was beeping all the time. He connected, hung up without saying a few words, then connected again, over and over again.

"There are places that the system monitoring can't cover," Jiang Lian turned around during the call. He had to raise his voice while the car was driving, "Don't ask any more, hurry up and work!"

Jue said: "He's been a little irritable recently."

"The communication between him and the Black Panther has not been smooth." Park Lin replied, looking at Shi Shanyan and Yan Junxun next to him, "Your guess is right again, it's amazing."

His tone was very ordinary, so ordinary that one could not hear praise.

"Well," Yan Jun's face was almost pressed against the glass, he looked out the window, "Your credit."

"That's not it, no one wants to steal your scenery." Park Lin glanced at Shi Shanyan again and said, "You can sit down."

Shi Shanyan was playing the game in the channel guide. This game was recommended by Su Heting, who felt mentally retarded. "It's not necessary," he said.

Jue interjected: "You click on the left, I have played this game..."

"Oh." Shi Shanyan poked to the right.

What the fuck is this doing! There was a buzzing sound in Yan Junxun's head, as if he had a fever.

Jiang Lian's call was interrupted. He just clicked on Liu Chen's homepage and already felt the explosion.

"Who's watching the live broadcast?" Park Lin asked with a frown.

Yan Junxun was attracted by the sound of the live broadcast. Jiang Lian turned on the channel and said to the insiders of the inspectorate: "The other party will repeat the same trick, and immediately close Liu Chen's homepage! Don't let her start!"

Yan Junxun saw Chen Xiulian on the page, and he finally saw her face clearly.

Chen Xiulian took off her hat, stood in the heavy rain on the roof, and tied her hair. She is not young anymore, she is a little cramped when looking at the camera, but she adjusts quickly, the rain on her face is like tears.

"Hello," Chen Xiulian's facial muscles stiffened. She imitated the interviews she had seen, and continued, "My name is Chen Xiulian. I am the wife of the rapist He Zhiguo." She paused, her eyes averted, but she quickly looked at it. came back. "I killed four people," she said.

The number of viewers of Liu Chen's live broadcast exploded instantly.