Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 31: roof


The barrage of Liu Chen's live broadcast page has been refreshing, and various question marks and exclamation marks appear alternately, like mushrooms emerging from the online platform, scrambling to break through the screen and squeeze Chen Xiulian.

[real or fake?]

[Liu Chen has no lower limit to gain eyeballs!]

[It should be a gimmick.]

[four people? ? ? Didn't the news say three?]

"Make the picture bigger." Yan Junxun said to Jiang Lian.

Jiang Lian widened the screen, and Pu Lin who was behind looked at it for a moment. Before Chen Xiulian spoke again, she said, "She is on the roof near the old water tower in the old district." He pointed to the blurred vertical shadow behind Chen Xiulian, "The Inspectorate After the war, I always wanted to demolish this tower, I saw it in the report, it was a 20-minute drive away from us.”

"Go over," Jiang Lian dialed the phone again, "all attention! Move closer to the water tower in the old district."

Chen Xiulian looked bad. Yan Jun thought about it, she wanted to do something she didn't regret.

Chen Xiulian raised her hand towards the camera, pointed into the distance, and said, "My hometown is in a small rural area near the berthing area. Before the war, the Inspectorate said that my hometown would be included in the berthing area, but it has not been realized so far." The previous post was sticking to her wound, as if she wanted to tell everyone something she was proud of, "My daughter Qinqin is in class at the Steel Factory Affiliated School, and her grades are very good. The teacher praises her every day, and she has passed the 100% exam several times. ."

[What kind of mess?]

[It's all said to be Liu Chen's gimmick! It wasn't the first time he had done such a thing.]

[Damn, I thought it was a social explosion, but this is the result? Get sick!]

[Liu Chen, you are dead.]

Chen Xiulian's voice was covered by the sound of rain and became very small. No one listened to her pride. Everyone spent their precious minutes coming in, not to listen to her talk about her daughter. Her accumulated joy died along with the topic, and her expression was a bit like crying, but she didn't cry.

"The first person I killed was He Zhiguo, a rapist. He came to work in our factory before the war and wanted to fall in love with me, but I didn't agree, so he raped me," Chen Xiulian raised her voice, she said. She raised her face so that everyone could see her clearly, "I ended up marrying him."

[? ? ? What dog blood is going?]

[Sick, sick, sick!]

[He raped you and you still marry him? You bitch!]

"I'm not sick," Chen Xiulian forced a smile, trying to sort out her language for the camera, "I'm not sick, I'm normal. Really."

Chen Xiulian felt that she was not mentally ill, she was not, it was He Zhiguo who was sick. She had endured killing He Zhiguo, and she had no hope. But she felt sober from the beginning to the end. She wanted to kill He Zhiguo for a few days, she just followed her own ideas.

"I didn't marry him voluntarily, just like I didn't voluntarily get raped by him. I told..." Chen Xiulian thought about those faces in the past, but couldn't remember who they were, there were too many, "I told many people However, I hope that He Zhiguo can be sanctioned by the alliance. I wrote a letter to the Inspectorate and called the Inspectorate, but every time I was stopped by He Zhiguo."

Chen Xiulian stopped here, raised her hand to unbutton her jacket, and was wearing a tight-fitting vest. She took off her coat, trousers, and even her shoes and socks, and stood in front of countless people wearing that vest.

"He always hits me," Chen Xiulian pointed to her thigh, where there were scars that couldn't go away, and her arm, which were all scalded, "I write a letter, and he hits me once. He said he didn't break the law. , the alliance allows him to do this. I read Liu Chen's news, and he also said that rape is illegal, and that domestic violence is illegal, so why didn't the inspectorate arrest him? "

Chen Xiulian looked at the camera without any shyness, as if this exposed body belonged to someone else. She wiped the rain off her face and asked, "I called the Inspectorate during the war. They were busy participating in the war and told me to wait." Her throat was dry, and her expression gradually became indignant, "Do you know how long I waited? I waited year after year! Who will catch He Zhiguo, who will come? No one!" Her arm was nowhere to be placed in the air, and she waved it, as if to shake off the shackles, "He Zhiguo bastard! Trash! Scumbag! He took my daughter into the car and hit her to death, why isn't he dead yet? Scumbags deserve to die!"

The torrential rain fell on Chen Xiulian's body like a stick. She was beaten to the point of bending over, bowing her head, and even being beaten beyond recognition! She pointed at the camera, pointed at Jiang Lian behind the camera, pointed at everyone, and vented freely.

Jiang Lian's guide suddenly sounded, and the action team approaching the residential building near the water tower said in the guide: "The target is holding the hostage on the roof, and the observer said that the hostage is tied to the railing and may fall at any time. "

"The target is emotionally unstable, don't rush out rashly," Jiang Lian said. "The residents near the old building scattered by the pioneers activated the fall-carrying equipment and paid close attention to the movement of the target."

[It's very pitiful, the Inspectorate is trash before and after the war.]

[I see that she is so emotional, it's a bit like acting.]

[The Inspectorate came out to speak, and Jiang Lian came out to speak. Has the profiler arrived yet? Didn't figure this out? Is the black panther also trash?]

[I said earlier that the black panthers are all war madmen and will not empathize with normal people at all.]

[What does she want to do?]

Shi Shanyan's game was cleared, and he looked at Jiang Lian's light screen amid the noise, unable to express his expression. He has been very calm in this case, as calm as he is watching a battle. Except for his interest in Yan Junxun, he has no other emotional fluctuations. He doesn't really know why, because "why" is mostly a question of established facts.

Chen Xiulian is not exploding, she has already exploded.

"I killed four people, I did it on purpose." Chen Xiulian raised her arms, her eyes seemed to have lost her life, she stated her psychological journey, "After I killed He Zhiguo, he was still talking, which made me Very scared. You know what? The dead man is talking in his ear again, and that's what horror movies do. He's still scolding me, and clamoring to kill me. I was afraid of death, so I opened him up and put him , eat it."

She drooped the corners of her stiff mouth, her expression beginning to be confused.

"But it's useless, he's still there. He wakes me up every day, and it's always in my ear. I actually regret it, he couldn't bother me when I was at work, but now he can't, he's always in my ear He may be spying on me." Chen Xiulian moved her eyes and wandered for a moment, "He was just spying on me, and he showed me the news he collected. Those news were written by Liu Chen. It was so well written that I could understand it. The people he wrote about are all rapists. But I don’t understand how these rapists were put in jail, how could they be released again?” She recited the news by heart, “Li Jianhua raped his colleague, then The woman jumped off the building, but he bought a house in the district. Like He Zhiguo, they all felt that they did nothing wrong. And Liu Xincheng, he wrote rape on the wall in front of his house. He did a good job, and so many people came and went. Here, no one cares."

When Chen Xiulian said this, her mood became irritable again. She spat toward the ground.

"Bastards, it's He Zhiguo who will do this. I know them and I know what they are thinking. If I don't do anything, they will continue to come to me," she stepped on the ground paranoid, "they will definitely Come to me! When He Zhiguo was in the pot, he told me that he wanted to take revenge, and I knew that he still had a clone. Liu Xincheng and Li Jianhua were his clones! They wanted to rape me and beat me, so I had to kill him first. Drop them!"

Chen Xiulian's chest rose and fell, and when she said this, she suddenly bowed. But that didn't seem to be enough, she kept pressing down on her body.

"But Huo Qingjun, Mr. Huo," Chen Xiulian choked in her voice and looked at the camera with bloodshot eyes, "Mr. Huo, I'm sorry, I deserve to die, I am willing to accept the sanctions of the alliance. I killed Mr. Huo, I killed Mr. Huo! She raised her hand and fanned her cheek hard, "I'm sorry Mr. Huo!" The rain on her face was like tears, dripping down her chin. She spoke upside down: "I originally wanted to kill He Zhiguo, but Mr. Huo told me that he was not sexually assaulted, but I didn't believe it." She pulled her hair in pain, her voice becoming sharp, as if stuck in her throat, "How can I I don't believe it... He Zhiguo also told me that he was not sexually assaulted, I've heard it so many times, I can't tell the difference!"

Chen Xiulian's eyes were blurred by the rain, and she was panting.

right. That's right. She couldn't tell. In this cannibalistic jungle, she was coaxed away with a few words from others. The words Liu Chen used were all inciting her. The moment she saw Huo Qingjun, she had already convicted him. She believed the report too much.

Chen Xiulian didn't dare to think about it, she didn't want to think about it, but she always thought about it. If Huo Qingjun is not dead and the case is overturned, will he be able to return to his wife? What made Chen Xiulian most desperate was that she couldn't remember Huo Qingjun's expression before he died. She only remembered Huo Qingjun's expression when he handed her the family portrait.

Chen Xiulian wanted to cover her mouth, but the whistling still came out. She gained courage in killing He Zhiguo, but in the end she was crushed by Huo Qingjun. She lifted Liu Chen's collar, pressed him against the railing, and shouted out of control in the rainstorm, "Apology! Apologize to Mr. Huo!"

Liu Chen slammed into the railing and kowtowed to the ground. He said loudly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Teacher Huo... Let me go!"

The rust on the railing rubbed against the wounds of the two people. Liu Chen heard a "click" and the railing shook violently. He couldn't see ahead clearly, but he knew that if he fell, he would die.

"Don't press, don't!" Liu Chen burst into tears, "I apologize!"

"The drop-carrying equipment has been activated, and the top-floor charge is in place!" the operation team shouted in the channel.

"Action." Jiang Lian replied.

"I won't hit you, and I won't hurt you," Chen Xiulian smelled blood and heard footsteps breaking open the iron gate behind her. She wiped the rain on her face with her dirty hands and leaned over Liu Chen. Whispered in my ear, "I don't want to... I don't want to hurt innocents. You don't deserve to die, it's me."

"Don't jump," He Zhiguo appeared in Chen Xiulian's mind again, and he said in a panic, "Don't fucking jump! I don't want to die."


Chen Xiulian's face was full of rain, and she laughed forward: "You bastard! I couldn't run away before, but then I gave up, and now none of us want to run away. Since God wants to tie us together, I will perish with you. I I've been wanting to die with you for a long time."

Then she knocked off the railing and jumped in a desperate attempt. The torrential rain poured down, and Liu Chen was so frightened that he burst into tears. Chen Xiulian couldn't care about anything, she thought at the last moment.

I am most afraid of violence.

Yan Junxun closed his eyes and heard a "dong" sound.