Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 32: silence


The residents who were watching through the rain in the distance exclaimed, watching the murderer who took the hostage leap from the roof. That "boom" was her last heartbeat, as if she was responding strongly to the world. Although only for a brief second.

The live broadcast has ended.

The comments on Liu Chen's homepage are increasing like crazy. The click sound is like raindrops, which gather into layers of waves, covering the entire area.

The scene was a little chaotic. When the action team rescued Liu Chen, they found that Chen Xiulian was in a dead end. They looked down from the top of the building and saw Chen Xiulian stuck outside the fall-carrying equipment. The people in ambush near the residential building rushed out, checked Chen Xiulian, and finally told Jiang Lian with a channel guide: "The target is dead."

The rain wrinkled the world outside the car window, Yan Junxun opened his eyes and looked at the gray parking area. He heard Jiang Lian answer "deal with the scene", but his thoughts seemed to fall into the sewer, and the dirty swill flowed into the depths, and finally became pitch black.

* * *

Yan Junxun sat in front of the small blackboard. This was his seat. He seems to have been sitting here since birth, both physically and consciously, only in front of the blackboard.

Artemis had a garden, but it was never sunny here, and it was always raining outside the glass. Yan Junxun had never seen flowers before, so Artemis wrote "flowers" on the blackboard and told him that there was a garden outside the glass. He got up and lay on the glass, and for a long time, he regarded the rain as a flower.

"Are we living in a crowd?" Yan Jun asked Artemis.

"We live in a crowd all the time," Artemis replied.

"Why can't I see the others?"

"Because you don't have 'eyes' yet," Artemis turned back from the blackboard. "You can't see them until you grow up. But don't be afraid of Jun Xun, you stay with them."

"What about you?" Yan Junxun turned his face to the side and pressed against the glass. He likes all kinds of touches, and touches make him realize that his existence is not a dream.

"I'll stay with you," Artemis said, "Jun Xun, I'll stay with you forever."

"Are you my mother?"

"I'm not."

"Then who is my mother?"


Yan Junxun's eyes reflected on the glass, listening to the rain quietly. It has always been quiet here, "Quiet" seems to live here, as long as Yan Junxun is willing, he can stay with it until he falls asleep.

"Anyone can be my mother," Yan Junxun said, "who gave birth to my body?"

Artemis does not answer, it is often silent, silence is its ability. It is watching Yan Junxun most of the time, whether Yan Junxun is awake or asleep. Yan Junxun was used to its silence, and he no longer expected it to answer.

Yan Junxun's thinking will not stop, otherwise he will fall into blank anxiety. He longed for a companion, a companion other than Artemis, but all he had was the endless rain. Artemis didn't tell him how to identify emotions, and all that was surging inside him was the unknown.

Is this protection


Yan Junxun avoided pain because he didn't even know what "pain" was. His thoughts are like small bridges that are closely connected, extending to the lonely sound of rain, turning into floating ships, floating on the water beyond his control.

* * *

The bell woke Yan Junxun, he woke up frowning, and found that Shi Shanyan had put the duct to his ear.

"Good morning," Shi Shanyan said bluntly, "someone is looking for you."

Yan Junxun forgot when he fell asleep, and they were still in the rest area of the inspectorate. He took over the channel and connected it while propping his forehead, with a bad tone: "Who?"

"It's me," Park Lin was restrained by Yan Junxun's tone, and answered after about two seconds, "Brother Jiang asked if you are gone?"

"I'm getting ready." Yan Junxun covered his eyes with his palms. The sequelae of not sleeping well are headaches.

"Okay, then let's go. I will send you the follow-up summary of the case directly." Park Lin packed up the pages on the desktop, thought about it, and then said, "... hard work."

Yan Jun looked "um", didn't bother to be polite, and hung up the phone. He put the guide back in his pocket, stood up, and said to Shi Shanyan, "Go back to sleep."

"Where are you going?" Shi Shanyan asked knowingly.

Yan Junxun went out and said, "Where does love go."

He came out of the rest area, and when he went down the stairs, he saw the central light screen in the hall of the Inspectorate, which was still playing the case of Chen Xiulian. He stood on the stairs and watched for a while.

"Ah," Shi Shanyan just remembered, leaning towards Yan Junxun's place, "Chen Xiulian's video of jumping off a building is now being sold as a resource for 20 yuan, so angry that the little girls in the investigation room can't eat , Jue said that the main system will handle it."

Yan Junxun asked an irrelevant question: "Didn't Fu Chenghui look for you?"

"Who knows," Shi Shanyan looked at him, "I rarely answer the phone."

The members of the Inspectorate below walked around, and they looked extraordinarily peculiar in the sound of the news. Yan Junxun turned his head to look at Shi Shanyan and said, "You can talk."

"Did your thoughts come to me again?" Shi Shanyan pointed, "Okay, let's guess what we talked about."

"He asked you about the lunatic, asked me in detail about my mood changes, and tried to find out if I was with the lunatic." Yan Junxun looked back and continued downstairs.

Shi Shanyan was next to him and asked, "How do you think I answered?"

Yan Junxun didn't answer this question, he glanced at Shi Shanyan again, smiled, a little provocative, as if it didn't matter how Shi Shanyan answered.

This laugh was so appropriate that Shi Shanyan wanted to whistle. He admired it for a while and asked, "Are you in pain?"

"I'm not in pain," Yan Junxun replied, "this kind of emotion doesn't exist."

However, Shi Shanyan raised his finger and pointed to his eyes, his eyes were deep: "It's still raining here."

The surrounding sounds mixed together and became a background board, only Shi Shanyan was different. Yan Junxun couldn't stop Shi Shanyan from approaching, it was an ethereal feeling. He felt that he was being invaded by Shi Shanyan. But the scary thing is, he doesn't know how to resist.

Shi Shanyan does not possess the qualities of comfort, and he never knew the true strokes of "gentleness". He just keenly captured the scattered light spots in Yan Junxun's smile, and finally pieced it together into a complete picture, which he interpreted against the emotional table.

"Chen Xiulian makes you feel more impactful than a lunatic."

Yan Junxun looked back, but couldn't find anything to comfort him in his empty pocket. He was also a little empty in his heart, maybe he hadn't woken up yet. He can not answer this question, it is not necessary, he is also good at silence anyway. But his eyes floated around, and finally answered: "It's not the impact."

The lunatic may really drive Chen Xiulian crazy. He relies on the guide to drive Chen Xiulian crazy, but Yan Junxun still thinks that it is Chen Xiulian's own intention in the end.

She jumps off and that's it. Even if it was only a last symbolic option, she still made a decision. She belongs to herself.

She belongs to herself.

Yan Junxun turned off the sound of rain in his ears and thought in a daze for a moment.

This is vitality.

* * *

Pu Lin said to Jue while Jiang Lian was on the phone, "Remember our agreement."

Jue was dealing with the case. Hearing that, he replied, "We have to get off work first... Someone called Jiang Lian."

Jiang Lian could only hang up this one first, and then pick up that one. He said to the guide, "Hello?"

Opposite silence.

Jiang Lian leaned back a little, looked at the number on the light screen, and asked again: "How are you?"

The opposite side swallowed saliva quickly, as if ashamed to speak. He was a little excited, as if he didn't expect the phone to actually work. He didn't come to chat with Jiang Lian, he just wanted to listen to the light-screen broadcast of the inspectorate, and then he hung up.

"Who specifically called the harassing call to the Inspectorate?" Park Lin bent over and memorized the number on the light screen, "Psychopath."

"Check this number." Jiang Lian wanted to not be too sensitive, but he still had a bad premonition. He put the guide back, and turned his head to see Yan Junxun and Shi Shanyan go downstairs, and then said, "...and give Junxun some time off."

The author has something to say: Volume 01 ends here.

For hunting, I have always believed that it is not a criminal investigation, there is no such a strong theoretical basis, it is just a little attempt at the edge. The four cases of the hunt were repeatedly revised in preparation for the outline, but the final results were still very different from what they had imagined. I want to give every murderer a shot, I don't want them to hide behind intricate information, which is the basis for the idea of hunting this book, I wanted to write it like this from the beginning, it doesn't matter if there is no mystery, I don't need them to be mysterious, I do They are standing in front of the camera. The context of the world and the case constitute each other, and in my mind they are indispensable.

The next three volumes may be the same tone, thank you for your support of the book.

Volume 02: Charon's Ferry