Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 36: Telephone


Panda is watching a nature channel video at home, today there is a bamboo special. It doesn't eat, but it likes bamboo. There is no bamboo in the berthing area. Bamboo is an ornamental plant in the development area. The price is extremely high, and the virtual data is also very expensive.

When Yan Junxun opened the door, the panda was drooling. It didn't know how to explain it to the two people who entered the door. It could only wipe its mouth with its paws and said, "I'm so moved... Welcome you home safely!"

"Your tears flowed into your mouth." Yan Junxun went into the kitchen with a reusable bag.

"Sometimes pandas do this." Panda closed his eyes and said nonsense. It took the turtle crawling on the ground into its arms and said hello to Shi Shanyan: "It's hot outside, isn't it? According to the news, the berthing area is getting hotter every year."

"It was so hot that I was sweating," Shi Shanyan put down the milk and asked before unbuttoning his shirt, "Do you mind?"

"Of course," Panda thought he was really polite, "of course I don't mind."

Yan Junxun was arranging vegetables in the kitchen, and he put his favorite carrots on top to imply that the panda would do it earlier. He heard the conversation in the living room, touched his trouser pocket, and threw the melted lollipop into the trash can.

He wants to take a shower.

Shi Shanyan unbuttoned a coat, making the already loose neckline look more casual. He drank the water poured by the panda and watched videos with the panda, as if he was also the owner of the house.

"I'm also worried that you will miss it." Panda put the fruit plate in front of Shi Shanyan and patted his chest pompously.

Shi Shanyan looked at the kitchen: "I happened to see him buying cold beer in front of the vending machine near the vegetable market."

"I told him not to drink too much ice," the panda squeezed his face sadly. "It's a pity that he doesn't listen to me." As he said, he sent the turtle back to the breeding box, and continued to say to Shi Shanyan, "Mr. Shi must stay for dinner tonight."

"If..." Shi Shanyan meant something, "If you can."

Listen to how pitiful he is. Panda held his paws and blinked: "Of course, you are Mr. Yan's good friend. In fact, I was planning to go out for a picnic yesterday. You are also on vacation. We can go together... "

The light track passed by on time, making the pots and pans in the kitchen tremble. Yan Junxun glanced at the curtain, but could not hear what Panda and Shi Shanyan were talking about. He put away the dishes, took out all the things in his trouser pocket, and found that his cigarette was gone.

… Oh shit.

Yan Junxun squeezed Kongkong's palm.

* * *

Panda stewed pumpkin soup at night, and carefully prepared bread for the meal. It was just about lighting two candles in the small living room. While eating, it was still frying steak, as if to leave space for two people to get along. Panda does all this because in its basic settings, there is an option to "help Yan Jun find a good friendship".

The table is too small for two people to stretch their legs under the table and touch each other when they move.

Yan Junxun stirred the thick pumpkin soup and said, "You took my cigarette."

"Put it on the coffee table." Shi Shanyan broke the bread and looked at Yan Junxun, "You are very tolerant of yourself, put lollipops and cigarettes together."

This is a signal of pampering himself. Yan Jun's determination to quit smoking is as easily shaken as his determination not to sleep. He is very able to allow himself to make mistakes in life.

"You can go home after dinner," Yan Junxun didn't want to be observed by Shi Shanyan again, his spoon lightly touched the edge of the plate, "We don't need to meet again until we have a new job."

"Speaking of a new job," Shi Shanyan asked rhetorically, "How long do you usually rest?"

"I don't know," Yan Junxun looked up at him, "I pray every day that no case would happen."

"I also hope," Shi Shanyan's eyes were very charming in the light, "but this kind of wish is difficult to achieve. In order for us to cooperate better in the future, you have to tell me, what do you think about this kind of... " He took a piece of bread Into the entrance, "Is there anything unacceptable about serial homicides?"

When Yan Junxun heard the words "serial murder case", he felt that he could smell it. His good memory has stored too many pictures for him, each of which is a large high-definition picture that can zoom in on the smallest details.

"No," Yan Junxun looked calm, "I have nothing that I cannot accept."

Panda hummed the Nature Channel theme song in the kitchen, carefully controlling the heat, oblivious to the conversation in the living room.

Shi Shanyan explored Yan Junxun's micro-expression, he liked this table under his elbow, it made them face each other. He cherishes the tear mole that Yan Junxun found very much, and often wants to touch it.

He will touch it. He would rub it condescendingly with his thumb.

Maybe I'll hear the cat meow by then? Shi Shanyan cut the vending machine into his head, and kept it together with Yan Junxun's expression at that time, wanting to wait and enjoy it repeatedly before going to bed.

"It's very hard to do this job," Shi Shanyan said with emotion, his expression was natural and serious, "you don't have any salary yet, why don't you run with me," he jokingly glanced at the light screen in the room. Leopard's surveillance, "I have an oasis villa in the light track area. If I sell it, I can buy the fastest light transmission car, and no one can catch up."

"Oasis Villa!" The panda came out with the tray, and when he heard this sentence, he exclaimed, "The total price of it is enough for us to eat beef for several lifetimes."

The Oasis Villa is the top luxury home in the light track area, and there is no such area in the parking area. Panda knows it because it's featured in today's Bamboo Special, where many homeowners have small botanical gardens in their homes.

"Fu Chenghui treats you very favorably," Yan Junxun pulled his steak in front of him and saw his favorite carrot in the side dish, "I will also treat you very favorably when it comes to chasing and killing you."

No lead dog can escape the panther's watch alive. Members who were expelled like them were only monitored in another way, and everyone could be recalled by Fu Chenghui when necessary.

Shi Shanyan cut through the surface of the beef, and the knife cut through the juicy tender part, without encountering any obstacles. He put the beef in his mouth and laughed: "Who wouldn't want to assassinate Fu Chenghui first?"

Medium cooked just right, Panda has the potential to be a chef.

Yan Junxun bit the carrot and didn't answer.

"What to watch?" Panda was worried that they were not having a good chat, and let the light screen play the news, "We haven't watched the news for a long time... Oh, this person, it was him last time."

Yan Jun looked in the past, and the person on the screen was Liu Chen.

This guy has already cleaned himself up, as if it wasn't him who was shaking his legs with fright on the roof two days ago. He sat next to the host, with a lingering look on his face, and said, "The situation was really dangerous at the time. Her basement was full of blood. The Inspectorate has now confirmed that her dismemberment site is there." He glanced at the screen , "I also wrote the details at that time on my homepage. How should I put it, the most innocent person in this matter was me. The reports I wrote were all based on the trial results of the case..."

"Change the channel," Yan Junxun clenched the carrot, "I don't want to see him."

"... The Inspectorate's response was quick this time. I'm very grateful to them, but I still have to say that the handling of a case must pay attention to evidence. Is the Inspectorate responsible for an unjust, false and wrong case like Huo Qingjun? Well, there are still many injustices in the region. In the past, I I always focus on 'sexual assault', and now I am gradually reflecting on myself, and I need to broaden my horizons and see other vulnerable groups. I will insist on continuing to speak up for social injustice." Liu Chen pondered for a moment, Pretending to be deep, "Actually, when I reported on Chen Xiulian's case, I was also working on another case. I don't think many people here knew about that case, and four or five people died. Haven't heard of it? Why? Because of the death. All are prostitute girls…”

"He's like a dog with a keen sense of smell," Shi Shanyan looked at the screen, "knows what attracts the public's attention."

Chen Xiulian's case is all about "sexual assault". "Sexual assault" has been a hot topic on the Internet these days, and Liu Chen quickly grasped the "sex" in it, drawing the public's attention to the case of prostitution and murder. .

The word "obscene" is very eye-catching, and Liu Chen enlarged this word into his own conversations and articles to satisfy the public's prying psychology.

"Does 'Miss' have human rights? I think so," Liu Chen said seriously. "This is also a marginalized group. We always need to know how they are constituted and why they are like this. The public cannot always avoid these topics. I In this case, the Inspectorate is also investigating, but there is no progress. As far as I know, there are four victims who have been confirmed dead in this case, all of whom are prostitutes... "

Jiang Lian sat in the chair and watched Liu Chen speak. He felt that Liu Chen was like Xiao Qiang who couldn't be beaten to death.

This person is also very powerful in a sense. He can use his own experience as a selling point, and is always in an output state, completely blocking verbal abuse on the Internet. His moral bottom line is different from that of ordinary people. He puts it very low. He likes to seize the opportunity in manipulating public opinion, and never ignores the consequences.

Chen Xiulian failed to wake him up, he was alive and well, and even stepped on Chen Xiulian's body to take his career to the next level.

"No one can make him shut up..." Jiang Lian threw the information about the new case on the table. "The Black Panther has told him to stop the update. He has said enough. Whoever stops him is supporting Fu Chenghui's dictatorship."

When he saw Liu Chen, his stomach was full of fire.

"There is also a new case. Who said the victims were all prostitutes? This idiot!"

Park Lin and his colleagues were silent.

At this moment, the phone rang. Jiang Lian thought it belonged to him, but when he touched the conductor, he found that it was Liu Chen's conductor ringing in the video.

"Someone told me that he is willing to answer this case in detail for us," Liu Chen looked at the camera with a wait-and-see expression, and clicked to release, "Hello?"

The person on the other end of the call was swallowing as if he had just finished exercising. He stuttered a little, but was in a good mood. He said, "Hello, hello."

Liu Chen asked kindly, "Do you have anything to tell us?"

The other party "ho" a few times, as if to clear the thick phlegm in his throat. He paused for a while, and said, "It was, I was the one who killed. That profiler from the Inspectorate, did you hear, uh, hear?"

Park Lin raised her head suddenly, feeling that the frequency of breathing and the speed of swallowing were very similar to the phone call from the day before yesterday.

"Half, half a month later..." the other party said hesitantly, "I want to kill one more."