Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 38: force


Yan Junxun is still looking at the photos.

The time span of this case is very long. The first one happened in May 2160. The victim was a 43-year-old prostitute. At the beginning of the war, she was found two weeks after her death. The second case occurred in December 2160. The victim was a 38-year-old prostitute who was found a month after her death.

In 2161, the murderer did not commit the crime, and the Inspectorate did not catch him. He just disappeared. It was not until 2163 that he reappeared and committed a third murder. The third case was in April 2163, the victim was still a prostitute, 24 years old, was found half a month after her death, and then the murderer disappeared. He disappeared longer this time and only appeared this year, committing a fourth case.

The last victim, a 16-year-old female high school student, was found eight hours after her death.

All the victims were found in their homes and the pictures of the scene are exaggerated, they are all covered in blood. Yan Junxun needs to click on the big picture to identify the furniture in the red.

The murderer had a habit of putting plastic bags over the heads of his victims and putting them in a kneeling position.

"The cause of death of a high school student was drowning," Yan Junxun put these photos in front of him in chronological order. "There is bleeding in the mucous membrane of the eyes. But like the previous victims, she was not only subjected to violence by the murderer, but also to foreign objects. insert."

The murderer was not sexual, but he was sexually violent.

The first two cases both happened in the old business district of the berthing area, which is the famous red light district in the berthing area. There are rows of hair salons and massage parlors. Girls are sitting behind glass doors, wearing suspenders and stockings, waiting to be selected.

The No. 1 victim was Wu Qionghua. She named herself Arqiong and worked in a hair salon called "Pink Dream". She was initially called "second-class goods" by the boss and clients. In 2155, she was the wife of a boss who came to the berthing area to speculate on properties. After four years, the boss went bankrupt because of the situation in the North-South Alliance. She left her in the berthing area and ran away by herself. She was pregnant at the time, and returned to her hometown to give birth to her parents, and then returned to the parking area to continue making money in the hair salon.

Wu Qionghua rented a house in an urban village in the old business district, where she usually picks up customers. Her body was found by the owner of the hair salon. She had not worked for two consecutive weeks. The owner of the hair salon found her dead when she found her home.

The photos of the scene are well preserved, and Yan Junxun can still see all the furnishings in Wu Qionghua's room. Her room is shabby, and the bedroom is also the living room. The bed was messy and the quilt was kicked under the bed. The table was old, wooden, and the murderer had bumped her head against the corner of the table, where there was still blood. But the main activity area of the murderer was in the bathroom. He dragged Wu Qionghua in, and Wu Qionghua struggled. The Inspectorate found her fingerprints on the door frame of the bathroom, as well as her broken fingernails.

"He has a special weapon for committing crimes." Yan Jun's thoughts in his head began to become active. They were distributed on those photos, like a group of well-trained police dogs, carefully searching for details, "He likes... enjoy the process. ."

The killer did not kill the victim immediately. He always makes a mess of the scene, that's his way of demonstrating.

"Yes," Shi Shanyan held the water glass, "he walked into someone else's house, dragged the master off the bed, and left blood on the ground for the inspectorate."

Those bloodstains were not natural, they were intentionally smeared by the murderer. He did a lot in the bathroom and torturing the victim seemed to make him feel good. The inspection results of the inspection bureau showed that he stuffed the toothbrush in the bathroom into Wu Qionghua's body, but he did not take off Wu Qionghua's clothes - he did not take off any of the victims' clothes.

"After the victim died, he put a plastic bag on the victim," Yan Junxun stared at the photo. "Then put the victim by the door and let her look at the door and see how she left."

This guy desperately needs attention, and he's always emphasizing it, as if he doesn't do anything and no one will see him. It is worth noting that the murderer scratched Wu Qionghua's photo. That photo is a group photo of Wu Qionghua and the owner of the property speculator. Wu Qionghua hung it on the wall and pretended that she had been married and had a family. The murderer was so angry about it that he scratched it.

The murderer also left a letter to the inspectorate. He stuffed a note in Wu Qionghua's plastic bag with the words "Goodbye".


Yan Junxun looked at the close-up of the note. It was torn from the magazine in Wu Qionghua's room. It was neatly written, like a primary school student who handed in homework. The murderer had a plan for committing the crime. He wanted to get the attention of the Inspectorate. Unfortunately, the North-South Alliance was at war at the time. This case was like a pebble that fell into a deep pool, with only a small splash.

So the murderer continued the crime in December of the same year. The second victim, named Li Si, worked in a massage parlor in the old business district of the parking area. Like Wu Qionghua, she was not ranked in the store. She worked in a massage parlor for nearly seven years. In 2160, she left the shop to work alone, renting a house in an urban village in the red light district, and relying on old customers to win business. But that year, the overall economy of the Northern Line Union declined, and many people lost their jobs and went bankrupt. In the end, she had to take to the streets to attract customers.

Because Li Si lived alone and had neither relatives nor bosses, it was not until a month later that her landlord came to ask for money to find out that she had died at home.

The photos on the light screen switched, and those red colors made Yan Junxun feel that there was blood in his mouth. He touched his trouser pocket, and Shi Shanyan had already handed a lollipop.

It's a bad feeling to be found out for whatever you want to do.

Yan Junxun took the lollipop before Shi Shanyan spoke, and quickly peeled it off and put it into his mouth. He knew that it was best not to give Shi Shanyan a chance to speak, otherwise the trouble would be himself.

There are more photos of Li Si's room than Wu Qionghua's, because she lives in a two-bedroom, one-bedroom house. Her room is very different from Wu Qionghua's. She loves shopping, and poor quality hangers fill the living room with her clothes piled up everywhere. She was not asleep when she was killed. She may have just received a visitor, and the makeup on her face was not removed, and she was still wearing sexy lingerie with sequins.

"He may have obsessive-compulsive disorder," Yan Junxun frowned as he watched, "He dragged the victim into the bathroom to kill, and then dragged the victim back to the living room wall and put it away."

The murderer had a morbid need for the gaze of his victims, and he always asked them to kneel and watch him leave.

What has this beast been stimulated by? Has he been kicked out of the house? It feels like a child's revenge, taking out all of his grievances on people who have nothing to do with him.

"Maybe he wants to conquer other people's eyes," Shi Shanyan pointed at the screen, "He speaks poorly, stutters a bit, and has poor language organization skills. Pretending to be brutal."

Sociopaths have a kind of omnipotent control, and indulging in them often turns into paradoxes, taking pleasure in overcoming those who deny or may deny themselves. They often have no moral bottom line, ignore social ethics, and insist on pursuing their own pleasure in order to get the feeling of being alive.

The murderer's crime steps are very simple, torturing the victim and fiddling with the victim's body may be one of his killing purposes. He showed a kind of forced self-confidence on the call, those silences were all thinking, and he didn't want his bad answer to mess up his image.

He was actually very timid, and he didn't even dare to take off the victim's clothes. He is still imitating sex, inserting those things into the victim's body to prove that he understands "sex".

"He's watched Chen Xiulian's live broadcast," Yan Junxun recalled the murderer's performance on the call. "He is a humble imitator. He wants to imitate Chen Xiulian's live broadcast and attract everyone's attention."

Liu Chen, Liu Chen is really a good choice. His needs are also attracting attention, which almost coincides with the murderer. Liu Chen was able to get the contact information of the murderer, indicating that they had private contact.

Yan Junxun looked at the window, it was too late, he said, "I have to find Liu Chen tomorrow."

"I thought you wouldn't take this case," Shi Shanyan leaned back in his chair, "If it were me, I would return the documents to Jiang Lian and tell him I was on vacation."

I also want to take a vacation.

Yan Junxun thought when he got up.

But I can't stop.

"You actually have a sense of justice," Shi Shanyan smiled as he watched Yan Junxun go to the bathroom, "This is not something Artemis can teach you."

Yan Junxun closed the bathroom door, opened it again, and said to him, "You can go home."

"Oh," Shi Shanyan glanced at the time and asked, "It's so late, do you want to see me off?"

"I do not have a car."

"I would be afraid to walk alone at night," Shi Shanyan said with a serious expression, "The street lights at your door are all broken."

Yan Junxun asked alertly, "Did you blow it up?"

"Don't think of me like that," Shi Shanyan put his hand on his lap. He sat there and said innocently, "I came back with you."

Yan Junxun is very skeptical, he always feels that he can't say that feeling, in short, it is dangerous.

"We're..." Shi Shanyan was persuading, "partners who can trust each other. Jun Xun, think about it, I have nowhere else to go. I can sleep on the street, but I just met a few people in Liu Chen's live broadcast room. I've had a perverted chat," he slowly sank his shoulders, "I need to stay with you now. You know, a prisoner in District 01 like me needs to communicate with normal people to maintain emotional stability. You will help me Right?" He raised his eyes slightly and said softly, "Only you can help me."

Yan Junxun clenched the door handle tightly, and in Shi Shanyan's eyes, he was successfully pleased by the phrase "normal person". He knew the danger of Shi Shanyan, but he still wanted to answer happily, "You're right, I'm a fucking normal person."

"I'm helping Mr. Shi make the bed," the panda said happily with its head out of the kitchen, holding its paws, "I just bought a new quilt! Mr. Shi, you don't have to sleep on the sofa this time, it's too much for you. small."

Do not.

Yan Jun Xun wanted to say.

No bed!

But Shi Shanyan reacted faster, he answered before Yan Junxun opened his mouth: "Really? Great," he picked up the water glass again and looked at Yan Junxun before refilling the water, "You wash it first. ,I am not in a hurry."

"I know," Yan Junxun responded, "This is my home!"

The author has something to say:

Antisocial Personality References "History of Sexual Violence"