Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 44: journal


"Let me first talk about my suspicions," Park Lin put down her pen with a straight attitude. "As for this case, based on the information we know so far, I don't think the 'ferryman' who attacked the profiler's family system last time was a criminal. The murderer of the phone, the account 'Ferryman' may not belong to the murderer either."

Park Lin dragged the screen to everyone, put it together with Jue's screen, and then recalled the chat record given by Liu Chen.

"The chat method of 'The Ferryman' is very similar to that of 'Snow in May'. If the ID is removed, I will treat them as the same person."

"That's right," Jue softly echoed, "If it's not that 'Snow in May' is someone else, then 'Snow in May' isn't dead yet."

"But the profiler saw with his own eyes that 'Snow in May' committed suicide," Park Lin pulled out the photo of the day the lunatic attacked the square, "The internal appraisal also proved that he was indeed dead, and it is impossible for people to come back to life, then There is only one explanation left."

"Snow in May" and "The Ferryman" are both accounts manipulated by the same group of people. Like Chen Xiulian, the lunatic who committed suicide by car is a miscellaneous card thrown out. The real manipulator is still behind the Internet.

"Such an organized group crime is very similar to the 'mites'," Jue hesitated, "but there are no members of the 'mites' who are good at handling information technology, and we have completely eliminated them after the arrest. If it is also Chen Xiulian this time. The people in the case are making trouble, so the murderer we catch may be the lead for the next murder case."

Operation Mite is a cooperation between the berthing area inspectorate and the Black Panther. The so-called "mite" is a black force in the berthing area and has a relationship with the transport ship. The reason for Jue's hesitation is that the berthing area itself is geographically remote, and criminals like "madman" are more likely to appear in developing areas such as the light track area, because the network coverage area there is far wider and denser than the berthing area. .

"Liu Chen must be a key link in their plan," Park Lin drew a circle on Liu Chen's avatar. "How did he know the profiler is intriguing in itself."

"'May Snow' gave Liu Chen information about profilers," Jue continued, "but 'May Snow' obviously knows more about profilers. Mr. Yan's information leak may have originated from Black Panther started."

After Jue finished speaking, the remaining three people looked at its light screen. It's rarely so noticeable, so there's a stutter, and he asks, "Uh, did I say something wrong?"

"You said that the information leak started with the Black Panther," Park Lin reminded, "You are questioning the Black Panther's information management system."

"Your father is one of the second-generation main god systems of the Black Panther," Shi Shanyan said in a remarkable tone, "You are questioning your original data."

Jue's "father" is Ares, the second-generation main god system in the light track area. Ares was the main system of the light track area in the core area of the Northern Alliance before the war. Its appointment was recommended by Fu Chenghui, and its character was similar to Fu Chenghui. When the first generation of Ares was born, it was criticized for being a system developed based on Fu Chenghui. Ares, as the "God of War" in mythology, played a huge role in the subsequent Civil War and quelled many protests for Fu Chenghui. A coalition poll of it shows that it is represented by "might" and "order".

Jue is not the only "daughter" of Ares, it is an extension of Ares' data about "order", and the character is much different from Ares.

"Don't make a fuss," Jue said lightly, "As a 'daughter', I have the right to question my father. This is the 'reflection setting' of the next-generation system, and it is also a guarantee that we can supervise each other. But my questioning has nothing to do with it. That's all," it said gloomily, "it never heard a complete sentence from me."

"You are very rare," Shi Shanyan said thoughtfully, "I rarely see a system like yours in the light track area."

"Can you not use 'rare' to describe it?" Park Lin was a little embarrassed under Shi Shanyan's gaze, but he insisted, "...No one would use 'rare' to describe someone."

Shi Shanyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and something interesting happened.

In an area as backward as the berthing area, there are people who sincerely regard the system as "people". This is not the first time, Park Lin's feelings for "Jue" are not like treating auxiliary tools at all, but like treating real companions.

Shi Shanyan's expression was slightly apologetic, and he said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, it's no big deal," Jue whispered to Park Lin, "You're too sensitive."

Yan Junxun has no interest in participating in these topics. His cognition of the system is different from that of ordinary people, and the complex emotions make him unable to participate in this kind of relaxed conversation normally. He wrote "Goodbye" on a blank piece of paper, circled it again, and fell into his usual silence.

Jue's question is correct, but rather than saying that the lunatic knows about Yan Junxun, it is better to say that the lunatic knows about Artemis. The madman tried to provoke Yan Junxun with a routine, and almost succeeded, but unfortunately Yan Junxun adjusted quickly.

Shi Shanyan helped Yan Junxun a lot to a certain extent. He used his personal touch to cover up the lunatic so much that Yan Junxun had no time to care about the lunatic's words.

Yan Junxun felt that "madman" and "mites" were completely different. When he helped Jiang Lian arrest the mite group, he was hidden in the inspectorate, no one noticed him, and no one pointed the finger at him.

The "madman" may have come from the light track area, or even the place where Yan Junxun once stayed.

Fu Chenghui's attitude towards the lunatic is also worth pondering. He acted as if he didn't care about this matter so much, and just made a few phone calls as if it was verbal condolences.

Yan Junxun put down the pen. He stared at the photo in the corner of the light screen, which Jue had compared.

Why were you picked by lunatics

Yan Junxun silently asked the murderer.

Because you can't control your expressiveness? Because you are smarter than Chen Xiulian? Or because you want to jump off a tall building too

The paper frog suddenly jumped between Yan Junxun's arms, and Yan Junxun immediately looked at Shi Shanyan.

"A friendly colleague is talking to you." Shi Shanyan tilted his head and motioned for Yan Jun to look for Park Lin.

"...Sorry," Yan Junxun turned his eyes and asked, "What did you tell me just now?"

Park Lin asked again in Yan Junxun's eyes: "What's the name convenient?"

"Yan Junxun."

"I know your name is Yan Junxun." Pu Lin finally realized that Yan Junxun was special.

He is like a child and treats problems with a very pure attitude. Black and white, simple and direct. This is not the same as what he showed in the case, which makes him easy to be defined as bad to deal with.

Park Lin raised some fingers and said, "I mean..." Halfway through he said, he gave up in Yan Junxun's eyes, and said directly, "...I'll call you Xiaoxun, you look better than me Small."

"Yan Junxun" has never been split like this. In Yan Junxun's heart, this name is more like a title. But he doesn't care, whether Park Lin calls him "Yan Junxun" or "7-001", he can accept it. His name doesn't matter.

Park Lin continued: "regardless of whether there is a culprit behind this case, now we have to catch the murderer. You heard, he said on the phone that he was going to kill. I don't think it was a bluff."

Jue asked them, "Can I close the curtains?"

After Jue got a positive answer, the curtains in the investigation room were drawn. It magnifies its own light screen, which makes the picture clearer.

"Let's take a look at the diary we got first."

[May 4, 2160, sunny and no wind! It's hot. I went to the Liangpi shop at the intersection to eat a piece of Liangpi, but I had no money. The lady boss scolds me! She spat and my new shoes were dirty. I got angry and hit her. I hit her! I walk home. I'm very hot! hot! But I'm excited. I took off my clothes and got naked! I slept and dreamed of prey! Prey let me kill her! I woke up, took my knife, and went to her! I successfully hunted! Prey is slow to respond! ! ! Stupid pig, so disgusting! ! ! I let her eat and she kept on eating! keep screaming! Noisy! I have educated her for a long time! It's great that she recognizes her mistake! She can die!]

Yan Junxun stared at the word "hot". For some reason, he felt that it was not describing the weather as hot, but something else.

"Murtured and sadistic tendencies are extreme expressions," Shi Shanyan seemed to explain for Yan Junxun, keeping his voice very low, "Sexual impulse is a reliable basis for feeling one's own existence. People who have had traumatic experiences in the past will use sexualizing the pain as a means of adjusting their state."

"I know." Yan Junxun also kept his voice low.

"But people's sexual fantasies and reaction patterns are different," Shi Shanyan took out a piece of paper and folded it casually, "The taste I like can make me sexual, but you may not feel the taste, but will Sexual desire for provocative words," his fingers dexterously origami, "Anyway, this guy is an extremist you wouldn't expect."

"Because he's imitating sex?" Yan Junxun felt thirsty, and he thought it was the weather's fault. He did not refute Shi Shanyan, because Shi Shanyan said it was an analogy, and he didn't want to make himself appear so passive on this issue: "He may be incompetent, so he has to take such an extreme way to achieve the 'educational purpose' ."

"Then our views are exactly opposite," Shi Shanyan put the folded little monster on the table and pushed it towards Yan Junxun with his fingers, "He has a normal sexual desire, but he is extremely extreme in how to wake up. . . . "Shi Shanyan paid attention to his words, "the victims have been tortured for a long time."

"I think your thoughts are all possible," Park Lin didn't notice the eyes between them, he tapped his pen, "The murderer in this case inserted foreign objects into every victim, this Behaviour can be seen as either a vent of his incompetence or his eccentricity. If we want to know who he is, we have to know how he grew up,” he shook them at them. Pen, "Unfortunately, we don't even know who he is or where he is now."

He will be exposed.

Yan Junxun said to Jue, "The next diary."

[December 20, 2160, it was cloudy and snowy! it's too cold. I slept on the construction site and no one was there. no one! All went to war. I heard the sound of cannonballs in the middle of the night, it was horrible. The news said that the Southern Front had sneaked into us, armed with guns! Can they give me a shot? Mom, I heard thunder! I was walking down the street and remembered that the Liangpi shop closed down! Deserved! I was hungry and I saw prey roaming the streets. She looked at me! She smiled at me and I decided to educate her! I went into her room and she was going to undress. I don't like her like this! ! ! Don't take it off! I stopped her! I let her eat and she is very obedient! But she always wanted to take off her clothes! I educated her and she finally woke up. It's good that she can die!]

"He seemed to have a temporary interest in the second victim," Park Lin frowned at the contents of these diaries. "Look at what he said, 'She looked at me', he just killed the other party for looking at each other."

"He already called her 'prey' before looking at her." Yan Junxun's eyes lingered on the word "eating".

What is "eating"? Judging from the photos at the scene, the murderer called the beating "education", and eating was inserting a foreign object. In fact, the name "prey" exposed part of the murderer's thinking. He regarded himself as a higher-order existence than the victim.

"At such a time, you have to think about the benefits of monitoring every second," Jue said. "This dangerous element should be monitored. He has no self-control at all."

"Then you have to put him in jail first," Shi Shanyan was drawing eyes for the little origami monster, two o'clock like black beans, "your father also made a similar suggestion. But this matter is very difficult to handle, I think it will be higher. The system of the rank cannot identify potential murderers who have not committed a crime, and you can only take action after the other party commits a crime, which is basically the same as the steps that the human order insists on."

"Murder is unpredictable, but the murderer can," Jue answered the question seriously, "My father has books on this subject..."

"2 Ares's theory of 'born criminals' believes that some people's criminal characteristics are innate, and criminals will not be changed by the environment, nor will they be shaped by the environment..." Shi Shanyan put a soft voice, so as not to look like he In attacking Jue, "This is one of the reasons for it to monitor society and purify the group, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be so feasible."

"But it's also a noteworthy point," Jue said, not angry, "I'll turn to the next one."

The third diary is special, it is too brief, not like the usual murderer's style. No exclamation marks, no smear marks, or even those trivial psychological processes, just one sentence.

[April 14, 2163, good weather, I killed her.]

The author has something to say: ① From "Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: Understanding Personality Structure" by Nancy McWilliams, the related discussion also refers to the book.

②Ares' claim refers to Stanton Samelo's "Criminal Psychological Analysis"