Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 50: fight


The waiter at the door of the room pushed the dining cart, waited for a moment, and knocked on the door again, this time the door opened.

Shi Shanyan looked at the waiter expressionlessly.

"Sir," the waiter smiled, "your order has arrived."

Shi Shanyan said very politely, "What kind of dishes are there?"

"Smoked beef, thick-cut beef tongue," said the waiter, reaching out to lift the cloth from the dining car, "and wine..."

The dagger under the tablecloth was sharp in shape, and stabbed Shi Shanyan's throat the moment the tablecloth flew away from the dining car. Shi Shanyan raised his leg and kicked the car, and the dining car hit the waiter's leg, causing the waiter's dagger to stab in the air.

The plate from the dining car fell diagonally to the ground and shattered in the hallway. This was like a signal, Shi Shanyan didn't wait for the waiter to readjust his posture, stepped on the fragments of the plate, and slammed into the waiter's chest. The waiter was kicked back a few steps, and before he looked up, Shi Shanyan kicked him in the chest again. He reacted quickly this time, he neatly put his arms to block it, who knew that Shi Shanyan picked up the red wine inserted in the dining car with his backhand, and smashed it down according to the waiter's forehead.

The waiter's head burst into red, and he couldn't tell whether it was wine or blood.

But Shi Shanyan did not continue, because gun muzzles suddenly appeared on his left and right sides. Shi Shanyan slowly raised his hand under the gaze of the muzzles on both sides, holding the broken red wine bottle in his right hand.

"Hold up," the man on the left held his gun and motioned Shi Shanyan to continue, "Squat down!"

Shi Shanyan tilted his head to look at the man, and really continued to raise his hand, as if there was nothing he could do.

The man approached Shi Shanyan and tried to put a restraint lock on Shi Shanyan. He showed his face from the door, and before he had time to look in, the hand holding the gun was nailed by a thorn. The man's gun immediately fell to the ground, and then Yan Junxun smashed his face sideways with a punch. When the man on the right was about to move, Shi Shanyan directly twisted the man's arm and inserted the broken red wine bottle into the other's eye.

The man covered his eyes and yelled.

Shi Shanyan couldn't stand the noise, he picked up the man's hair and knocked him unconscious.

"We're very quiet." Yan Junxun didn't look back, he shot back and killed the man on the left. "Listen, silencer," he said to the bodyguard who appeared again at the end of the corridor.

The bodyguard folded his arms. He is a middle-aged uncle, about two meters tall, standing in front of the door at the end of the corridor with great momentum. He frowned at the corpse in the hallway and said, "Okay."

As soon as his words fell, Shi Shanyan slammed down Yan Junxun's head. The bullet from the other end slammed into the door frame, knocked off a little dust, and landed in their hair.

Yan Junxun and Shi Shanyan looked at each other and squatted with their heads together.

Efficient muffler!

7-020 chewed gum and steady the scope: "I hate it, the response is really fast."

Shi Shanyan pushed Yan Junxun into the door, and the gunshots continued. 7-020 directly blew the door lock, and the door lock made a "didi" sound of damage. Footsteps suddenly flashed from the corner of the corridor, and many people stepped on the carpet and touched the wall.

The clock in the room was still swinging, and the sound of the second hand was caught in the footsteps.

"Four people in the corridor," Yan Junxun wrote quickly on the small blackboard, and he had to tilt his head slightly to prevent the sound of writing from overshadowing the sound of footsteps, "let them in!"

The 7-020 is limited by the obstruction of the corridor and can only shoot in a straight line in one direction. There was no mirror in the corridor, so he couldn't know the situation of Shi Shanyan and Yan Junxun in the room, so he had to drive them out of the room, otherwise, no matter how accurate his marksmanship was, he wouldn't be able to hit anyone.

Shi Shanyan tore off his suit jacket and put it on again.

* * *

Qi Shi put his footsteps lightly, and his leather shoes were just wiped, and they were very shiny. He loaded the gun, and with a soft "click" sound, the thug at the front had thrown the Void in it.

The virtual incendiary bomb instantly burst into flames, and "呲la" swirled and flew out waves of fire.

The thug immediately aimed the gun at the room, but there was no one in the room. He immediately lowered his body and continued to walk in against the wall. He pulled back the curtains, saw the window wide open, and said, "Jump out!"

Qi Shi stepped on the phantom bomb, and the fire wave disappeared quickly. He passed the closet and said to the channel in his ear: "Pay attention to changing positions, they are coming to the banquet-"

Qi Shi felt the wind in the back of his head. He bowed his head sharply forward, dodging the stab behind him. Yan Jun looked empty, his arm was grabbed by Qi Shi, and his entire body was thrown to the ground by Qi Shi over his shoulder. Qi Shi's restraint lock had been fastened to Yan Junxun's wrist, and the electric current made Yan Junxun's arm numb.

Qi Shi wanted to drag Yan Junxun up: "Catch him!"

Yan Junxun grabbed Qi Shi with his backhand, and slammed Qi Shi to the ground while charging. He curled his arms, wrapped around Qi Shi's neck, tilted his head past the thug's steel rod, and slammed Qi Shi against the mirror with him. The mirror shattered immediately, and Yan Junxun twisted the current of the restraint lock, making Qi Shi breathless.

The gun raised by the thugs was not stabilized before it was covered by the curtain. Shi Shanyan fired a shot through the curtain, pushed the other person out of the window, and shot the other person in the eyebrow with the "bang" sound of the corpse landing.

The only thugs left had fired, but missed. His knees suddenly became heavy, and before anyone could react, Yan Junxun kicked him to the ground from behind. Shi Shanyan stepped on the opponent's head and shot again.

Blood splattered.

Qishi alerted the channel guide: "target—"

Shi Shanyan pulled Qi Shi's hair, held the gun backwards, knocked Qi Shi unconscious with the gun butt, and then tore off Qi Shi's guide.

"Good evening," Shi Shanyan greeted proactively, "Silly dog."

"Oops," 7-020 on the opposite side looked embarrassed, "Big Brother tonight—"

Shi Shanyan threw the guide on the ground and stepped on it. He crouched down and got closer to see what Yan Junxun was doing.

Yan Junxun took off Qi Shi's name tag, turned it over to check, and then broke it. He looked around the room and pointed to the closet: "Put him in."

Shi Shanyan glanced at the wardrobe, and then looked at Yan Junxun. He said, "Okay bro."

* * *

Li Hu didn't rest, he was making videos with people while soaking his feet.

"You have seriously abided by our agreement," the clown slapped the camera with his face, "right?"

"That's right," Li Hu said, leaning against the sofa, a little uncomfortable with the clown's approach, "Have you always been wearing this kind of makeup?"

"Yeah," the clown sat back in place, his legs vacated and swayed, "I fucking like makeup. My mom doesn't care about me, and you'd better leave me alone."

"It's pretty cool," Li Hu brightened up the indoor video and stopped watching the clown, "but I'm still curious, why did you spend so much time trying to find Yan Jun? He doesn't seem cost-effective."

"I said don't fuck with me," the clown stretched his neck and pointed at the camera, "I'll give you the money, you just need to get someone here."

"What about my other commodities?" Li Hu asked rhetorically, "Commodities in the stagnant zone."

"On the boat. You send Yan Junxun to the boat on time, and they will come to you on time. If I don't see Yan Junxun at the time, I will blow them up, like this." The clown took out his bag from behind Potato chips, bursting.

What a fucking lunatic.

Li Hu cursed in his heart.

"Are you scolding me?" The clown was eating potato chips, "Don't scold me in your heart, I know it."

"I never scold my partner," Li Hu looked at the time, "I have to sleep, I can't stay up late when I'm too old."

"Don't make me wait too long," the clown warned Li Hu, "you won't go against the water, right?" He chewed the potato chips loudly, "I'll wait for you, goodbye."

The video ends here.

Li Hu threw the guide away, raised his foot, and let Li Hua wipe him, who was massaging him.

Lihua knelt on the ground and pinned her hair behind her ears. She looks very young and beautiful, but her complexion is not good, and staying up late for a long time has caused heavy dark circles under her eyes. She wiped Li Hu's feet and asked softly, "How long is the boss going to rest?"

"Two hours," Li Hu got into bed and put on his blindfold, "let Qi Shi wait for me at the door."

Lihua responded, but Li Hu didn't fall asleep because the door rang. He turned over, and Lihua got up immediately to look at the surveillance at the door.

In the shot is a man with one hand in his pocket, wearing glasses. He looked at the camera and made a greeting gesture to Lihua, politely. He said, "Is Boss Li there?"

This floor is full of bodyguards, and the neighbors on the left and right are also rich men who Li Hu deals with. Lihua hadn't met a few people, but seeing the other party's straight suit and extraordinary bearing, she was afraid that he was Li Hu's client.

Lihua opened the door and whispered, "Wait a minute, I'll let you know."

After she finished speaking, the gun was pushed to her forehead.

"Thank you," Yan Junxun said without taking out his hand in his pocket, "I want to talk to Boss Li."

"Okay." Li Hua raised her hands and stepped back as Yan Junxun approached. She has a good psychological quality, and she can keep calm and report to the inside in a normal tone: "Boss, there is a gentleman who wants to talk to you. I invited him in."

There is no response inside.

Li Hua had already retreated to the entrance, she turned slightly to the side, and motioned for Yan Jun to come in.

The decoration on the top floor is luxurious, with crystal chandeliers and gold walls. But Yan Junxun smelled the smell of cigarettes, the kind of low-quality cigarettes that you can buy on the street. The chandelier suddenly turned, and Yan Jun didn't look back, he blindly fired a shot to the left, and the bullet hit the bodyguard who was about to attack.

"Fuck you!" Li Hu suddenly lost his temper at the guide. "Everyone is in Lao Tzu's room, and you are still talking to me about the price?" He hid behind the table and shouted, "Kill him. !"

There were also four bodyguards in the room. One of them was hiding in the bathroom. He saw Yan Junxun's shadow through the frosted glass and fired. The sound of gunshots rang in her ears, Lihua hugged her head and shouted, squeezed into the corner and squatted down.

Bullets scurried around the room, and the vase suddenly burst.

"Oh..." 7-020 took the guide away from his ears and looked at his small light screen. The positioning on it didn't move. He said, "They've split up. Hold on, I'll go now. support."

Before 7-020 could finish speaking, the guide was blown up. He yelled "fuck" and let go of his hands, before being kicked violently in the back. 7-020 was kicked and shot, and his neck was suddenly caught. He grabbed his arm tightly and kicked the bucket in front of him, but the man had already fallen to the ground.

7-020's cold hair exploded, he hit Shi Shanyan's abdomen with his elbow, was resisted by Shi Shanyan, and was directly smashed by Shi Shanyan the next moment. He oozes blood from his nose and mouth, and shouts with dimmed eyes.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Stop him!"

The author has something to say: Fairban-Sykes Dagger: Originated in the United Kingdom, with a total length of 29.5 cm, a fighting weapon with double-edged blades, loved by spy agencies. There are 3 models in total. The basic features are that the blade is thin and narrow, and the gradually tapered blade shape maximizes the force of the straight stabbing on the tip of the blade. The needle-shaped blade is extremely sharp, with edges on both sides, and the blade is slightly diamond-shaped in section. Shaped, sharp blade can cut the opponent's blood vessels cleanly, or cut the opponent's throat, the handle is heavy, which helps to increase the power of the straight stab. Designed for a "sword grip" with a high degree of flexibility. - "Global Military Knives"