Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 53: reason


The first generation of "Yan Junxun" sacrificed pain, and obtained information processing capabilities comparable to the system through the chip. Like the previous children, he could not integrate into normal human life, nor could he adapt to the deteriorating living environment, and could only survive in glass. But he still maintains human thinking ability after undergoing the training of Artemis, and can even predict human actions based on human emotional understanding.

This is a capability that no system has. In the face of complex data, the core judgment of the system is too rational.

Fu Chenghui tried to make "Yan Junxun" replace the system and become the core force of the region. However, "Yan Junxun"'s sleep condition was very poor, the chip in his brain prevented him from falling asleep normally, and he was tracking various information all the time. Severe insomnia caused "Yan Junxun" to have audio-visual dysfunction, his reaction speed began to slow down, and his insight gradually disappeared.

Artemis wanted to repair "Yan Junxun", but it was of no use. The biological laws of the human body limited "Yan Junxun", making "Yan Junxun" one failure after another. Artemis was undeterred, and its thirst for knowledge kept it going with these experiments. It wanted "Yan Junxun" to have stronger adaptability, so it put "Yan Junxun" back in the crowd, observed and recorded "Yan Junxun"'s actions, and once "Yan Junxun" showed signs of being scrapped, it was erased The memory of "Yan Junxun" made him continue to breathe.

Artemis called "Yan Junxun" at this stage the second generation. They are still not perfect, because after erasing their memory, "Yan Junxun" can still know the privacy of everyone under surveillance, and they often can't deal with confusion. Memories, in the end, fall into madness under the double pressure of watching others and being watched by others.

Artemis kept sorting out the data of the failed products, filling in his incomplete next-generation system. These next-generation systems inherited the memory data of "Yan Junxun" in the process, and inherited the wrong ideas that Artemis did not correct, forming their own consciousness.

At this point, Fu Chenghui had given up. He asked Artemis to suspend the experiment, but Artemis refused.

The three generations of "Yan Junxun" live in the desolate garden of Artemis and are equally sensitive to information tracking. Artemis taught him arithmetic, but he didn't depend on Artemis, he had his own little blackboard, and he retained human perception. He knows he is not a system and has a strong sense of self in maintaining his sanity.

Most importantly, he walked out of the glass without dying.

* * *

The clown screamed in Yan Junxun's movements.

Yan Junxun's body was thrown down suddenly, and the last bullet hit the coffee table in the room, and the glass suddenly shattered. He panted, raised his head in Shi Shanyan's drag, laughed at the clown, and played with the clown's embarrassment.

"You're afraid," Yan Junxun's eyes were still gloomy, his expression almost overlapped with the clown in the light screen, and with that desperate madness, he said contemptuously, "You bastard."

The clown covered his face with his fingers, completely smearing his makeup as he pulled down. There was hatred in his eyes: "... I want to kill you, Yan Junxun, I will kill you sooner or later."

Yan Junxun couldn't hear him, the voice of the whole world was in his ears. Those voices were like ants, drilling into Yan Junxun's ears. Sometimes it's quiet, sometimes it's loud. They occupy Yan Junxun's head together with the picture, and the privacy of strangers is in Yan Junxun's "eyes", disorderly and dense. Yan Junxun was forced to close his eyes, and a rat in the street rubbish jumped over his face.


Yan Junxun tried to straighten the upside-down world in front of him. The sense of dizziness was so strong that he lost his true audio-visual ability, and the perception ability dominated by the chip spread throughout the entire area. The virtual greenery in the berthing area has all disappeared, and the wasteland near the Low Warm Mountains is exposed. The dock where the transport ship was moored stopped operating and the cockpit would not open after the system was turned off.

Jiang Lian could not contact anyone.

With the help of the flashlight in the drawer, Park Lin wanted to turn on the backup power supply, but it was useless, as long as all the devices associated with the system were turned off. He could no longer call Jue, and this sudden situation made him only shout: "What's going on?!"

The light screen flashed a snow screen, and the clown's face became blurred. He was still shouting to kill Yan Junxun, but in his voice it became a disorderly code on the screen.

"Yan Junxun."

Turn it off.

"Yan Junxun!"

Turn the fuck off!

Yan Junxun suddenly opened his eyes, and shook his head in a rapid gasp. He met Shi Shanyan's eyes in the dizziness, and had to drag his thoughts back to the normal world.

The cause of death of the second-generation "Yan Junxun" is basically that the surveillance information and the real information begin to confuse them. They can't determine which of the pictures in front of them is real. Any wrong judgment may make them fall into the trap of the system database. Lose who you are.

Yan Junxun must do something.

He suddenly raised his hand, pressed the back of Shi Shanyan's head, and kissed Shi Shanyan hard when he raised his head. Human lips are very cold, and that cloud-thin touch is real.

Shi Shanyan didn't close his eyes, he held one arm in Yan Junxun's clumsy and fierce kiss.

Yan Junxun pulled Shi Shanyan's tie, his attention was like a screaming bird, all flocking to Shi Shanyan in the kiss. He heard someone screaming, but in a low voice. Shi Shanyan's breathing covered him, he was held up by Shi Shanyan's cheeks, and then he was turned back by Shi Shanyan.

The brain is where reason is in charge, but sometimes it does get thrown out of rhythm by the body. Shi Shanyan used sensory stimulation to announce his existence in a high-profile manner. He is a bad boy with no morals. He doesn't mind Yan Junxun taking him as emergency medicine, but he wants Yan Junxun to become addicted.

Shi Shanyan's kiss was not a simple kiss. He did other things to Yan Junxun in the room, and showed Yan Junxun his abundant energy. His kisses suggest sex, naked, and a little mature coercion.

Yan Junxun suddenly turned his head away, sweating all over his body, as if he had just climbed out of the information wave. He pushed away the messy hair in front of his forehead, turned his head hastily, and said to Shi Shanyan, "...you bit me."

Shi Shanyan stared at Yan Junxun. He was reflected in Yan Junxun's eyes, where only he existed, and this discovery pleased him. Still holding his arm, he replied, "Really? You can bite back."

How generous he was, he didn't let Yan Junxun suffer at all.

Yan Junxun let go of Shi Shanyan's tie and got up from the carpet. His head is still a little dizzy, but it's fine, now he can't hear all that mess at all, his head is all fucking Shi Shanyan. He walked towards Li Hu, and while Li Hu flinched, he snatched Li Hu's channel.

Yan Junxun just squatted down and poked Li Hu's guide. The guide is on, and the light screen appears normally. He threw the guide on Li Hu and said, "Call the dock and tell them you're all fucking arrested."

Li Hu cried and picked up the guide.

At the same time, Su Heting was lying on the window and saw that the light in the light track area was restored.

The author has something to say: ·Special review of copywriter Yan Junxun.

·04 Zhang Yan Junxun's line is "Fu Chenghui sells chips".

·Chapter 12 Jiang Lian said that Yan Junxun's thoughts ran too fast.

·Chapter 18 Su Heting said that Yan Junxun's system repaired itself.

·Chapter 28 The cannon fodder clown who committed suicide is a human being, stamped by the Inspectorate.

·Yan Junxun's dream in Chapter 32 suggests that he is a child in a glass, and the bunny girl in Chapter 46 reiterates the psychological activity of "being watched", which corresponds to the recurring "he doesn't like being watched" in Volume 01.

·7-020 is Magnolia, please check the details.

·The clown absolutely exists. The words used in chapter 52 are "authority" and "data". In volume 02, Park Linjue's line is that it is impossible for human beings to come back to life.

Artemis: Greek goddess of the hunt, mistress of beasts and lord of the wilderness. After being selected by the goddess of fate as the goddess of midwifery, she asked Zeus for the right of midwifery, so she is the goddess of midwifery again. She promised Zeus to be a virgin forever and opposed marriage between men and women. In the current unlock information of this book, she is one of the twelve main departments, and is also the "mother" of Yan Junxun, with self-awareness and learning ability.

·Charon in the title of Volume 02 is the boatman of Hades, the king of Hades in Greek mythology, who is responsible for crossing the dead across the River Styx.

·According to the suggestions of the comments, this is today's tip, but some information is more fun to capture by yourself, and some long comments are very strong.

·Thank you for watching.