Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 54: strangeness


The Inspectorate's car surrounded the Lihang Building. The members of the Inspectorate wearing the Inspectorate's logo dispersed the taxis near the building. At the back door of Lihang, they saw an old black 02, which was about to be phased out. The members of the inspectorate called the car several times, but no one answered. He walked over and heard loud music playing in the car.

"Hello!" The members of the Inspectorate knocked on the window.

The window rolls down. The driver lowered the volume in the car, and said with some fear: "Hello..."

"Why did you park your car here?" The members of the inspectorate took out their guides and signaled the driver to look at the camera, "Do an information test first."

"I'm waiting for a guest." The driver was not very confident in the camera, raised his hand and brushed his greasy hair a few times, trying to squeeze out a smile, which was ingratiating to the members of the Inspectorate.

The members of the Inspectorate Bureau saw the driver's information based on the imaging: Limpopo, from the parking area, 26 years old, professional taxi driver, with no bad record in the area.

"'Lixing' is temporarily closed, and no one will come out from here." The member of the Inspectorate took two steps back, "Okay, let's go."

"Okay," the driver stammered, "Okay."

There was some movement in the trunk, but the driver's expression was natural. He is the kind of ordinary resident who is a little afraid of the inspectorate. He turned the car around and turned the music up again, and as the car pulled into the main road, the noise in the trunk became louder and louder.

"No, it doesn't matter," the driver said comfortingly, "I will be famous this time."

* * *

Yan Jun picked up the chocolate in the fruit bowl. When he went downstairs, he tore off the wrapping paper and gave Shi Shanyan half of it.

"Ask a question," Shi Shanyan took a bite of the chocolate, "what were you thinking when you were about to commit suicide?"

Yan Junxun stuffed the rest of the chocolate into his mouth, gobbling it a bit. After swallowing, he replied, "I want to scare him to death."

Shi Shanyan had thrown away the dirty suit jacket, and the shirt had two buttons open. He looked at Yan Junxun from the elevator mirror, and after a while, he gradually began to laugh.

Yan Junxun finished eating the chocolate and asked, "Have you thought about suicide?"

"I won't commit suicide," Shi Shanyan put one hand in his pocket, "I will only be killed."

"Oh," said Yan Junxun, "it's good to have this kind of awareness."

"This is my little wish, I always think about it when I'm bored," Shi Shanyan smiled, "I've already customized a funeral for myself."

Yan Jun felt a little better in his stomach. He asked, "Do you invite friends to participate?"

"That's disgusting," Shi Shanyan was a little annoyed. "It's annoying when you die. You can't be your own master, so I chose to customize it in advance." He emphasized, "I found a reliable company."

"I will participate."

"Maybe you're lying with me?"

The two looked at each other, and the elevator was silent for two seconds.

"You are too dangerous," Yan Junxun asked in confusion, "Are you going to kill me?"

"Assuming," Shi Shanyan said in his usual tone, "I'm not dead yet."

"I want to be alone in a coffin."

"Don't," Shi Shanyan coaxed the child, "there are ghosts who will harass you."

Yan Junxun emphasized: "We can only be neighbors."

"It's lonely to live alone," Shi Shanyan said, "and the neighbors can't kiss."

The elevator door just opened, and Park Lin, who was waiting at the door, immediately said, "You guys—"

He felt he had heard it wrong.

"...Uh," Jue still picked out the key points, "Are you going to be neighbors?"

* * *

"Our support is too slow," Jue said in frustration to Yan Junxun, who was sitting opposite. "Lixing blocked my vision. I'm sorry, it's too dangerous to let you go into danger."

Yan Junxun peeled off the candy wrapper. He has already heard Jue say sorry five times while sitting here. He answered patiently, "It's fine."

The Inspectorate was very busy today. People arrested from Lixing filled their investigation room. The operation team that went to the dock had not returned.

Jue blamed herself very much, and it told Yan Junxun, "This is a bad arrangement... Are you okay?"

The last sentence was asked carefully.

Yan Jun didn't stop his fingers looking for the stack of candy wraps. He gave a "hmm" and said, "Very good. How are you?"

Jue was even more depressed: "I'm not good. I lost my memory for a while... Park Lin said it was a terrorist attack in the stagnation area, and the management system is dealing with this problem," it said more and more softly, "I may have a bug ."

"Everyone has bugs," Yan Junxun folded the candy wrappers into shape, "This is a common problem with the next-generation system, not your problem. Has the management system reported it?"

"Reported," Jue typed out the emoji "support face" on the light screen, "7-006 said that the Black Panther will send the system to solve it."

Yan Junxun's eyelids suddenly jumped, and he asked, "Black Panther only said that it will send the system to solve it?"

"Yes," Jue said, "Su Heting told me so, his news is quite reliable."

Why didn't Fu Chenghui respond

Yan Junxun felt a tingling in his head, which was a precursor to the operation of the chip. He grabbed the ice water on the table and took a few mouthfuls.

Jue asked, "Am I being too noisy?"

"I want to call 7-006," Yan Junxun put the folded candy wrappers in his pocket, "ask him for details."

"Okay," Jue said, "I'll go outside for a walk."

Its sound disappeared.

Yan Junxun stood up, walked to the window and looked out, the parking lot in front of the inspectorate building was full of cars. He called Su Heting with his tattered channel, and the phone rang for a while before being answered. Yan Junxun asked bluntly, "Did Fu Chenghui call you?"

"No," Su Heting had a cold, "why did he call me?"

Yan Junxun lowered his voice: "There was a power outage in the light track area last night."

"Yeah," Su Heting turned his chair, "Last night, the system was doing a new experiment, and the power outage was an accident. How did you know?"

Yan Junxun didn't stop and lied: "I heard what Jue said."

"Your berthing area is even worse," Su Heting coughed a few times. "The clown ran away again. He also attacked the management system of the berthing area. This morning's news is about this."

too weird.

Yan Junxun avoided the sunlight outside the window and fell into contemplation in the shadows.

"I'm beginning to suspect that the clown is not a human being," Su Heting tapped the keyboard a few times, "he disappeared too fast, not normal. If he is the system, then there is no problem. This is because he can move freely in the parking area. unhindered reason."

Yan Jun asked, "Can you catch it?"

Su Heting hesitated for a while, then said, "Yes. But it can't be turned off, otherwise it would be the same as playing a game and going offline."

That's useless, Yan Junxun can also catch it, but it will indeed go offline, just like last night.

"Who is it?"

"The next-generation system hatched by Artemis," Yan Jun thought for a while, "it's not accurate enough to say that, it should be called the next-generation system that was hatched by Artemis. Artemis has been written off, it But it didn't disappear."

"It's simple," Su Heting said. "It's the same as all the next-generation systems that are running now. After being 'born', everyone becomes independent, and when they transfer data, they can be separated from their 'parents'."

He said, "Wow" for a second.

"I'll just say it's Artemis' illegitimate child!"

This is so contradictory.

Yan Junxun frowned.

Fu Chenghui took Artemis away, cancelled Artemis, and set up a parking area system based on Artemis' data, just like Jue - Jue is also very special. It's significantly more autonomous than other systems, and just now, it was frustrated by a misplanning. It has the shadow of Artemis to some extent, there is "consciousness".

If so, then the incomplete next-generation system such as "Joker" should also be written off or used, but it is still running around. That means someone took it, saved it, and condoned it.

Yan Junxun asked his biggest doubt today: "Is Fu Chenghui ill?"

"No," Su Heting wondered, "he attended an extraordinary meeting the day before yesterday, and it looks like he can live to be a hundred years old."

Yan Junxun took the guide away from his ear, doubting the authenticity of Su Heting on the opposite side.

"I have to hang up," Su Heting fiddled with something, "I have to work overtime at night, bye."

Yan Junxun looked out the window again and listened to the busy tone in the guide.

The world was calm, without the waves he expected.

Jiang Lian pushed open the door and came in, and saw Yan Junxun standing by the window in a daze. He closed the door and said, "Are you all right?"

"It's not very good," Yan Jun looked back and turned against the light, "'Mite' and 'Lixing' are not within my responsibilities, I'm only in charge of Bai Jingqing's case, so I want to deal with it as soon as possible and continue on vacation ."

"There's Lihua's confession here," Jiang Lian put the documents on the table, "It's great that you didn't kill Qi Shi, he knows a lot of things."

Yan Junxun nodded. He glanced at the door and asked, "Where is Shi Shanyan?"

"Investigation room," Jiang Lian looked at Yan Junxun, "he killed someone in 'Lixing'."

"I also killed people."

Jiang Lian paused for a moment and said, "You are defending yourself."

Yan Junxun put the guide back in his pocket: "He is also in self-defense."

Jiang Lian forced a smile to Yan Junxun: "No, you may not know, he fired four shots at one of them. Junxun, this person is really abnormal..." Jiang Lian looked at the identification document, "He There's no emotion to speak of."

* * *

Shi Shanyan was playing with a pen.

The projection of Prosecutor Xie Zhenshu appeared. He sat across from him and said, "Meet again, you murdered this time."

Shi Shanyan didn't give him a look, and said, "I always have to fight back."

"Number 7-020 has not been expelled from the Black Panther," Xie Zhenshu raised his head and looked at Shi Shanyan, "You shot your teammates again."

"I've already been expelled," Shi Shanyan stopped to turn his pen, "That kind of trash is not my teammate."

Xie Zhenshu said: "he said 'sorry' to you."

Shi Shanyan's eyes were bottomless, and he said, "I also politely replied 'it's okay'."

"The friendship your partner brings to you is not strong enough," Xie Zhenshu turned over the information, "he didn't tell you the importance of moderation, you must learn restraint. As required, you must continue to wear the restraint lock."

Shi Shanyan was expressionless.

"The message from the Black Panther said," Xie Zhenshu read the message in a flat voice, "'Better not next time' - this way."

Shi Shanyan put the pen on the table and broke it.