Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 56: Oops


The urban villages in the old business district of the parking area are not monitored, there are piles of garbage and many illegal buildings. In the middle of the night, there is also a pancake truck with its lights on at the entrance of the alley. The owner handed the wrapped pancake to the guest, who put the money in his cardboard box.

The moth hit the lampshade and made a sound.

Shi Shanyan carried the pancakes into the alley, which was very deep. It's still July, the night is sultry, and the windows of the houses on both sides are open, and snoring can be heard. There was no moon in the sky, so Shi Shanyan accurately crossed the puddle, turned into the innermost dangerous building, and went up to the second floor.

The north-facing room on the second floor was small and full of cardboard boxes. Yan Jun was sleeping on the sofa against the wall. Shi Shanyan closed the door, turned around, and saw Yan Junxun's head popping out of the blanket, staring at him with his upturned hair.

Shi Shanyan held up the pancake, signaling his innocence.

* * *

"They turned off the surveillance," Yan Junxun curled up, "I can't see the situation of the inspectorate."

The window of this room is well oriented, and the view is just right to pass through the buildings in the old business district and see the street scene of two streets. There was only a obsolete old TV in the room, barely able to pick up on regional news.

"Isn't that great?" Shi Shanyan stood by the window and lit a cigarette for himself, "You can get a good night's sleep."

"The 'Mite' protocol obtained by Jiang Lian is different from the encrypted document of the main system," Yan Junxun said in a low voice, "The black panther in the morning has not responded yet."

"The situation is changing rapidly," Shi Shanyan said simply, "I think Su Heting escaped."

Su Heting has their information and location. If he is arrested by the Black Panther, then 7-004 will no longer need to order the Inspectorate to scare the snake. The change in Black Panther's attitude was so sudden that Yan Junxun had to recall his call with Su Heting a few hours ago.

There was a musty smell in the room and the bathroom was still leaking. From here, the light is far away.

Shi Shanyan always had an "oh, that's it" feeling about his situation. He held a cigarette and said, "Here," he pointed to the sky for Yan Junxun, and his tone showed off, "I can see the stars."

Yan Junxun sat up, still wrapped in a blanket. He turned his head and looked out the window.

There was a star in the dark sky, the light was very small, as if it was about to go out.

Yan Junxun suddenly asked, "Are you from the stagnant zone?"

Shi Shanyan's profile was very good-looking, and he replied, "I live in Section 156 of the stagnant zone."

The stagnation area is the largest area of the Alliance, and they are subdivided into district management, and the management system is Hermes. Unfortunately, the god of commerce, Hermes, failed to make the stagnation zone develop. The living environment there is even worse than that of the mooring zone, and some residents have lost their fertility.

"In 2155, the Black Panther announced the 'law of survival' in the stagnation zone and collected fresh blood. I signed up," Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun, "They gave me half a year's rations."

Shi Shanyan wasn't called Shi Shanyan at first, he didn't have a name, he didn't even have parents. When he signed up, the name tag read: 36809, Subdivision 156, Stasis Zone.

"36809, Section 156 of the stagnant zone," Shi Shanyan imitated the system's tone, "Take off your clothes and stand here for inspection."

Yan Junxun heard the tick of the leaking water in the bathroom, which made the room seem even quieter. "You've hit the mark," he said.

"It's almost," Shi Shanyan breathed out the smoke. "After being flushed by the high-pressure water cannon, the Black Panther wrote the nameplate number on me. Then they told me that there were only 3 places available this time."

The stagnant zone has 160 divisions, each with hundreds of people signing up. Everyone wants to leave, but the Black Panther only needs 3 people.

"The news of the alliance's lack of food is circulating everywhere," Shi Shanyan held the remaining cigarettes in his hand, "Everyone is crazy."

The situation between the North and the South has made the atmosphere within the league tense. The stagnation area is a garbage dump, and everyone is crazy about the three places. The Black Panthers extended the Eskimo structure to the rules for the expropriation of the mooring area, and they wanted the best, the most cruel, and the most fit for war.

Yan Junxun's face was pressed between his arms, only his eyes were exposed. "You passed the final test, and they gave you a new number," he whispered.

"I took the new number to the base for shooting training," Shi Shanyan flicked the soot, "I'm really happy."

My classmates are all rubbish.

"You officially passed the Black Panther test in 2160," said Yan Junxun, "Fu Chenghui sent you to the front line."

"Because my mission is to kill 'Fox Eye'," Shi Shanyan paused for a moment, "the lead dog Fu Chenghui sent to hunt him down has died. 'Fox Eye' has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability. I am on the borderline. After a stalemate with him for half a month, he almost ran away."

No one knew the details during that half month, because Shi Shanyan had no observers, but he did hit the fox eye between the eyebrows. This incident made Shi Shanyan the highest reward for the Southern Alliance on the "black ground". The goal also severely damaged the morale of the military snipers of the Southern Alliance.

"You are a genius," Yan Junxun lowered his eyelids, as if he was about to fall asleep again, "in terms of shooting... but you smoke." He had to speak, otherwise his mind would run wild again, "I know your course, In addition to sniping, there is also reconnaissance and surveillance. Did you develop the habit of drinking milk at the training base?"

"That's my personal hobby," Shi Shanyan put his arms around him, looked at him, and finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, "You can also cultivate it."

"I don't need to..." Yan Junxun ruffled his hair and felt sleepy, "You have a lot of classmates at the base."

"Don't you have it?" Shi Shanyan threw the cigarette butt away, "I thought you all participated in competitions every day, a group of..." He licked his canine teeth, "A group of children."

"No," Yan Jun looked for the teary mole at the corner of his eyes, "there are no classmates at all."

He was a little pissed.

"Fu Chenghui asked me to be a system..."

Shi Shanyan wanted to smoke another cigarette, but gave up when he started a fire. He watched Yan Junxun close his eyes, swaying, like a dozing little animal.

"...I had a conflict with Ares," Yan Junxun whispered, "the human consciousness told me not to believe..."

Shi Shanyan crouched down, leaned his head closer, and asked, "Don't believe what?"

Yan Junxun fell asleep.

* * *

The Inspectorate attack was being played on the news, the sound was very small, like a mosquito chirping.

Limpopo held the guide and kept dialing the number. He called the Inspectorate first, but failed, and then called Liu Chen four times before he got through.

"You, hello." Limpopo said politely.

"I'm fine," Liu Chen's tone was hesitant, he looked at the number again, "You changed your number."

"That's right," Limpopo said, "I waited for a few days, but you didn't call me. I called."

"I was called by the Inspectorate to investigate because of you," Liu Chen leaned back in his chair, and the news was also on the light screen beside him, "The profilers have a bigger case, and I'm working overtime on 'Lixing' topic.”

"No!" Limpopo suddenly became angry, he fired at the guide, "Don't let it, let me wait! I already, already..." He couldn't explain clearly, "Write me now, me!"

"What do you have to write?" Liu Chen said, "Everyone is tired of reading those diaries."

"I've updated, updated!" Lin Popo opened the diary on the cabinet and read it to Liu Chen hastily, "2166, July 19th, sunny day! I'm..."

Liu Chen quietly turned on the recording.

"I was wandering around 'Lixing'! It was so hot, so hot! I saw prey. She was wearing a suspender and a skirt. I was pissed! She shouldn't be wearing a suspender! She's doing so well in school, she's a good girl A good girl can't, can't wear a suspender!" Lin Popo dipped his saliva and turned the page, "I want to educate her!"

"You arrested a student," Liu Chen finally reacted, "is she still alive?"

"She's alive," Lin Popo gained confidence from Liu Chen's question, "Also, it's not yet until next month, I'm waiting for the profiler. Do you have his contact and contact information?"

Liu Chen said to the guide: "Don't hang up, I'll help you contact him."

He motioned for his assistant to call the Inspectorate.

"You changed your goals," Liu Chen asked. "Why don't you 'educate' prostitutes anymore?"

"I'm better than them," Limpopo closed his diary excitedly, "I'm smarter than them. Prostitutes have been purified in me and my education, and I think they already understand. I'm now looking for some students, grades, Students with good grades."

"Why do you think they've been purified?"

"I can see that," Limpopo stroked his oily head, "they treat me with respect."

"Do you have any criteria for selecting people?"

Limpopo couldn't think of it, he was very anxious about his pause, and kept swallowing: "This is for the profiler to answer, he knows. Doesn't he know everything? Why hasn't he moved?"

"He is very busy."

"Busy catching smugglers," Lin Popo looked back at the news, "don't be busy, don't be busy with profiler! Come and catch me," he threw the diary on the cabinet, "I can't wait for next month. ."

* * *

Yan Junxun heard the "di" sound that jumped every second, and they rang rapidly in his head, like a timer in the exam room. He frowned, realizing that the test paper in front of him was still blank.

Artemis stood in the shadows and asked, "Are you going to hand in the papers?"

"No," Yan Junxun clenched the test paper, "I didn't finish it."

"It's time for Jun Xun," Artemis said. "It's time for you to hand in the papers."

Yan Junxun creased the test paper and saw that there was a fill-in-the-blank question on it that killed 01AE86, he crossed it out with a pen.

"Don't change the title," Artemis warned. "Don't change my rules."

"I know what to do," Yan Junxun scratched the test paper, and he said when the shadow of Artemis came over, "leave me alone!"

The screen turned white, and Yan Junxun suddenly opened his eyes and woke up to the sound of the news.

Shi Shanyan was sleeping on the sofa.

Yan Junxun raised his hand to block the sunlight from the window and looked at the old-fashioned TV.

"Is the Inspectorate really following the case?" Liu Chen put his hands together, facing the camera, and said sincerely, "I feel sorry for what happened to the Inspectorate yesterday, but at this moment a girl is in danger, we must do Order something? The profiler said he would solve the case, what is the solution?"

He played Limpopo's recordings on a loop.

What the hell is going on here

Yan Junxun rubbed his messy hair.

Everything collided!