Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 57: round


The Inspectorate did not issue an arrest notice for the profiler, and everyone thought that the profiler was still working for the Inspectorate, especially the murderer.

Liu Chen put down his hands: "The murderer said in the recording that he will attack the hostages this week. Profiler, if you are watching this episode, please act quickly and don't let the tragedy happen."

Yan Junxun frowned and turned off the TV.

All things are neatly gathered into one time, they are like timers, telling Yan Junxun that this week is the deadline. Members of the Black Panthers will be in the berth next week, and the killer will kill again.

"You can give up your identity as a profiler," Shi Shanyan was already awake, he raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, "Let the Inspectorate handle this trouble by itself."

"The identity of the profiler is not important," Yan Jun looked back, "but this trouble must be solved by me."

Shi Shanyan looked at him and asked back, "Are you a messenger of justice?"

The Inspectorate is arresting Yan Junxun, and this case is a hook. The Inspectorate used the murderer's attitude of seeking attention to let the murderer advance the killing time. If Yan Junxun wants to rescue the hostages, then he has to take the bait honestly. This is a clear line.

"We can't get around this case," Yan Junxun lifted the blanket, "it's not accidental that the murderer committed the crime again after many years. I think he, like Chen Xiulian, has been instigated and instigated by the clown, and we sneaked into 'Lixing'. The reason is this case too. Everything that's happening right now is one thing at all."

The timing of their collision was so coincidental that it seemed like a good deal.

Yan Junxun has a clear timeline in his head.

The clown influenced Chen Xiulian, Chen Xiulian's live broadcast influenced the current murderer, and the current murderer influenced Yan Junxun and Shi Shanyan—if they hadn't encountered Bai Jingqing's case, they wouldn't have sneaked into the Lixing Building. The Lixing Building is the apparent beginning of everything getting out of control, but Yan Junxun believes that the real beginning of everything getting out of control is Artemis.

He is a student of Artemis, the clown is the incomplete system hatched by Artemis, the black panther is the birth fountain of Artemis, and the berthing area is the data inheritance area of Artemis.

What a coincidence.

"Artemis likes games with circular structures," Yan Junxun stepped on the ground with his bare feet, and the cold touch made him awake. "The clown also likes it. It must be directional in organizing these cases," Yan Junxun looked towards the window. , "Circle... I hate circles the most."

Because the end of the circle means the beginning.

Shi Shanyan watched Yan Junxun walk around unconsciously.

"We have to solve this case before we know what it will be after the end," Yan Junxun looked back and said to Shi Shanyan, "Otherwise you and I will be trapped in a vicious circle until we are exhausted."

Shi Shanyan said earnestly: "I hope you will not be induced by the so-called 'circle'."

"I will definitely," Yan Junxun looked at him calmly, "so I need you."

Yan Junxun is very honest, he doesn't believe in himself. Like the Joker, he was influenced by Artemis. If you really want to call everything a "game", only Shi Shanyan can completely escape the influence of Artemis. Fortunately, Shi Shanyan was indeed able to do it.

"Take the star you gave me last night," Yan Junxun leaned over and picked up his jacket, "Be a compass."

Shi Shanyan didn't speak. After a long while, he said, "You are really a middle schooler."

* * *

Limpopo lingered at the entrance of the coffee shop, and when he walked in, the front desk couldn't help frowning at him.

"Are you okay?" The girl at the front desk neatly settled the customer's bill and glanced at him, "If you're okay, don't stand in the door."

Lin Popo squeezed the crumpled note, and he forced a smile in the girl's eyes: "I want to work here."

His practice has achieved remarkable results, and he did not stutter on this sentence.

The girl looked at the recruitment blackboard at the door, not wanting to be a colleague with Bobo. But she had basic courtesy, said "you wait" to Limpopo, turned and got into the room and called the boss.

Limpopo saw the hot pants under the half curtain, and the boss's straight legs. He felt a thirst, the hot need spreading across his belly.

The boss lifted the curtain, smiled at Lin Popo, and said cheerfully, "How long are you going to work?"

This determined and serious look made her look confident, but this confidence defeated Lim Popo's courage, and he immediately withered, before he could clench the note with self-introduction tightly, and fled in the eyes of the boss .

"This person is weird," the girl at the front desk raised her head from behind the curtain and looked at Limpopo's embarrassed back. "His eyes are sticky and disgusting."

The boss picked up the note that was soaked in sweat from the ground, but couldn't read the writing on it. She threw the note into the trash can and told the girl, "Be careful when you get off work recently."

Recent news is playing on the light screen in the café.

* * *

"The murderer's diary is recorded in Jue's database," Yan Junxun leaned inside the phone booth, "but they turned off Jue."

"You are invading Jue's..." Shi Shanyan's fingers circled twice, "'brain'?"

"I don't," said Yan Junxun, "you can think of us as brothers and sisters with a little blood relationship. Its basic setting is still Ares' data, but it has been added to Artemis's in some respects. Track data."

"It seems that the Inspectorate wants it to be a tracking system in the future," Shi Shanyan's figure blocked Yan Junxun, "and even carefully selected a partner for it."

Shi Shanyan is very insightful. He doesn't have the "eyes" of Yan Junxun, but he can find the best answer in the fragmented information.

Park Linchao's memory ability and Jue's storage function overlapped, but the Inspectorate made them partners. This can only prove that one of their specialization directions has changed in the future. Otherwise, the ability of partners should be based on complementarity, and that can be called cooperation. .

"But there were other sparks between them," Shi Shanyan stared at the patrol car outside the phone booth, "Park Lin tossed and turned over the issue of Pao Jue."

Yan Junxun stopped the hand that was dialing the number. Because of the crowd, he turned his head with difficulty and asked, "Really?"

Shi Shanyan watched the car run away, but didn't move his body: "They've all dated."

Yan Junxun didn't know about this, even if he saw Park Lin's concerned expression about Jue, wasn't that the concern among colleagues? Yan Junxun thought that Park Lin did this to all his colleagues.

"Okay," Shi Shanyan leaned down slightly, almost pressing Yan Junxun's head, "Who are you calling now?"

"Old friend." Yan Junxun swiped the old-fashioned phone and dialed.

A few seconds later, Shi Shanyan witnessed a wonderful scene.

Yan Junxun half covered the receiver and spoke anxious words in a tender voice.

"Hello, Inspectorate," the little liar didn't blink, "I have a thief in my house, and my parents are not at home. Can you help me?" He choked out, "I beg you."

"Where is your home?"

"My house is right here," the little liar's voice was trembling, showing the swallowing that he couldn't speak clearly, "it's at No. 89 Changming Street in the old district."

The person on the other end of the phone tried to comfort Yan Junxun, but Yan Junxun hung up in a frightened tone. He told Shi Shanyan: "The Inspectorate's answering system only has basic recognition capabilities. It must first verify whether the alarm address is true, and then determine whether the calling address is the same. Half of the old district Changming Street has been demolished, and its database has not been updated. get there."

"So it has to consult Jue's opinion," Shi Shanyan said. "Won't the management system reject the request?"

Yan Junxun was still holding the phone, this old-fashioned handset has long been eliminated by the light track area. He said: "The approval of the management system takes time, which is contrary to the safety of the alarm person. Time is life, so the answering system has the right to cut the alarm first and then play it in the review of the alarm address." Yan Junxun felt a little crowded, which made him very hot , but the phone booth is so big, "There are only two endings to this call. First, the answering system wakes up Jue, even if it only takes two seconds, I can talk to it. This shows that the parking area system has not changed, everything is still there. Within the normal range. Second, the answering system can't wake up Jue, and Jue continues to be forcibly shut down by the main system."

If Jue continues to be forcibly shut down by the main system, it means that the function of the main system has changed - it is no longer the berthing area inspectorate system, because it has lost the core setting of "priority to save people".

The former proves that the parking area system is still operating in accordance with the basic settings, while the latter proves that the parking area system has departed from the basic settings.

"Can't Black Panther change the basic settings of the main system in the berthing area?" Shi Shanyan thought for a while, "They can even remove Jiang Lian."

"Removing Jiang Lian is an order, but this kind of small 'bug' between system functions cannot disappear because of the order." Time passed, Yan Junxun said, "...unless the main system evolves."

Traditional systems do not have the ability to "think". Their every move is based on data calculus. Only when they start to think will they make decisions that contradict the original settings.

Yan Junxun waited for five minutes, but Jue didn't wake up. He put the phone back and said, "It's getting tough."

He recalled the reaction of the main system yesterday, looking for clues in it.

But at this moment, the phone rang.

The narrow phone booth was like a potato chip bucket, and the loud shouting of the phone slammed into the bucket, making Yan Junxun nervous. His hand held the phone receiver, but was intercepted by Shi Shanyan.

Shi Shanyan took Yan Junxun's hand and answered the phone, he said, "What's your purpose?"

The "Di Di" on the opposite side rang twice, and the main system replied with an electronic voice: "Don't make small moves, I'm watching you."

Shi Shanyan looked through the glass and saw the warning lights of the Inspectorate in the traffic jam. He surrounded Yan Junxun and said, "Stop talking, just catch it."

The main system wanted to continue to answer, but Shi Shanyan had already hung up.

He likes to hang up other people's phones.

"It doesn't sound too smart," Shi Shanyan dragged Yan Junxun out of the phone booth, with no end in sight, "Why don't you beg me with your choked voice and let me see where we should go next."

"Left," Yan Junxun grabbed Shi Shanyan with his backhand, "Run!"