Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 58: distortion


Limpopo passed the intersection when he got out of the car in the morning and saw members of the inspectorate checking the information of people entering and leaving. He thought it was the commotion he caused, and he couldn't help but feel proud, but when he turned on the screen to check today's news, he found that it had nothing to do with him.

Area vigilance in the parking area has indeed increased, and in addition to increased intersection checks, even patrol cars have begun to haunt the streets. This move has caused heated discussions on the Internet, but the explanation given by the Inspectorate is that it is guarding against a second attack organized by the stagnant area.

Why can't you look at me

Limpopo felt frustrated again. He turned off the news and sat in the car in a daze.

It is useless to kill prostitutes, and it is useless to kill female students. His news was always overshadowed by others, and few people really cared about his feats.

Limpopo spat out of the car window and drove away before being spotted by members of the inspectorate. He originally wanted to continue going to the cafe today, but now he has changed his mind and he wants to go home.

He wanted to give the Inspectorate—no, the profiler a little more excitement.

* * *

Yan Junxun and Shi Shanyan shuttled through the urban village, where the dilapidated residential buildings looked like abandoned beehives, and the dangerous buildings were all empty. But those who do not have a berthing area residence permit are mostly settled here, because daily life here does not require numbering, or even a duct.

"It's bluffing, and it can't see anything after the monitoring system is turned off," Yan Junxun walked in front and couldn't help adding, "It has learned to bluff."

This is human cunning.

Shi Shanyan leaned slightly to avoid the clothes drying rack slanted out of the side window. "Will this evolution continue?" he said.

Yan Junxun stopped, looked back at him, and said, "I don't know."

Systems are no longer the systems that most people understand today, and their ability to learn far exceeds that of humans. In fact, compared to surveillance, the most terrifying thing about them is that they can also manipulate the network, just like a clown, who can use the network to push Chen Xiulian into the abyss. They have no physical limitations and can travel indefinitely in the vast universe of the Internet, like ghosts, making ordinary people unable to guard against them.

"If it learns to disguise in a short period of time, it will be even worse," Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan and approached, "It has a voice library, and it can imitate humans to call you and even date you online. , you can't tell whether the opposite is human or not through the light screen. Although they may not understand emotions, they have already figured out a certain pattern."

Shi Shanyan asked bluntly, "Are you talking about Artemis?"

Yan Junxun and Shi Shanyan continued to walk forward. He was silent for a moment and replied, "No. The systems you can see now, whether it is the main system or the panda, still retain the characteristics of the system."

The thinking of the main system is still mechanical. If it is really cunning, it should first deceive Jue's trust, and then let Jue find false information for Yan Jun, so as to surround and arrest Yan Jun, but it is not, it is still there. Following the inherent way of thinking, looking for Yan Junxun through the search of the Inspectorate.

Yan Junxun stepped over the dirty puddle and said, "Artemis' way of thinking is close to that of humans."

Shi Shanyan keenly smelled the secret. Regarding Artemis, Yan Junxun still has secrets to say, but their current relationship has stopped the topic.

The roads in the urban villages are very dirty, and some household garbage is piled up nearby, and there is a stench all the way. This smell reminded Shi Shanyan of Section 156 of the stagnant zone. The sun was setting, and above their heads there was the sound of cooking.

Shi Shanyan said: "The system does not need to eat, which is the most fortunate thing for them."

Yan Junxun looked into Shi Shanyan's eyes: "It is also the most fortunate thing for human beings."

* * *

Park Lin got off work, but he didn't leave. He took advantage of the water gap to talk to the rest system.

Park Lin asked, "Is Jue still resting?"

The rest system sounds like music, and it answers: "Yes."

"When will it resume work?" Park Lin held the water glass, "Don't you know?"

The rest system replied gently and indifferently: "Yes, I don't know."

Park Lin stopped talking. He was drinking water and saw that Jiang Lian's office was still locked.

The atmosphere of the Inspectorate was very strange today. Park Lin felt a lot less popular, and the systems became extraordinarily "systemic" overnight. He was still immersed in the shock of Jiang Lian's dismissal, and wondered about the order in charge of the system.

There has never been such a thing before.

Park Lin knows that the system authority in the development area is very high, but the system and human functions have always been clearly separated. Before he saw the transfer order from the light track area, Jiang Lian was taken into custody, and there was no reason for his dismissal.


Park Lin's heart was heavy, and she felt a pressing pressure for no reason.

It's as if all of them are under the control of the system!

Park Lin was thinking about it when something cold suddenly held her back. He was startled, turned his head sharply, and saw the cleaning robot of the Inspectorate.

The robot blinked its electronic eyes and stared at Park Lin: "Dear colleague," its voice sounded like a stick, "off work."

Park Lin suddenly got goosebumps, but he resisted the movement of rubbing his arms, nodded slightly hastily, and said, "I know, you clean up."

The cleaning robot twisted its body stiffly, sorting out the snack table on the lounge table in a cheerful farewell music.

Park Lin put down the water glass and turned to leave. He walked faster and faster, wiped his sweat after turning the corner of the corridor, but still had the illusion of being stared at as he descended the stairs. Park Lin turned around again unexpectedly, and found that the cleaning robot that was supposed to be in the lounge was staring at him by the wall.

Park Lin held onto the stair railing and blurted out, "Damn!"

"Dear colleague," the cleaning robot's electronic voice was hoarse, "your wallet fell."

* * *

Yan Junxun climbed the edge of the dangerous building, and took advantage of the night to climb up neatly. He knocked open the dilapidated window on the second floor with his elbow, and then turned inside, dust all over his face.

Shi Shanyan avoided the table in the room with the sound of Yan Junxun's cough. He smelled the smell of mold, and there were moldy things in the room. He squatted down, and through the unclear moonlight, he saw the blackness on the corner of the table.

"This is Wu Qionghua's home," Shi Shanyan turned his eyes, "I thought you were taking me for a walk, but you came to investigate the case."

"Exercise after dinner," Yan Junxun also crouched down, looking at the black piece, "Live photos will never compare to live observations."

The No. 1 and No. 2 victims killed by the stuttering murderer all lived in urban villages in the old business district, and Yan Junxun remembered their detailed addresses. Wu Qionghua's house in 2159 became uninhabited with the outbreak of the Civil War. This area has long been abandoned, and even wild dogs have not come.

"You remember what he said in his diary," the surroundings were quiet, and Shi Shanyan lowered his voice, "'I slept and woke up with a knife to find her'."

"He's wandering around here," Yan Junxun continued slowly, "...or he lives in a village in the city."

This murderer is different from Chen Xiulian. He is not so dependent on transportation. At least in his previous crimes, he did not need transportation. The diary exposed many inner monologues of the murderer, which reflected his living space to a certain extent.

"On May 4, 2160, he first ate a piece of Liangpi at the intersection," Yan Junxun recalled the murderer's diary, "and then walked back home."

The murderer was very attached to his home, which was reflected in his desire to go home after every setback. He stated in his diary the conflict he had with the proprietress of the Liangpi shop that day because he had no money to pay the bill. But Yan Junxun thought he was lying in the last few words.

He wrote: "I was angry and hit her.

He didn't.

Yan Jun thought about it.

He's a coward, and he doesn't dare fight back at all.

"It's very likely that he lived here at the time," Yan Junxun raised his hand and drew a line between the table and the window, "He has the habit of peeping, and after locking down his prey, he will choose to observe the other party first. It's called prudence, but it's really just cowardice."

"Hmm," Shi Shanyan looked out of the window, facing the dark and dangerous building, "but he won't live near Wu Qionghua."

He dare not.

Wu Qionghua is the first "prey" he knows so far, and he is very cautious about his first time.

When Shi Shanyan was reading his diary, he said that masochism and sadistic tendencies are two extreme manifestations. The murderer's methods of committing crimes are very cruel, but when he faces the label "profiler", he has a kind of excitement that he expects to be abused.

"Je thinks he is impotent or cold?" Shi Shanyan said, "On the contrary, he is full of desires. This is one of the reasons why he hunts around. After being scolded by the proprietress of the Liangpi shop, he said that he' Hot, excited', and then came to Wu Qionghua to attack. This is a manifestation of venting animal desires. This mentally retarded can't understand the difference between violence and sexual desire. He should not have taken a hygiene class, nor received normal sex education. Full of perverted understanding."

Shi Shanyan has never been ashamed to talk about sex. In many previous topics, he was acting as an invisible guide. This is the secret he discovered: Yan Junxun doesn't seem to be very good at understanding this kind of case.

"Sometimes people who have traumatic experiences in childhood will use the sexualization of pain as a means to adjust their state." Yan Junxun repeated what Shi Shanyan said that day, and then said, "You want to say that he is committing a crime. What he did was to vent his sexual desire? But he didn't do it to them..." Yan Junxun paused, "Sexual assault."

"You made a mistake in the second half of your sentence," Shi Shanyan squinted in the dark, this action made him look like a lazy cat, "Jun Xun, those beatings and inserting foreign objects are sexual assaults to him. "

A few wisps of wind drifted into the window, blowing Yan Junxun's hair. He smelled the rotten and musty stench of the interior of the room, and it made his mind start to stir.

This is perverted sexual assault.

The beast entered this room, first grabbed Wu Qionghua's hair, and then pressed her onto the bed.

The murderer was already on fire.

Yan Junxun's stomach twitched suddenly, and he wanted to vomit. The smell of sweat on the murderer's body seemed to spread to his nose, and he heard the murderer's rapid breathing and Wu Qionghua's scream.