Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 61: fan


Limpopo put the rice on the ground.

Yi Ting shrank back in horror, her cheeks were red marked by the sealed rag, and she could feel pain when swallowing saliva. The plain white face was full of tears, and his eyes were so swollen that he could hardly open them.

Limpopo's shadow extended to Yi Ting's feet, and he stared at Yi Ting's calf. The slender calf was exposed outside the school skirt, with a girl's unique sense of smoothness. Limpopo felt a throbbing, he was attracted by this sacredness, and he couldn't help but fix his eyes.

Yi Ting was disgusted by Limpopo's dirty eyes. She drew her calves into the shadows.

Limpopo stood up, walked to the living room, and after a while, walked back. He was holding a metal hairpin in his hand, which belonged to Hu Xin. He graciously handed the hairpin to Yi Ting, wanting to put it on Yi Ting's head.

Yi Ting's throat made a harsh driving sound, and she glared at Limpopo.

Lin Popo forcibly pressed Yi Ting's upper body and inserted the hairpin into her fluffy hair. He thought the card was beautiful, but it was not suitable for Hu Xin, so he took it away on his own initiative.

Yi Ting felt Limpopo's sweat, the sticky touch was like maggots in the sewer, and it seemed to wriggle when it passed her arm. But she raised her head and kicked Limpopo's chest in an endless loop of fear.

Do not touch me.

Go away!

Limpopo sat on the ground in shock and knocked over his rice bowl. His face flushed red with embarrassment, he spat at Yi Ting, and scolded: "Hungry, starve you to death!"

Yi Ting has disheveled hair. She is an uncontrollable calf, and Limpopo has been eaten several times. Lin Popo had a natural fear of Yi Ting's gaze, he picked up his job and fled.

The room fell back into darkness when the door closed. Yi Ting's tears flowed down the corners of her eyes, making her temples hot.

She wants to go home.

Yi Ting shrank in the corner, closed her eyes tightly, and let out a choked sob. She heard fans whirling outside the shaded windows and the chimes of bicycles passing by.

She is only a wall away from freedom, and time is passing.

* * *

"He's crazy," Yan Jun was still thinking about something when he was looking for noodles. "Otherwise he wouldn't kill Bai Jingqing. His relationship with Bai Jingqing is very complicated, because Bai Jingqing was still being supported by the boss in those years."

Shi Shan Yan's jealous hand didn't stop: "You think they are lovers."

They were sitting in a crowded food stall, and the elder brother next door was shouting. The smoke from the barbecue stall was blowing straight, and the grill was full of northern chicken parts, and there were very few vegetarian dishes. There was an electric fan beside the stall, blowing the sultry wind. A few plastic tables were glistening with oil, and beer bottles lurched on the floor.

The fireworks in the old district dispelled the discomfort that Yan Junxun brought back from the crime scene. He held his chopsticks and said, "...he can't support Bai Jingqing, he may not even be able to support himself, Bai Jingqing will not follow him. He is a lover." Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan, "Aren't you afraid of acid?"

"Don't be afraid," Shi Shanyan rolled the noodles, making a pun, "Vinegar is the best condiment."

Yan Junxun doesn't like vinegar. He stirred his face and continued: "No matter what Bai Jingqing means to the murderer, they have communicated. 'Lixing' has no warning, the murderer can come and go at will, and it is not difficult to get to know Bai Jingqing."

Shi Shanyan said: "He has no money to spend in 'Lixing'."

"He can work in 'Lixing'," Yan Junxun thought of Qi Shi, "The easiest person to approach Bai Jingqing is the bodyguard."

However, the profession of bodyguard is not suitable for murderers, and he obviously does not have this talent. Waiters are not good either. These occupations that require dealing with people for a long time are not good. They will quickly expose the murderer's shortcomings in expression.

The light screen in the food stall store is very small, and the owner's 8-year-old son is using it to watch popular science for children. But it was already early morning, the proprietress took her son away, and some guests switched the light screen to the news channel.

The news said that Jiang Lian had been dismissed, and the organization of the stagnant area will continue to be on alert, and the area will be blocked next week. Soon Liu Chen appeared, his obnoxious face was everywhere, and his tone of voice, like his suit, was specially prepared for the shoot.

"Exclusive report in the early morning," Liu Chen emphasized to the camera, "exclusive. The murderer is still contacting me, and he has something to say. I want to hear what he has to say, because he has no fear of what he is doing. People How can there be no fear? I'm curious about him."

Someone was punching, and the sound was so loud that it almost drowned out the sound of the light screen.

An old brother next door shouted to his companion: "The sexual assault cases this person wrote before are very nice, very detailed, and psychological analysis."

Yan Junxun broke the chopsticks.

The old man said passionately: "Now the media is free, he can say whatever he wants, and the Inspectorate can keep his mouth shut?" He bumped the beer mug with a bang, "The times have changed! "

Shi Shanyan turned his head and saw Liu Chen answering the phone.

This guy is always answering the phone, his news is made by the phone, and there is no need to do any investigation. This is his only way to verify.

But it's amazing, even though it was noisy around, Shi Shanyan heard a paddle-like sound in the few seconds of blank sound when the phone was connected. He wanted to listen again, but a girl's shrill voice came from the screen.

The sound was so loud that it not only pierced through Liu Chen's studio, but also pierced through the food stalls, making everyone watch it.

The killer did not speak, only the screams of the victim.

Yan Junxun felt a slight pain like an electric shock, and he understood the meaning of the murderer in that long scream.

The killer is demonstrating to the profiler. Here's his booty, he's showing it off to the world!

But Yan Junxun didn't call to stop, he understood that it was useless to sit here and shout "stop". He wanted to know who the voice belonged to, whether it belonged to Hu Xin, who had been killed, or Yi Ting, who was being kidnapped.

The phone hangs up.

Yan Junxun suddenly stood up and approached the light screen in an uproar.

"Play it again."

Yan Junxun read silently and pulled the progress bar of the video back. The phone goes through again, five seconds blank, and the screaming begins.

There was no protest, only screams.

what the fuck are you doing? Intimidate the victim

Yan Junxun kept pulling back the progress bar, standing there and listening repeatedly until the people at the stall began to complain.

"What are you doing?" The old man next door raised his head, "Are you sick?"

be quiet.

Yan Junxun focused on the screams, and a moth-like sound became the background music of the screams. The sound was so small that Yan Junxun wanted to paste it on the light screen to listen to it.

The drunk people began to throw bottles, and a few people watched Yan Junxun stand up.

The sound of the bottle bursting hindered Yan Junxun. He whispered "Fuck" and pulled the progress bar back again.

Seeing that he was going to make trouble, the store manager hurriedly wiped his hands on his apron and shouted to Yan Jun, "Please keep your voice down, please!"

However, Yan Junxun felt that the answer was close at hand. The flapping sound was very familiar, as if he had only heard it not long ago. He tried hard to block the left and right, trying to catch the flash of light in his mind.

Shi Shanyan blocked Yan Junxun and said succinctly, "Checkout."

As he spoke, he glanced at the drunkard outside, expressionless.

Yan Junxun heard the flapping of wings again in the store manager's "Okay" response. In the first second, he thought it was the after-effects of repeatedly listening to the video, but the next moment he reacted.

"Electric fan," Shi Shanyan grabbed Yan Junxun's wrist, preventing him from looking away, "Keep listening."

The flapping of wings accelerated and gradually became the sound of paddles.

It's an electric fan!

This coincides with the previous geographic analysis that the murderer lived in the old business district.

"He still lives here," Yan Junxun said quickly, "just within this range."

* * *

Yan Junxun drew a line on the paper, and he memorized the residences of all the victims in the case. When they appear in the same picture, the killer's range of activities becomes very narrow.

The No. 2 Middle School in the Parking Area is very close to the new area, but Yiting's home is close to the old business district, in the community near the Lihang Building.

"No one has the air conditioner here," Yan Junxun pointed to the darker Hu Xin's house in the dark, "especially this kind of elderly community."

It is very economical for the elderly to live alone. Even if there is an air conditioner at home, they are reluctant to turn on the electric fan most of the time.

The murderer did not leave any personal traces of himself at all the crime scenes. He was very careful in this regard, so Yan Junxun believed that if it was an ordinary electric fan that needs to be carried, the murderer would not let its sound appear in the background In the movie, only the voice that has been integrated with his life, so that he can't even perceive it, can be preserved.

"There are very old fans that are easy to install and disassemble, usually installed outside the window, and there are very old fans that are suspended and are basically installed on the ceiling," Yan Junxun looked up at their empty ceiling, "Hanging The style is very good.”

But the killer didn't care.

"If it's outside the window," Yan Junxun crumpled the paper, "he opened the window, but no one around him could hear the victim screaming."

Shi Shanyan blew the dust off the seat and said, "It's not ruled out that his neighbors are all deaf."

Hu Xin's neighbor is an empty-nest old man with poor ears and has been unable to hear other people's speech. The elderly community she lives in is not a special case. This kind of community is too common in the old business district. Countless people lost their jobs in the Civil War, and everyone wanted to run to the light rail area during the post-war reconstruction period.

"He doesn't have the money to buy a new house, and there is a high probability that he will still live in his original home," Yan Junxun said, "We have to go to those communities to see."

"Okay eldest brother," Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun, "you can sleep now."

Yan Junxun was silent for a moment and said, "It's weird that he calls 'mama' in his diary."

"The environment for growing up is very important," Shi Shanyan raised his head slightly and moved his neck, "—for this kind of person."

He cunningly strips himself out again, and no longer mentions his upbringing.

When Yan Junxun buried himself in the blanket, screams echoed in his ears. The image in his head is like a serial, and the victim's home is full of blood.

Shi Shanyan put his arm around the back of the chair, and he asked, "Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story?"

Yan Junxun turned over so that he looked like he was asleep.

"There used to be a bear," Shi Shanyan said to himself, "he crashed into a tree..."

"36809, Section 156 of the stagnant zone," Yan Junxun said in a low voice, "Tell him his story."

Shi Shanyan's thoughts went round in the little bear, little rabbit, and little animal, but he heard his own number. His fingers lightly rubbed the back of the chair, a little unexpectedly at a loss.

Only a little.