Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 62: Good night


Shi Shanyan's head didn't move, he only looked down at the outline of Yan Junxun curled up on the sofa. The story of 36809, Section 156 of the stagnant zone is as common as flies in the garbage dump. Shi Shanyan has no desire to tell it, but he also did not say "no" to Yan Junxun.

Yan Junxun pressed his arm numb while waiting, and his thoughts began to run wild. He'd seen pictures of the stagnant zone, where the rubbish pooled into a sea and rotten mice were all over the place.

Shi Shanyan finally said: "36809's life is very boring, one day he finally got bored and wanted to find something else to do. The Black Panther recruited new members in the stagnant area, he went to sign up, and found that he was very talented. So he went to the base, started shooting training, and after graduation, he devoted himself to the great cause of defending the league, and has lived a happy life since then."

Yan Junxun's blanket made a rustling sound. He turned his head and said to Shi Shanyan, "You're off topic. This is the story of 01AE86."

Shi Shanyan's expression remained unchanged: "Go to sleep."

Yan Jun looked at him and asked, "Will you tell me about 36809?"

Shi Shanyan said: "If you are curious about the customs of the stagnation area, I recommend the Alliance Documentary to you."

Yan Junxun turned over again, looked at him, and said nothing.

Shi Shanyan realized that his heart had been stabbed, and Yan Junxun's soft tentacles had already stretched in, poking unexpected ripples in his barren world. Intuition tells Shi Shanyan that the situation at the moment is very dangerous, but consciousness is saying it doesn't matter.

"... 36809," Shi Shanyan leaned over his knees with his elbows on his elbows, a posture that made him get closer to Yan Jun, "36809 was born in a garbage dump, far from your glass house."

Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun's fair face, a kind of greed overflowing. However, the amazing thing is that such a domineering and vicious person can be reflected in Yan Junxun's clear eyes.

"36809 is responsible for cleaning the parking lot in Section 156. The daily job is to pick up mice, and if you pick up a hundred, you can only get a meal," Shi Shanyan said in a normal tone, "Life is not bad."

Yan Junxun brushed away his messy hair and asked, "Do you want to pick up the live ones?"

"As long as it's not too disgusting, they'll take all the bills," Shi Shanyan's eyes never left Yan Junxun, "but this job later became obsolete."

The accumulated garbage has not been scientifically treated, and the mice soaked in it gnawed and mutated gradually. The plague broke out in the stagnation zone in 2150, and the human corpses were soaked in the sea of garbage instead of mice, and the light track zone also began to popularize the light car in that year.

"36809 began to walk on the streets," Shi Shanyan said, thinking of the dirty streets in the stagnation area, his tone gradually became happy, "I have made a lot of friends."

These "friends" often violated the laws of the alliance. The system of the Regional Inspectorate could not catch up to the depths of the garbage mountain. There were frequent fires near the edge of the southern alliance. Smuggling was their first means of survival. They live at ease in the stagnant zone, more feared by local residents than members of the Inspectorate, and their flamboyance is comparable to that of the drug lords of the Southern Alliance next door.

Shi Shanyan got along very well with these "friends", although the other party didn't think so. When Black Panther went to recruit new members, everyone signed up.

"36809 had a long farewell with them, and you can automatically fill the psychological journey in it," Shi Shanyan suggested, "try to be as tragic as possible, so that it fits the situation of the story."

In the final test, only Shi Shanyan survived to the end. He picked up the name tags of these people like a mouse and turned them into his own score. The remnants of these people clung to each other and formed the current organization in the stagnation zone. After Shi Shanyan entered the Black Panther, he often saw them on the task list. When he had nothing to do, he would go and say hello to them.

In 2162, Shi Shanyan was expelled from the team. Thirty percent of the posts that killed Shi Shanyan on the black ground were from the stagnant zone organization. Their hatred for Shi Shanyan was not for nothing.

"... 36809 finally grew up after these things, and he came to the new world," Shi Shanyan saw Yan Junxun close his eyes, and heard Yan Junxun's steady breathing, "There is a glass room in the new world, but Someone lives in it... The story of 01AE86 follows."

Yan Junxun's fingers touched the blanket unconsciously and rubbed against the back of Shi Shanyan's hand. He felt Shi Shanyan's temperature, which was not as terrifying as the previous few times. It was like a soft bed woven with feathers, wrapping his thoughts and letting him return here from those scenes.

"...Good night." Yan Junxun lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

The thick night clung to Shi Shanyan's few remaining emotions, and he heard the sound of thunder in the darkness. But when his eyes followed the sound, he found that the thunder came from inside his chest.

He was silent for a moment, then said, "Good night."

* * *

Limpopo didn't know anything about the fan behind the scream. He didn't understand the importance of the electric fan at all. It was something his mother bought. It's been there for many years. turn.

He was excited about his actions at the moment.

Lin Popo was walking around in the living room in front of the mirror. He was wearing his grandfather's old suit and fantasizing about the interview that attracted much attention.

"How do you feel about your actions?"

Liu Chen will definitely ask him this question slyly, and he has already written the answer in the notebook.

"Very, very good," Limpopo held his hands, raised his chin in the mirror, and tried to look confident, "I'm very successful. These news," he said slowly, and clarified, "because of me a sensation League. I'll be remembered by history, and criminal history will definitely have my Limpopo name on it, and those, those criminologists, they'll be lining up to study me."

After Lin Popo answered, he frowned. He found that his hunchback couldn't get better, and his stomach would stick out when he forcibly straightened his body. It made him feel discouraged, but he couldn't solve it.

Limpopo, you're a hunchback like your father. You really deserve to be your father's seed!

His mother stabbed Limpopo in the forehead disdainfully, his young body swayed, and soon a red surface appeared on his forehead. His lips moved and he dared not speak.

"I want, find a body teacher," Limpopo said loudly, "correct my manners."

He remembered the first prey, Wu Qionghua. The woman also hump-backed. When coughing, her hunched body was like shrimp, which was indescribable in his eyes. But he felt that Wu Qionghua was the most like his mother, who was like Wu Qionghua when his mother got sick.

Lin Popo thought that all women who are old and degenerate are the same - this is what Bai Jingqing said. Bai Jingqing stroked his forehead at that time, blew lightly at him, and said these words with a smile. The fragrance made Lin Popo lose his way. He followed Bai Jingqing in a daze, and was so fascinated by Bai Jingqing that he didn't know the south, east, north, and west.

He loves Bai Jingqing so much that he wants to marry Bai Jingqing. He thinks that he and Bai Jingqing can form a perfect family, and maybe they will have children.

Thinking of this, Lin Popo felt uncomfortable again. His chest was so tight that he didn't even want to continue with his fantasies. He took off Grandpa's suit and stacked it back in the closet.

Grandpa's clothes are washed by his mother, including underwear, and sometimes his mother sleeps in grandpa's bedroom.

It is easy to take care of him.

His mother was standing with her legs crossed in the living room, lighting low-quality cigarettes, without looking at Limpopo, and said repeatedly.

To prevent him from choking on phlegm in the middle of the night. Just choke to death, the immortal thing.

His mother stroked his hair, revealing a pale, bloodless face. When she wasn't cursing, she often sat there smoking alone, looking at the bedroom window and listening to the sounds outside. But she seldom went out, as if she was used to such a sloppy life.

Limpopo's world is made up of his mother, that kind of divided black and white world.

Reincarnation in this world is a technical activity.

Every time his mother finished smoking a cigarette, she would say quietly.

You are born cheap, you have to get into my stomach. I call you life, you know? My life is rotten, so you are rotten at the root. If you can't be a first-class person in this life, you are the prey of others, and you will be ruined both horizontally and vertically.

She looked at Limpopo, her charming big eyes were hollow, like a dry old well, and there was something in it that made Limpopo's heart skip a beat.

Don't be fooled by a bitch like your dad. I hate bitches the most, they're meaner than you.

Lin Popo wiped his sweat with his T-shirt, muttered "cheaper than me", went back to the living room, and turned on the TV. He sat upright, as if his mother was still watching him, even the channel was a children's channel.

"I'm looking for a physique teacher," Limpopo grabbed his T-shirt. "Find a physique teacher."

Yi Ting's head was dizzy, but she kept paying attention to Lin Popo's voice. She heard Limpopo repeating "Physical Teacher", she couldn't help clenching her teeth and had an idea.

* * *

"Yi Ting's mother is a ballet teacher," Yan Junxun said, standing under the carport in the old community, looking at the buildings, "Single, I teach classes in the new business district, and I'm ready to buy a house there. The Inspectorate refused to explain the progress of the case to her, so she stayed at the door of the Inspectorate."

Shi Shanyan looked up at the building and said, "Is Yi Ting also going to school by himself?"

"She has a mother to pick her up," Yan Junxun mentioned that her mothers are all "mothers", "but we were in 'Lixing' the night she disappeared. The power was cut off in the area, and her mother was stuck in the middle of the road for a few hours, and she waited until school. Shi Yifing is gone."

The berthing area is hot today, the sun is blazing on the ground, and few people are out at the moment. The community was quiet, except for the sound of the fans turning. These communities are full of fans, and it is difficult to find the murderer's residence by relying on this alone.

Shi Shanyan raised his hand to block the sunlight and looked around.

But the murderer didn't dare to touch the girl near the house, he was squatting every time. This cringe mentality largely betrays his reach, and he doesn't live near a few victims. He lives in a position where he can reach them naturally.

It's like a circle, and he sees himself as the center of the circle.