Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 63: Easyfly


Lin Popo gave Yi Ting another meal, and Yi Ting had not eaten for several days. This time, she didn't scream or resist fiercely. She waited for Limpopo to remove the rag from her mouth, and then began to gobble it.

Lin Popo was overwhelmed when he saw Yi Ting's expression.

Yi Ting stuffed the steamed buns into his mouth and choked again. Limpopo gave her water, and after pouring it down, she said thank you to Limpopo.

"No," Limpopo stammered, "no thanks."

Yi Ting had hair on her face, which made her look smaller. "I want to go to the bathroom," she said to Limpopo.

Limpopo got up and dragged out a basin from under the bed, signaling Yi Ting to use it. He reached out and pulled Yi Ting's skirt, Yi Ting almost screamed, but she held back. She gritted her teeth and swallowed the choking in her throat.


Yi Ting was even able to say thank you to Limpopo when the tears welled up. She lowered her head, letting her hair cover her face. The skirt was pulled up, and Yi Ting squatted down. She has never been stronger than this time, and this shame will kill people.

She tried her best to think about something else, think about her mother.

After the convenience, Yi Ting still hung her head, her eyes were red, her face was pale, like a puppet with a strong color matching. Her voice became hoarse from the crying for the past few days, and she said to Limpopo, "Can you untie the rope? I'll just stay in this room... You're tied too tightly, I'm really hurting."

Lin Popo wanted to say no, but Yi Ting burst into tears, revealing her arm that was strangled by the rope.

"Please... I really hurt so much!"

The cries in the room were intermittent, and the girl's chest was heaving as she sobbed. Yi Ting's weak appearance satisfied Limpopo, especially when he saw that Yi Ting was still wearing the hairpin he gave him.

"You stay, stay in the room," Limpopo touched Yi Ting's face with his unwashed hands, "Don't be noisy."

Yi Ting was trembling all over under Limpopo's touch, she nodded casually, and looked at Limpopo with a thankful look in her eyes.

Yi Ting has a high score in Limpopo's heart. She has excellent grades, dances ballet, and is popular in school. She is the perfect prey in Limpopo's heart. Limpopo felt that she was holy and beautiful, and could purify his filth. He wants to combine with Yi Ting.

"You are a good girl," Limpopo said solemnly, fiddling with Yi Ting's hair, "you are dry and clean."

Must be fucking proud of him, he didn't run off with a bitch.

* * *

Limpopo's residence is on the edge of the urban village. It is an old residential area with few people. This house is said to belong to his grandfather. After his father married his wife, he also moved in. Lin Popo was born here.

He has a strange family.

As long as Limpopo can remember, there has been no father in this family. His mother actually has a pretty face and a plump figure. When Lim Popo was in kindergarten, he often wore fashionable skirts and carried a compact handbag, standing under the door of the kindergarten waiting for him to finish school.

Lin Popo vaguely remembered the scenery at that time, and even the teacher praised his mother for being good-looking. He was queuing up for school every day with a schoolbag on his back, and from a distance he could see his mother approaching with her waist like a spring willow, and even the sunset behind him was not worthy of his fucking demeanor.

Limpopo loved his mother because his mother would take him home. When the mother and son passed the small shop at the intersection, their mother would buy him some snacks, whether it was melon seeds or popsicles, it was the capital of Limpopo holding his chest high.

At that time, his father was still calling home. His mother told him that his father was working in the light track area, and he would buy a house in the light track area in the future, and he would take them all to live together. Lin Popo felt that he was half of the light track area, and told others in the kindergarten that he was going to school in the light track area soon.

His mother longed for the life in the light track area, and Limpopo also yearned for the life in the light track area.

But I don't know when it started, Limpopo found that his mother no longer went out to work, and always quarreled on the phone in the living room in the middle of the night. When Limpopo went to elementary school, his dad didn't come back and the phone didn't ring.

Fucking sitting in the living room day in and day out, wearing that sequined slip dress, swearing at the phone. She started drinking heavily, and often sat barefoot in the living room crying. Her fluffy hair became tousled, and her plump body gradually lost weight. Until one day Limpopo got out of school and found that the woman in the living room had completely changed.

Limpopo, put your shoes on. You put it wrong, I let you put it in place! You stupid pig! Can't you see where the original position is

His mother jumped in the living room, rushed to the entrance and pinched Limpopo's ears. She called to him, "I'll let you set it up, set it up, set it up!"

Everything in this family must follow her rules. As long as there is a slight deviation from her assumption, she will be crazy and hysterical. She started to rage over some small things, and Limpopo was not only a punching bag, but also a trash can. What clothes Lin Popo wears today, the color of his underwear, what time and what time he will go home, she has to control.

She twisted Limpopo's ear and patted Limpopo's head. Her uncut nails scratched Limpopo's cheeks, but Limpopo was not allowed to cry. She covered his mouth like a lunatic and told him to swallow the cry.

"You can't cry, your dad hates you to cry the most!" His mother stared at her slightly bulging eyes, approached Limpopo, and pressed Limpopo's mouth and nose hard, "Because you're a stupid boy with a bad mind, your dad won't answer. Home. You bitch!"

Limpopo couldn't breathe, and he couldn't swallow the choked sob in his throat. He pressed his chest against his chest and made a "wheeeeeeeeeee" sound in his suffocation.

"I told you not to cry!" His mother started roaring out of control, crying too, "It's all you, it's all your fault, you're asshole! Put your shoes on... hurry up!"

Limpopo hiccupped in his rapid breathing, his face full of snot and tears. He got down on his knees and straightened his shoes, set them up, and put them where the fuck was going, exactly. For this, he had a moment of anticipation, expecting his mother to return to normal, stop the abuse, and praise him.

But his mother just sat on the ground crying and didn't give him a look.

Limpopo didn't become a resident of the Lighttrack District, but he had the dream. Every day before he went to bed, he prayed that his dad would show up, take them away, and take them to the light track area to be a human being. He looked forward to it day and night, looking forward to the age of twenty, and finally changed his mind.

He is his father's son, his father lives in the light track area, and he lives in the light track area. He hasn't been picked up yet, all because he has to take care of his mother. He couldn't help but start looking forward to the day his mother died.

The atmosphere in the 2159 Alliance is tense, and the news is full of reports of the situation. Limpopo watches on time every day. This is his responsibility as a superior person. He feels that he should be concerned about the major affairs of the alliance. He always kept the "light track area" in his mind, and gradually he looked down on the people around him, thinking that they were all mean-spirited.

It's a pedigree issue.

Limpopo was first fired for molesting girls. He blocked the family into the school laboratory, took off his pants, and hurriedly scooped out his dick, but his face was covered in sweat. He thinks it's a pedigree issue that makes him hard on others. But he enjoyed the other's terrified expression, which filled him with pleasure.

Lin Popo was splashed with juice by a female classmate because of his straight eyes at the class reunion. He also thought that it was a bloodline issue. These rouge fans didn't understand at all, and they were not worthy of him. He was submissive in front of others and shivered at home, but he felt that his heart was very strong.

Sooner or later he will do something big.

In 2160, Limpopo's mother fell ill and they were the only two left at home. His mother was lying in the bedroom. The weather was so hot that she couldn't turn over, and the bedding under her stink was covered by her. She called Limpopo to turn her over, and Limpopo just turned on the fan and sat beside the bed to accompany her to blow the air.

There was a sour smell in the room that couldn't be removed.

Limpopo always sat in his chair thinking that his mother might have been hit by a car when he was in kindergarten, and the woman who lived in his house later was just a fucking twin sister. He looked at the fucking face in the fucking gross, dirty scolding, and became more and more sure this woman was a fake.

Her shriveled breasts fell like deflated balloons on the side of her vulgar sequined suspender skirt. She curled up her whole body, like a newborn monkey. Limpopo looked at her and found his strength in her futile cries.

This woman can no longer poke his head with her fingers, and can no longer twist his ears, her skinny fingers will break as soon as they are broken. What is she? She is like the dirty mattress on this bed.

Limpopo waited for her to wither naturally. He put her on the bed and wandered out every day. He found that the small shop at the intersection closed down and turned into a Liangpi shop. When he saw the proprietress, he felt that she was wearing a tight skirt all day long and couldn't cover her buttocks, so she was very coquettish.

This is a bitch.

Limpopo thought.

I have an obligation to educate her so that she can be polite and know what to do.

So Lin Popo walked into the Liangpi shop, stood behind the proprietress of the Liangpi shop, and pulled her skirt with his hands. The proprietress slapped him a few times and beat him back again and again. He wanted to fight back, but saw that the proprietress even swung the kitchen knife.

"I'm fucking your ancestor!" The proprietress pointed at Lin Popo with a knife and scolded, "I don't want the old lady to chop it off for you today!"

She scolded so powerfully that Limpopo fled in a panic. He didn't even dare to look back, but in his heart he felt that he had won.

This is a bitch!

Her mouth is so poisonous, it's nothing more than being pricked by herself, and she also knows that it's not good to wear such a short skirt.

Limpopo wandered the streets aimlessly. The air in the berthing area made him feel suffocated, and no one here understood him, and no one knew his identity. He doesn't quarrel with the proprietress for the sake of decency, and he doesn't have the same knowledge as a bitch. He felt that he was just like his dad, and his dad didn't even call his mother on the phone in the end, didn't he think the same way

Limpopo sat on the street with his own pride. The old lady picking up trash passed by him, and he shouted to the old lady, "Fuck you!"

The old lady staggered in fright.

Limpopo laughed. He picked up the drink bottle, threw it into the old lady's sack, and praised: "You are very understanding, sensible, I will go to the light track area in the future, I will not forget, remember you."

He sees the world distortedly and is skeptical of everything in the news. He only believes in conspiracies, and the more inscrutable conspiracies are uploaded on the Internet, the more convinced he is. He has a kind of worship mentality for big people, and that kind of powerful role - Fu Chenghui is his idol.

It is said on the Internet that Fu Chenghui became a Black Panther sniper when he was in his early twenties, he became the current Black Panther, and he turned the tide in the Civil War. Lin Popo saw his emotions up and down. He also thought that the inspectorate was all the lackeys of the Black Panthers, what a bastard Jiang Lian, these people were all no-ones, and they were all waiting for Fu Chenghui's dispatch. Fu Chenghui turned his hands over the cloud and turned his hands into rain in the alliance. Even if the Light Track District Inspectorate solved a small case, Lin Popo would have to credit Fu Chenghui. He indulges in contradictory gossip and never checks himself. He thinks he has the truth of the alliance, which makes him never see anyone else, he has been "smart" to the highest level.

He's the only one sober here.

Lin Popo decided to do something to get Fu Chenghui to notice him and Black Panther to notice him. He is unparalleled in talent and noble in blood, and he wants to return to his true "home". Then he saw Wu Qionghua in front of the shop selling popsicles.

* * *

Yan Junxun split the circle and searched along the plots on the map.

The murderer is a young man who lives alone. He is not good at speaking and has a stutter. The most likely job at present is a taxi driver. Yan Junxun suspects that his job in Lixing is also a driver. This occupation allows him to avoid talking to people and get close to Bai Jingqing.

"He may also have a bad record in lewdness," Yan Junxun said, facing the sun, twisting the water, "stuttering makes him unable to chat with girls confidently."

"There is no formal parking lot in these communities," Shi Shanyan unpacked the ice lolly, "but he brought the victim home for the first time, and in order to facilitate the transfer of the body afterwards, he also parked his car near the house."

Yan Junxun blacked out their location, which gave him a new discovery.

The residences of the five victims are linked together like a five-pointed star.

Yan Junxun threw the empty water bottle into the trash can, and drew a circle along the five-pointed star. He stared at the circle, thinking of Artemis and the Joker.

Yan Junxun poked the center and said, "Let's go here."

The weather was unusually hot, and over the mountains had already gathered overcast clouds, and there was a serenity before the rain exploded.

* * *

The bedroom door opened, and Limpopo was watching TV in the living room, looking back at Yi Ting from time to time.

Yi Ting wet his shirt in this hot and dry weather. She sat in the bedroom, motionless, looking out along the window, she could see the iron railing behind the fan, but she couldn't see anything outside.

She tried to listen to the outside voice, but there was no sound at the moment.

Yi Ting didn't call anymore, she already understood that no one lived next door, and in order to maintain her strength, she became extra quiet.

Yi Ting's obedient appearance pleased Limpopo, he happily watched TV, and then watched Yi Ting. This reminded him of his life with Bai Jingqing, when Bai Jingqing always sat in the room and watched TV with him.

Bai Jingqing is pretty good, but unfortunately she's a bitch. Bai Jingqing took his hand and called his brother, saying that she wanted to run away with him, but she slept with the steel boss. She said love to Lin Popo, and Lin Popo believed it. That was the woman he met who understood him best, but he found a video of Bai Jingqing and the steel boss.

Damn right.

Bitches are cheap, he shouldn't be so nice to Bai Jingqing.

Lin Popo was even a little remorseful. He was so kind to Bai Jingqing that it exposed his sadness at the time. Can the profiler understand it? He also wiped Bai Jingqing's body.

If only Bai Jingqing wasn't a bitch.

Thinking of this, Limpopo stood up and became anxious again. He felt that he had to hurry up and find a body teacher. After he succeeded this time, his reputation would be even louder. When everyone came to interview him, his father might also be able to see him.

Limpopo swam.

His dad was an engineer, but he became a great master crime master, it's better than anything, and his dad would be happy. Not only that, he also defeated the profiler, Fu Chenghui will also be attracted to him, he can enter the Black Panther and start to really play for the league.

Lin Popo firmly believed that Fu Chenghui would notice him because it was the "inside information" he received. In March of this year, someone found him on the Internet, knew his record well, and praised him a lot, and told him that he was the evaluation officer of the Black Panther, and he came to look for such a pearl in the ocean.

"If you can make things bigger," the other party urged, "you can enter the Black Panther. Do you want to enter the Black Panther? Commander needs talents like you."

Lin Popo's mood improved again. He looked at Yi Ting and thought she was very cute. During his long gaze, he noticed Yi Ting's upright posture. He finally remembered that Yi Ting danced ballet, and she was a ready-made body teacher.

"You, hello," Limpopo stood up, excited to find a good teacher, he sighed for his intelligence, "You are so nice!" He squeezed into the bedroom, took Yi Ting's hand, and stumblingly said, "You taught me to stand, to stand up straight."

He thought he could learn ballet himself, very simple.

Lin Popo dragged Yi Ting and made her turn around, imitating the way his former male classmates did: "You dance one, tell me how, how to do it."

Yi Ting's long-curled legs were slightly swollen, and the numbness made her stand unsteady.

Lin Popo frowned, pulled Yi Ting straight, and said with emphasis: "How did you do it."

He felt the power of his mother in these words.

"Stand up straight!" Limpopo felt that his body was full of strength. He used to do this when he was educating his prey. He became dignified, "I'll make you stand up straight!"

It's funny how Yi Ting stands upright, but the curvature of her shoulders and neck is very beautiful, which is the subtle beauty after practicing ballet for a long time. Limpopo gradually felt that Yi Ting's perfection came from ballet. He tried to suck up his stomach and straighten his chest.

His parody is like a puffing frog.

"I've been sitting for too long," Yi Ting said softly, "I can't jump..." She wiped her tears as she spoke, as if shocked by Limpopo's majesty, "I can teach you how to stand up straight," she was full of tears His eyes looked at Limpopo carefully, "The body is very simple...you...you can definitely learn."

The sun outside the window disappeared without knowing it, and the wind swept the garbage on the ground. Limpopo closed the light curtains, and decided to let Yi Ting live another night for the sake of physical study. He thinks he will soon learn to be as elegant as a classy man. He has that pedigree and it doesn't take much effort.

Limpopo even turned on the music specifically. He repeated the two actions of retracting his stomach and raising his chest, looking forward to his self-confidence in the room. He learned quickly because Yi Ting admired him so much. When he walked back to the mirror, he clearly felt that he had changed.

Lin Popo felt that the T-shirt was inappropriate, and he wanted to put on his grandpa's suit again. But he didn't forget to tell Yi Ting: "I'm from the light track area."

Yi Ting shrank in the bedroom and cast an admiring look at him.

She was so weak and pitiful that she could only tremble in her own shadow!

Like a successful person, Limpopo waved to Yi Ting casually: "Come here."

Yi Ting had already realized that this person was out of his mind, and she showed a pale and pleasing smile inside the door, laughing like crying. She was afraid to go out, the house was engulfing her, but she had realized that this was her last chance.

When Yi Ting walked out barefoot, she almost slipped. She leaned against the wall in embarrassment and stopped a few steps away from Limpopo.

Limpopo felt his mother attached to him, and that sense of authority excited him. He can control everything! So he pointed to his feet and said to Yi Ting, "You kneel here."

Yifing knelt there along the wall.

Lin Popo shoved her head and shoved her to the ground. He said happily: "I asked you to kneel here, why don't you understand! Come here, kneel, kneel!"

Yi Ting wiped the tears from her face and climbed back to her original position. She was in this living coffin, leaning against the ground, constantly meditating on her mother. She can bear it, for the wind that slipped in from outside, she can bear it.

The world is beautiful.

This is what her mother said.

Yi Ting firmly believes that she can live. She wouldn't let go of this sigh, otherwise she was afraid that she would go crazy. She wiped away her tears, and Limpopo pointed to where she knelt. She was so submissive that Limpopo got carried away.

Limpopo said, "You kneel here and don't move. I want to change."

Yi Ting nodded in a panic, she looked at Limpopo in fright, and told Limpopo with her eyes that she would never run.

Lin Popo once again admired his posture, and he and Yi Ting were one high and one low. Yi Ting has lost his temperament, and it is he who has temperament.

This is the power of education.

Limpopo stepped back smugly, turned around in the music, and walked towards grandpa's bedroom. It's not his fault that he was carried away by the success he was about to have, he had waited too many years.

Yi Ting thought of the school's track and field competition, and the moment the gunshots exploded, everyone bounced out. She saw the entrance, only a few steps away from her. Yi Ting feels that her legs are sore, but she will be very hard. She found herself bursting into tears again, but she didn't wipe it, she just wanted to run.

Limpopo took out his suit and glanced at Yiting again before taking off his T-shirt. Yi Ting knelt down very honestly, and he lifted up his T-shirt.

At this moment, there was a thunderous sound in the darkened sky outside. The rainstorm was coming, Yi Ting got up and ran. She stumbled and scratched the coffee table and fell to the ground with a scream, but she quickly got up again.

"Liar!" Limpopo tore off his T-shirt and roared, "Bitch!"

Yi Ting hit the door, and she heard Limpopo's footsteps. This made her start screaming, pulling the door lock in her scream. After the door opened, she jumped out. The corridor was very dark. She jumped down a few steps and flew out amid Limpopo's scolding.

Limpopo hurried to catch up.

Yi Ting stepped in the air while running. She didn't turn over, but stabilized her body with amazing balance. She heard the sound of raindrops knocking on the iron eaves, and the unit door was about to arrive.

"Help," Yi Ting turned around, "Help—"

However, her heart froze, and a desperate cry broke out in the next moment.

The unit door was locked by the iron gate, and Yi Ting frantically dragged the iron lock. The torrential rain blocked her cry, and she was caught by Limpopo's hair.

"Please!" Yi Ting grabbed and kicked Lin Popo in horror, trying to grab the iron gate, "Help, help!"

"I'm going to kill you," Limpopo said insanely, "I'm going to kill you!"

He pulled Yi Ting's hair and dragged it upstairs.

When Yi Ting struggled, the hairpin fell, and she clenched the hairpin. Hu Xin's hairpin was very cold, which made Yi Ting burst into strength in her rough panting. She felt that she was crazy, but she couldn't go back. She pierced Limpopo's eyes with the hairpin in a high-pitched scream.

"Go away!" Yi Ting cried sternly, "Go away!"

Lin Popo's eyes hurt so much, he also shouted, but he didn't let go of Yi Ting's hand. He shouted, "Bitch!"

The window in the corridor was suddenly smashed, and Limpopo's neck tightened and he was dragged. He couldn't see his eyes, shouted randomly in the panic, and grabbed back with his empty hands.

The corridor was too narrow, Shi Shanyan tightened Limpopo's neck and put him on the ground. The shards of glass on the ground were kicked away by Limpopo, and Shi Shanyan picked up his back collar and hit it against the wall.

Limpopo fainted after a few hits. He slumped his neck and was naked. Shi Shanyan saw a rough fake tattoo on his back.


Yan Junxun suddenly hugged Shi Shanyan's head from behind and pressed Shi Shanyan onto the steps.

Before Yi Ting could react from the shock, the bullet hit the iron railing beside her. She couldn't cry out this time, and could only hold her head in a voiceless voice.

"Target appears," 7-004 said into the headset, putting the chewing gum into his mouth, "good to see the 001s - ready to shoot."

The sound of rain smashed into the tin canopy, making the sound of sprinkling beans.

The main system lied, and the 7-004 dispatched by the Black Panthers came long ago.

This is a ring game.