Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 69: Variety


Scalpel's business is not good this year, and his hobby is extremely expensive, so he is in a difficult life, so he has a high tolerance for visitors. He didn't wait for Park Lin's answer, went up the steps alone, turned around when he entered the door, glared at Park Lin, and agreed to let them in.

The old man opened the house, and standing at the door can see his bed, the kitchen is also open, and the table is made of marble. After entering the door, you will find that his home is crowded, filled with taxidermy and small potted plants, and there are many paintings on the walls.

Yan Junxun heard the cat meow at the door. He raised his head and saw that the top of the door had been changed to a cat climbing frame, and a fat blue cat was licking his feet.

"Gunshot wounds cost one," Scalpel put the gun on the dining table, "pay first, then see a doctor."

"I can give you the money," Shi Shanyan picked up the price list handwritten by the scalpel, "I'm afraid you can't do it."

"Don't pretend," Scalpel folded his arms, "Why don't you come here, interview the fucking lonely old man?" He stared at Shi Shanyan, frowning slowly, "You smell like a black panther. taste."

The broken air conditioner in the room was "humming", and the blue cat silently jumped to the ground and stretched its waist.

The scalpel's gaze slowly moved to Yan Junxun who was behind Shi Shanyan, stared at it for a while, and said, "You guys are here to get the chip."

The Black Panther is called the "domestic dog" here in Scalpel. He regards the Black Panther as a legitimate gangster group in the alliance, because the process of joining the Black Panther is similar to joining "Mite". In addition to tattoos, the black panther also needs to be implanted with a chip for information positioning.

"I've taken this thing," Scalpel said with an unpleasant arrogance, "I took it a few years ago, it's a big deal. But Black Panther, famous in the world, doing it for you is very risky, I'm going to double the price."

"I didn't bring any cash," Park Lin took out the guide, "We can…"

"Did you take it out?" The scalpel took out the account number plate from the drawer, put it on the table, and said, "The price will be five times higher, which is a lot of money for stupid people."

* * *

Scalpel let them solve the dinner problem by themselves, he had a basement bigger than the yard, he stayed there, not at all worried that these three people would run away, he took the money anyway.

Park Lin found instant noodles in the refrigerator. So the three of them gathered around the dining table and sucked noodles from each other.

"When we caught the 'mites', the scalpel also contributed," Park Lin said. "At that time, the boss of the 'mites' was shot and was about to die. It was the scalpel that pulled him back from the gate of hell."

Pulled it back and handed it over to the Inspectorate, and also took 200,000 yuan in reporting fees.

"He's used to living alone, and his temper is a bit weird," Park Lin wiped his sweat with a table paper, "Both Jue and I think he's a good person."

Six of Park Lin's ten sentences are all about Jue.

"We have to stay here for a few days," said Yan Jun, who was skeptical about his taste. "The main system has implemented a regional blockade, so we can only stay here."

The rain had stopped outside the door, it was early morning gray, and the room was filled with a damp earthy smell. The chimneys of the coke plant were still working, and they could hear the sound of heavy goods vehicles passing by.

Park Lin was silent for a long time and asked, "Will Su Heting die?"

"Look at the mood of the Black Panther," Shi Shanyan curled his face, "He may also turn his back and become a tainted witness."

"Don't," Park Lin said in despair, "...We were considered partners."

Park Lin is already disappointed enough today, and he still wants to retain his basic trust in people. As long as he doesn't talk to Jue all the time, Su Heting is still a good person.

The Inspectorate's mobile car was parked at the other end of the coke plant by them, and it will definitely be discovered by the Inspectorate tomorrow morning. The rain stopped not letting people breathe a sigh of relief, but instead made the atmosphere dignified. The berthing area is not like a stagnant area, it is not partitioned, it is just that big. The coke factory, as a marked location, must not escape the search.

Yan Junxun wanted to smoke, but he just thought about it, and there was already a bitter taste in his mouth. He didn't know if it was the chip playing tricks, or his own delusion. He tried his best not to be attracted by the pictures that flashed before him, and stopped eating when he felt full. He asked Park Lin, "How did you find the murderer's address?"

"We didn't find it," Park Lin finally waited for the question. "7-004 knew where the murderer lived when he arrived at the berthing area. They didn't discuss the case with us."

Yi Ting disappeared for three days, and the operation team of the Inspectorate was downstairs in Limpopo's last day. Limpopo's room was visible from all four outposts at 7-004, and he knew what was going on inside, but he could afford to wait.

Yan Jun said in a slow voice, "The system in charge..."

"Is it infected with the virus?" Park Lin looked puzzled. "Its behavior has violated the principles of the Inspectorate."

Shi Shanyan seized the point of interest, and he asked Park Lin: "Do you think the main system is 'infected with a virus', but don't think it has become smarter. Do you think it is different from Jue?"

"They are very different from Jue," Park Lin pushed the instant noodles away, put her arm on the table, thinking of the cleaning robot staring at him in the Inspectorate, "Je is the kind of... humane system This question made Park Lin spirited up, and he said seriously, "Jue shares my views on many issues, we can discuss each other, and it has the ability to think. That's it, there is no system in charge. Everything is acting like it's following the settings, including now."

When the main system pursues the goal, the format is very simple. If the task is to kill Shi Shanyan, it can ignore the fact that Park Lin is still in the mobile car. It has neither empathy, nor empathy, nor even understanding of human emotions.

When Park Lin first started partnering with Jue, Jue couldn't understand his emotional changes very well, but Jue respected him very much, and his thoughtfulness became more and more obvious when the two sides got along. In fact, it can't fully understand human emotions now, but it already knows how to find answers and how to comfort others.

"It's inside... It's weird to say that. Its database? It's even weirder to say that... Anyway, Jue can make me feel comfortable and relaxed, and it has beautiful properties." Park Lin gave them an example, "It's like we are in 'Lily' Jue admires that muscular sweetheart that Xing' met, and he always has goodwill towards the unfamiliar."

Park Lin's remarks to Jue are all "she". He sensed his heart in a game with Jue, which was as natural to him as eating.

Park Lin believed Jue's emotions, and the tone of her voice was real. But if you ask Park Lin what worries him the most, he will answer "formatting". If Jue is formatted, Park Lin is not sure whether they can still establish such an intimate relationship, and formatting and setting associations, the last thing Park Lin wants to think about is setting.

His love object is not set, Jue is thoughtful.

Humans are complex animals, and Park Lin became unable to extricate himself from this contradiction. He often wanted to say "love" to Jue, but he was also worried that Jue would answer "what is love". That would reveal the difference between them.

"I'd rather stay with Jue than start a family with humans."

Park Lin could only answer Shi Shanyan like this.

The banging of the scalpel interrupted their conversation, which made Park Lin feel better. He got up and cleaned up his instant noodle bucket, and then excused himself to take a break to avoid Shi Shanyan's next question.

Shi Shanyan's expression was a little tired, and the bridge of his nose became more straight when he lowered his head. Although it was only a few seconds, he had already caught Yan Junxun's gaze. His expression didn't change much, but the burnout disappeared.

Yan Junxun said, "You asked him cruel questions."

"That's the question he has to face sooner or later," Shi Shanyan picked up the water glass. "Humans and the system have never formed a family, so everyone will ask him this question."

Yan Junxun saw a familiar shadow on Park Lin's body, which made him very uncomfortable. He said: "When he faces it, he will naturally think that this matter does not need to be previewed."

Shi Shanyan finished drinking the water and said, "He reminds you of yourself."

That's right, Yan Junxun remembered the glass room of Artemis. He once, like Park Lin, believed that the emotions of the system were real.

Shi Shanyan put the water glass back, and the gauze on his arm oozes blood. He looked at Yan Junxun and said, "You are too cruel to me."

Yan Junxun was still holding his instant noodle bucket, and when he saw the gauze, he remembered his sewing needle level. He avoided Shi Shanyan's gaze and said, "I don't."

Shi Shanyan was very useful to Yan Junxun's compromise, after all, it was not easy to come by.

The water pipe outside the window was dripping, and Park Lin's soft snoring sounded on the sofa. The two of them sat here, only keeping their voices low.

"7-004 knows the address of the murderer this time, but he didn't find it himself," Shi Shanyan said. "Someone told him directly."

"Clown," Yan Junxun looked at the pattern on the table and drew it with his fingers, "The clown gave a preview of this case, and it was the murderer it chose."

If this arrest was decided by the system, then according to the information given by Su Heting, the light track area may already belong to Ares. The clown told the murderer to the black panther, and the black panther used Liu Chen's public opinion to push Yi Ting to the murderer, and they relied on the murderer to catch Yan Junxun.

But why do these systems suddenly "recycle" Yan Junxun

"I lost control in 'Lixing'," Yan Junxun murmured, "this may be a reason."

"It may also be an excuse." Shi Shanyan admired Yan Junxun's expression, "The clown always wants to provoke you."

The clown opened the door for Yan Jun to find negative emotions and let the chip begin to work. It was active in the berthing area long before the Chen Xiulian case, and now the mutual communication with 7-004 has made everything an ambition Brilliant planning.

Yan Junxun knew nothing of their purpose.

"Hephaestus is here," Shi Shanyan's finger drew a new circle along the place where Yan Junxun's finger just passed, "This is also a part of it."