Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 7: nature


"You should add a piece of sexual harassment to your special outfit task review," Yan Junxun's hand was still on the handle of the box's door. Ya, "If they don't have time to enter, I can do it for you."

"It sounds like you are more familiar with them than me," Shi Shanyan said without the slightest apology in his eyes, "Do you need me to provide a complete fingerprint for you to submit?"

Jiang Lian sat opposite, holding chopsticks to observe them both. His lips twitched, trying to prevent the tension from becoming tense, and quickly sifting through suitable words of persuasion in his head.

There were footsteps outside the box door, Yan Junxun retracted his hand, and said at the moment the waiter opened the door, "Give me another beer."

The tense atmosphere between the two people disappeared suddenly, Yan Junxun pushed the empty wine glass aside and buried his head to eat. He shouldn't be serious, Shi Shanyan is inducing his emotions, the more he is wary, the more he will care, this is a disguised attack of consciousness.

Shi Shanyan lit a cigarette, and he didn't miss Yan Junxun's changes in the rising smoke. The lobby outside the box was a bit noisy, and the noisy voices seeped into every corner of the box, like a group of fast-climbing spiders, drowning the entire barbecue shop. But Shi Shanyan didn't hate this kind of environment, he could sleep with the noise on his head, or he could reminisce about Yan Junxun's stern eyes for the few seconds just now with the noise.

There is a small blackboard in Yan Junxun's head, and he always scribbles on it when he is thinking. With a passion for building his own comfort zone and his fondness for staying within familiar conventions, his passion for serial murders is the exact opposite of these traits. Jiang Lian called this appearance Yan Junxun's cleverness, while Shi Shanyan took this appearance as Yan Junxun's defense.

Shi Shanyan believes that Yan Junxun has inherited some parts of the system called "Artemis", such as hunting instinct. Yan Junxun constantly emphasizes the rules in his behavior, which is not like obsessive-compulsive disorder, but more like self-protection. He was implying that he should stay within the rules.

The ashtray in the barbecue shop is an image of a kappa holding a bowl, and Shi Shanyan flicked the ashtray, as if giving alms. He retracted his eyes, but the smoke blurred the distance between him and Yan Junxun, making the silhouettes of the two people indistinguishable between you and me.

Normal people do not need to be stressed to feel the social binding force, and everyone will consciously abide by the code of moral behavior under normal circumstances. Only after the Black Panthers have performed dangerous missions for a long time, they will emphasize the existence of rules and make professional psychological adjustments before returning to social life.

"It's hard..." Jiang Lian made a pun. He flipped the barbecue in his bowl, not knowing what the two were talking about, "The screenshot of the newspaper that Liu Xincheng posted on the wall of the urinal was from Liu Chen's report back then. He has reported on the sexual assault cases of the next three victims. Although I cannot make assumptions, I always think that the sexual assault victims in the Li Jianhua case jumped off the building because their personal information was included in the report by Liu Chen."

"It's not that the newspaper screenshots are from Liu Chen's report," Yan Junxun has adjusted his mood, "but the photos in Liu Chen's report are all from Liu Xincheng. You should take a closer look at the photos posted on Liu Xincheng's window, many of them are of Liu Chen. He's used them all, and he likes to use them as gimmicks when he writes the news."

"It turns out that there are a lot of people who like to watch it," Jiang Lian sighed, holding his chopsticks. "Liu Chen's real-time feed has a high number of hits. He is also good at using provocative words to arouse the readers' emotions and let them participate in the war in the comments. This will get more popularity.”

Yan Junxun ate the barbecue and said, "You have to make it clear to your people, and don't reveal the case to Liu Chen again."

Yan Junxun was wearing a T-shirt, and the inside of his wrist holding the chopsticks was very white. At first glance, he looked like a pot of flowers on the greasy table, moist and full. He pulled a new beer mug, unilaterally ignoring the smell of Shi Shanyan's smoke.

"You don't know how wide Liu Chen's real-time news coverage is. Even the aunt who came to clean is also his loyal fan. Today, he is still asking me if the case is progressing." Jiang Lian said that he couldn't eat anymore. Also worried, "It is expressly stipulated that there are still people who are willing to earn this news fee secretly, unless Liu Chen gives up being a shit stick. Do you think his news will affect the murderer?"

"The murderer has seen Liu Chen's report," Yan Junxun picked up a new beer mug, "it may be a victim selected from Liu Chen's report."

"You make me very worried," Jiang Lian felt that the barbecue he had just eaten was no longer delicious, "I can talk to Liu Chen, but there are too many subscriptions for real-time feeds, and we don't even have the requirement to screen them now. Jun Xun, you have to give me some more information, the information that you think is worth mentioning and may belong to the murderer."

Psychological profiling is also a psychological portrait. It belongs to criminal investigation analysis along with psychological autopsy and geographic portraits, but it is only an investigative tool and cannot testify. Typically, a psychological profiler requires an advanced degree in behavioral science in addition to a very high level of personal talent.

Yan Junxun has helped Jiang Lian a lot in the series of murders in the past, but he is not omnipotent, and he needs more information to collect.

"Please do your best yourself. I'm going to Huo Qingjun's house tomorrow," Yan Junxun finished drinking beer in one breath, "although the murderer is unlikely to go back."

"Why does he have a soft spot for Li Jianhua's family?"

"Because he longs for a home like Li Jianhua's, which is spacious, bright, comfortable, and without danger." Yan Junxun put down his beer mug, buried his face in his palm for a moment, exhaled, and looked up at Jiang Lian: "The victim he chose There must be something in common, but I haven't seen it yet. Although it's not a vendetta, he chose to dismember the victims when he 'sanctioned' the victims. He threw them down the drain and laid dumplings. It's his attitude towards them, he is very," Yan Junxun emphasized, "hate them very much."

Jiang Lian grasped the point and said, "Hate them, not sexual assault?"

"You can't say that..." Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan out of the corner of his eye, as if to refute Shi Shanyan's previous words, "He avoided the relevant elements in the room because he was afraid of the sexual assault process. Don't talk about orgasm, sexual assault There is no orgasm in it, there is only violence in sexual assault.”

The author has something to say: For relevant information on psychological profiles, please refer to the seventh edition of "Criminal Psychology" Curt R.Bartol, Anne M.Bartol